Library and Archives Canada’s Youth Advisory Council is recruiting!

Are you between the ages of 16 and 25? Check out these five good reasons to apply to join Library and Archives Canada’s (LAC) Youth Advisory Council (YAC):

  1. You’re interested in culture, and you’re curious about your background and your future.
  2. You’re drawn to issues of representation, inclusion and diversity.
  3. You’d like to help support increasingly diverse historical narratives.
  4. You have ideas about making the collections at LAC more visible to young people and to under-represented and marginalized communities.
  5. You’d welcome the opportunity to think about all of this while being compensated.

Does this sound good?

Visit our website to find out more about the YAC, the admission criteria and the application process. You can apply until September 13, 2023, 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time.

We’re looking for a YAC with young Canadians who have a range of experiences and backgrounds, and who are willing to challenge conventions.

And who knows? Maybe, with your help, we can reach new—interplanetary—audiences!

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