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Find public opinion research (POR) reports that were contracted by the Government of Canada and submitted to Library and Archives Canada (LAC).

On this page

Find digital reports

Search the database for digital POR reports that were contracted by the Government of Canada after August 1, 2006. A limited number of pre-2006 reports are available.

Search for a POR report

What's not in the database

  • Reports of research conducted internally by the Government of Canada
  • Syndicated studies or surveys (not considered to be POR projects, as these are subscription services and are not done exclusively for the Government of Canada)
  • POR projects by federal organizations that fall outside the definition of a department unless they have chosen to to submit them

View digital reports by department

See a list of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research Reports for each department.

Find print reports

You may search for print POR reports in LAC's catalogue Aurora. Most POR reports submitted prior to 2006 are only available in print.

View print reports

You may only view printed POR reports in LAC's reading room at 395 Wellington Street in Ottawa. Order reports before you visit using one of these methods:

Language of print reports

POR reports before August 14, 2014 may be in only one official language. To request a report in the other official language, contact the communications unit of the contracting department (search the GCdirectory).

Questions about report content

Contact the communications unit of the contracting department if you have questions about the content of a report (search the GCdirectory).

Get help finding a report

Contact the POR collection team for help finding a report.

The report you are looking for may not have been submitted to LAC. If you know the federal organization that contracted the research, contact their communications unit (search the GCdirectory).