Discussion forums

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) maintains private discussion forums for professionals to exchange news and information by email. After you subscribe to a forum and are approved to join, you will receive an email with instructions on how to participate. LAC does not moderate or review the discussions.

Contact bac.coorddeliste-listcoord.lac@canada.ca for more information on any forum.

Canadian Library Exchange / Échange entre bibliothèques canadiennes

The Canadian Library Exchange forum (known as CBEC-CCEL) is a bilingual discussion forum for Canadian libraries to offer unwanted publications to other libraries.

To subscribe:

  1. Send an email to listserv@listserv.lac-bac.gc.ca
  2. Type the following into the body of the email and replace " Firstname" with your first name and " Lastname" with your last name: subscribe CBEC-CCEL Firstname Lastname

Canadian Literature / Littérature canadienne

The Canadian Literature forum (known as CANLIT-L) is a bilingual discussion forum for anyone interested in Canadian literature and publishing.

To subscribe:

  1. Send an email to listserv@listserv.lac-bac.gc.ca
  2. Type the following into the body of the email and replace " Firstname" with your first name and " Lastname" with your last name: subscribe CANLIT-L Firstname Lastname

Federal libraries community / Collectivité des bibliothèques fédérales

The federal libraries community forum (known as FLC-CBF-GEN) is a bilingual discussion forum for anyone interested in federal government library issues, news and information.

To subscribe:

  1. Send an email to listserv@listserv.lac-bac.gc.ca
  2. Type the following into the body of the email and replace " Firstname" with your first name and " Lastname" with your last name: subscribe FLC-CBF-GEN Firstname Lastname

Library and Information Science in Canada / Bibliothéconomie au Canada

The library and information science forum (known as BIBCANLIB-L) is a bilingual discussion forum for Canadian libraries to discuss professional issues and news.

To subscribe:

  1. Send an email to listserv@listserv.lac-bac.gc.ca
  2. Type the following into the body of the email and replace " Firstname" with your first name and " Lastname" with your last name: subscribe BIBCANLIB-L Firstname Lastname