Improving your application

Here are some tips from our advisors and past recipients:

  • Write short, clear paragraphs.
    • This is especially true for the Project Description and Expected Results.
    • Avoid repetition.
  • Ensure your application responds to the project assessment criteria.
  • Make sure the dollars and dates match in your budget and timeline forms.
  • Participate in our webinars for applicants, which we usually hold in November.
  • If you’re planning a digitization project, refer to our Digitization project checklist.
  • Reach out to past recipients for advice.
    • Past funding recipients play a leadership role in the documentary heritage community. We value collaboration and partnerships with these organizations.
  • Look for opportunities to collaborate.
    • We encourage non-incorporated organizations to partner with incorporated organizations.
  • Join the DHCP group on GCcollab by sending an email to:
    • Connect with former recipients and other applicants
    • Take part in a discussion forum
    • Access technical resources

Contact our team for additional advice and guidance. We are here to support you.

Our Regional Ambassador is available to support Northern and Indigenous applicant organizations.

Stay tuned for important dates by subscribing to our mailing list.

Regional Ambassador for the North and Indigenous Applicant Organizations

The DHCP Regional Ambassador provides information and practical support to assist Indigenous organizations and organizations in remote areas with their applications.

Carmen Miedema is a Plains Cree woman from Peepeekisis Cree Nation and the mother of four grown children. She has a Master's Degree in Archival Studies from the University of Manitoba and is in the third year of her PhD in the Indigenous Studies Department at the University of Manitoba. Carmen's professional passions concentrate on:

  • Indigenous ownership of knowledge, specifically the knowledge held in settler institutions archival repatriation
  • true community engagement
  • the rights of Indigenous women

To get support from the Regional Ambassador, please contact the DHCP team.