Item – Theses Canada

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Aubry, François,1983-
La transmission des compétences professionnelles des aides-soignantes et des préposés aux bénéficiaires dans les organisations gériatriques en France et au Québec : Comparaison internationale sur le rôle central de l'intégration à l'organisation comme processus d'habilitation des nouvelles recrues par le groupe de pairs.
Thèse (Ph. D.)--Université de Sherbrooke, 2011.
Ottawa : Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, [2013]
4 microfiches
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<?Pub Inc> Nurse's aides (called aides-soignantes) in France, and nurse's aides (called préposés aux bénéficiaires), in Quebec (Canada) (AS/PB), are placed at the bottom of the organizational hierarchy of geriatric organizations (EHPAD in France and CHSLD in Quebec). The AS/PB still hold a central role in these organizations because they must perform acts of support and health among older dependant people. We tried to understand how professional skills are transmit for members of these occupations. Both solutions are frequently given: for AS/PB, skills have a natural character, they would not be passed, but naturally possessed. Managers of organizations, in turn, suggest the importance of learning the free skills. We chose to follow another path of research. We have studied the integration of new recruits in the geriatric organizations. 47 biographical interviews were conducted with AS/PB, and 30 hours of observation. Our results have shown that to become AS/PB is largely determined by peer judgment duringthe integration of new recruits into the organization. It thus appears that selection takes place for those who can secure a place in the organization and a geriatric use of AS/PB. This selection makes sense when we consider the difficult working conditions faced by these professional actors. The training does not allow recruits to experience the difficulties caused mainly by lack of staff absences and rehearsals. These difficulties lead most players to a disenchantment resulting from the gap between the idealized image of the trade (the relationship) and the organizational reality. The peer group during the orientation phase, the judge previously considered suitable for new recruits "can-do" tasks despite the difficult working conditions. The skills required are no longer limited to domestic skills. Other tacit skills are passed on to recruits deemed competent by the peer group. They aim to use collective strategies to circumvent the problems at work. The integration also has a central role because it is the basis of identity construction of the new recruit. By peer judgment (the identity for others), the representation of self (identity for itself) tends to change. Actors are asked to present themselves as individuals who had always been the taste to become AS/PB. However, the study of their professional career allows us to consider that they are mostly affected by biographical breaks. We are witnessing here is a real phenomenon of " habilitation ", that is to say construction professional. Indeed, by habilitation, the actors tend to forget the social process that led them to take this job and to submit their professional career as a homogeneous continuity. The integration process has strong similarities between France and Quebec. The peer group has an important integrative function in both contexts. It also features an integral, although higher in France than in Quebec. Faced with the critical judgments of caregivers, the peer group in Quebec do not necessarily defending its members. Individual responsibility is more often highlighted. In contrast, in France, the solidarity of the group of peer is essential. But it does not allow aides to enjoy the rewarding comments of caregivers, which could increase their collective recognition.