Help for searching Canadian libraries

Learn about searching the Canadian Library Directory to find contact, interlibrary loan (ILL), and copy service information about other libraries.

On this page

Search by Canadian Library Symbol

  1. Use the Search by Canadian Library Symbol box at the top of the page
  2. Enter one or more Canadian Library Symbols (separate each symbol with a space)
  3. Click the "Search" button to the right

Search by OCLC symbol, library name, or city

  1. Use the box called Search by OCLC symbol, library name, or city
  2. Enter your keywords
  3. Search all fields or choose a specific one from the dropdown list to the right
  4. Keywords are automatically truncated (for example, the word "green" will retrieve "Greenwood" and "Green Lake")
  5. Choose ILL types, library type and province or territory to make your search more precise (optional)

Search by interlibrary loan policy

  1. Under the main search box, enter a checkmark in all the boxes that describe the ILL type that you are looking for
  2. Choose a library type from the drop down list (optional)
  3. Choose a province or territory (optional)

Changing the display of search results

Search results are sorted by relevance. You may change the sort order of the listings by clicking on a column heading. For example, to sort by province or territory, click on the heading province.

Contact us

Contact if you need help or more information.