LAC Strategic Policy Suites

​​At Library and Archives Canada (LAC), we use evidence-based policies and make strategic decisions to deliver on our mandate to Canadians in an accountable and transparent manner. LAC’s strategic policy suites ensure consistency and coherence among different parts of the institution and alignment with relevant Government of Canada policies.

All LAC staff are involved in policy development. Strategic direction is provided by senior management who approve strategic policy frameworks (broad principles) and related policies (requirements and responsibilities). Staff then implement these policies.

Access Policy Suite

Approved in 2016, the Access Policy Framework and its policies facilitate access to LAC’s collection. LAC seeks to make its holdings available, accessible and discoverable within legal restrictions. The following policies fall under the framework and elaborate on its principles:

Evaluation and Acquisition Policy Suite

Approved in 2016, the Evaluation and Acquisition Policy Framework and its policies provide the principles guiding evaluation and acquisition of documentary heritage material. These principles are: national significance, collaboration, representativeness, expertise-based, and complementarity.

Preservation Policy Suite

Approved in 2022, the Preservation Policy Framework and its policies outline LAC's approach to preserving its collections, and to managing and protecting documentary heritage transferred in its custody. The guiding principles underlying LAC’s preservation activities are trustworthiness, sustainability, and collaboration. LAC strives for responsible and responsive acquisition, access, and preservation decisions that will take into account long-term preservation requirements.

Policy Management Framework

Approved in 2018, the Policy Management Framework establishes principles and requirements that enable policy development, implementation and governance at LAC.