Travel and Other Administrative Services

Table of Contents

How to use this tool

  • This tool is designed for IM specialists to use with relevant business areas when identifying information resources of business value (IRBV) and retention specifications.
  • The IRBV and retention specifications contained in this document are recommendations only and should be customized to apply in each institutional context. The complete document should be read before using any recommendations.
  • This Generic Valuation Tool does not provide Government of Canada institutions with the authority to dispose of information. Generic Valuation Tools (GVT) are not Records Disposition Authorities (RDA) and do not replace the Multi-Institutional Disposition Authorities (MIDA).

Validation: The business processes and IRBV of this GVT have been validated by subject matter experts from the following departments: Parks Canada (Summer 2014).

Defining the Activity

Travel and Other Administrative Services are identified at the sub-sub activity level of the Treasury Board Secretariat’s (TBS) Profile of Government of Canada (GC) Internal Services (Profile) and are common across the Government of Canada. The Profile defines Travel and Other Administrative Services as:

Other Administrative Services include GC travel services, as well as those other internal services that do not smoothly fit with any of the internal services categories.Note1.

Additional activities have been added to this GVT from the TBS publication Info Source as well as from a review of file classification plans from across the Government of Canada, and the subject groups addressed in the Common Administrative MIDA. These include:

  • Mail room management
  • Forms Management
  • Hospitality and Visits and Tours
  • Departmental memberships
  • Security

Although these groupings are not functional in nature, they are commonly found in records systems across the Government of Canada, and this GVT attempts to align these subject-based information resource groups to the most appropriate functional GVT.

Relationship to Other GVTs

Business processes and activities often overlap. When the IRBV from an activity is identified in another GVT, there is a note in the table of IRBV and retention recommendations (below) to direct the user to the proper tool.

The Travel and Other Administrative Services GVT contains a great number of processes with cross references to other GVTs; many of the activity titles (processes) are taken from Info Source, whose goal is to identify sources of personal information as opposed to describing business processes. As a result, many of the activities listed in Info Source are described in other GVTs; when that has occurred, there is a note in the IRBV table directing the user to the GVT where the process is described.

Human Resources Management: This GVT addresses processes related to requests for office accommodations (e.g. for ergonomic needs), training and conferences attendance as well as non EX travel arrangements, and internal training.

Communications Services: This GVT addresses all processes related to internal communications (including circulars, directives and orders), correspondence management and tracking, printing services (including publishing), translation services, and proactive disclosure.

Management and Oversight: This GVT addresses all processes related to planning which includes the security plan and business continuity planning as well as the processes for policy creation, reporting and audit.

Materiel Services: This GVT addresses processes related to the receipt and inspection of assets, and the creation of service logs or service calls.

Real Property: This GVT addresses processes related to physical security of lands or buildings.

Acquisitions Services: This GVT addresses all processes involved in the ordering of supplies, and the management of service contracts (i.e. printing services, ergonomic assessments).

Information Technology: This GVT addresses processes related to the delivery of telephone services.

Financial Management: This GVT (coming soon) addresses all processes involved in the remittance of payment.

Business Processes

The business processes described in this GVT have been developed by conducting research into common processes undertaken in the Government of Canada, undertaking a review of the types of records captured in the Common Administrative MIDA, as well as reviewing the file plans of some Government of Canada departments.

1. Other Administrative Services (Office Services):

The business processes listed under this heading address many of the activities related to the daily operations of all departments such as requests for office accommodations, the delivery of photocopy services, printing services, parking, telephone services, translation services, locksmith services, room bookings, and mailroom management. Mailroom management (mail and postal services) addresses all activities involved in the operation of an institutional mail room. These activities range from setting up the mail room (physical arrangement) to the daily distribution of mail to Government of Canada employees.

Most of these processes are described in other GVTs, however, when there is no clear functional alignment to another GVT, the process and associated IRBV are described here.

2. Forms Management:

All activities involved in the design and creation of a form are addressed in this business process. Forms filled out for use within a business process (e.g. for a travel request, or request for training) will have been addressed within the business process using the form.

3. Hospitality:

All activities related to the offering of hospitality, in the form of a reception, meal or entertainment to departmental guests or visitors, as well as logistical arrangements surrounding special events such as departmentally hosted events (including but not limited to symposia, conferences, exhibit openings, or ceremonies).
The coordination of executive participation in conferences, events, and hospitality is not included in this GVT; for these activities, users are directed to the Management and Oversight GVT.

4. Travel:

Travel in a Government of Canada context includes all arrangements made for travel by or for non-executive level employees while on departmental business, as well as travel arrangements for employees traveling while on professional development (courses, symposia, or conferences) related to their employment. (Processes related to travel taken by executives has been addressed within Management and Oversight). Additionally, the IRBVs involved in the internal approvals relating to employee conference attendance, and the provision or tracking of taxi chits will be addressed here.

5. Security:

As noted in section 3.5 of the Policy on Government Security, “The management of security is most effective when it is systematically woven into the business, programs and culture of a department … as a wholeNote2. In accordance with this, the only security process that is not already embedded within other GVTs are certain practices within the implementation of security controls (visitor logs, and employee ID badges).

All processes related to security will be listed in the IRBV chart, with notes directing users to the appropriate GVT.


Recommended retention specifications in GVTs are determined based on traditional or best practices, a review of government-wide legislation and policy, and validation with subject matter experts. Retention periods are suggestions only; departments must take into account their own legislative requirements and business needs.

For guidance on how to develop retention specifications, institutions can consult the TBS Guideline on Information Management: Setting Retention Specifications.

Business Value and Retention Recommendations

1. Other Administrative Services (Office Services)

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Request for workspace accommodations
(office moves, re-fits, ergonomic adjustments, etc.)

For IRBV please see Human Resources Management GVT (Manage Modified Work Arrangements).
For IRBV please see Acquisitions Services GVT (for the acquisition of goods to fulfill the request).
For IRBV please see Materiel Services GVT (Receipt and Inspection of Assets).
For IRBV please see Financial Management GVT (for the payment of invoices).
For IRBV please see Materiel Services GVT (Use of Assets).

For retention please see Human Resources Management GVT (Manage Modified Work Arrangements).
For retention please see Acquisitions Services GVT (for the acquisition of goods to fulfill the request).
For retention please see Materiel Services GVT (Receipt and Inspection of Assets).
For retention please see Financial Management GVT (for the payment of invoices).
For retention please see Materiel Services GVT (Use of Assets).

Photocopy services
(the provision of photocopiers to staff members for their use)
(training of staff of the use of new devices)

For IRBV please see Acquisitions GVT (for all processes related to the acquisition of new machines, or service contracts).
For IRBV please see Materiel Services GVT (Use of Assets).
For IRBV please see Human Resources Management GVT (Internal Training activities).
For IRBV please see Financial Management GVT (for the payment of invoices).

For retention please see Acquisitions GVT (for all processes related to the acquisition of new machines, or service contracts).
For retention please see Materiel Services GVT (Use of Assets).
For retention please see Human Resources Management GVT (Internal Training activities).
For retention please see Financial Management GVT (for the payment of invoices).

Printing services

For IRBV please see Acquisitions Services GVT for all processes relating to contracting out of services related to printing.
For IRBV please see Communications Services GVT (Pubications).
For IRBV please see Financial Management GVT (for the payment of invoices).

For retention please see Acquisitions Services GVT for all processes relating to contracting out of services related to printing.
For retention please see Communications Services GVT (Pubications).
For retention please see Financial Management GVT (for the payment of invoices).


Completed, approved application forms
Notice of cancellation of parking permit
Request for temporary disability parking spot

2 years after permit expires. This is a retention and Disposal Standard governed by the Privacy Act and prescribed by Treasury Board. See Info Source: Sources of Federal Employee Information, Standard Bank PSE 914, Parking.

Parking rating criteria
Parking spot waiting list
Notification of incidents in parking lot

2 years after last administrative action.

Parking permit database

2 years after permit expires (for individual entries).

For IRBV please also see the Communications Services GVT (Manage Internal Communications) for all general IRBV related to notifying users of changes relating to parking.

For retention please see Communications Services GVT (Manage Internal Communications) for all general IRBV related to notifying users of changes relating to parking.

Telephone services

For IRBV please see Information Technology GVT (Acquire and Implement; and IT Service Support Processes).
For IRBV please see Acquisitions Services GVT (for the acquisition of goods to fulfill the request).
For IRBV please see Materiel Services GVT (Receipt and Inspection of Assets).

For retention please see Information Technology GVT (Acquire and Implement; and IT Service Support Processes).
For retention please see Acquisitions Services GVT (for the acquisition of goods to fulfill the request).
For retention please see Materiel Services GVT (Receipt and Inspection of Assets).

Translation services

For IRBV please see Communications Services GVT (Translation Services).

For retention please see Communications Services GVT (Translation Services).

Locksmith services

For IRBV please see Acquisitions Services GVT (for the management of contracts relating to the provision of locksmith services).

For retention please see Acquisitions Services GVT (for the management of contracts relating to the provision of locksmith services).

Room Bookings / Event logistics

See Hospitality (below).

See Hospitality (below).

Mail Management



Management of contracts related to mail services

For IRBV please see Acquisitions Services GVT (for the management of contracts relating to the provision of mail services, or the processes related to the acquisition of materiel for the processing of mail).

For retention please see Acquisitions Services GVT (for the management of contracts relating to the provision of mail services, or the processes related to the acquisition of materiel for the processing of mail).

Receive mail
Empty mail bins or bags
Screen, scan, and sort incoming mail
Sign for mail or parcels when required
Receive parcels

Suspicious incident / package reports
Signature logs
Bulk item register
Receipt delivery forms

2 years after last administrative use.

Open mail

Record of Receipt / Cash blotter / Cheque Register (when valuables received)

6 fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year in which the file closes, based on traditional practice applied to IRBV pertaining to financial transactions

Deliver Mail to internal clients

Diplomatic Bag Receipt Signature
Request for registered mail/courier service
Diplomatic Mail tag
Mail reject notification
Lost Mail inquiry

1 year after last administrative use.

Send Mail
Collect outgoing mail
Sort outgoing mail

Statements of Mailing

1 year after last administrative use.

Mailing lists

Until superseded or obsolete.

2. Forms Management (regardless of medium of form – paper or electronic)

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Forms Analysis

Transcripts of interviews

Until superseded or obsolete.

Forms Design

Final approved versions of form

Until superseded or obsolete.

Forms Control (communication of changes in forms)

For IRBV please see Communications Services GVT (Manage Internal Communications)

For retention please see Communications Services GVT (Manage Internal Communications)

3. Hospitality

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period
Event planning Correspondence pertaining to event details
Planning documents (expense estimates, copies of contracts)
Attendee lists
Post event reports

1 year after last administrative use.

For IRBV please see Acquisitions Services GVT (for the management of contracts for items such as the provision of food services, the arrangement of audio visual supports, or flowers)

For retention please also see Acquisitions Services GVT (for the management of contracts for items such as the provision of food services, the arrangement of audio visual supports, or flowers)

Remittance of payment

For IRBV please also see the Financial Management GVT for all processes related to the payment of invoices.

For retention please also see the Financial Management GVT for all processes related to the payment of invoices.

Proactive Disclosure of hospitality expenses

For IRBV please also see the Financial Management GVT for all IRBV related to the disclosure of hospitality expenses.

For retention please also see the Financial Management GVT for all IRBV related to the disclosure of hospitality expenses.

4. Travel

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Departmental travel and conference planning

Long range plans for departmental travel

Approvals for conference attendance

Approvals for speaking at conferences

2 years after last administrative use.

For IRBV please also see Management and Oversight for all processes related to departmental planning.

For retention please also see Management and Oversight for all processes related to departmental planning.

For IRBV please also see the Human Resources Management GVT (Employee Performance, Learning, Development and Recognition)

For retention please also see the Human Resources Management GVT (Employee Performance, Learning, Development and Recognition)

Seek and obtain approval to travel

Training and travel authorization (approved, completed form)

2 years after last administrative use.

Submit expense reports

Expense claim form (including boarding pass, hotel receipts, or additional expense receipts for items beyond the per diem)

6 fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year in which the file closes, based on traditional practice applied to IRBV pertaining to financial transactions.


For IRBV please also see the Financial Management GVT for all processes related to the payment of invoices.

For retention please also see the Financial Management GVT for all processes related to the payment of invoices.

Management of Taxi Chits (for local travel)

Taxi chits/receipts
Annual reporting

6 fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year in which the file closes, based on traditional practice applied to IRBV pertaining to financial transactions.

5. Security

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Appoint security officer

For IRBV please see Management and Oversight GVT (Manage Strategic and Business Planning activity).

For retention please see Management and Oversight GVT (Manage Strategic and Business Planning activity).

Conduct Threat and Risk Assessment (TRA)

The IRBV will be captured within the business process requiring a TRA.

The IRBV will be captured within the business process requiring a TRA.

Develop Departmental Security Plan

For IRBV please see Management and Oversight GVT (Manage Strategic and Business Planning activity).

For retention please see Management and Oversight GVT (Manage Strategic and Business Planning activity).

Departmental Security Plan

5 years after superseded.

Develop a Business Continuity plan

For IRBV please see Management and Oversight GVT (Manage Strategic and Business Planning activity).

For retention please see Management and Oversight GVT (Manage Strategic and Business Planning activity).

Business Continuity plan

5 years after superseded.

Conduct security training and awareness

For IRBV please see Human Resources Management GVT for the delivery of internal training activities.

For retention please see Human Resources Management GVT for the delivery of internal training activities.

For IRBV please see Communications Services GVT for all activities related to internal communications.

For retention please see Communications Services GVT for all activities related to internal communications.

Implementation of Security Controls

Implement Control Access security measures

Visitor sign-in and out

Assign temporary visitor passes

Visitor Logs / Temporary visitor pass log

Out of hours register

1 year after last administrative action.

Assign employee ID badges (including updating every five years)

Information resources for employee ID cards – name, colour photograph/digital image, name of issuing department, expiry date, unique identifier

2 years after expiry of badge. This is a retention and disposal standard governed by the Privacy Act and prescribed by Treasury Board that must be adhered to.

Personnel Security (screening of new candidates for security clearances, etc.)

Note – this process has been included in this GVT as it is not currently described in Human Resources Management.
When HRM is updated, this process should be included as it is part of Human Resources.

Note – this process has been included in this GVT as it is not currently described in Human Resources Management.
When HRM is updated, this process should be included as it is part of Human Resources.

Manager initiates request for screening

Candidate completes screening form

Form is sent to security agency for screening

Results of screening are received

Manager/Candidate is notified


Completed security screening form

Request to security agency to undertake screening

Results of screening

Notification of results to candidate/manager

2 years after employee leaves the institution for which the clearance was undertaken.

See Treasury Board’s publication Info Source: Sources of Federal Employee Information for additional information on this standard bank.

Establish electronic access methods (card access, pin access, biometric access, electric locks, electronic strikes, magnetic locks, turnstiles)

For IRBV please see Real Property Services GVT, the Acquisition Services GVT and the Materiel Services GVT for all processes relating to the design, acquisition, installation or servicing of security systems, or physical security measures.

For retention please see Real Property Services GVT, the Acquisition Services GVT and the Materiel Services GVT for all processes relating to the design, acquisition, installation or servicing of security systems, or physical security measures.

Screen material entering a facility

See Mail Management processes (above).

 See Mail Management processes (above).

Transport or Transmittal of protected or classified information resources

Note – this process has been included in this GVT as it is not currently described in the Information Management GVT.
When the IM GVT is updated, this process should be included as it is part of Information Management.
Note – this process has been included in this GVT as it is not currently described in the Information Management GVT.
When the IM GVT is updated, this process should be included as it is part of Information Management.

Determine security level of information resource

Obtain the permission of the Departmental Security Officer to transport or transmit (for protected C, Secret and Top Secret material)

Inventory material, retain copy of inventory on site, send original with material being transported

Notify intended recipient of material in advance of shipping (Top Secret)

Package material appropriately for transport or prepare for transmittal


Permission from DSO
Inventory of material
Notification to intended recipient
Transmittal Note and Receipt Form (GC-44)

2 years after material has been transmitted or transported.

Information Technology Security

For IRBV please see Information Technology GVT for all processes relating to IT Security.

For retention please see Information Technology GVT for all processes relating to IT Security.

Monitoring and Reporting of Security Incidents

Monitoring reports
Incident or threat report
Correspondence with Public Safety on incident or threat
Notification to appropriate Law Enforcement Agency
Correspondence with legal services

Due to the range of possible security incidents, a generic retention recommendation is not possible, but retention should be based on business needs relating to the type of incident.

Security incidents related to IT

For IRBV please see Information Technology GVT (IT Security (risk) Management For retention please see Information Technology GVT (IT Security (risk) Management
Security incidents related to real property For IRBV please see Real Property GVT (Manage Building Security) For retention please see Real Property GVT (Manage Building Security)
Security incidents related to workplace harassment For IRBV please see Human Resources Management GVT (Manage Complaints) For retention please see Human Resources Management GVT (Manage Complaints)