Common operational activities



For the purposes of this Generic Valuation Tool, Adjudication is considered to encompass only quasi-judicial decision-making, which falls outside of the formal court system


Authorization includes the issuance of licenses, certificates, or other tools which either allow an individual or an institution to perform a relevant activity, or approve the sale or use of a product, process, or service

Cabinet Affairs

Cabinet Affairs is a common operational and enabling activity carried out by line Government of Canada (GC) institutions on behalf of all agencies in a minister’s portfolio


There are many types of investigations performed in the Government of Canada (GC) that are conducted for various purposes. Types of investigations include: criminal, regulatory, accident, human rights, and administrative fairness

Regulatory compliance and enforcement

Regulatory compliance and enforcement involves actions that encourage and compel compliance with a regulatory framework

Science and technology activities

This Generic Valuation Tool (GVT) focuses on internal S&T activities conducted by the federal government, whereas external S&T activities fall under the transfer payment process

Transfer payments

The transfer payment process involves transferring money, goods, services, or assets to individuals, organizations or other levels of government based on established eligibility requirements, where funds may or may not be repayable under specific conditions

Treasury Board submissions

The Treasury Board submission transforms policy rationale and objectives into a program that will achieve those objectives

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