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Amiruddin, Andi Muhammad Ali,
Ibn Ḥajar Al-Asqalānī on tajrīḥ and ta dīl of ḥadith transmitters : a study of his Tahdhīb al-tahdhīb
M.A. -- McGill University, 1999
[Montreal] : McGill University Libraries, [1999]
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Thesis supervisor: Ormsby, Eric L. (advisor).
Includes bibliographical references.
"Many works present solid biographical data on h & dotbelow;adith transmitters, offering tajrih & dotbelow; and ta`dil with respect to both personal and social background. These works have different ways of organizing their entries. Some show various classes (t & dotbelow;abaqat) of h & dotbelow;adith transmitters, e.g., T & dotbelow;abaqat of Ibn Sa'd. Others use alphabetical order. The outcome is a difference not only in structure but in contents. Some works are based on transmitters, such as those of the six canonical books of Sunni h & dotbelow;adith ; others are based specifically on the disputable qualities of the transmitters. The purpose of this thesis is to present Ibn H & dotbelow;ajar al-`Asqalani's Tahdhib al-Tahdhib, which comes as a summation of its kind and is to a large degree comprehensive. By focusing on some biographies of h & dotbelow;adith transmitters included in Tahdhib al-Tahdhib which are based on the transmission chains of four selected h & dotbelow;adiths, we hope to show Tahdhib al-Tahdhib as a independent source for assessing the validity of h & dotbelow;adith transmission chains. Moreover, by comparing the assessment of a h & dotbelow;adith transmitter found in Tahdhib al-Tahdhib to that of other works---such as Kitab al-Jarh & dotbelow; wa al-Ta`dil by Ibn Abi H & dotbelow;atim al-Razi and Mizan al-I'tidal by al-Dhahabi---we hope to appraise the position of Ibn H & dotbelow;ajar al-`Asqalani within h & dotbelow;adith criticism."--
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Hadith Authorities.