Item – Theses Canada

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Tsoumis, Karine,1981-
Giovanni Battista Cavalieri's Ecclesiae militantis triumphi : Jesuits, martyrs, print, and the counter-reformation.
M.A. -- McGill University, 2005
Ottawa : Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, [2007]
2 microfiches
Includes bibliographical references.
Five hundred years of Christian martyrdom are represented in the ' Ecclesiae militantis triumphi' (1583). Engraved by Giovanni Battista Cavalieri, the series that was bound into a book reproduces a fresco cycle in the church of San Stefano Rotondo in Rome. While the church belonged to the Jesuit German-Hungarian College, the book accompanied priests in their proselytizing mission in Northern Europe. This thesis will look at the function of the book in relation to various audiences, in different viewing contexts. Analyzed primarily in relation to the intended Jesuit audience as an object of devotion, the book will also be inserted within the Early Christian revival promoted by Gregory XIII (1572-1585). Finally, it will be looked at in relation to an audience composed of individuals interested in factual knowledge about Early Christian history and in the martyr as a historical figure. A general endeavor of the thesis is to situate the 'Ecclesiae militantis triumphi ' in relation to late sixteen-century representations of martyrdom, both Catholic and Protestant, as well as in relation to other contemporary Roman printed works.