Item – Theses Canada

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Scherer, Frank F.,1956-
Freud's Orient early psychoanalysis, "anti-Semitic challenge", and the vicissitudes of Orientalist discourse.
Ph. D. -- York University, 2010
Ottawa : Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, [2012]
3 microfiches
Includes bibliographical references.
<?Pub Inc> This doctoral dissertation consists of a twofold inquiry: the Orientalism of psychoanalysis and the psychoanalysis of Orientalism - bringing into conversation Sigmund Freud and Edward Said and, thereby, the founding texts of psychoanalysis and postcolonial studies. The immediate object of this study being the "Freudian Orient", we begin by tracing the strong Orientalist presence in Freud's writings with examples from his early and mature correspondence, his diaries, and his psychological works. Following these examples of "manifest" Orientalism, we will pursue more "latent" meanings by engaging two of Freud's favorite metaphors, archaeology and travel. Whereas the former soon uncovers a veritable 'porta Orientis', conducting to an external Orient, the latter reveals an internalized Orient traversed by Jewishness, anti-Semitism and the Bible. Unveiling the figure of Moses shows how Freud's strategy of resisting anti-Semitic Orientalist discourse by way of universalist reversal is, however, only partially successful where it appears unable to extricate itself from the historical assumptions of that discourse. Nonetheless, it is the revolutionary concept of the 'unstable subject' posited by psychoanalysis which enables a more nuanced understanding of the vicissitudes of Freud's Orientalist discourse.