Submit a report

On this page

Eligibility to submit

We accept POR reports from any federal organization, including non-contracted POR reports. If you want to submit your POR project but do not have a POR number, contact us for instructions.

Accepted documents

What to submit

Provide these documents within 6 months of completion of data collection. Your submission must include 4 PDF/A files, 4 HTML files, and CSV tabular data where relevant:

Narrative executive summary

  • English PDF/A
  • English HTML
  • French PDF/A
  • French HTML

Final report

Include a full description of methodology and all appendices in the same file

  • English PDF/A
  • English HTML
  • French PDF/A
  • French HTML

Tabular data (where relevant)

  • English CSV
  • French CSV

About CSV files

A Comma Separated Value (CSV) file is a plain text file with tabular data. Fields within each line of data are separated by commas or other delimiters such as tabs or semi-colons. Almost all commercial spreadsheet programs (such as Microsoft Excel) can be saved as a CSV file. Contact your departmental web services unit if you have difficulty converting spreadsheets.

What not to submit

  • drafts, partial or incomplete reports
  • proprietary digital file formats
  • print copies

Before you submit a report

Ensure quality of report contents

Federal organizations are responsible for the content, presentation, conformance, accessibility and quality of their reports (see Requirements for public opinion research reports). We cannot make changes to submitted files.

  1. Use these naming conventions for PDF/A and HTML files:
    • Use the POR registration number if you have one (such as 123-45_report.html)
    • Do not use spaces; use underscores or dashes if needed
    • Do not use letters with accents (à, é), special characters (such as #, &), punctuation marks (parentheses, apostrophes, periods), or non-Latin scripts
  2. Create a separate folder named "images" for all images referenced in your HTML pages
  3. Create a zip file of all documents for the project, ensuring that it is under 200 megabytes (contact the POR collection team if your zip file is over this limit)

Submit a report

Use this form to submit a POR report, including details about your contact person, research contract, and attaching digital files. Contact us if you have questions.

After you submit a report

  • You will receive an email acknowledging your submission
  • We will review your submission and contact you if we have questions
  • If your submission is complete, you will receive an email within 5 working days with links to your reports on our website (contact us if you cannot find your reports)
  • We will forward the links to your published reports to the Library of Parliament, the Public Opinion Research Directorate, and Publishing and Depository Services
  • You may be interested in also sharing your data sets with Open Government (see Suggest a Dataset Form)