Terms and conditions

For a complete description of funding conditions, consult the General Terms and Conditions of the Contribution Agreement. Please note the following:

We provide financial help in the form of contributions. We may modify the requested funding amount following a review of projected expenses.

  • Recipients must submit an Interim Report (October) and a Final Report (April) through the LAC funding portal. You can find the exact dates in the contribution agreement. This report must provide the results of the activities undertaken during the project. It must also include a final report of actual revenues and expenses.
  • For multi-year projects, you must submit an Interim Report and a Final Report for each government fiscal year to receive the next year's funding. If you don't submit a Final Report, you're not eligible for future DHCP funding. We can ask you to repay the contribution received.
  • You can transfer up to $5,000 between expenditure categories in the project budget after receiving funding. If you need to transfer more than $5,000, you'll need to contact the DHCP team to receive our written approval.

How we provide funding

We provide financial help in the form of contributions. A contribution is a conditional payment issued to your organization for a specific purpose, as outlined in a contribution agreement. LAC and the recipient organization sign this agreement, which specifies the terms and conditions to receive payment.

Both parties must sign a contribution agreement before we can provide funding.

Small contributions(up to $24,999)

  • Recipients receive 100% of funds at the beginning of the project

Large contributions ($25,000 and over)

  • Recipients receive 85% of funds at the beginning of the project
  • We withhold 15% percent until we review and approve the Interim Report.

Two-year large contributions

  • If the yearly amount of the contribution is less than $25,000, recipients receive 100% of funds at the beginning of each fiscal year.
  • If the yearly amount of the contribution is between $25,000 and $50,000 (or up to $60,000 for organizations located in remote areas):
    • recipients receive 85% of funds at the beginning of each fiscal year,
    • we withhold 15% until we review and approve the Interim Report.

Funding redistribution

Recipient organizations can redistribute funding to one or more eligible third parties. They must state the name and contact information of all third parties and the nature of the work they will undertake.

Official-languages requirements

The program supports the development of official-language minority communities in Canada. It promotes the full recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society. To learn more, see the Advancement of English and French, in section 41 of the Official Languages Act.

The term “official language minority communities” refers to English-speaking communities in Quebec and French-speaking communities in the rest of Canada.

The program encourages organizations to provide their products in both official languages.

Public acknowledgement of financial assistance

Recipient organizations must publicly acknowledge the funding received from LAC.  To read more, see the Guide on the Public Acknowledgement of Financial Assistance from Library and Archives Canada. All funding information is considered confidential until LAC has made a public announcement of the funded projects.

Disclosure of information

By submitting your application package, you authorize LAC to disclose any information submitted with this application within the Government of Canada or to outside entities for the purposes of:

  • reaching a decision
  • evaluating the results of the project
  • transparency, accountability and citizen engagement

Audit of recipients and evaluation of program

The Librarian and Archivist of Canada reserves the right at any time during the term of the contribution agreement with a recipient organization and, for up to five years after the end of the agreement, to undertake an evaluation to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreement.