Canadian Committee on Cataloguing

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) provides the permanent secretariat for the Canadian Committee on Cataloguing (CCC), a national advisory committee on cataloguing and bibliographic control. The CCC represents Canada on the North American RDA Committee (NARDAC). NARDAC represents North America on the RDA Steering Committee (RSC).

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Terms of reference

  • To be an advisory body to LAC on cataloguing policy and practice
  • To formulate policy about cataloguing and bibliographic control
  • To receive, evaluate and recommend proposed national and international models for cataloguing and other related standards
  • To liaise with members and other relevant agencies
  • To represent Canada at NARDAC, one of the authoring bodies of Resource Description and Access (RDA)
  • To represent Canadian opinion at international meetings


Membership consists of two representatives from each of the three founding organizations, and one representative from each consulting organization.

Founding organizations

Library and Archives Canada

Hong Cui
CCC representative on NARDAC
Senior Librarian, Published Heritage Branch
Library and Archives Canada

Peter Stephen
Senior Librarian, Published Heritage Branch
Library and Archives Canada

Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA)

Stacey Penney
Cataloguing Librarian
Memorial University, Newfoundland and Labrador

Thomas Brenndorfer (Chairperson)
CCC representative on NARDAC
Guelph Public Library

Fédération des milieux documentaires

Clément Arsenault
Professeur titulaire
Vice-doyen et secrétaire de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales
Université de Montréal

Pat Riva
Associate University Librarian, Collection Services
Concordia University, Vanier Library

Consulting organizations

Additional consultants representing other Canadian associations may be considered for membership by emailing the CCC secretariat.

Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives (ACMLA)

Karen Jensen
Head, Cataloguing and Collection Maintenance
Concordia University Library

Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ)

Daniel Paradis
Bibliothécaire responsable de la normalisation bibliographique
Direction du traitement des collections patrimoniales
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

Canadian Association for Information Science (CAIS)

Grant Campbell
Faculty of Information and Media Studies
Western University

Canadian Association of Law Libraries (CALL)

Susan Jones
Technical Services Librarian
Gérard V. La Forest Law Library
University of New Brunswick

Canadian Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (CAML)

Megan Chellew
Coordinator of Cataloguing & Metadata
McGill University Library

Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL)

Sue Andrews
University of British Columbia Library

Canadian Council of Archives (CCA)

To be determined

Library of Parliament

Christina Parsons
Taxonomy and Metadata Librarian
Information Management and Description
Information and Document Resource Services
Library of Parliament


The committee may appoint up to three members-at-large from Canadian libraries.

Elisa Sze
Metadata Librarian, Metadata Services Department
University of Toronto Libraries


The Chairperson is elected from among the members for a renewable term of two years.

Representation on international committees

The committee selects a LAC member and another member to represent the CCC on NARDAC and RSC to:

  • communicate between the CCC, NARDAC and the RSC
  • make decisions on behalf of the CCC and represent the Canadian viewpoint
  • promote Canadian participation in the development of RDA


The committee normally meets four times a year, depending on the work schedule of NARDAC and RSC.

CCC Secretariat

CCC Secretary
Standards and Systems, Published Heritage
Library and Archives Canada

Propose a revision to RDA

Any library may propose a revision to RDA to the CCC.