Self-serve photography application

Please complete the form below and bring it to the consultation desk for validation.

We will make a green copy for you.

Personal information
Name First name:User can enter their first name in this location Last name:User can enter their last name in this location
User card number User can enter their 14-digit user card number in this location
Authorization period From:User can enter their requested authorization "from" date in this location To:User can enter their requested authorization "to" date in this location

List of items you'd like to photograph

Shaded fields to be filled out by staff.

Item number Reference No. Restrictions
(contractual or ATIP only)
Verified by
1. Reference number Any restrictions Name of staff member who verifying this information
2. Reference number Any restrictions Name of staff member who verifying this information
3. Reference number Any restrictions Name of staff member who verifying this information
4. Reference number Any restrictions Name of staff member who verifying this information
5. Reference number Any restrictions Name of staff member who verifying this information
6. Reference number Any restrictions Name of staff member who verifying this information
7. Reference number Any restrictions Name of staff member who verifying this information
8. Reference number Any restrictions Name of staff member who verifying this information

Terms governing the reproduction and use of material from the collection of Library and Archives Canada (LAC)

Users agree not to use records from LAC collections in a manner that would infringe on the rights of others.

Signature block

Signature:Signature location

Date:Date location