Communications Services

Table of contents

How to use this tool

  • This tool is designed for IM specialists to use with relevant business areas when identifying information resources of business value (IRBV) and retention specifications.
  • The IRBV and retention specifications contained in this document are recommendations only and should be customized to apply in each institutional context. The complete document should be read before using any recommendations.
  • This Generic Valuation Tool does not provide Government of Canada institutions with the authority to dispose of information. Generic Valuation Tools (GVT) are not Records Disposition Authorities (RDA) and do not replace the Multi-Institutional Disposition Authorities (MIDA).

Validation: The business processes and IRBV of this Generic Valuation Tool have been validated by subject matter experts from the following departments: Natural Resources Canada, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Treasury Board Secretariat, Privy Council Office, Canadian Transportation Agency, Citizenship and Immigration Canada and Infrastructure Canada.

Defining the Activity

“Communications Services” is one of the internal services identified by the Treasury Board Secretariat in the Profile of Government of Canada Internal Services. It is defined as

 “activities undertaken to ensure that Government of Canada communications are effectively managed, well-coordinated and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. The communications management function ensures that the public…receives government information, and that the views and concerns of the public are taken into account in the planning, management and evaluation of policies, programs, services and initiatives.” Footnote1

The communications function in the Government of Canada is prescribed by numerous policies, guidelines and standards. These include: Communications Policy of the Government of Canada (2012), Policy on Access to Information (2008), Federal Identity Program Policy (1990), Standard on Web Accessibility (2011), Standard on Web Interoperability (2012), Standard on Web Usability (2011), Guideline for External Use of Web 2.0 (2011) and Communications Policy of the Government of Canada: Procedures (2008).

The communications function has links to all of the other activities of a government department. The user of this Generic Valuation Tool should determine if the content is being created and captured elsewhere in another function or if the content has been created specifically for the purpose of promotion and communication.

Relationship to Other GVT

Business processes and activities often overlap. When the IRBV from an activity is identified in another GVT, there is a note in the table of IRBV and retention recommendations (below) to direct the user to the proper tool.

Acquisitions GVT: Many business processes in the communications activity are contracted out to private companies, whether it is the design of a print advertisement or the creation of a video for YouTube. Whenever a third-party contract is used, the Acquisition Services GVT should be consulted for the IRBV related to the contracting process.

Information Technology GVT and Information Management GVT: Communications Services is closely intertwined with information technology and information management, and the associated business processes are interdependent. For example, responsibilities for web content are shared by the Information Technology (IT), Information Management (IM) and Communications sections. Some departments may define the distinctions between these functions differently. For example, the removal of obsolete material on the web may rest with any of these sections, depending on the department. This Generic Valuation Tool has attempted to define the scope of these activities based on Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) guidelines, policies and definitions. Departments should use the three GVTs together to ensure the identification of IRBV from all the business processes.

Management and Oversight GVT: The process of creating departmental policies for any communication activities is identified in the Management and Oversight GVT.

Several other GVTs point to the business processes for public consultation covered in this Communications Services GVT. In particular, public consultation is often required for the creation or modification of policies, programs, services and regulations (Legal Services GVT), the granting of a licence (Authorization GVT), the granting of funds for a project (Transfer Payments GVT) and the modification or disposal of Crown lands (Real Property Services GVT).

Business Processes

Note: The first eight business processes described below align with the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) Profile of Internal Services service groupings for Communications Services Footnote2 and with the Information Management Common Core internal services classification structure. Footnote 3 However, to include all the common activities of the communications function, this Generic Valuation Tool has expanded on those TBS service groupings and describes a further seven activities. These were determined through a review of the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and its associated procedures and guidelines, as well as a review of relevant legislation, consultations with departments and a review of existing business process analyses.

1. Public opinion research

Public opinion research (POR) is used by the Government of Canada to conduct a broad range of activities, including policy research, market research program evaluation, client satisfaction and product development, and most frequently, to measure the effectiveness of communications and advertising. Resulting from the Commission of Inquiry into the Sponsorship Program and Advertising Activities, the Federal Accountability Act (2006) and the Independent Review of Public Opinion Research (2007), the rules and regulations governing POR were further strengthened. The process of POR involves many players: departments coordinate their public opinion surveys with the Public Opinion Research Directorate at PWGSC and the Privy Council Office, often contracting out the research process to private companies and providing the results to Library and Archives Canada, Parliament and the Canadian public. Nearly all the IRBV created through contracting will be identified in the Acquisitions GVT. However, there are further IRBV created in POR as a result of the strict oversight that necessitates reporting to and having approval from Ministers or their equivalents, Public Works, and the Privy Council Office.

After the results of POR are reported and used to contribute to decision making, the raw data may be maintained in a database for future projects. Institutions need to determine the appropriate retention for data based on this projected need.

2. Corporate identity

The Federal Identity Program (FIP) Policy outlines the specific requirements for the use of logos and titles, the presentation of bilingual items, etc., in departments’ communications materials. These strict requirements are usually implemented by a FIP coordinator. This section of the GVT addresses the activities of ensuring and monitoring compliance with the Policy. Some departments with high public profiles, such as the RCMP or Coast Guard, design corporate identities in addition to the national government identity outlined by the FIP. Treasury Board must approve any corporate image design as well as any exemptions from using the images of the Federal Identity Program.

3. Consultations

The Communications Policy of the Government of Canada requires departments to consult the public and to listen to and take account of people's interests and concerns when establishing priorities, developing policies, and planning programs and services. Moreover, the Government of Canada recently committed to the Open Government Initiative. Therefore, the Government of Canada engages stakeholders, citizens and experts in various ways to develop more informed and effective policies, programs, services and regulations.

The range of types of public consultation is wide, from the more passive public feedback through a comments box on a website, to actively involving citizens in the decision-making process through hearings. The methods of consultation may include public meetings, advisory committees, stakeholder groups and voluntary associations. 

Also addressed in this Generic Valuation Tool are the consultations with Aboriginal groups that fulfill the Crown’s Duty to Consult as outlined in Aboriginal Consultation and Accommodation: Updated Guidelines for Federal Officials to Fulfill the Duty to Consult. Footnote4

Departments should assess which business processes and IRBV are appropriate to their particular form of public consultation.

4. Media relations

Providing information to the media is closely related to providing information to the public, since the public is the ultimate consumer.  The activities for managing media relations include the identification, training and performance of spokespeople, managing requests from the media, the provision of information to the media, and daily media monitoring. A media monitoring service can be internal, through a third-party provider or through PWGSC. News coverage about the department or Minister would have business value; general headlines of the day, provided for convenience and not directly related to the department, would be transitory.

5. Advertising, fairs, exhibits

The need for accountability in Government of Canada advertising has increased since the Auditor General’s report of 2003. That report led to the Commission of Inquiry into the Sponsorship Program and Advertising Activities and recommendations for improved oversight in the government’s advertising contracts. As a result, the business processes and information resources created through advertising are quite prescribed. The IRBV created when contracting out activities to a private company—which is the case for advertising—are identified in the Acquisitions GVT. However, there are further IRBV created in advertising as a result of the strict oversight that necessitates reporting to and having approval from Public Works, the Privy Council Office and TBS.

Departments work closely with PWGSC when advertising. When PWGSC is the lead, this Generic Valuation Tool assumes that the department will be creating “shadow” files to document the process and to allow for the re-creation of all actions undertaken during the advertising activities for purposes of accountability. These files may contain a mix of original information resources or working copies.

The IRBV described as “final copy of advertising regardless of format” include print, audio and video promotional material that is intended for social media channels of communication such as YouTube.

The “Fairs and Exhibits” requirement has been rescinded in the Communications Policy, and the Government of Canada Exhibitions Program has been discontinued. However, the activity of communicating with the public through fairs and exhibits still occurs but is now managed by individual departments. This activity does not include exhibits of historical or cultural significance.

6. In-person service, telephone, fax, mail, and internet

Government departments interact with and provide service to the public through a variety of channels. The IRBV identified in this business process are those created through liaison services and, for the communications function, would be predominantly a query-and-response service. Responding to complaints would also be included in this activity. For departments that fulfill their mandated functions through public service (such as the Canada Revenue Agency’s providing tax filing online), those functions would be part of the operational business processes and not a function of this Generic Valuation Tool.

7. Translation services

Since the provision of all government communications in both official languages is a requirement of the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada, translation services is a busy activity that produces a lot of information resources. However, it is important to bear in mind that the documents being translated and their translated versions would have business value within the creating function. It is the creating area that would use, corporately file and retain these information resources. Translation services might maintain copies for reference or for entering into a translation database such as MultiTrans, but they are convenience copies and are therefore transitory.

8. Publications

Broadly, the activities for publication are planning, production and dissemination. Depending on the information resource, and the needs of the institution, “production” can include both the creation of the content and the physical creation of the final product. Much of the activity surrounding government publications is addressed in other GVTs or in other areas of this Generic Valuation Tool. For example, the contracting out of any portion of the publishing process, such as the writing, design or printing, would be part of the procurement process in the Acquisitions GVT. Ensuring that publications adhere to standards of the Federal Identity Program is under “corporate identity” in this Generic Valuation Tool. 

“Publications” include traditional paper-based publications as well as those created specifically for a digital environment.

9. Prepare and implement communications plans and strategies

This section includes the activities of high-level planning for developing departmental communications plans, including emergency communications and risk communications plans.

10. Provide communications support to the Minister, senior management and business areas

Communications staff support the Minister, senior management and business areas with the provision of advice on communications plans and activities. Communications staff also create speeches and other communication information resources. It is important to distinguish between the roles of the Minister: when the Minister gives a speech as spokesman for the department (as defined by the Communications Policy), it is written by departmental staff and filed in the corporate repository; political speeches are written by the Minister’s office, not by departmental communications staff, and are not filed corporately.

11. Provide editing services

This activity consists of receiving information resources from business areas, editing them, and returning the revised versions to the creating areas. Often, a copy of the revised version is maintained by the editing staff. However, these revised copies, maintained after they have been edited and returned, are only convenience copies and are therefore transitory. It is the creating area that would use, corporately file and retain these as information resources of business value. The IRBV identified in the chart below for the editing activity are the procedures or guides being created by the editing staff and the statistical data for tracking and reporting on the work being done.

12. Collaborate with other government institutions

Many government initiatives are done in cooperation with other government or private institutions. This section focusses on the IRBV created when coordinating the communication/promotion of these activities to the public.

13. Manage marketing events

This activity includes outreach activities both with the public and other departments/levels of government such as sessions with consumers and hosting symposiums, conferences, presentations and discussions. The IRBV include the planning and evaluation documents rather than the content.

14. Communicate with the public through a departmental website

One of the key ways an institution communicates with the public is through its outward-facing web pages. A website is a format of communication; most information posted on a website will be a copy of content created and maintained elsewhere. However, the website itself has business value as it is a composite of copies of IRBV from various business processes and original content. Also included in this Generic Valuation Tool are the processes and IRBV for the management of the website and compliance with government standards for language, accessibility, usability and interoperability. 

Activities of web services can overlap with information management and information technology activities. Each department needs to identify where these activities are taking place.

Departments can use their websites both for providing information and for receiving comments or queries from the public. The website can be used to gather feedback in the process of formal public consultations; this is described in this Generic Valuation Tool under the activity “Consultations” (3.3). The role of the website in providing the public with answers to questions or requests is described in this Generic Valuation Tool under the activity “provide service to the public (in-person, telephone, fax, mail, internet)” (3.6).

The government also provides information to the public on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. The Directive on Recordkeeping states that information resources of business value must be managed regardless of medium. The Guideline for External Use of Web 2.0 Footnote5 states that social media messages will have business value only if:

  • the information being disseminated is not a copy of information captured elsewhere and
  • it documents decisions or decision-making processes, or
  • it is information received from the public in response to a government request for information. 

Information on a social media platform that is considered to have business value needs to be captured and maintained in a corporate repository. Departments will need to assess their social media sites for IRBV based on the purpose and content of the site.

Personal information captured in web analytics must be destroyed after 18 months as per the TBS Standard on Privacy and Web Analytics (2013) and with the use of LAC’s Multi-Institutional Disposition Authority 2013/001. Web analytics retained longer than 18 months must be anonymized.

15. Manage internal communications

Internal communications in Government of Canada institutions are to be two-way, both informing employees and receiving their opinions and feedback. Internal communications may include “a mix of published materials (in multiple formats), oral presentations, staff meetings and learning events.” Footnote6 Internal communications include managing an institution’s intranet content. All internal communications are subject to the requirements in the Official Languages Act and Federal Identity Program Policy.


Recommended retention specifications in GVTs are determined based on traditional or best practices, a review of government-wide legislation and policy, and validation with subject matter experts. Retention periods are suggestions only; departments must take into account their own legislative requirements and business needs.

Communications policies, plans and products are intricately linked to the needs and agenda of the government in office. As a practice, staff members continually refer to previous communications products to ensure consistency in messaging for a government. As a result, the trigger for the commencement of the retention period is often the change in governing political party.

Retention is also linked to whether or not the communication refers to a strategic or important issue and therefore content and context must be taken into consideration when setting retention schedules.

Retention for content on the web: Since most web content is a copy of information resources created and maintained elsewhere, content does not have to stay on the website beyond the retention period of the original information resource. Departments must be vigilant to identify which is the official copy of the information resource and ensure that it has been captured in the corporate repository, and to capture any information of business value placed on the web that does not have another format off-line.

A recommended retention period for advertising information resources is 6 years, based on the fact that there are financial records associated with an advertising campaign. In practice, advertising information resources are likely to be maintained much longer as they will be referred to in future advertising campaigns. Since that timing cannot be predicted, only an absolute minimum retention period recommendation is provided.

Business Value and Retention Recommendations

1. Public opinion research

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Management of departmental POR

Create annual plan

Consult with Privy Council Office (PCO)

Gain approval of Minister

Gain approval of Public Opinion Research Directorate (PORD) at Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) as needed

Submit copies of the approved annual plan to PCO, PORD

(Throughout all processes, discussions and decisions made orally must be documented by note to file.)

Annual plan

Updates to annual plan

Ministerial approval of annual plan

Correspondence with PCO and PORD for unanticipated POR when related to the decision-making process

10 years after superseded

Plan POR projects

Define need for POR and determine if project will be contracted or non-contracted

Consult with PORD and Communications Procurement Directorate (CPD) at PWGSC

Consult with Privy Council Office

Gain approval from Minister’s office and senior management

Correspondence with PCO and PORD

Approved POR project proposal

Approved POR project plan

6 fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year in which the file closes, based on traditional practice applied to IRBV pertaining to financial transactions

Create project templates

Create project templates

5 years after superseded

Contract POR services 

Consult with PORD and Communications Procurement Directorate (CPD) at PWGSC

Inform PORD and CPD of any changes to scope of work

Key communications with PORD

Registration number of project

For remaining IRBV surrounding the procurement process please see the Acquisition Services GVT

6 fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year in which the file closes, based on traditional practice applied to IRBV pertaining to financial transactions

Conduct research

Authorization from PWGSC

Correspondence with PORD and CPD regarding changes in work requirements

Research instruments (e.g., questionnaires, screeners and discussion guides)

Draft research instruments (that highlight key changes)

Analysis plan

Survey data

Data tables

Contracted deliverables – field data or report from contracted company

6 fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year in which the file closes, based on traditional practice applied to IRBV pertaining to financial transactions

(Raw survey data is often retained longer.)

Report results

Final report (including certification from supplier’s senior officer)
English and French executive summaries

Correspondence with LAC showing fulfillment of reporting obligations

10 years after last administrative use

2. Corporate identity

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Make decisions about presenting communications material in compliance with Federal Identity Program (FIP) Policy

Request exemptions from using FIP from TB

Minutes from meetings with FIP manager / business areas / communications

Documentation providing advice

Correspondence with TBS

Minutes from consultations with TBS

2 years after superseded

Request approval for a corporate logo/image from Treasury Board (TB)

Design brief

Implementation plan

Correspondence with TBS

Minutes from consultations with TBS

Please see the Treasury Board Submissions GVT for IRBV related to submissions to Treasury Board

5 years after superseded

Monitor compliance with FIP in communications products and activities

Progress reports

Trend data

2 years after last administrative use

3. Consultations

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Prepare for consultation

Consultation plan

Same retention as for the project for which consultation was sought

Give notice of consultation

Notices of public consultation:

In Canada Gazette
On departmental and Consulting with Canadians
Newspaper, television, etc.
Background information on initiative

Same retention as for the project for which consultation was sought

Receive feedback

Submissions from public (emails, correspondence)

Same retention as for the project for which consultation was sought

Hold consultation session

Consultation material

Minutes, reports, summaries from consultation session

Public comments, transcripts, letters

Same retention as for the project for which consultation was sought

Report on results

Summaries, reports

Results published on departmental and Consulting with Canadians websites

Same retention as for the project for which consultation was sought

3a. Consultations (Duty to Consult)

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Develop departmental approach to Duty to Consult


5 years after superseded

Identify need for consultation

Describe Crown conduct

Identify government departments and other  stakeholders involved

Assess impact

Identify Aboriginal groups affected

Make initial decision whether a consultation is needed

Project description

Assessment of impact

Review of other current assessments (e.g., environmental assessment)

Minutes, correspondence with AANDC, and/or other government departments

Minutes, correspondence with Aboriginal groups

Documentation about Aboriginal rights / background information about the Aboriginal groups affected

Strength of claim assessment

Legal counsel

Document of decision

Communication of decision (correspondence, notice)

Same retention as for the project for which consultation was sought

Plan consultation

Coordinate with AANDC, other departments and other stakeholders (such as Aboriginal groups, provincial or territorial governments, and third parties)

Agendas, minutes



MOUs or other consultation agreements

Consultation plan

Notification of available funding (IRBV created in providing funding opportunities are found in the Transfer Payments GVT)

Same retention as for the project for which consultation was sought

Hold consultation

Notify Aboriginal groups

Notification documentation (correspondence or other means)

Documentation that records interaction with Aboriginal groups (letters, email messages, notes on telephone calls)

Documentation that records coordination with other stakeholders

Agendas, minutes

Presentations by participants

Reports from participants

Transcripts of hearings

Feedback from Aboriginal groups

Departmental responses to requests/concerns from Aboriginal groups

Issues management tracking table

Same retention as for the project for which consultation was sought

Report on consultation

Reports, summaries

Same retention as for the project for which consultation was sought

Communicate decision

Communications with Aboriginal groups (letters, email messages, notes on telephone calls)

Summaries, news releases

Same retention as for the project for which consultation was sought

4. Media relations

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Coordination of media relations - planning

Media relations plan

10 years after superseded

Coordination of media relations

Correspondence with journalists

2 years after last administrative use

Coordination of spokespeople

List of spokespeople

Summary of requirements for spokespeople

Summaries of / strategies for potential issues to be addressed

Recording of the spokesperson’s interview with the media

Annual report on performance of spokespeople

2 years after last administrative use or after superseded

Manage media requests

Requests from media

Consultation correspondence with Minister’s office


Spreadsheet of media requests

Summary of / report on media requests

10 years after creation or aligned with retention period for other IRBV of the event or program to which the communication information resource relates

Provide information to the media

Press releases

Backgrounders / fact sheets

Technical briefings

Audio-visual presentations

Recordings of press conferences, interviews

Questions and answers

10 years after creation or aligned with retention period for other IRBV of the event or program to which the communication information resource relates

Manage events and announcements

Coordination with Minister’s office and/or Privy Council



10 years after creation or aligned with retention period for other IRBV of the event or program to which the communication information resource relates

Media monitoring

Summaries of media monitoring (including social media)

Copies of written, sound or video recordings from media

2 years after last administrative use

Answer requests for copies of press statements
(transcripts, sound recordings, etc.)

Response to requests (email)

2 years after last administrative use

5a. Advertising

Throughout the advertising process: For IRBV related to any contracting of services, please refer to the Acquisition Services GVT.

Throughout all processes, discussions and decisions made orally must be documented by note to file.

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Planning and approval

Develop ad campaign

Submit campaign proposal (to PCO)

Submit Memorandum to Cabinet (when applicable)

Submit Treasury Board Submission for approval (when required)

Meeting minutes

Advertising or social marketing plan which includes:

Communications objectives
Key themes and messages
Target audiences
Public environmental analysis
Proposed tactics and timetable
Evaluation methods
Project work plan
Project budget

Final documents that show:

Senior management approval of plan
Privy Council Office approval of campaign funding
Cabinet approval of campaign (for those part of the GC Annual Advertising Plan or included in a program Memorandum to Cabinet) and Treasury Board approval of campaign funding

Note: For IRBV related to submissions to Treasury Board, please refer to the Treasury Board Submissions GVT

6 fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year in which the file closes, based on traditional practice applied to IRBV pertaining to financial transactions

Contract advertising services

Record of advice provided by PWGSC’s Advertising Coordination and Partnerships Directorate (ACPD) on the development of the Statement of Work

Reports, minutes of meetings, correspondence, etc., that describe work progress or that address quality of the services/deliverables received

6 fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year in which the file closes, based on traditional practice applied to IRBV pertaining to financial transactions

Advertising production

Work with agency to develop strategy, design and creative materials

Inform ACPD of changes to Statement of Work

Inform ACPD about creative product

Manage and approve agency work

Briefing to advertising agency

Advertising agency creative brief

Creative concepts, including rough layouts/storyboards, scripts and mock-ups

Revised concepts or scripts, if required

Media plan/strategy and supporting rationale

Marketing plans

Client contact reports (obtained from advertising agency)

Memoranda to and from the advertising agency approving concepts/scripts/details

Approved estimates and approved amendments of estimates of production costs

Production schedule

Subcontractors’ bids, if applicable

Production approvals from institution, regional offices

Privy Council Office advice

Supplier time sheets

Copyright clearances and releases (talent, music, photos, graphics, etc.)

Advertising agency invoices and supporting receipts (including Financial Administration Act section 34 sign-off)

6 fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year in which the file closes, based on traditional practice applied to IRBV pertaining to financial transactions


Note to file that pre-testing was coordinated through Public Opinion Research Directorate (PORD)

Pre-testing plan (e.g., a Statement of Work to be provided to a research supplier or an email to your institution’s Public Opinion Research coordinator advising of the requirement to pre-test and recommending options, or a note to file)

Pre-testing budget

Pre-testing timetable

Research instruments (recruiters’ guides, moderators’ guides, etc.)

Final report of the evaluation of the initial concepts prior to implementation

6 fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year in which the file closes, based on traditional practice applied to IRBV pertaining to financial transactions

Media planning

Develop media plan with agency

Review and approve plan

Submit plan to PCO, ACPD

Inform PCO and ACPD of any changes to plan

Approve and pay supplier invoices

Budget control report

Approved media buy plan

Documentation of institutional approval of the plan

Pre- and post-buy reports from the Agency of Record (AOR)

Media authorization number (ADV) issued by ACPD

AOR invoices (including Financial Administration Act section 34 sign-off)

Traffic reports (a summary of what time of day and in which media the advertisement appeared, obtained from the AOR)

Advertising agency timesheets

Status reports

Post-buy analysis and reconciliation of budget control report

6 fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year in which the file closes, based on traditional practice applied to IRBV pertaining to financial transactions


Final copy of the advertisement in all languages  (regardless of format)

Promotional items

6 years after the campaign ceases, or after no longer used for reference purposes

Post-campaign evaluation and reporting

Research and evaluate impact and value of advertising

Distribute results as required

Note to file that Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool (ACET) was used, if applicable (for IRBV relating to POR, see section 1. Public Opinion Research )

Note to file that post-campaign evaluation and reporting was coordinated through Public Opinion Research Directorate (PORD)

Research instruments (questionnaires, etc.)

Evaluation plan

Evaluation budget

Evaluation timetable

Final evaluation report (including data tables)

Any other evaluation indicators of campaign’s success

10 fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year in which the file closes

File close-out

Advertising campaign file checklist

6 fiscal years after the end of the fiscal year in which the file closes, based on traditional practice applied to IRBV pertaining to financial transactions

5b. Fairs and Exhibits

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period


Exhibit plan

Meeting agendas, minutes


Correspondence and other documentation showing coordination with other departments or jurisdictions

2 years after end of event


For all business processes and IRBV relating to contracting out the creation of material for display at fairs and exhibits, please see the Acquisition Services GVT.

For retention please see the Acquisition Services GVT.


Promotional materials such as

product demonstrations
interactive video games
promotional giveaways

2 years after end of event


Feedback forms, comments

Reports on exhibits to management

5 years after end of event

6. In-person service, telephone, fax, mail, internet

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Ensure coherence and consistency of communications across all channels

Ensure compliance with standards

Provide liaison services with the public

Service standards
Response templates

5 years after superseded

Correspondence, phone logs
Queries (requests for information, complaints)
Query management database

2 years after last administrative use

7. Translation services

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Provide translation services

Request forms

Emails confirming receipt and/or return of documents

Logs, spreadsheets, statistics

Style guides for departments

2 years after last administrative use

8. Publications

The business processes and IRBV created by the use of corporate logos in publications will be found in the activity “Corporate Identity” within this GVT.

The business processes and IRBV created by contracting out any part of the publication process (design, printing, distribution) will be found in the Acquisition Services GVT.

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Plan publications

Contact Publishing and Depository Services at Public Works and Government Services Canada

Strategic plans for publications

Approval of final designs, layouts, proofs

Advice on publication, print run, distribution

2 years after last administrative use

Produce publications

Final copies of:

Books, manuals, guides
Booklets, pamphlets, brochures
Kit folders
Technical backgrounders

Since government publications are transferred to Library and Archives Canada through legal deposit (Library and Archives of Canada Act, section 10), copies in departments need only be retained until reference ceases.

Manage copyright and licensing

Correspondence with Publishing and Depository Services

2 years after last administrative use

Manage ISBN and ISSN numbers

Notification of control number from Publishing and Depository Services

2 years after last administrative use

Distribute publications

Approved distribution plan

Correspondence with Publishing and Depository Services

2 years after last administrative use

Fulfill requirements for legal deposit

Correspondence with Publishing and Depository Services

Shipping documentation

2 years after last administrative use

Manage publications

List of publications

Reports (of sales figures, distribution numbers, etc.)

2 years after last administrative use

9. Prepare and implement communications plans and strategies

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Develop departmental communications plan

Manage risk communications

Manage emergency communications


Departmental communications plan (reviews, updates)

Communications strategies (program- or issue-based)

Risk communications plan

Emergency communications plan

Minutes and agendas from planning meetings

Internal and external environmental scans

Please see Cabinet Affairs GVT for IRBV surrounding submission of communications plans as Memorandum to Cabinet

10 years after plan superseded or no longer used for reference purposes

Documentation of consultation with other departments

Feedback from stakeholders

Evaluation reports

2 years after last administrative use

10. Provide communications support to the Minister, senior management and business areas

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Provide advice

Briefing notes or other documents providing advice

2 years after last administrative use

Prepare speeches for Ministers, Deputy Ministers or Assistant Deputy Ministers



Media lines

2 years for routine;

10 years for key speeches (retention of speeches should be aligned with program to which they refer)

Meeting minutes

Reference material

2 years after last administrative use

Manage Parliamentary affairs

Please see the Management and Oversight GVT for IRBV surrounding Question Period responses, preparation for Parliamentary hearings, etc.

Please see the Management and Oversight GVT for IRBV surrounding Question Period responses, preparation for Parliamentary hearings, etc.

11. Provide editing services

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Provide editing services

Request forms

Emails confirming receipt and/or return of documents

Logs, spreadsheets, statistics

Style guides for department

2 years after last administrative use or after superseded

12. Collaborate with other government institutions

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Manage communications created with other departments

Agendas and minutes from meetings with interdepartmental consultation committees


2 years after last administrative use

Manage communications created with external stakeholders, other jurisdictions

Agendas and minutes from meetings with consultation committees


2 years after last administrative use

13. Manage marketing events

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period


Communications plan for event

Briefing notes

Meeting agendas, minutes


2 years after end of program being marketed


For all business processes and IRBV relating to contracting out marketing events, please see the Acquisition Services GVT.

For all retention recommendations relating to contracting out marketing events, please see the Acquisition Services GVT.


Feedback forms

Reports to management

2 years after end of program being marketed

14. Communicate with the public through a departmental website

Note: For IRBV related to the contracting of services to design or maintain the website, please refer to the Acquisition Services GVT.

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Analyze website use (for design, management, and ensuring compliance)

Web analytics

Usability testing data

Access testing data

Testing reports

Server logs

2 years after change that it supported is gone or after no longer useful for research purposes

Note: Web analytics retained longer than 18 months must be anonymized

Design departmental website

Develop website plan

Implement website plan

Web strategy plan

Website plan

Graphic design plans

Information architecture, graphs, models

Correspondence with PCO (re domain names and links to government priorities)

User research (interviews, analytics)

Business needs analysis

User needs analysis

2 years after superseded

Minutes of meetings with business areas

2 years after last administrative use

Manage website

Maintain website content

Correspondence with clients

Web Content Review Plan

Web Inventory Report



Documentation re coordination with IT

Documentation re coordination with IM

Documentation re coordination with other departments

Departmental website

2 years after last administrative use or after superseded (as applicable)
Please note: The official version of content should be retained by business area for appropriate time according to their retention schedule.  

Ensure compliance:
Communications Policy of the Government of Canada

Official Languages Policy

Federal Identity Program Policy

Standard on Web Accessibility

Standard on Web Interoperability

Standard on Web Usability

Privacy Act

Procedures, tools, guidelines


Compliance/status reports

Reports to TBS (when requested)

Correspondence with TBS

2 years after last administrative use; 5 years after superseded for procedures

Monitor public needs and comments

Summaries of social media comments

Environmental analysis

Reports on web analytics

2 years after last administrative use

Provide proactive disclosure information


Supporting IRBV for each of the categories of proactive disclosure reports will be found in the appropriate GVT: Travel and Hospitality Expenses (Financial Management), Contracts (Acquisition Services), Position Reclassifications (Human Resources Management), Grant and Contribution Awards (Transfer Payments) and Founded Wrongdoing in the Workplace (Travel and Other Administrative Services).

To Be Determined (based on consultation with Treasury Board Secretariat)

Communicate through social media

Departmental social media strategy

Procedures, guidelines, tip sheets

5 years after superseded

TBS approvals when required

Approval documents

Rules of Engagement for public

Advice from Legal Services

Documentation of coordination with IM, IT and Legal Services

Privacy impact assessments


Correspondence, phone logs

Queries (requests for information, complaints)


Query management database

2 years after last administrative use

Information posted on social media that is:

not captured elsewhere
concerns decisions or the decision-making process
is a response from the public to a departmental request for information

Retention will depend on content captured; trigger will be after IRBV has been put into corporate repository

15. Manage internal communications

Business Processes Recommendations: Information Resources of Business Value (IRBVs) Recommendations: Retention Period

Manage intranet

Design intranet site

Monitor intranet site

For IRBV associated with contracting external service providers, please see Acquisition Services GVT

Design plan

Minutes from meetings with service provider (if applicable)

Approval of design

Internal communications plan

Inventory of pages on intranet site

Guide for use of intranet site

Monitoring reports

2 years after superseded

Produce department newsletter

Final versions

2 years after last administrative use

Develop internal communication products

Final versions

Messages from the Deputy Minister
Messages from senior management
Speeches from DM or senior management
Announcements for the launch of new initiatives
Event notifications

2 years after last administrative use

Create institutional intranet site

Intranet site

Content of intranet: 2 years after superseded

Official version of content retained by business area for appropriate time