Operational Standard for Digital Archival Records’ Metadata

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On this page

  1. Effective date
  2. Application
  3. Definitions
  4. Context
  5. Purpose
  6. Requirements
  7. Roles and responsibilities
  8. Monitoring, evaluation and review
  9. Consequences
  10. Information

1. Effective date

This standard has been approved by the Director General, Government Record Branch, and takes effect on November 16, 2023.

2. Application

This standard applies to all government records in digital format under the control of Government of Canada (GC) institutions (hereinafter referred to as “government institutions”) that are considered to have historical or archival value (hereinafter referred to as “digital archival records”). Archival value is determined through a Disposition Authorization, as per sections 12 and 13 of the Library and Archives of Canada Act (LAC Act).

This standard forms part of the policy suite governed by LAC’s Evaluation and Acquisition Policy Framework and associated Policy on Making Holdings Discoverable. This standard also supports the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) Policy on Service and Digital, Directive on Service and Digital, Directive on Open Government, and Standard for Managing Metadata. It aligns with relevant legislation, regulations, and established standards for metadata, recordkeeping, and archival description (outlined in Appendix B).

This standard outlines the baseline of metadata (specified in Appendix C) that is mandatory to create and maintain with digital archival records under the control of government institutions.

Technical requirements concerning metadata format and structure at the time of transfer are out of scope of this standard.

3. Definitions

See Appendix A.

4. Context

Metadata supports the creation, management, use, and preservation of records by detailing information on the structure and meaning of records, and the context and systems within which they exist.

Metadata is necessary to establish the authoritativeness, authenticity, integrity, and reliability of records, as well as to enable the usability of those records over time.

As metadata offers essential descriptive, technical, and administrative information necessary to appropriately acquire, preserve, and provide access to digital archival records over the long term, this standard supports LAC in meeting its legislated mandate.

The LAC Act requires that government records identified as having historical or archival value are transferred to LAC under the terms set by the Librarian and Archivist of Canada, contained in instruments known as disposition authorizations. Within LAC’s government records disposition program, government institutions are required 1) to protect archival records until their transfer to LAC, and 2) transfer archival records to LAC at the expiry of their retention periods, in accordance with all applicable LAC policy instruments. The obligation to protect digital archival records to ensure their integrity and compatibility with transfer specifications is further expressed in the LAC Operational Standard for the Protection of Digital Archival Records.

This operational standard is complementary to, and should be applied in conjunction with, existing guidance for transfer: ⁠Procedures for the transfer of digital government records and Guidelines on File Formats for Transferring Information Resources of Enduring Value.

For more information on the transfer process for physical analog media types, see also the Procedures for the transfer of physical and analog government records.

5. Purpose

This operational standard specifies the mandatory metadata that all digital archival records must have for their protection throughout their lifecycle including when they are transferred to LAC. Maintaining this mandatory metadata throughout the digital archival records’ lifecycle is one mechanism that helps protect the records. It also aligns with general information management best practices, which dictate that metadata accumulated throughout the records’ lifecycle should be maintained with the records to support their authenticity, reliability, and usability. Mandatory metadata must accompany digital archival records when they are transferred to LAC. This metadata is essential for LAC to fulfill its legislated responsibilities to preserve and provide access to the digital archival records it acquires for its collections.

6. Requirements

The mandatory metadata concepts required for digital archival records throughout their lifecycle including at transfer are:

  • Classification code
  • Creator
  • Date/time
  • Disposition authorization
  • Extent
  • Format
  • Integrity
  • Language
  • Record identifier
  • Rights management information
  • Technical environment information
  • Title

Details for these requirements are provided in Appendix C. Appendix D offers an illustration of the different levels at which the mandatory metadata may apply to digital archival records. Appendix E summarizes metadata concept obligations.

7. Roles and Responsibilities

7.1 LAC’s Activities

The Director General, Government Record Branch ensures that LAC:

7.1.1 Establishes and maintains this standard.

7.1.2 Provides advice and services, as required, on the interpretation, application, and use of this standard.

7.1.3 Develops guidelines and tools, as needed, to support the application of this standard.

7.1.4 Monitors the presence of minimum metadata corresponding to each of the concepts outlined in Appendix C for all transfers of digital archival records to LAC.

7.2 Government Institutions’ Activities

The government institution’s Chief Information Officer or equivalent:

7.2.1 Ensures that, at minimum, metadata that correspond to each of the concepts outlined in Appendix C are present for digital archival records throughout their lifecycle including when transferring them to LAC.

7.2.2 Ensures that metadata values are accurate and are drawn from authoritative sources such as metadata stored as part of the computer file itself (i.e., embedded metadata), metadata stored externally from the computer file(s) with which they are associated (i.e., associated metadata), or a combination of the two.

7.2.3 Provides, when requested, information about how each metadata element supplied at transfer corresponds to metadata concepts in Appendix C.

7.2.4 Notifies and/or consults with LAC on any matters that may impede their ability to adhere to this standard.

8. Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

LAC will monitor compliance with this standard on a regular basis and will evaluate and review this standard every five years.

9. Consequences

Consequences of non-compliance with this instrument may range from informal follow-ups by LAC, to formal direction on corrective measures to be put in place, to review, suspension or revocation of Disposition Authorizations as allowed by the LAC Act and determined appropriate by the Librarian and Archivist of Canada or their delegate.

10. Information

Please address any questions about this standard to:

Liaison Centre
Library and Archives Canada
550 de la Cité Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0N4

Appendix A: Definitions

Administrative metadata [métadonnées administratives]

Information that facilitates both short-term and long-term management and processing of records, and includes the following:

  • technical data on creation and quality control;
  • rights management, access control and use requirements; and
  • preservation action information, such as information on copying or treatment.Footnote1

Aggregation [regroupement]

A grouping of records (i.e., files, series) accumulated and organized to reflect the creator's activities.Footnote2 In the context of this standard, aggregation may also refer to the grouping of records transferred together at one time (i.e., a transfer).

Authenticity [authenticité]

The quality of being genuine, not a counterfeit, and free from tampering over the continuum of records creation, maintenance and preservation. It refers to a record’s reliability over time and is typically inferred from internal and external evidence.Footnote3

Compound record [document composite]

A digital record comprising more than one component; components are constituent parts comprising a digital record (e.g., multimedia components of a web page; a digital document; a data element, such as an entry in a database).Footnote4

Checksum [somme de contrôle]

A checksum on a computer file is a “digital fingerprint;” any change to the computer file will change the checksum. Checksums are typically created by tools using cryptographic techniques. A checksum can be used to detect if a computer file's contents have changed but cannot identify where in the computer file a change occurred.Footnote5

Cryptographic hash function [fonction de hachage cryptographique]

An equation used to verify the validity of data, translating data of different lengths (the message) into a fixed size numerical string (hash).Footnote6

Descriptive metadata [métadonnées descriptives]

Information that establishes the conceptual content, access rights and physical attributes of records to support their discovery.Footnote7


  1. An organized unit of records (i.e., an aggregation) brought together because they relate to the same subject, activity or transaction.Footnote8 [dossier]
  2. A conceptual level of arrangement of records that refers to a particular classification within a file plan.Footnote9 [dossier]
  3. [in computing, also computer file] A collection of information for use on a computer that is treated as a unit for storage.Footnote10 [fichier informatique]

File name [nom de fichier]

[in computing] A series of characters used to identify a computer file in a system. Footnote11

Filepath [chemin d’accès au fichier]

[in computing] A list of one or more directory names and an object name (such as the name of a computer file) that are separated by an operating system-specific character, such as the backslash (\) in Windows operating systems. The directory names detail the path to follow, in left-to-right order, to locate the object within the file system.Footnote12

File plan [plan de classement]

A classification scheme describing different types of files (i.e., groupings of records), how they are identified, where they should be stored, and how they should be indexed for retrieval.Footnote13

Fixity [fixité]

Property of a computer file that indicates it has remained unaltered at the bit level between two points in time.Footnote14

Item [pièce]

Smallest conceptually indivisible archival unit that is complete in itself and can be distinguished from a group.Footnote15

Message digest algorithm [algorithme d’empreinte numérique]

The specific algorithm (i.e., procedure that maps input data of arbitrary length to an output of fixed length) used to construct the results of a cryptographic hash function for a computer file.Footnote16

Metadata [métadonnées]

Information used to contextualize, manage, preserve and provide access to records.Footnote17

Metadata element [élément de métadonnées]

Formally defined terms that are used to describe properties of a record or grouping of records.Footnote18

Metadata schema [schéma de métadonnées]

Logical plan showing the relationships between metadata elements, normally through establishing rules for the use and management of metadata specifically as regards the semantics, the syntax and the optionality (obligation level) of values.Footnote19

Protection [protection]

  1. taking actions to prevent serious damage or loss.Footnote20
  2. in the context of digital records, protection can be interpreted as undertaking digital preservation, which comprises a combination of policies, strategies and actions ensuring the ongoing accessibility of authenticatable digital content over time regardless of technological changes.Footnote21

Record [document]

Any documentary material other than a publication, regardless of medium or form.Footnote22

Series [série]

A grouping (i.e., an aggregation) of similar records that are arranged according to a filing system and that are related as the result of being created, received, or used in the same activity.Footnote23

Transfer [transfert]

  1. A grouping (i.e., an aggregation) of records moved as part of their scheduled disposition in a single transaction from a government institution to LAC or another repository.Footnote24
  2. The change in custody and ownership of government records from a government institution to LAC. Transfer occurs via the application of a valid disposition authority or transfer agreement by the transferring institution.Footnote25

Appendix B: Sources and Related Documents


LAC Policy Instruments

TBS Policy Instruments

TBS Tools/Initiatives

National Standards

International Standards

Appendix C: Mandatory Metadata Concepts

The following tables define the required metadata as concepts, in a system-agnostic manner, that accommodates a range of interpretations by government institutions to support their adherence to this standard.

Corresponding elements from established metadata schemas and sources are included as examples only and are not exhaustive or prescriptive.

Configuring metadata upstream for digital archival records ensures that the data endures throughout the lifecycle and is present at the point of transfer. Obligation statements provided for each metadata concept clarify in what way they are mandatory. To accommodate legacy metadata which may not fully meet the requirements of the standard, some metadata concepts are only mandatory for transfer if they are present (i.e., they had optionally been configured within the recordkeeping system and are available at the time of transfer).

If not identified as mandatory, then concepts are optional. For example, Extent is only mandatory for transfers (i.e., a specific kind of records aggregation); it is optional for items and aggregations. Unless identified as a transfer, “aggregation” refers to a series or file of records.

Classification code

Definition A unique code derived from a file plan that is applied to the record.
Purpose To provide an understanding of the business context within which the record was created, captured, managed; the hierarchical structure according to which it was organized by the creator for use and retrieval; and its relationship to other records.
Obligation Mandatory where present for items.
Mandatory for aggregations.
Authoritative source Associated metadata.
Comments When provided for compound records or aggregations, all components or subordinates inherit the same value.

Examples of corresponding elements

Example Value
IMCC: Classification code 9540-R5747-1-2007


Definition An agent, i.e., the individual and/or group (organizational unit or corporate body), primarily responsible for making (i.e., creating, authoring, accumulating and/or maintaining) the record.
Purpose To document the origin of the record described as a means of establishing its custodial history and the grounds for presuming its authenticity.
Obligation Mandatory where present for items.
Mandatory where present for aggregations.
Mandatory for transfers.
Authoritative source Depending on the agent role, embedded or associated metadata.
Comments Content approver and trustee are additional agent roles of potential interest.

Creator may either be implemented distinctly from author or considered conceptually equivalent. An author may either be responsible for the conceptual content of the record, or for administrative actions such as typing or filing the record.

Examples of corresponding elements

Example Value
IMCC: Agent Role [+]
IMCC: Agent Identifier
IMCC: Agent Name
IMCC: Agent Corporate Name
IMCC: Agent Section Name
IMCC: Agent Position Title
Author [+]
Doe, Jane
Library and Archives Canada
Archives Branch
Deputy Minister
DCMI Metadata Term: creator Doe, Jane [or]
Library and Archives Canada
DCMI Metadata Term: creator Claims Sector
DCMI Metadata Term: creator Yukon Regional Office
MS Word: Author Doe, Jane


Definition A point in time or a period of time associated with an event in the life cycle of the record(s) (for example, an action, such as creation, modification, or view).
Purpose To capture the date or dates that best reflect the record(s), including date of creation. This information aids in discovery of records by supporting timeframe-based searches.

Furthermore, “Date/Time” information for other key events in the lifecycle management of the record, such as chain of custody and authorized change history, help to establish the record’s or records’ authenticity, reliability and provenance.
Obligation Mandatory for items.
Mandatory where present for aggregations.
Authoritative source Embedded or associated metadata, depending on the corresponding event.
Comments At a minimum, this requirement aims to capture “Date/Time” information for the record’s or records’ creation and last modification.

Depending on the context, other required values may include the date/time on which the record(s) was approved, marked “final” or “official,” locked, and/or closed (for example, for a project case file).

For an aggregation, a named period or predominant date range (for example, the earliest and the most recent dates of the records comprising the aggregation) may be required to appropriately describe and represent the aggregation.

Where copyright metadata is contributed as part of the “Rights Management Information” provided for the transfer, protection terms may correlate to record publication dates that must also be provided to LAC as part of this requirement.

Examples of corresponding elements

Example Value
IMCC: Event date/time 1979-06-13T21:09:30+1:00
IMCC: Resource Date 1996-01-16
DCMI Metadata Term: date 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00
DCMI Metadata Term: created 1977-12-05 10:45 AM
DCMI Metadata Term: dateCopyrighted 2001-01-20

Disposition authorization

Definition In accordance with the provisions of the LAC Act, the instrument that the Librarian and Archivist of Canada issues to enable government institutions to dispose of records at the expiry of their retention periods, either by permitting their destruction, by requiring their transfer to LAC, or by agreeing to their alienation from the control of the GC.
Purpose To provide confirmation that LAC is to acquire the archival content in question, while offering a cross-reference to critical details about the archival records’ context of creation and provenance.
Obligation Mandatory where present for aggregations.
Mandatory for transfers.
Authoritative source Associated metadata.
Comments Unless otherwise specified by the responsible LAC archivist, the minimum required metadata value is the applicable Disposition Authorization number. Additional metadata, particularly the clause in the Disposition Authorization used to enact the transfer, may be requested.

Examples of corresponding elements

Example Value
IMCC: Disposition Authority Disposition Authorization # 2015/007 issued to Library and Archives Canada


Definition The size and/or duration of the record(s).
Purpose To provide measurable information about the volume of archival content acquired by LAC and the amount of storage space needed to manage it. Further facilitates resource discovery by providing measurements critical to rendering records.
Obligation Mandatory for transfers.
Authoritative source Embedded metadata (generally; depends on file format).
Comments The value provided must include the following information:
  • A numeric component that quantifies the size or duration of the record(s) described according to a standardized unit of measurement;
  • A component that qualifies the unit of measurement used.

Examples of corresponding elements

Example Value
DCMI Metadata Term: extent 241 MB
MS Word: Size 75.5 MB
IMCC: Extent 241 KB
ISO 8601 Date and Time Format [Duration] PT12H30M5S


Definition A standard way in which information is encoded for storage in a computer file. It dictates how a computer displays, prints, processes and saves the information.
Purpose To determine preservation, migration, or other actions required to ensure the preservation and capability to render the record for access over the long term.
Obligation Mandatory for items.
Authoritative source Embedded metadata (generally; depends on file format).
Comments Software is available that extracts metadata embedded within file formats.

Items may comprise more than one format or computer file, such as with a compound record.

Examples of corresponding elements

Example Value
DCMI Metadata Term: format application/mp4
MIME Type application/msword
File Format Name Microsoft Word for Windows
File Format Version Microsoft Word 4.0 for the Macintosh
IMCC: Format application/msword


Definition The quality of being whole and unaltered through loss, tampering, or corruption.
Purpose To enable LAC to check and confirm the fixity of transferred records’ content and formats over time as a means of ensuring they remain complete and unaltered, including at the bit level.
Obligation Mandatory for items at transfer.
Authoritative source Associated metadata.
Comments The corresponding value should be a checksum or cryptographic hash, ideally supplemented by metadata detailing the message digest algorithm or hash function name, and indicating by whom the checksum was performed.

Ideally integrity metadata is generated and maintained with each item throughout its lifecycle, including upon transfer to LAC. If this is not done, integrity metadata must be generated for each item and provided at transfer to LAC.

Examples of corresponding elements

Example Value
Message Digest [+]
Message Digest Algorithm [or]
Hash Function Name
Checksum Performed By
79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4 [+]
Smith, John
IMCC: Integrity 79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4 [item-level md5 checksum value]


Definition A language of the conceptual content of the record.
Purpose To enable discovery, access and use.
Obligation Mandatory where present for items.
Authoritative source Associated metadata (generally).
Comments May be repeated to accommodate more than one value where item-level content is bilingual or multilingual.

Examples of corresponding elements

Example Value
IMCC: Language fra
DCMI Metadata Term: language cre

Record identifier

Definition A unique value or code that is applied to a record or aggregation of records in a given system or context.
Purpose To provide an unambiguous reference to the record(s) described.
Obligation Mandatory for items.
Mandatory where present for aggregations.
Authoritative source Associated metadata (generally; may be embedded).
Comments Corresponding values are often system-generated from a software solution for managing records, and consist of numeric or alpha-numeric strings conforming to a formal identification system. Depending on the context, a filepath may be targeted as an identifier.

An aggregation of records may be assigned its own identifier that is distinct from identifiers assigned to the individual items comprising it.

Information regarding the identifier scheme or the type of system or context within which the identifier is unique (i.e., the identifier type) may also be required for it to be usable as a distinguishing value. This additional metadata should be provided where necessary and not otherwise captured among other technical environment information.

Examples of corresponding elements

Example Value
IMCC: Resource Identifier TBSSCT #1068509:GC RKMIG
DCMI Metadata Term: identifier TBS GCDOCS #3114357
MS SharePoint: Document ID 7J2ZS4E245AH-1849552607-19565
MS SharePoint: Project ID 9928
GCdocs: Nickname 100338
[Shared drive filepath] C:\home\files\committee\agendas
Statistics Canada Dissemination Geography Unique Identifier 2011A00033520
Statistics Canada Boundary Files, Naming Convention lcd_000a16a_e
Public Services and Procurement Canada National Computer Aided Design and Drafting Standard A-WL-EXT-E

Rights management information

Definition Permissions, limitations or restrictions to accessing or using the record, including if and when a record may be partially or fully released (for example, declassified or opened) for public access or use, or formally published.
Purpose To indicate if, where and which restrictions on access, use or reproduction of a record continue to apply to at the time of its transfer to LAC.
Obligation Mandatory where present for items.
Mandatory for aggregations.
Authoritative source Associated metadata (generally).
Comments More than one value may apply to the record described, including, but not limited to the following metadata:
  • Restrictions resulting from the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act;
  • Security classification or designation;
  • Special handling requirements for sensitivities that do not necessarily pertain to national security or privacy (for example, Cabinet Confidences; solicitor-client privilege);
  • Copyright and/or license agreements or other legal documents that grant rights;
  • Other usage conditions;
  • Prior release on the Open Government Portal.

Examples of corresponding elements

Example Value
IMCC: Releasable To CA/US Eyes Only
IMCC: Sensitivity Protected B
Top Secret
IMCC: Supplemental Markings Solicitor-Client privilege
Cabinet Confidence
IMCC: Usage Conditions Copyright held by Acme Consulting Inc.
Access restricted because of licensing fees
DCMI Metadata Term: license Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
DCMI Metadata Term: rights [+] rightsHolder ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, 2020

Technical environment information

Definition Details about hardware, media, or system components that are pertinent to rendering the record accurately.
Purpose To provide information about hardware or software dependencies (for example, minimum system requirements to run software), originating devices, or other technical characteristics that can enable LAC to render and provide access to the record(s) described.
Obligation Mandatory for aggregations.
Authoritative source Associated metadata (generally).
Comments This metadata should complement, but not repeat, file format information.

Examples of corresponding elements

Example Value
Operating System Developer Name
Operating System Name
Operating System Version
Developer Name: Microsoft
Name: Windows OS
Version: Windows 10 Enterprise
IMCC: Medium [if applicable] CD-ROM
USB key


Definition A name given to the record or aggregation of records.
Purpose To indicate the name by which the record or aggregation of records is formally known or an account of the content of the record(s) where no formal name is supplied. This metadata also provides searchable text and offers additional context.
Obligation Mandatory for items.
Mandatory where present for aggregations.
Authoritative source Associated metadata (generally), in the form of a title proper, which may be embedded at the item level depending on the file format, if the computer file name reflects the proper title.

Titles of file-level aggregations of records may be derived from the file plan, in cases where classification codes have corresponding titles.
Comments At the item level, the assigned computer file name may reflect the proper title formally assigned to the record, but this is not always the case.

Examples of corresponding elements

Example Value
IMCC: Title [item-level] Operational Standard for Digital Archival Government Records’ Metadata
IMCC: Title [file-level] Financial Management – Budgets – 2002/03
DCMI Metadata Term: title Government of Canada Recordkeeping Document Type Scheme (GCRKTYPE), 1st Edition

Appendix D: Levels at which mandatory metadata may apply to transfers of digital archival records

Appendix D. Levels at which mandatory metadata may apply to transfers of digital archival records
Appendix D – Text equivalent

There are individual items (records) and aggregations of items (groupings of records). Items (records) may be compound, meaning that they are made up of more than one computer file.


  • Corporate files can be grouped together into a file block or series.
  • A file block or series can be organized as a directory, folder, or container.
  • A directory, folder, or container can be organized as sub-directories, sub-folders, or containers.
  • Sub-directories, sub-folders, or containers are made up of records (each having a single computer file), including compound records (each having multiple computer files).
  • Conversely, a file block or series may not be organized as a directory, folder, or container; instead, it can be directly made up of records (each having a single computer file), including compound records (each having multiple computer files).
  • When transferring aggregations, they may include records from one or more file blocks or series.

Metadata mandatory for transfers:

  • Creator
  • Disposition authorization
  • Extent

Metadata mandatory for aggregations:

  • Classification code
  • Rights management information
  • Technical environment information

Metadata mandatory where present for aggregations:

  • Creator
  • Date/time
  • Disposition authorization
  • Record identifier
  • Title

Metadata mandatory for items:

  • Date/time
  • Format
  • Integrity (at transfer)
  • Record identifier
  • Title

Metadata mandatory where present for items:

  • Classification code
  • Creator
  • Language
  • Rights management information

Appendix E: Summary of metadata concept obligations

Metadata concept Mandatory for items Mandatory where present for items Mandatory for aggregations Mandatory where present for aggregations Mandatory for transfers
Classification code No



No No
Creator No







No No


Disposition authorization No No No



Extent No No No No




No No No No

Yes at transfer

No No No No
Language No


No No No
Record Identifier


No No


Rights management No



No No
Technical environment information No No


No No


No No







at transfer

at transfer

at transfer


Footnote 1

Adapted from: Library and Archives Canada, Policy on Holdings Management, date modified August 10, 2022, https://library-archives.canada.ca/eng/corporate/about-us/policies/Pages/policy-holdings-management.aspx.

Return to footnote 1

Footnote 2

Society of American Archivists, s.v. "aggregated record," in Dictionary of Archives Terminology, retrieved September 9, 2021, https://dictionary.archivists.org/entry/aggregated-record.html. See also: s.7.5.3, “Aggregations of digital records” in ISO 16175-1:2020 Information and documentation – Processes and functional requirements for software for managing records – Part 1: Functional requirements and associated guidance for any applications that manage digital records.

Return to footnote 2

Footnote 3

Library and Archives Canada, Preservation Policy Framework, accessed September 7, 2022, https://library-archives.canada.ca/eng/corporate/about-us/policies/Pages/preservation-policy-framework.aspx.

Return to footnote 3

Footnote 4

Adapted from: ISO 16175-1:2020 Information and documentation - Processes and functional requirements for software for managing records - Part 1: Functional requirements and associated guidance for any applications that manage digital records.

Return to footnote 4

Footnote 5

Adapted from: Digital Preservation Coalition, "Fixity and Checksums," in Digital Preservation Handbook, 2nd rev. ed., 2015, https://www.dpconline.org/handbook/technical-solutions-and-tools/fixity-and-checksums.

Return to footnote 5

Footnote 6

Adapted from "Cryptographic Hash Function (CHF)," in Security Encyclopedia, 2023, https://www.hypr.com/security-encyclopedia/cryptographic-hash-function#:~:text=A%20cryptographic%20hash%20function%20(CHF)%20is%20an%20equation%20used%20to,size%20numerical%20string%20%E2%80%94%20the%20hash.

Return to footnote 6

Footnote 7

Adapted from: Library and Archives Canada, Policy on Making Holdings Discoverable, date modified August 9, 2022, https://library-archives.canada.ca/eng/corporate/about-us/policies/policy-making-holdings-discoverable/pages/policy-making-holdings-discoverable.aspx.

Return to footnote 7

Footnote 8

Library and Archives Canada, Procedures for the Transfer of Unpublished Information Resources of Enduring Value from Government of Canada Institutions to Library and Archives Canada, last modified May 31, 2023, https://library-archives.canada.ca/eng/services/government-canada/information-disposition/managing-government-records/guidelines-information-management/Pages/procedures-transfer-unpublished.aspx.

Return to footnote 8

Footnote 9

Oliver W. Holmes, “Archives and Records Management Resources,” last reviewed August 15, 2016, https://www.archives.gov/research/alic/reference/archives-resources/archival-arrangement.html.

Return to footnote 9

Footnote 10

Adapted from: Society of American Archivists, s.v. "data file," in Dictionary of Archives Terminology, retrieved September 9, 2021, https://dictionary.archivists.org/entry/data-file.html.

Return to footnote 10

Footnote 11

Society of American Archivists, s.v. “file name,” in Dictionary of Archives Terminology, retrieved September 9, 2021, https://dictionary.archivists.org/entry/file-name.html.

Return to footnote 11

Footnote 12

Adapted from: IBM Archives, s.v. "path," in Dictionary of IBM & Computing Terminology, accessed September 9, 2021, https://web.archive.org/web/20231109002610/https://www.ibm.com/ibm/history/documents/pdf/glossary.pdf.

Return to footnote 12

Footnote 13

Society of American Archivists, s.v. “file plan,” in Dictionary of Archives Terminology, retrieved September 9, 2021, https://dictionary.archivists.org/entry/file-plan.html.

Return to footnote 13

Footnote 14

Adapted from: PREMIS Editorial Committee, PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata, v.3.0, November 2015, https://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/v3/premis-3-0-final.pdf.

Return to footnote 14

Footnote 15

Adapted from: Society of American Archivists, s.v. "item," in Dictionary of Archives Terminology, retrieved September 9, 2021, https://dictionary.archivists.org/entry/item.html.

Return to footnote 15

Footnote 16

Adapted from: PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata, v3.0 (June 2015). https://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/v3/premis-3-0-final.pdf, and Mansi Sheth, "Message Digests, aka Hashing functions," Veracode, 13 June 2017, https://www.veracode.com/blog/research/message-digests-aka-hashing-functions.

Return to footnote 16

Footnote 17

Adapted from: Library and Archives Canada, Procedures for the Transfer of Unpublished Information Resources of Enduring Value from Government of Canada Institutions to Library and Archives Canada, last modified August 27, 2022, https://library-archives.canada.ca/eng/services/government-canada/information-disposition/managing-government-records/guidelines-information-management/Pages/procedures-transfer-unpublished.aspx.

Return to footnote 17

Footnote 18

Adapted from: Mary S. Woodley, s.v. "element," in DCMI Glossary, date modified April 23, 2004, https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/usageguide/glossary/.

Return to footnote 18

Footnote 19

ISO 23081-1:2017 Information and Documentation -- Records Management Processes -- Metadata for Records -- Part 1: Principles.

Return to footnote 19

Footnote 20

Adapted from: Library and Archives Canada, Operational Standard for the Use of Disposition Authorizations, last modified September 16, 2022, https://library-archives.canada.ca/eng/services/government-canada/information-disposition/disposition-government-records/pages/operational-standard-disposition.aspx.

Return to footnote 20

Footnote 21

ALCTS Preservation and Reformatting Section, Working Group on Defining Digital Preservation, “Definitions of Digital Preservation”, June 24, 2007, https://www.ala.org/alcts/resources/preserv/defdigpres0408.

Return to footnote 21

Footnote 22

Library and Archives of Canada Act, Statues of Canada 2004, c.11, https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/l-7.7/page-1.html.

Return to footnote 22

Footnote 23

Adapted from: Society of American Archivists, s.v. “series,” in Dictionary of Archives Terminology, retrieved January 11, 2022, https://dictionary.archivists.org/entry/series.html.

Return to footnote 23

Footnote 24

Adapted from: Society of American Archivists, s.v. “transfer,” in Dictionary of Archives Terminology, retrieved January 12, 2022, https://dictionary.archivists.org/entry/transfer.html.

Return to footnote 24

Footnote 25

Library and Archives Canada, Procedures for the Transfer of Unpublished Information Resources of Enduring Value from Government of Canada Institutions to Library and Archives Canada, last modified August 27, 2022, https://library-archives.canada.ca/eng/services/government-canada/information-disposition/managing-government-records/guidelines-information-management/Pages/procedures-transfer-unpublished.aspx.

Return to footnote 25

Footnote 26

A user account is required.

Return to footnote 26

Footnote 27

Access to the GC network is required.

Return to footnote 27