Column headings in some census documents can be difficult to read. We've transcribed them below to help.
Census of 1825, Lower Canada
A pre-printed or hand-written form was used, with headings written in French or in English. For your convenience, those headings have been translated.
The columns were not numbered and the headings do not appear on every page.
Column 1. Noms des paroisses ou places dans le comté (Names of parishes or localities within the county)
Column 2. Noms des chefs de familles (Names of heads of family)
Column 3. Nombre total de personnes demeurant dans chaque maison (Total number of persons living in each house)
Column 4. Nombre d’absents de la province, appartenant à la famille (Number of persons belonging to the family, absent from the province)
Column 5. Nombre de personnes demeurant dans la maison au-dessous de six ans (Number of persons living in the house under 6 years of age)
Column 6. Nombre de personnes demeurant dans la maison au-dessus de six ans et au-dessous de quatorze ans (Number of persons living in the house from 6 years of age and under 14 years)
Column 7. Nombre de personnes demeurant dans la maison au-dessus de quatorze ans, et au-dessous de dix-huit ans (Number of persons living in the house from 14 years of age and under 18 years)
Column 8. Hommes (Men)
De 18 ans et au-dessous de 25 ans (From 18 years of age and under 25 years)
- Non-mariés (Not married)
- Mariés (Married)
De 25 et au-dessous de 40 ans (From 25 and under 40 years of age)
- Non-mariés (Not married)
- Mariés (Married)
De 40 et au-dessous de 60 ans (From 40 and under 60 years of age)
- Non-mariés (Not married)
- Mariés (Married)
De 60 ans et au-dessus (From 60 years of age and over)
- Non-mariés (Not married)
- Mariés (Married)
Column 9. Femmes (Women)
- Au-dessous de 14 ans (Under 14 years of age)
De 14 et au-dessous de 45 ans (From 14 and under 45 years of age)
- Non-mariés (Not married)
- Mariés (Married)
De 45 ans et au-dessus (From 45 years of age and over)
- Non-mariés (Not married)
- Mariés (Married)
Column 10. Remarques générales et noms de la personne ou des personnes qui ont personnellement fait l’énumération et retour de chaque place, et entre les mains de qui, dans chaque place, il a été déposé une copie de ces retours. (General remarks and names of the person or persons who actually took the enumeration and returns in each place, and in whose hands a copy of the returns were left, in each place.)
Census of 1831, Lower Canada
A pre-printed or hand-written form was used with headings written in French or in English. For your convenience, those headings have been translated.
The columns were not numbered and the headings do not appear on every page.
Column 1. Maisons avec leurs positions locales dans une concession, rang, rue, etc. (Houses with their local situation in any concession, range, street, etc.)
- Maisons habitées (Houses inhabited)
- Maisons en construction (Houses under construction)
- Maisons inhabitées (Vacant houses)
Column 2. Nom du chef de chaque famille(Name of the head of each family)
Column 3. Propriétaire de bien-fonds (Proprietor of real property)
Column 4. Non-propriétaire de biens-fonds (Non-proprietor of real property)
Column 5. Métier ou profession (Trade or profession)
Column 6. Nombre total de personnes dans chaque famille (Total number of persons in each family)
Column 7. Nombre de personnes appartenant à la famille et temporairement absentes de la province (Number of persons belonging to the family and temporarily absent from the province)
Column 8. Nombre de personnes dans la famille, âgées de cinq ans et au-dessous (Number of persons in the family, 5 years of age and under)
Column 9. Nombre de personnes au-dessus de cinq et au-dessous de quatorze ans (Number of persons in the family, above 5 and under 14 years of age)
Column 10. Mâles (Males)
14 et au-dessous de 18 (14 and under 18)
- Mariés (Married)
- Non-mariés (Not married)
18 et au-dessous de 21 (18 and under 21)
- Mariés (Married)
- Non-mariés (Not married)
21 et au-dessous de 30 (21 and under 30)
- Mariés (Married)
- Non-mariés (Not married)
30 et au-dessous de 60 (30 and under 60)
- Mariés (Married)
- Non-mariés (Not married)
60 et au-dessus (60 and above)
- Mariés (Married)
- Non-mariés (Not married)
Column 11. Femelles (Females)
- Au-dessous de 14 ans (Under 14 years of age)
14 et au-dessous de 45 (14 and under 45)
- Mariées (Married)
- Non-mariées (Not married)
45 et au-dessus (45 and above)
- Mariées (Married)
- Non-mariées (Not married)
Column 12. Nombre de sourds et muets dans chaque famille, et l'occupation pour laquelle ils montrent le plus d'aptitude (Number of deaf and dumb persons in each family, and the occupation for which they show the most aptitude)
Column 13. Nombre de personnes aveugles dans chaque famille (Number of blind persons in each family)
Column 14. Nombre d'insensés dans chaque famille (Number of insane persons in each family)
Column 15. Nombre de personnes dans chaque famille qui sont en relation avec l'Église d'Angleterre (Number of persons in each family affiliated with the Church of England)
Column 16. Nombre de personnes dans chaque famille qui sont en relation avec l'Église d'Écosse (Number of persons in each family affiliated with the Church of Scotland)
Column 17. Nombre de Catholiques romains dans chaque famille (Number of Roman Catholics in each family)
Column 18. Nombre de Méthodistes dans chaque famille (Number of Methodists in each family)
Column 19. Nombre de Presbytériens et Congrégationalistes dans chaque famille, qui ne sont pas en relation avec l'Église d'Écosse (Number of Presbyterians and Congregationalists in each family, not affiliated with the Church of Scotland)
Column 20. Nombre de Baptistes dans chaque famille (Number of Baptists in each family)
Column 21. Nombre de Juifs dans chaque famille (Number of Jews in each family)
Column 22. Nombre de personnes de toute autre dénomination dans chaque famille (Number of persons of other denominations in each family)
Column 23. Nombre de familles qui gagnent leur subsistance par les travaux de l'agriculture (Number of family members earning their subsistence by agricultural work)
Column 24. Nombre des serviteurs employés comme fermiers dans chaque famille (Number of males employed as farmers in each family)
Column 25. Nombre de familles qui s'occupent de commerce et de négoce (Number of family members engaged in commerce and trade)
Column 26. Nombre de personnes qui subsistent par le moyen d'aumônes (Number of persons subsisting on alms)
Column 27. Nombre d'acres ou d'arpents de terres occupés par chaque famille (Number of acres or arpents of land occupied by each family)
Column 28. Nombre d'acres ou d'arpents de terres cultivés, occupés par chaque famille (Number of acres or arpents of cultivated land occupied by each family)
Column 29. Récolte de chaque famille de l'année dernière (Harvest of each family last year)
- Nombre de minots de bled (Number of bushels of wheat)
- Nombre de minots de pois (Number of bushels of peas)
- Nombre de minots d'avoine (Number of bushels of oats)
- Nombre de minots d'orge (Number of bushels of barley)
- Nombre de minots de seigle (Number of bushels of rye)
- Nombre de minots de bled d'Inde (Number of bushels of Indian corn)
- Nombre de minots de patates (Number of bushels of potatoes)
- Nombre de minots de blé sarrazin (Number of bushels of buckwheat)
Column 30. Sous quelle tenure ces terres sont possédées par la famille (Under what tenure is the land owned by the family)
Column 31. Taux des rentes seigneuriales, payées pour les terres tenues par chaque famille à titre de cens (Rate of seigniorial lease, paid for the land held by each family)
Column 32. Prix moyen de la rente en argent sur les terres tenues à ferme par chaque famille (Average price of rent in money on land held on lease or cultivated on shares, by each family)
Column 33. Proportion des produits alloués au propriétaire pour les terres tenues à ferme, ou cultivées à part, par chaque famille (Proportions of produce allocated to the owner for land held on lease or cultivated on shares by each family)
Column 34. Nombre de bêtes à cornes appartenant à chaque famille (Number of cattle belonging to each family)
Column 35. Nombre de chevaux appartenant à chaque famille (Number of horses belonging to each family)
Column 36. Nombre de moutons appartenant à chaque famille (Number of sheep belonging to each family)
Column 37. Nombre de cochons appartenant à chaque famille (Number of pigs belonging to each family)
Column 38. Nombre de collèges, d'académies et de couvents dans chaque paroisse, seigneurie, township, place extra-paroissiale, quartier ou division d'une ville etc. (Number of colleges, academies and convents in each parish, seigniory, township, extra-parochial place, ward and division of a town, etc.)
Column 39. Nombre d'école élémentaires dans chaque tel lieu (Number of elementary schools in each such place)
Column 40. Nombre d'écoliers dans chaque tel collège, académie, couvent ou école élémentaire (Number of scholars in each college, academy, convent or elementary school)
- Mâles (Males)
- Femelles (Females)
Column 41. Nombre d'auberges ou de maisons d'entretien public dans chaque tel lieu (Number of inns or taverns in each such place)
Column 42. Nombre de magasins où il se débite des liqueurs fortes dans chaque tel lieu (Number of shops where hard liquor is sold in each such place)
Column 43. Nombre de moulins à farine dans chaque tel lieu (Number of grist mills in each such place)
Column 44. Nombre de moulins à scie dans chaque tel lieu (Number of saw mills in each such place)
Column 45. Nombre de moulins pour la fabrique des huiles dans chaque tel lieu (Number of oil mills in each such place)
Column 46. Nombre de moulins foulons dans chaque tel lieu (Number of fulling mills in each such place)
Column 47. Nombre de moulins à carder dans chaque tel lieu (Number of carding mills in each such place)
Column 48. Nombre de fabriques pour le fer dans chaque tel lieu (Number of factories for iron in each such place)
Column 49. Nombre de fonderies de fer dans chaque tel lieu (Number of iron foundries in each such place)
Column 50. Nombre de distilleries dans chaque tel lieu (Number of distilleries in each such place)
Column 51. Nombre de fabriques pour la potasse et la perlasse dans chaque tel lieu (Number of factories for potash and pearl ash in each such place)
Column 52. Nombre de fabriques de toutes autres espèces dans chaque tel lieu, dont les mouvements sont mûs par le vent, l'eau, la vapeur ou la force animale, indiquant les usages auxquels on fait servir les mouvements, et quel est la force motrice (Number of factories of any other sort in each such place, containing any machinery moved by wind, water or animal power, specifying the purpose to which such machinery is applied, and by which power it is moved)
Column 53. Prix moyen du blé dans chaque tel lieu, depuis la dernière récolte (Average price of wheat in each such place since the last harvest)
Column 54. Prix moyen des gages dans chaque tel lieu, aux serviteurs employés à l'agriculture et qui sont nourris par ceux qui les emploient – par mois (Average wages paid in each such place to servants employed in agriculture, and who are boarded by their employers—per month)
Column 55. Prix moyen des gages que l'on paye dans chaque tel lieu aux journaliers – par jour (Average wages paid in each such place to day labourers—per day)
Column 56. Nombre de personnes actuellement établies, nées dans le Royaume-Uni, et qui sont arrivées dans la province par la mer depuis le premier mai mil huit cent vingt-cinq (Number of actual settlers, born in the United Kingdom, who have arrived in the province by sea since May 1, 1825)
Column 57. Nombre de personnes actuellement établies, nées dans le Royaume-Uni, et qui ont arrivées dans la province autrement que par la mer depuis le premier mai mil huit cent vingt-cinq (Number of actual settlers, born in the United Kingdom, who have arrived in the province by way other than by sea since May 1, 1825)
Column 58. Nombre de personnes actuellement établies qui sont venues d'aucun pays étranger dans la province depuis le premier mai mil huit cent vingt-cinq (Number of actual settlers currently established that came from no foreign country into the province since May 1, 1825)
Column 59. Nombre de personnes qui ont fait le retour de chaque paroisse, seigneurie, township, place hors d'une paroisse, quartier ou division d'une ville etc. et qui ont en personne obtenu les renseignements qui y sont contenus et la date de tel retour (Number of persons by whom the return for each parish, seigniory, township, extra-parochial place, ward or division of town, etc. has been made and by whom the information therein contained was personally obtained, and the date of such return)
Column 60. Lieu où l'on a déposé le duplicate du retour, d'après les réquisitions de l'acte (Place where the duplicate of the return has been deposited, according to the law)
Column 61. Observations générales (General remarks)
Census of 1842, Canada East
A pre-printed or hand-written form was used with headings written in English or in French. For your convenience, we have included the headings used on the English forms in Canada West.
The columns were not numbered and the headings do not appear on every page.
Please note that when describing ethnic origin or mental capacity, some terms were used by the enumerators in 1842 and do not reflect current usage when describing a person’s background
Column 1. Maisons avec leurs positions locales dans aucun rang, concession, rue, etc. (Houses with their local situations in any range, concession, street, etc.)
- Maisons habitées (Houses inhabited)
- Maisons inhabitées (Houses vacant)
- Maisons en construction (Houses under construction)
Column 2. Nom du chef de chaque famille (Name of the head of each family)
Column 3. Propriétaire de biens-fonds (Proprietor of real property)
Column 4. Non-propriétaire de biens-fonds (Non-proprietor of real property)
Column 5. Locataire ayant droit de voter à aucune élection de cité, ville, etc. (Tenant entitled to vote at any election in city, town, etc.)
Column 6. Métier ou profession (Trade or profession)
Column 7. Nombre total de personnes dans chaque famille, mâles ou femelles y résidant maintenant (Total number of inmates in each family, male and female, currently residing in the house)
Column 8. Nombre de personnes appartenant à la famille, mâles et femelles, et temporairement absentes de la province (Number of persons belonging to the family, male or female, and temporarily absent from the province)
Column 9. Nombre de natifs d’Angleterre appartenant à chaque famille (Number of natives of England belonging to each family)
Column 10. Nombre de natifs d’Irlande appartenant à chaque famille (Number of natives of Ireland belonging to each family)
Column 11. Nombre de natifs d’Écosse appartenant à chaque famille (Number of natives of Scotland belonging to each family)
Column 12. Nombre de natifs du Canada appartenant à chaque famille d’origine française (Number of natives of Canada belonging to each family of French origin)
Column 13. Nombre de natifs du Canada appartenant à chaque famille d’origine britannique (Number of natives of Canada belonging to each family of British origin)
Column 14. Nombre de natifs du continent d’Europe ou autrement les désignant séparément (Number of natives of continent of Europe or otherwise, specifying the same separately)
Column 15. Nombre de natifs des États-Unis d’Amérique (Number of natives of the United States of America)
Column 16. Nombre d’années que chaque personne, n’étant pas native de cette province, y a résidé (Number of years each person has been in the province when not native thereof)
Column 17. Nombre d’aubains qui ne sont pas naturalisés (Number of aliens not naturalized)
Column 18. Nombre de personnes dans la famille, âgées de cinq ans et au-dessous (Number of persons in the family, five years of age and under)
- Mâles (Male)
- Femelles (Female)
Column 19. Nombre de personnes au-dessus de cinq et au-dessous de quatorze ans (Number of persons in the family, above five and under fourteen years of age)
- Mâles (Male)
- Femelles (Female)
Column 20. Mâles (Males
14 et au-dessous de 18 (14 and not 18)
- Mariés (Married)
- Non-mariés (Single)
18 et au-dessous de 21 (18 and not 21)
- Mariés (Married)
- Non-mariés (Single)
21 et au-dessous de 30 (21 and not 30)
- Mariés (Married)
- Non-mariés (Single)
30 et au-dessous de 60 (30 and not 60)
- Mariés (Married)
- Non-mariés (Single)
60 et au-dessus (60 and upwards)
- Mariés (Married)
- Non-mariés (Single)
Column 21. Femelles (Females)
14 et au-dessous de 45 (14 and not 45)
- Mariées (Married)
- Non-mariées (Single)
45 et au-dessus (45 and upwards)
- Mariées (Married)
- Non-mariées (Single)
Column 22. Nombre de sourds et muets dans chaque famille, et l’occupation pour laquelle ils montrent le plus d’aptitude ( Number of deaf and dumb people in each family, and the occupation for which they show the greatest aptitude)
- Mâles (Male)
- Femelles (Female)
Column 23. Nombre d’aveugles dans chaque famille (Number of blind persons in each family)
- Mâles (Male)
- Femelles (Female)
Column 24. Nombre d’idiots dans chaque famille (Number of idiots in each family)
- Mâles (Male)
- Femelles (Female)
Column 25. Nombre de lunatiques dans chaque famille (Number of lunatic persons in each family)
- Mâles (Male)
- Femelles (Female)
Column 26. Nombre de personnes dans chaque famille appartenant à l’Église d’Angleterre (Number of persons in each family belonging to Church of England)
Column 27. Nombre de personnes dans chaque famille appartenant à l’Église d’Écosse (Number of persons in each family belonging to Church of Scotland)
Column 28. Nombre de personnes dans chaque famille appartenant à l’Église de Rome (Number of persons in each family belonging to Church of Rome)
Column 29. Nombre de méthodistes wesleyens britanniques dans chaque famille (Number of British Wesleyan Methodists in each family)
Column 30. Nombre de méthodistes wesleyens canadiens dans chaque famille (Number of Canadian Wesleyan Methodists in each family)
Column 31. Nombre de méthodistes épiscopaux dans chaque famille (Number of Episcopal Methodists in each family)
Column 32. Nombre d’autres méthodistes dans chaque famille (Number of other Methodists in each family)
Column 33. Nombre de presbytériens qui ne sont pas en relation avec l’Église d’Écosse dans chaque famille (Number of Presbyterians not in connection with the Church of Scotland in each family)
Column 34. Nombre de congrégationalistes ou d’indépendants dans chaque famille (Number of Congregationalists or Independents in each family)
Column 35. Nombre de baptistes ou d’anabaptistes dans chaque famille (Number of Baptists and Anabaptists in each family)
Column 36. Nombre de luthériens dans chaque famille (Number of Lutherans in each family)
Column 37. Nombre de quakers dans chaque famille (Number of Quakers in each family)
Column 38. Nombre de moraviens et de tunkers dans chaque famille (Number of Moravians and Tunkers in each family)
Column 39. Nombre de personnes dans chaque famille appartenant à l’Église réformée de la Hollande (Number of Dutch Reformed Church in each family)
Column 40. Nombre de juifs dans chaque famille (Number of Jews in each family)
Column 41. Nombre de personnes de toutes autres dénominations dans chaque famille (Number of persons of all other religious denominations not herein enumerated in each family)
Column 42. Nombre de personnes mâles de couleur dans chaque famille (Number of male coloured persons in each family)
Column 43. Nombre de personnes femelles de couleur dans chaque famille (Number of female coloured persons in each family)
Column 44. Nombre d’engagés, employés à l’agriculture dans chaque famille (Number of male farm servants employed in each family)
Column 45. Nombre d’engagés, employés autrement dans chaque famille (Number of other male servants in private families)
Column 46. Nombre de servantes dans chaque famille (Number of other female servants in private families)
Column 47. Nombre de personnes qui s’occupent du négoce ou du commerce (Number of persons engaged in trade or commerce)
Column 48. Nombre de personnes dans chaque famille qui subsistent par le moyen d’aumône (Number of persons in each family subsisting on alms [paupers])
Column 49. Nombre d’acres ou d’arpents de terres occupés par chaque famille (Number of acres or arpents of land occupied by each family)
Column 50. Nombre d’acres ou d’arpents de terres cultivés, occupés par chaque famille (Number of acres or arpents of improved land occupied by each family)
Column 51. Récolte de chaque famille de l’année dernière en boisseaux de Winchester (Produce raised by each family during the last year, and estimated in Winchester bushels)
- Bled de froment (Wheat)
- Orge (Barley)
- Seigle (Rye)
- Avoine (Oats)
- Pois (Peas)
- Bled d’Inde (Indian Corn)
- Bled sarrazin (Buckwheat)
- Patates (Potatoes)
Column 52. Nombre d’essaims d’abeilles qu’avait chaque famille l’année dernière (Number of hives of bees kept by each family last season)
Column 53. Nombre de livres de sucre d’érable faits par chaque famille l’année dernière (Number of pounds of maple sugar made by each family last season)
Column 54. Bestiaux appartenant à chaque famille (Livestock owned by each family)
- Bêtes à cornes (Neat Cattle)
- Chevaux (Horses)
- Moutons (Sheep)
- Cochons (Hogs)
Column 55. Nombre de verges d’étoffe foulée manufacturées dans chaque famille (Number of yards of fulled cloth manufactured in the domestic way in the same family)
Column 56. Nombre de verges de toile, coton ou autre petite étoffe, manufacturées dans chaque famille (Number of yards of linen, cotton, or other thin cloth, manufactured in the domestic way in the same family)
Column 57. Nombre de verges de flanelle, ou autre étoffe en laine, point foulée, manufacturées dans chaque famille (Number of yards of flannel or other woolen cloth, not fulled, manufactured in the domestic way in the same family)
Column 58. Nombre de livres de laine obtenues par chaque famille pendant la dernière année (Number of pounds of wool procured during the last year in each family)
Column 59. Sous quelle tenure telle terre est tenue par chaque famille (Under what tenure such land is held by each family)
Column 60. Taux de la rente seigneuriale payée pour terres tenues à titre de cens (Rate of seigneurial rent paid for land held “à titre de cens”)
Column 61. Taux moyens de rente en argent pour terres affermées par chaque famille (Average money rent of farm, farmed by each family)
Column 62. Quelle proportion du produit est donnée au propriétaire pour terres tenues à bail ou cultivées à parts par chaque famille (Proportion of produce allowed to the proprietor for land held on lease or cultivated on shares by each family)
Column 63. Nombre de collèges, d’académies et de couvents dans chaque paroisse, township, place extra-paroissiale, quartier ou division d’une ville, etc. (Number of colleges, academies and convents in each parish, township, extra-parochial place, ward or division of the town, etc.)
Column 64. Nombre d’écoles élémentaires dans chaque tel lieu (Number of elementary schools in every such place)
Column 65. Nombre d’écoliers dans chaque tel collège, académie, couvent ou école élémentaire (Number of scholars at each such college, academy, convent or elementary school)
- Mâles (Male)
- Femelles (Female)
Column 66. Nombre d’auberges ou de maisons d’entretien public dans tel lieu (Number of taverns or houses of public entertainment in every such place)
Column 67. Nombre de magasins où il se vend des liqueurs fortes dans chaque tel lieu (Number of stores where spirituous liquors are sold in every such place)
Column 68. Nombre de moulins à farine dans chaque tel lieu (Number of grist mills in every such place)
Column 69. Nombre de moulanges dans chaque moulin (Number of pairs of mill stones in each mill)
Column 70. Nombre de moulins à farine d’avoine dans chaque tel lieu (Number of oatmeal mills in every such place)
Column 71. Nombre de moulins à orge dans chaque tel lieu (Number of barley mills in every such place)
Column 72. Nombre de moulins à scie dans chaque tel lieu (Number of saw mills in every such place)
Column 73. Nombre de moulins pour la fabrique de l’huile dans chaque tel lieu (Number of oil mills in every such place)
Column 74. Nombre de moulins à foulon dans chaque tel lieu (Number of fulling mills in every such place)
Column 75. Nombre de moulins à carder dans chaque tel lieu (Number of carding mills in every such place)
Column 76. Nombre de moulins à battre dans chaque tel lieu (Number of thrashing mills in every such place)
Column 77. Nombre de moulins pour la fabrique du papier dans chaque tel lieu (Number of paper mills in every such place)
Column 78. Nombre de fabriques pour le fer dans chaque tel lieu (Number of iron works in every such place)
Column 79. Nombre de gros marteaux de fonderies de fer dans chaque tel lieu (Number of trip hammers in every such place)
Column 80. Nombre de fabriques de cloux dans chaque tel lieu (Number of nail factories in every such place)
Column 81. Le poids des cloux fabriqués dans chaque tel lieu (The weight of nails so manufactured in such place)
Column 82. Nombre de distilleries dans chaque tel lieu (Number of distilleries in every such place)
Column 83. Nombre de brasseries dans chaque tel lieu (Number of breweries in every such place)
Column 84. Nombre de tanneries dans chaque tel lieu (Number of tanneries in every such place)
Column 85. Nombre de fabriques pour la potasse et la perlasse dans chaque tel lieu (Number of potash and pearl ash manufactories in every such place)
Column 86. Nombre de fabriques de toute autre espèce dans chaque tel lieu, dont le mécanisme est mû par le vent, l’eau, la vapeur ou la force animale, indiquant les usages auxquels on fait servir les mécanismes et quelle est la force motrice (Number of manufactories of any sort in every such place, containing any machinery moved by wind, water, steam or animal power, specifying the purposes to which such machinery is applied, and by what power it is moved)
Column 87. Prix moyen du blé de froment dans chaque tel lieu, depuis la dernière récolte (Average price of wheat in every such place since last harvest)
Column 88. Taux moyen des gages payés dans chaque tel lieu aux engagés employés à l’agriculture (Average price of agricultural labour per day throughout the year)
Column 89. Question additionnelle, en référence à la distribution d’argent pour les écoles—nombre d’enfants entre 5 et 16 ans dans chaque famille (Additional inquiry, with reference to the distribution of school money—number of children between five and sixteen in each family)
Census of 1842, Canada West
A pre-printed or hand-written form was used, with headings written in English.
The columns were not numbered and the headings do not appear on every page.
Please note that when describing ethnic origin or mental capacity, some terms were used by the enumerators in 1842 and do not reflect current usage when describing a person’s background.
Column 1. Houses with their local situations in any range, concession, street, etc.
- Houses inhabited
- Houses vacant
- Houses under construction
Column 2. Name of the head of each family
Column 3. Proprietor of real property
Column 4. Non-proprietor of real property
Column 5. Tenant entitled to vote at any election in city, town, etc.
Column 6. Trade or profession
Column 7. Total number of inmates in each family, male and female, currently residing in the house
Column 8. Number of persons belonging to the family, male or female, and temporarily absent from the province
Column 9. Number of natives of England belonging to each family
Column 10. Number of natives of Ireland belonging to each family
Column 11. Number of natives of Scotland belonging to each family
Column 12. Number of natives of Canada belonging to each family of French origin
Column 13. Number of natives of Canada belonging to each family of British origin
Column 14. Number of natives of continent of Europe or otherwise, specifying the same separately
Column 15. Number of natives of the United States of America
Column 16. Number of years each person has been in the province when not native thereof
Column 17. Number of aliens not naturalized
Column 18. Number of persons in the family, five years of age and under
Column 19. Number of persons in the family, above five and under fourteen years of age
Column 20. Male
Column 21. Female
Column 22. Number of deaf and dumb people in each family, and the occupation for which they show the greatest aptitude
Column 23. Number of blind persons in each family
Column 24. Number of idiots in each family
Column 25. Number of lunatic persons in each family
Column 26. Number of persons in each family belonging to Church of England
Column 27. Number of persons in each family belonging to Church of Scotland
Column 28. Number of persons in each family belonging to Church of Rome
Column 29. Number of British Wesleyan Methodists in each family
Column 30. Number of Canadian Wesleyan Methodists in each family
Column 31. Number of Episcopal Methodists in each family
Column 32. Number of other Methodists in each family
Column 33. Number of Presbyterians not in connection with the Church of Scotland in each family
Column 34. Number of Congregationalists or Independants in each family
Column 35. Number of Baptists and Anabaptists in each family
Column 36. Number of Lutherans in each family
Column 37. Number of Quakers in each family
Column 38. Number of Moravians and Tunkers in each family
Column 39. Number of Dutch Reformed Church in each family
Column 40. Number of Jews in each family
Column 41. Number of persons of all other religious denominations not herein enumerated in each family
Column 42. Number of male coloured persons in each family
Column 43. Number of female coloured persons in each family
Column 44. Number of male farm servants employed in each family
Column 45. Number of other male servants in private families
Column 46. Number of other female servants in private families
Column 47. Number of persons engaged in trade or commerce
Column 48. Number of persons in each family subsisting on alms or paupers
Column 49. Number of acres or arpents of land occupied by each family
Column 50. Number of acres or arpents of improved land occupied by each family
Column 51. Produce raised by each family during the last year, and estimated in Winchester bushels
- Wheat
- Barley
- Rye
- Oats
- Peas
- Indian Corn
- Buckwheat
- Potatoes
Column 52. Number of hives of bees kept by each family last season
Column 53. Number of pounds of maple sugar made by each family last season
Column 54. Livestock owned by each family
- Neat Cattle
- Horses
- Sheep
- Hogs
Column 55. Number of yards of fulled cloth manufactured in the domestic way in the same family
Column 56. Number of yards of linen, cotton, or other thin cloth, manufactured in the domestic way in the same family
Column 57. Number of yards of flannel or other woolen cloth, not fulled, manufactured in the domestic way in the same family
Column 58. Number of pounds of wool procured during the last year in each family
Column 59. Under what tenure such land is held by each family
Column 60. Rate of seigneurial rent paid for land held “à titre de cens”
Column 61. Average money rent of farm, farmed by each family
Column 62. Proportion of produce allowed to the proprietor for land held on lease or cultivated on shares by each family
Column 63. Number of colleges, academies and convents in each parish, township, extra-parochial place, ward or division of the town, etc.
Column 64. Number of elementary schools in every such place
Column 65. Number of scholars at each such college, academy, convent or elementary school
Column 66. Number of taverns or houses of public entertainment in every such place
Column 67. Number of stores where spirituous liquors are sold in every such place
Column 68. Number of grist mills in every such place
Column 69. Number of pairs of mill stones in each mill
Column 70. Number of oatmeal mills in every such place
Column 71. Number of barley mills in every such place
Column 72. Number of saw mills in every such place
Column 73. Number of oil mills in every such place
Column 74. Number of fulling mills in every such place
Column 75. Number of carding mills in every such place
Column 76. Number of thrashing mills in every such place
Column 77. Number of paper mills in every such place
Column 78. Number of iron works in every such place
Column 79. Number of trip hammers in every such place
Column 80. Number of nail factories in every such place
Column 81. The weight of nails so manufactured in such place
Column 82. Number of distilleries in every such place
Column 83. Number of breweries in every such place
Column 84. Number of tanneries in every such place
Column 85. Number of pot and pearl ash manufactories in every such place
Column 86. Number of manufactories of any sort in every such place, containing any machinery moved by wind, water, steam or animal power, specifying the purposes to which such machinery is applied, and by what power it is moved
Column 87. Average price of wheat in every such place since last harvest
Column 88. Average price of agricultural labour per day throughout the year
Column 89. Additional inquiry, with reference to the distribution of school money—number of children between five and sixteen in each family
Census of 1851
When describing ethnic origin or mental capacity, some terms were used by the enumerators in 1851 that no longer reflect current usage when describing a person's background.
Canada West – Schedule A – Urban personal census
Column 1. Names of inmates
Column 2. Profession, trade or occupation
Column 3. Place of birth. F indicates that the person was born of Canadian parents.
Column 4. Religion
Column 5. Residence if out of limits
Column 6. Age next birth day
Column 7. Sex: male
Column 8. Sex: female
Column 9. Married or single
Column 10. Widowers or widows
Column 11. Colored persons
Column 12. Residents: members of family: male
Column 13. Residents: members of family: female
Column 14. Residents: not members: male
Column 15. Residents: not members: female
Column 16. Members of family absent: male
Column 17. Members of family absent: female
Column 18. Deaf and dumb
Column 19. Blind
Column 20. Lunatics
Column 21. Attending school: male
Column 22. Attending school: female
Column 23. Birth in 1851: male
Column 24. Birth in 1851: female
Column 25. Deaths in 1851: no.: male
Column 26. Deaths in 1851: no.: female
Column 27. Deaths in 1851: age and cause of death
Column 28. Houses: brick, stone, frame, log, etc.
Column 29. Houses: no. of stories
Column 30. Houses: no. of families occupying
Column 31. Houses: vacant
Column 32. Houses: building
Column 33. Horses
Column 34. Cows
Column 35. Sheep
Column 36. Pigs
Column 37. Carriages for pleasure
Column 38. Carriages for hire
Column 39. Quantity of land attached to tenement
Column 40. Shop, stores, inns, taverns, schools, etc.
Column 41. Manufactures of all kinds – Mills, ship yards etc., their produce, etc. and whether worked by steam or water
Column 42. No. of hands employed
Column 43. Remarks
Canada West - Schedule A – Rural personal census
Column 1. Names of inmates
Column 2. Profession, trade or occupation
Column 3. Place of birth. F indicates that the person was born of Canadian parents.
Column 4. Religion
Column 5. Residence if out of limits
Column 6. Age next birth day
Column 7. Sex: male
Column 8. Sex: female
Column 9. Married or single
Column 10. Colored persons – negroes
Column 11. Indians, if any
Column 12. Residents: members, male
Column 13. Residents: members, female
Column 14. Residents: not members: male
Column 15. Residents: not members: female
Column 16. Members of family absent: male
Column 17. Members of family absent: female
Column 18. Deaf and dumb: male
Column 19. Deaf and dumb: female
Column 20. Blind: male
Column 21. Blind: female
Column 22. Lunatics: male
Column 23. Lunatics: female
Column 24. Attending school: male
Column 25. Attending school: female
Column 26. Births during the year 1851: male
Column 27. Births during the year 1851: female
Column 28. Deaths during the year 1851: no. male
Column 29. Deaths during the year 1851: no. female
Column 30. Deaths during the year 1851: age and cause of death
Column 31. Houses: brick, stone, frame, log, shanty or other kind of residence
Column 32. Houses: no. of stories
Column 33. Houses: no. of families occupying
Column 34. Houses: vacant
Column 35. Houses: building
Column 36. Shops, stores, inns, taverns etc.
Column 37. Public buildings
Column 38. Places of worship
Column 39. Information as to mills, factories etc., their cost, power, produce, etc.
Column 40. Number of persons usually employed therein
Column 41. General remarks of the enumerator
Canada West – Schedule B – Agricultural census
Column 1. Name of occupier
Column 2. Concession or range
Column 3. Lot or part of lot
Column 4. Number of acres of land: held by each person or family
Column 5. Number of acres of land: under cultivation
Column 6. Number of acres of land: under crops in 1851
Column 7. Number of acres of land: under pasture 1851
Column 8. Number of acres of land: gardens or orchards
Column 9. Number of acres of land: under wood or wild
Column 10. Wheat: acres
Column 11. Wheat: produce bushels
Column 12. Barley: acres
Column 13. Barley: produce bushels
Column 14. Rye: acres
Column 15. Rye: produce bushels
Column 16. Peas: acres
Column 17. Peas: bushels
Column 18. Oats: acres
Column 19. Oats: bushels
Column 20. Buckwheat: acres
Column 21. Buckwheat: bushels
Column 22. Indian corn: acres
Column 23. Indian corn: bushels
Column 24. Potatoes: acres
Column 25. Potatoes: bushels
Column 26. Turnips: acres
Column 27. Turnips: bushels
Column 28. Clover, timothy or other grass seed: bushels
Column 29. Carrots: bushels
Column 30. Mangle wurtzel: bushels
Column 31. Beans: bushels
Column 32. Hops: pounds
Column 33. Hay: bundles or tons
Column 34. Flax or hemp: pounds
Column 35. Tobacco: pounds
Column 36. Wool: pounds
Column 37. Millett (or empty column)
Column 38. Parsnips (or empty column)
Column 39. Empty column
Column 40. Maple sugar: pounds
Column 41. Cider: gallons
Column 42. Fulled cloth: yards
Column 43. Linen: yards
Column 44. Flannel: yards
Column 45. Bulls, oxen or steers
Column 46. Milch cows
Column 47. Calves or heifers
Column 48. Horses of all ages
Column 49. Sheep
Column 50. Pigs
Column 51. Butter: pounds
Column 52. Cheese: pounds
Column 53. Beef barrels or cwts
Column 54. Pork: Barrels or cwts
Column 55. Quantity of fish cured
Column 56. Remarks
Canada East – Schedule A – Urban personal census
A pre-printed form was used with headings written only in French. For your convenience, those headings have been translated.
Column 1. Noms des personnes dans la maison (Names of persons in the house)
Column 2. Profession, état ou occupation (Profession, status or occupation)
Column 3.
Lieu de naissance (Place of birth). F indicates that the person was born of Canadian parents.
Column 4. Religion (Religion)
Column 5. Résidence si elle est hors des limites (Residence if outside of limits)
Column 6. Âge au jour anniversaire de naissance suivant (Age at next birthday)
Column 7. Sexe: hommes (Sex: male)
Column 8. Sexe: femmes (Sex: female)
Column 9. Marié ou non-marié (Married or single)
Column 10. Personnes de couleur, nègres (Colored persons – Negroes)
Column 11. Indiens, s'il s'en trouve (Indians, if any)
Column 12. Résidents: membres de la famille : hommes (Residents: members of the family: male)
Column 13. Résidents: membres de la famille: femmes (Residents: members of the family: female)
Column 14. Résidents: non-membres de la famille: hommes (Residents: not members of the family: male)
Column 15. Résidents: non-membres de la famille: femmes (Residents: not members of the family: female)
Column 16. Membres de la famille absents: hommes (Members of the family absent: male)
Column 17. Membres de la famille absents: femmes (Members of the family absent: female)
Column 18. Sourds et muets: hommes (Deaf and dumb: male)
Column 19. Sourds et muets: femmes (Deaf and dumb: female)
Column 20. Aveugles: hommes (Blind: male)
Column 21. Aveugles: femmes (Blind: female)
Column 22. Aliénés: hommes (Lunatics: male)
Column 23. Aliénés: femmes (Lunatics: female)
Column 24. Allant à l'école: hommes (Attending school: male)
Column 25. Allant à l'école: femmes (Attending school: female)
Column 26. Naissances durant l'année 1851: hommes (Births during the year 1851: male)
Column 27. Naissances durant l'année 1851: femmes (Births during the year 1851: female)
Column 28. Décès durant l'année 1851: nombre : hommes (Deaths during the year 1851: Number, male)
Column 29. Décès durant l'année 1851: nombre : femmes (Deaths during the year 1851: Number, female)
Column 30. Décès durant l'année 1851: âge et cause des décès (Deaths during the year 1851: age and cause of death)
Column 31. Maisons: en brique, pierre, charpente, pièces ou autre genre de construction (Houses: brick, stone, frame, log, or other types of construction)
Column 32. Maisons: nombre d'étages (Houses: number of stories)
Column 33. Maisons: nombre de familles dans la maison (Number of families in the house)
Column 34. Maisons: maisons non habitées(Houses: vacant)
Column 35. Maisons: maisons en construction (Houses: under construction)
Column 36. Boutiques, magasins, auberges, tavernes, etc. (Shops, stores, inns, taverns, etc.)
Column 37. Édifices publics (Public buildings)
Column 38. Édifices consacrés au culte (Places of worship)
Column 39. Renseignements relatifs aux moulins, manufactures, etc., mise de capital, force motrice, production etc. (Information as to mills, factories, etc., investment, power, production, etc.)
Column 40. Nombre de personnes qui y sont généralement employées (Number of persons generally employed therein)
Column 41. Observations générales par le recenseur (General remarks of the enumerator)
Canada East – Schedule A – Urban personal census (2nd variation)
A pre-printed form was used with headings written only in French. For your convenience, those headings have been translated.
Column 1.
Noms des personnes dans la maison (Names of persons in the house)
Column 2.
Profession, état ou occupation (Profession, status or occupation)
Column 3.
Lieu de naissance (Place of birth). F indicates that the person was born of Canadian parents.
Column 4. Religion (Religion)
Column 5.
Résidence si elle est hors des limites (Residence if outside of limits)
Column 6.
Âge au jour anniversaire suivant (Age next birthday)
Column 7.
Sexe: hommes (Sex: male)
Column 8. Sexe: femmes (Sex: female)
Column 9.
Marié ou non-marié (Married or single)
Column 10.
Veufs ou veuves (Widowers or widows)
Column 11.
Personnes de couleur (Colored persons)
Column 12.
Résidents: membres de la famille: hommes (Residents: members of the family: male)
Column 13.
Résidents: membres de la famille: femmes (Residents: members of the family: female)
Column 14.
Résidents: non membres de la famille: hommes (Residents: not members of the family: male)
Column 15.
Résidents: non membres de la famille: femmes (Residents: not members of the family: female)
Column 16.
Membres de la famille absents: hommes (Members of family: absent: male)
Column 17.
Membres de la famille absents: femmes (Members of family: absent: female)
Column 18.
Sourds et muets (Deaf and dumb)
Column 19.
Aveugles (Blind)
Column 20.
Aliénés (Lunatics)
Column 21.
Allant à l'école: hommes (Attending school: male)
Column 22.
Allant à l'école: femmes (Attending school: female)
Column 23.
Naissances durant l'année 1851: hommes (Births during the year 1851: male)
Column 24.
Naissances durant l'année 1851: femmes (Births during the year 1851: female)
Column 25.
Décès durant l'année 1851: no : hommes (Deaths during the year 1851: Number: males)
Column 26.
Décès durant l'année 1851: no : femmes (Deaths during the year 1851: Number: females)
Column 27.
Décès durant l'année 1851: âge et cause des décès (Deaths during the year 1851: age and cause of death)
Column 28.
Maisons: en brique, pierre, charpente, pièces, etc.(Houses: brick, stone, frame, log, etc.)
Column 29.
Maisons: Nombre d'étages (Houses: number of stories)
Column 30.
Maisons: Nombre de familles dans la maison (Number of families in the house)
Column 31.
Maisons: Maisons non habitées (Houses: vacant)
Column 32.
Maisons: En construction (Houses: under construction)
Column 33.
Chevaux (Horses)
Column 34.
Vaches (Cows)
Column 35. Moutons (Sheep)
Column 36.
Cochons (Pigs)
Column 37.
Voitures de plaisir (Carriages for pleasure)
Column 38.
Voitures de louage (Carriages for hire)
Column 39.
Quantité de terre attachée à l'habitation (Quantity of land attached to tenement)
Column 40.
Boutiques, magasins, auberges, tavernes, écoles, etc. (Shops, stores, inns, taverns, schools, etc.)
Column 41.
Manufactures de toutes sortes – moulins, chantiers de construction, etc. et s'ils sont mûs par la vapeur ou par l'eau (Manufactures of all kinds: mills, construction sites, etc., their produce, etc. and whether worked by steam or water)
Column 42.
Nombre de personnes employées (Number of persons employed)
Column 43.
Remarques (Remarks)
Canada East – Schedule A – Rural personal census
A pre-printed form was used with headings written only in French. For your convenience, those headings have been translated.
Column 1. Noms des personnes dans la maison (Names of persons in the house)
Column 2. Profession, état ou occupation (Profession, status or occupation)
Column 3.
Lieu de naissance (Place of birth). F indicates that the person was born of Canadian parents.
Column 4. Religion (Religion)
Column 5. Résidence, si elle est hors des limites (Residence, if outside of limits)
Column 6. Âge au jour de l'anniversaire de naissance suivant (Age at next birthday)
Column 7. Sexe: hommes (Sex: male)
Column 8. Sexe: femmes (Sex: female)
Column 9. Marié ou non marié (Married or single)
Column 10. Personnes de couleur, nègres (Coloured persons – Negroes)
Column 11. Indiens, s'il s'en trouve (Indians, if any)
Column 12. Résidents: membres de la famille: hommes (Residents: members of the family: male)
Column 13. Résidents: membres de la famille: femmes (Residents: members of the family: female)
Column 14. Résidents: non-membres de la famille: hommes (Residents: non members of the family: male)
Column 15. Résidents: non-membres de la famille: femmes (Residents: non members of the family: female)
Column 16. Membres de la famille absents: hommes (Absent members of the family: male)
Column 17. Membres de la famille absents: femmes (Absent members of the family: female)
Column 18. Sourds et muets: hommes (Deaf and dumb: male)
Column 19. Sourds et muets: femmes (Deaf and dumb: female)
Column 20. Aveugles: hommes (Blind: male)
Column 21. Aveugles: femmes (Blind: female)
Column 22. Aliénés: hommes (Lunatics: male)
Column 23. Aliénés: femmes (Lunatics: female)
Column 24. Allant à l'école: hommes (Students: male)
Column 25. Allant à l'école: femmes (Students: female)
Column 26. Naissances durant l'année 1851: hommes (Births during the year 1851: male)
Column 27. Naissances durant l'année 1851: femmes (Births during the year 1851: female)
Column 28. Nombre de décès durant l'année 1851: hommes (Number of deaths during the year 1851: male)
Column 29. Nombre de décès durant l'année 1851: femmes (Number of deaths during the year 1851: female)
Column 30. Décès durant l'année 1851: âge et cause des décès (Deaths during the year 1851: age and cause of death)
Column 31. Maisons: brique, pierre, charpente, pièces ou autre genre de construction (Houses: brick, stone, frame, log or other types of construction)
Column 32. Maisons: nombre d'étages (Houses: number of stories)
Column 33. Maisons: Nombre de familles dans la maison (Houses: number of families in the house)
Column 34. Maisons non habitées (Houses: vacant)
Column 35. Maisons en construction (Houses: under construction)
Column 36. Boutiques, magasins, auberges, tavernes, etc. (Shops, stores, inns, taverns, etc.)
Column 37. Édifices publics (Public buildings)
Column 38. Édifices consacrés au culte (Places of worship)
Column 39. Renseignements relatifs aux moulins, manufactures, etc. mise de capital, force motrice, production, etc. (Information as to mills, factories, etc., investment, power,
roduction, etc.)
Column 40. Nombre de personnes qui y sont généralement employées (Number of persons usually employed therein)
Column 41. Observations générales par le recenseur (General remarks of the enumerator)
Canada East – Schedule B – Agricultural census
A pre-printed form was used with headings written only in French. For your convenience, those headings have been translated.
Note: Different units of measure were used in Canada East: the minot, which is similar in size to a bushel, and the arpent, which is approximately 0.84 of an acre.
Column 1. Nom de l'occupant (Name of occupant)
Column 2. Rang ou concession (Range or concession)
Column 3. Lot entier ou partie du lot (Lot or part of lot)
Column 4. Nombre d'arpents de terre: occupés par chaque personne ou famille (Number of arpents of land: held by each person or family)
Column 5. Nombre d'arpents de terre: en culture (Number of arpents of land: under cultivation)
Column 6. Nombre d'arpents de terre: ayant produit une récolte en 1851 (Number of arpents of land: having produced a harvest in 1851)
Column 7. Nombre d'arpents de terre: en pâturage en 1851 (Number of arpents of land: under pasture in 1851)
Column 8. Nombre d'arpents de terre: jardins et vergers (Number of arpents of land: gardens and orchards)
Column 9. Nombre d'arpents de terre: en bois debout ou incultes (Number of arpents of land: wooded or wild)
Column 10. Blé: arpents (Wheat: arpents)
Column 11. Blé: produit en minots (Wheat: bushels)
Column 12. Orge: arpents (Barley: arpents)
Column 13. Orge: produit en minots (Barley: bushels)
Column 14. Seigle: arpents (Rye: arpents)
Column 15. Seigle: produit en minots (Rye: bushels)
Column 16. Pois: arpents (Peas: arpents)
Column 17. Pois: produit en minots (Peas: bushels)
Column 18. Avoine: arpents (Oats: arpents)
Column 19. Avoine: produit en boisseaux (Oats: bushels)
Column 20. Blé sarrasin: arpents (Buckwheat: arpents)
Column 21. Blé sarrasin: produit en minots (Buckwheat: bushels)
Column 22. Blé d'Inde: arpents (Corn: arpents)
Column 23. Blé d'Inde: produit en minots (Corn: bushels)
Column 24. Patates: arpents(Potatoes: arpents)
Column 25. Patates: produit en minots (Potatoes: bushels)
Column 26. Navets: arpents (Turnips: arpents)
Column 27. Navets: produit en minots (Turnips: bushels)
Column 28. Trèfle, mil et autres fourrages, minots (Clover, millet and forage: bushels)
Column 29. Carottes (Carrots)
Column 30. Mangel wurtze (Beets)
Column 31. Fèvres: minots (Beans: bushels)
Column 32. Houblon: lbs (Hops: pounds)
Column 33. Foin: bottes ou tonnes (Hay: bales or tons)
Column 34. Lin ou chanvre: lbs. (Flax or hemp: pounds)
Column 35. Tabac: lbs (Tabacco: pounds)
Column 36. Laine: lbs (Wool: pounds)
Column 37. Colonne vide (Empty column)
Column 38. Colonne vide (Empty column)
Column 39. Colonne vide (Empty column)
Column 40. Sucre d'érable: lbs (Maple sugar: pounds)
Column 41. Cidre: gallons (Cider: gallons)
Column 42. Étoffe foulée: verges (Fulled cloth: yards)
Column 43. Toile: verges (Canvas: yards)
Column 44. Flanelle: verges (Flannel: yards)
Column 45. Taureaux, bœufs et bouvillons (Bulls, oxen and steer)
Column 46. Vaches laitières (Dairy cows)
Column 47. Veaux et génisses (Cows and heifers)
Column 48. Chevaux de tous âges (Horses of all ages)
Column 49. Moutons (Sheep)
Column 50. Cochons (Pigs)
Column 51. Beurre: lbs (Butter: pounds)
Column 52. Fromage: lbs (Cheese: pounds)
Column 53. Bœuf: barils ou quint (Beef: barrels or hundredweights)
Column 54. Lard: barils ou quint (Bacon: barrels or hundredweights)
Column 55. Quantité de poisson préparé (Quantity of fish prepared)
Column 56. Observations (Remarks)
New Brunswick – Schedule no. 1 – Personal census
Column 1. Dwelling
Column 2. Name
Column 3. Sex
Column 4. Relationship
Column 5. Age
Column 6. Race
Column 7. Rank or occupation
Column 8. Date of entering the colony
Column 9. Sick or infirm
Column 10. Remarks
New Brunswick – Schedule no. 2 – Parish information (no names of individuals)
Column 1. Inhabited houses
Column 2. By how many families inhabited
Column 3. Houses now building
Column 4. Uninhabited houses
Column 5. Stores, barns and outhouses
Column 6. No. births preceding year
Column 7. No. deaths preceding year
Column 8. No. children attending grammar schools
Column 9. No. children attending parish schools
Column 10. Estimated quantity of cleared land
Column 11. Tons of hay cut
Column 12. Bushels of wheat raised
Column 13. Bushels of barley raised
Column 14. Bushels of oats raised
Column 15. Bushels of buckwheat raised
Column 16. Bushels of Indian corn raised
Column 17. Bushels of peas and beans raised
Column 18. Bushels of turnips raised
Column 19. Bushels of potatoes raised
Column 20. Bushels of other roots raised
Column 21. Number of neat cattle
Column 22. Number of cows, how many milked
Column 23. Quantity of butter
Column 24. Number of horses
Column 25. Number of sheep
Column 26. Number of swine
Column 27. No. of churches and places of worship
Column 28. Number of schools
Column 29. No. of saw mills, and hands employed
Column 30. No. of grist mills, and hands employed
Column 31. No. of tanneries, and hands employed
Column 32. No. of foundries, and hands employed
Column 33. Number of weaving and carding establishments and hands employed
Column 34. No. of hand looms
Column 35. Number of yards of woolen cloth manufactured
Column 36. No. of factories, other than the above, and hands employed
Column 37. Value of boots and shoes manufactured
Column 38. Value of leather manufactured
Column 39. Value of candles manufactured
Column 40. Value of wooden ware manufactured, other than cabinet makers
Column 41. Value of soap manufactured
Column 42. Value of chairs and cabinet ware manufactured
Column 43. Value of fish caught, and quantities
Column 44. Value of hats manufactured
Column 45. Value of iron castings manufactured
Column 46. Quantity of coal raised
Column 47. Quantity of iron smelted
Column 48. Number of breweries
Column 49. No. of gallons of malt liquor manufactured
Column 50. Casks of lime burnt
Column 51. No. of grindstones
Column 52. Tons gypsum quarried
Column 53. Quantity of maple sugar manufactured
Nova Scotia – Heads of families
Column 1. Heads of families
Column 2. Buildings: no. of inhabited houses
Column 3. Buildings: by how many families inhabited
Column 4. Buildings: no. of houses now building
Column 5. Buildings: no. of uninhabited houses
Column 6. Buildings: no. of stores, barns and outhouses
Column 7. Inhabitants of various ages: no. under 10 years of age: males
Column 8. Inhabitants of various ages: no. under 10 years of age: females
Column 9. Inhabitants of various ages: from 10 to 20 years of age: males
Column 10. Inhabitants of various ages: from 10 to 20 years of age: females
Column 11. Inhabitants of various ages: from 20 to 30 years of age: males
Column 12. Inhabitants of various ages: from 20 to 30 years of age: females
Column 13. Inhabitants of various ages: from 30 to 40 years of age: males
Column 14. Inhabitants of various ages: from 30 to 40 years of age: females
Column 15. Inhabitants of various ages: from 40 to 50 years of age: males
Column 16. Inhabitants of various ages: from 40 to 50 years of age: females
Column 17. Inhabitants of various ages: above 50 years of age: males
Column 18. Inhabitants of various ages: above 50 years of age: females
Column 19. Inhabitants of various ages: no. of married persons of both sexes
Column 20. Inhabitants of various ages: no. of widowers
Column 21. Inhabitants of various ages: no. of widows
Column 22. Inhabitants of various ages: no. of rate payers
Column 23. Inhabitants of various ages: no. of paupers
Column 24. Deaf and dumb: males
Column 25. Deaf and dumb: females
Column 26. Blind: males
Column 27. Blind: females
Column 28. Lunatics: males
Column 29. Lunatics: females
Column 30. Idiots: males
Column 31. Idiots: females
Column 32. Indians: males, including children
Column 33. Indians: females, including children
Column 34. Colored persons: males, including children
Column 35. Colored persons: females, including children
Column 36. Assessments: amount of assessment for county rates
Column 37. Assessments: amount of assessment for poor rates
Column 38. Assessments: highest rate for poor and county
Column 39. Assessments: lowest rate for poor and county
Column 40. Value of property: assessed value of real estate
Column 41. Value of property: probable value of real estate
Column 42. Value of property: assessed value of personal estate
Column 43. Births, deaths, and marriages: no. of births the preceding year
Column 44. Births, deaths, and marriages: no. of deaths the preceding year
Column 45. Births, deaths, and marriages: no. of marriages the preceding year
Column 46. Nos. engaged in various occupations: no. of clergymen or ministers
Column 47. Nos. engaged in various occupations: no. of doctors
Column 48. Nos. engaged in various occupations: no. of farmers
Column 49. Nos. engaged in various occupations: no. of mechanics
Column 50. Nos. engaged in various occupations: no. of merchants and traders
Column 51. Nos. engaged in various occupations: no. of persons engaged in the fisheries
Column 52. Nos. engaged in various occupations: no. of seamen registered
Column 53. Nos. engaged in various occupations: no. of persons employed at sea
Column 54. Nos. engaged in various occupations: no. of persons engaged in lumbering
Column 55. Places of worship: no. of churches and places of worship
Column 56. Places of worship: denomination
Column 57. Improved land: no. of acres of dyke land
Column 58. Improved land: average value
Column 59. Improved land: no. of acres of other improved land
Column 60. Schools and pupils: no. of schools in district
Column 61. Schools and pupils: no. of children attending schools
Column 62. Nos. of various religious denominations: Church of England
Column 63. Nos. of various religious denominations: Catholics
Column 64. Nos. of various religious denominations: Kirk of Scotland
Column 65. Nos. of various religious denominations: Free Church
Column 66. Nos. of various religious denominations: Presbyterian Church of N.S.
Column 67. Nos. of various religious denominations: Baptists
Column 68. Nos. of various religious denominations: Methodists
Column 69. Nos. of various religious denominations: Congregationalists
Column 70. Nos. of various religious denominations: Universalists
Column 71. Nos. of various religious denominations: Lutherans
Column 72. Nos. of various religious denominations: Sandemanians
Column 73. Nos. of various religious denominations: Quakers
Column 74. Nos. of various religious denominations: other denominations
Column 75. Agricultural: no. of tons of hay cut
Column 76. Agricultural: no. of bushels of wheat raised
Column 77. Agricultural: no. of bushels of barley raised
Column 78. Agricultural: no. of bushels of rye raised
Column 79. Agricultural: no. of bushels of oats raised
Column 80. Agricultural: no. of bushels of buckwheat raised
Column 81. Agricultural: no. of bushels of Indian corn raised
Column 82. Agricultural: no. of bushels of peas and beans raised
Column 83. Agricultural: quantity of timothy and clover seed raised
Column 84. Produce: no. of bushels of potatoes raised
Column 85. Produce: no. of bushels of turnips raised
Column 86. Produce: no. of bushels of other root crops raised
Column 87. Agricultural stock: no. of neat cattle
Column 88. Agricultural stock: no. of milch cows
Column 89. Agricultural stock: no. of horses
Column 90. Agricultural stock: no. of sheep
Column 91. Agricultural stock: no. of swine
Column 92. Fisheries: no. of vessels engaged in the fisheries
Column 93. Fisheries: no. of men on board
Column 94. Fisheries: amount of tonnage engaged in the fisheries
Column 95. Fisheries: no. of boats engaged in the fisheries
Column 96. Fisheries: no. of men on board
Column 97. Fisheries: no. of nets and seines
Column 98. Fisheries: quantity of dry fish cured
Column 99. Fisheries: quantity of salmon caught and cured
Column 100. Fisheries: quantity of shad caught and cured
Column 101. Fisheries: quantity of smoked herrings cured
Column 102. Fisheries: quantity of mackerel caught and cured
Column 103. Fisheries: quantity of herrings caught and cured
Column 104. Fisheries: quantity of alewives caught and cured
Column 105. Fisheries: value
Column 106. Fisheries: quantity of fish oil
Column 107. Fisheries: value
Column 108. Mills and factories: no. of saw mills
Column 109. Mills and factories: value
Column 110. Mills and factories: no. of hands employed
Column 111. Mills and factories: no. of grist mills
Column 112. Mills and factories: value
Column 113. Mills and factories: no. of hands employed
Column 114. Mills and factories: no. of tanneries
Column 115. Mills and factories: value
Column 116. Mills and factories: no. of hands employed
Column 117. Mills and factories: no. of foundries
Column 118. Mills and factories: value
Column 119. Mills and factories: no. of hands employed
Column 120. Mills and factories: no. of weaving and carding establishments
Column 121. Mills and factories: value
Column 122. Mills and factories: no. of hands employed
Column 123. Mills and factories: no. of breweries and distilleries
Column 124. Mills and factories: value
Column 125. Mills and factories: no. of hands employed
Column 126. Mills and factories: no. of hand looms
Column 127. Mills and factories: value
Column 128. Mills and factories: no. of other factories
Column 129. Mills and factories: value
Column 130. Mills and factories: no. of hands employed
Column 131. Mills and factories: no. of steam mills or factories
Column 132. Articles manufactured: no. of yards of fulled cloth manufactured last year
Column 133. Articles manufactured: no. of yards of cloth not fulled
Column 134. Articles manufactured: no. of yards of flannel
Column 135. Articles manufactured: value of boots and shoes manufactured
Column 136. Articles manufactured: value of leather manufactured
Column 137. Articles manufactured: value of candles manufactured
Column 138. Articles manufactured: value of soap manufactured
Column 139. Articles manufactured: value of agricultural implements manufactured
Column 140. Articles manufactured: value of chairs and cabinet ware manufactured
Column 141. Articles manufactured: value of carriages manufactured
Column 142. Articles manufactured: value of other wooden ware manufactured
Column 143. Articles manufactured: value of iron castings manufactured
Column 144. Articles manufactured: quantity of coal raised
Column 145. Articles manufactured: quantity of iron smelted
Column 146. Articles manufactured: value
Column 147. Articles manufactured: no. of gallons of malt liquor manufactured
Column 148. Articles manufactured: no. of gallons of distilled liquor manufactured
Column 149. Articles manufactured: no. of casks of lime burnt
Column 150. Articles manufactured: value
Column 151. Articles manufactured: quantity of bricks manufactured
Column 152. Articles manufactured: value
Column 153. Articles manufactured: no. of grindstones quarried
Column 154. Articles manufactured: value
Column 155. Articles manufactured: tons of gypsum quarried
Column 156. Articles manufactured: value
Column 157. Articles manufactured: quantity of maple sugar manufactured
Column 158. Articles manufactured: quantity of butter manufactured
Column 159. Articles manufactured: quantity of cheese manufactured
Column 160. Articles manufactured: no. of vessels built
Column 161. Articles manufactured: tonnage
Column 162. Articles manufactured: no. of boats built
Census of 1861
Enumerators described ethnic origin or mental capacity with terms used in 1861. Some of those terms no longer reflect current usage when describing a person’s background.
Canada West—Personal census
Column 1. Names of inmates
Column 2. Profession, trade or occupation
Column 3. Place of birth
Column 4. Married during the year
Column 5. Religion
Column 6. Residence if out of limits
Column 7. Age next birth day
Column 8. Sex: male
Column 9. Sex: female
Column 10. Married or single
Column 11. Widowers
Column 12. Widows
Column 13. Colored persons, mulatto or Indian
Column 14. Residents: members of family: male
Column 15. Residents: members of family: female
Column 16. Residents: not members: male
Column 17. Residents: not members: female
Column 18. Members of family absent: male
Column 19. Members of family absent: female
Column 20. Deaf and dumb
Column 21. Blind
Column 22. Lunatics or idiots
Column 23. Attending school within the year: male
Column 24. Attending school within the year: female
Column 25. Persons over 20 who cannot read or write: male
Column 26. Persons over 20 who cannot read or write: female
Column 27. Births in 1860: male
Column 28. Births in 1860: female
Column 29. Deaths in 1860: no. male
Column 30. Deaths in 1860: no. female
Column 31. Deaths in 1860: age and cause of death
Column 32. Houses: brick, stone, frame, log, etc.
Column 33. Houses: no. of stories
Column 34. Houses: no. of families living in house
Column 35. Houses: vacant
Column 36. Houses: being built
Column 37. Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: horses
Column 38. Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: cows
Column 39. Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: sheep
Column 40. Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: pigs
Column 41. Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: value of livestock in dollars
Column 42. Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: carriages for pleasure
Column 43. Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: value of same dollars
Column 44. Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: carriages for hire
Column 45. Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: value of same dollars
Column 46. Quantity of land attached to tenement
Column 47. Name of business or manufacture
Column 48. Capital invested in business in real estate and personal estate
Column 49. Raw material used, exclusive of fuel: quantities
Column 50. Raw material used, exclusive of fuel: kinds
Column 51. Raw material used, exclusive of fuel: value
Column 52. What motive power or machinery
Column 53. Average number of hands employed: male
Column 54. Average number of hands employed: female
Column 55. Average cost per month of male labor
Column 56. Average cost per month of female labor
Column 57. Annual product of business or manufacture: quantities
Column 58. Annual product of business or manufacture: kinds
Column 59. Annual product of business or manufacture: value
Column 60. Remarks
Canada East—Personal census
A pre-printed form was used with headings written only in French. For your convenience, those headings have been translated.
Column 1. Noms des personnes qui habitent la maison (Names of persons living in the house)
Column 2. Profession, métier ou occupation(Profession, trade or occupation)
Column 3. Lieu de naissance (Place of birth)
Column 4. Mariés durant l'année (Married during the year)
Column 5. Religion (Religion)
Column 6. Résidence si hors des limites (Residence if out of limits)Column 7. Âge au prochain anniversaire (Age next birthday)
Column 8. Sexe, masculin (Sex: male)
Column 9. Sexe, féminin (Sex: female)
Column 10. Marié ou non-marié (Married or not married)
Column 11. Veufs (Widowers)Column 12. Veuves (Widows)
Column 13. Personnes de couleur : mulâtres ou sauvages (Colored persons: mulattos or Indians)
Column 14. Résidents : membres de la famille : mâle (Residents: members of family: male)
Column 15. Résidents : membres de la famille : femelle (Residents: members of family: female)
Column 16. Résidents : étrangers à la famille : mâle (Residents: not members of the family: male) Column 17. Résidents : étrangers à la famille : femelle (Residents: not members of the family: female)
Column 18. Membres de la famille absents : mâle (Members of family absent: male)
Column 19. Membres de la famille absents : femelle (Members of family absent: female)
Column 20. Sourds ou muets (Deaf or dumb)
Column 21. Aveugles (Blind)
Column 22. Lunatiques ou idiots (Lunatics or idiots)
Column 23. Nombre d'enfants allants à l'école pendant l'année : mâle (Number of children attending school during the year: male)
Column 24. Nombre d'enfants allants à l'école pendant l'année : femelle (Number of children attending school during the year: female)
Column 25. Individus de plus de 20 ans ne sachant lire ni écrire : mâle (Persons over 20 who cannot read or write: male)Column 26. Individus de plus de 20 ans ne sachant lire ni écrire : femelle (Persons over 20 who cannot read or write: female)
Column 27. Nés en 1860 : mâle (Born in 1860: male)
Column 28. Nés en 1860 : femelle (Born in 1860: female)
Column 29. Morts en 1860 : nombre : mâle (Deaths in 1860: number: male)
Column 30. Morts en 1860 : nombre : femelle (Deaths in 1860: number: female)
Column 31. Morts en 1860 : âge et cause du décès (Deaths in 1860: age and cause of death)
Column 32. Maisons : bâties en brique, en pierre ou en bois, etc. (Houses: built in brick, in stone or in wood, etc.)
Column 33. Maisons : nombre d'étages (Houses: number of floors)
Column 34. Maisons : nombre de familles habitant la maison (Houses: number of families living in the house)
Column 35. Maisons : fermées (Houses: closed)
Column 36. Maisons : en construction (Houses: under construction)
Column 37. Nombres d'animaux, etc. appartenant aux habitants des villes et non cultivateurs : chevaux (Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: horses)
Column 38. Nombres d'animaux, etc. appartenant aux habitants des villes et non cultivateurs : vaches (Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: cows)
Column 39. Nombres d'animaux, etc. appartenant aux habitants des villes et non cultivateurs : moutons (Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: sheep)
Column 40. Nombres d'animaux, etc. appartenant aux habitants des villes et non cultivateurs : cochons (Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: pigs)
Column 41. Nombres d'animaux, etc. appartenant aux habitants des villes et non cultivateurs : valeur en dollars des animaux vivants (Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: value of livestock in dollars)
Column 42. Nombres d'animaux, etc. appartenant aux habitants des villes et non cultivateurs : nombre de voitures d'agrément (Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: carriages for pleasure)
Column 43. Nombres d'animaux, etc. appartenant aux habitants des villes et non cultivateurs : valeur des mêmes en dollars (Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: value of the same in dollars)
Column 44. Nombres d'animaux, etc. appartenant aux habitants des villes et non cultivateurs : nombre de voitures de louage (Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: number of carriages for hire)
Column 45. Nombres d'animaux, etc. appartenant aux habitants des villes et non cultivateurs : valeur d'icelles en dollars (Livestock etc. of townspeople and persons not farmers: value of the same in dollars)
Column 46. Étendue de terre attachée à l'habitation (Quantity of land attached to tenement)Column 47. Genre d'affaires ou manufacture (Kind of business or manufacture)
Column 48. Capital employé, soit en biens-fonds ou propriétés mobilières (Capital invested in property or real estate)
Column 49. Matière brute employée, le chauffage excepté : quantités (Raw material used, exclusive of fuel: quantities)
Column 50. Matière brute employée, le chauffage excepté : genre (Raw material used, exclusive of fuel: kinds)
Column 51. Matière brute employée, le chauffage excepté : valeur (Raw material used, exclusive of fuel: value)
Column 52. Force motrice ou machine (Motive power or machine)
Column 53. Nombre moyen des individus employés : hommes (Average number of hands employed: men)
Column 54. Nombre moyen des individus employés : femmes (Average number of hands employed: women)Column 55. Moyenne du coût par mois du travail des hommes (Average cost per month of male labour)Column 56. Moyenne du coût par mois du travail des femmes (Average cost per month of female labour)Column 57. Produit annuel des opérations ou de la manufacture : quantités (Annual product of business or manufacture: quantities)
Column 58. Produit annuel des opérations ou de la manufacture : genre (Annual product of business or manufacture: kind) Column 59. Produit annuel des opérations ou de la manufacture : valeur (Annual product of business or manufacture: value)Column 60. Remarques (Remarks)
New Brunswick—Schedule no. 1: population
Column 1. Number
Column 2. Names of inhabitants
Column 3. Sex
Column 4. Relationship to head of family
Column 5. Age
Column 6. Race and where born
Column 7. Rank or occupation
Column 8. Religious profession
Column 9. Children at school within the year
Column 10. Sick and infirm
Column 11. Deaf and dumb
Column 12. BlindColumn 13. Lunatic or idiotic
Column 14. Births in previous year
Column 15. Deaths in preceding year
Column 16. Marriages in preceding year
Nova Scotia—Personal census by ages
Column 0. Heads of Families
Column 1. Total population: males
Column 2. Total population: females
Column 3. Total population: totals
Column 4. Births since 30th March 1860: males
Column 5. Births since 30th March 1860: females
Column 6. Under one year of age: males
Column 7. Under one year of age: females
Column 8. Deaths under one year of age since 30th March 1860: males
Column 9. Deaths under one year of age since 30th March 1860: females
Column 10. Over one and under two years of age: males
Column 11. Over one and under two years of age: females
Column 12. Deaths between 1 and 2 years since March 30, 1860: males
Column 13. Deaths between 1 and 2 years since March 30, 1860: females
Column 14. Over two and under three years of age: males
Column 15. Over two and under three years of age: females
Column 16. Deaths between 2 and 3 years since March 30, 1860: males
Column 17. Deaths between 2 and 3 years since March 30, 1860: females
Column 18. Over three and under four years of age: males
Column 19. Over three and under four years of age: females
Column 20. Deaths between 3 and 4 years since March 30, 1860: males
Column 21. Deaths between 3 and 4 years since March 30, 1860: females
Column 22. Over four and under five years of age: males
Column 23. Over four and under five years of age: females
Column 24. Deaths between 4 and 5 years since March 30, 1860: males
Column 25. Deaths between 4 and 5 years since March 30, 1860: females
Column 26. Over five and under ten years of age: males
Column 27. Over five and under ten years of age: females
Column 28. Deaths between five and ten years of age since March 30: males
Column 29. Deaths between five and ten years of age since March 30: females
Column 30. Over 10 and under 15 years of age: males: married
Column 31. Over 10 and under 15 years of age: males: single
Column 32. Over 10 and under 15 years of age: females: married
Column 33. Over 10 and under 15 years of age: females: single
Column 34. Over 10 and under 15 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: males
Column 35. Over 10 and under 15 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: females
Column 36. Over 15 and under 20 years of age: males: married
Column 37. Over 15 and under 20 years of age: males: single
Column 38. Over 15 and under 20 years of age: males: widower
Column 39. Over 15 and under 20 years of age: females: married
Column 40. Over 15 and under 20 years of age: females: single
Column 41. Over 15 and under 20 years of age: females: widow
Column 42. Over 15 and under 20 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: males
Column 43. Over 15 and under 20 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: females
Column 44. Over 20 and under 30 years of age: males: married
Column 45. Over 20 and under 30 years of age: males: single
Column 46. Over 20 and under 30 years of age: males: widower
Column 47. Over 20 and under 30 years of age: females: married
Column 48. Over 20 and under 30 years of age: females: single
Column 49. Over 20 and under 30 years of age: females: widow
Column 50. Over 20 and under 30 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: males
Column 51. Over 20 and under 30 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: females
Column 52. Over 30 and under 40 years of age: males: married
Column 53. Over 30 and under 40 years of age: males: single
Column 54. Over 30 and under 40 years of age: males: widower
Column 55. Over 30 and under 40 years of age: females: married
Column 56. Over 30 and under 40 years of age: females: single
Column 57. Over 30 and under 40 years of age: females: widow
Column 58. Over 30 and under 40 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: males
Column 59. Over 30 and under 40 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: females
Column 60. Over 40 and under 50 years of age: males: married
Column 61. Over 40 and under 50 years of age: males: single
Column 62. Over 40 and under 50 years of age: males: widower
Column 63. Over 40 and under 50 years of age: females: married
Column 64. Over 40 and under 50 years of age: females: single
Column 65. Over 40 and under 50 years of age: females: widow
Column 66. Over 40 and under 50 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: males
Column 67. Over 40 and under 50 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: females
Column 68. Over 50 and under 60 years of age: males: married
Column 69. Over 50 and under 60 years of age: males: single
Column 70. Over 50 and under 60 years of age: males: widower
Column 71. Over 50 and under 60 years of age: females: married
Column 72. Over 50 and under 60 years of age: females: single
Column 73. Over 50 and under 60 years of age: females: widow
Column 74. Over 50 and under 60 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: males
Column 75. Over 50 and under 60 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: females
Column 76. Over 60 and under 70 years of age: males: married
Column 77. Over 60 and under 70 years of age: males: single
Column 78. Over 60 and under 70 years of age: males: widower
Column 79. Over 60 and under 70 years of age: females: married
Column 80. Over 60 and under 70 years of age: females: single
Column 81. Over 60 and under 70 years of age: females: widow
Column 82. Over 60 and under 70 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: males
Column 83. Over 60 and under 70 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: females
Column 84. Over 70 and under 80 years of age: males: married
Column 85. Over 70 and under 80 years of age: males: single
Column 86. Over 70 and under 80 years of age: males: widower
Column 87. Over 70 and under 80 years of age: females: married
Column 88. Over 70 and under 80 years of age: females: single
Column 89. Over 70 and under 80 years of age: females: widow
Column 90. Over 70 and under 80 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: males
Column 91. Over 70 and under 80 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: females
Column 92. Over 80 and under 90 years of age: males: married
Column 93. Over 80 and under 90 years of age: males: single
Column 94. Over 80 and under 90 years of age: males: widower
Column 95. Over 80 and under 90 years of age: females: married
Column 96. Over 80 and under 90 years of age: females: single
Column 97. Over 80 and under 90 years of age: females: widow
Column 98. Over 80 and under 90 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: males
Column 99. Over 80 and under 90 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: females
Column 100. Over 90 and under 100 years of age: males: married
Column 101. Over 90 and under 100 years of age: males: single
Column 102. Over 90 and under 100 years of age: males: widower
Column 103. Over 90 and under 100 years of age: females: married
Column 104. Over 90 and under 100 years of age: females: single
Column 105. Over 90 and under 100 years of age: females: widow
Column 106. Over 90 and under 100 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: males
Column 107. Over 90 and under 100 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: females
Column 108. Over 100 years of age: males: married
Column 109. Over 100 years of age: males: single
Column 110. Over 100 years of age: males: widower
Column 111. Over 100 years of age: females: married
Column 112. Over 100 years of age: females: single
Column 113. Over 100 years of age: females: widow
Column 114. Over 100 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: males
Column 115. Over 100 years of age: deaths since March 30, 1860: females
Column 116. Ages not given: males
Column 117. Ages not given: females
Column 118. Deaths: ages not given: males
Column 119. Deaths: ages not given: females
Column 120. Males: married
Column 121. Males: single
Column 122. Males: widowers
Column 123. Males: total
Column 124. Females: married
Column 125. Females: single
Column 126. Females: widows
Column 127. Females: total
Column 128. Males and females: grand total
Column 129. Deaths: males Column 130. Deaths: females
Column 131. Deaf and dumb: males
Column 132. Deaf and dumb: females
Column 133. Blind: males
Column 134. Blind: females
Column 135. Lunatics: males
Column 136. Lunatics: females
Column 137. Idiots: males
Column 138. Idiots: females
Column 139. Cannot read: over 5 and under 15 years of age: males
Column 140. Cannot read: over 5 and under 15 years of age: females
Column 141. Cannot read: above 15 years: males
Column 142. Cannot read: above 15 years: females
Column 143. Cannot write: over 5 and under 15 years of age: males
Column 144. Cannot write: over 5 and under 15 years of age: females
Column 145. Cannot write: over 15 years: males
Column 146. Cannot write: over 15 years: females
Column 147. Married since March 30, 1860
Prince Edward Island—Heads of families
Column 1. Name of city, town, township or royalty
Column 2. Name of the head of each family
Column 3. Trade, profession or occupation
Column 4. Males: under 5 years of age
Column 5. Males: from 5 to 16
Column 6. Males: from 16 to 21
Column 7. Males: from 21 to 45
Column 8. Males: from 45 to 60
Column 9. Males: upwards of 60
Column 10. Females: under 5 years of age
Column 11. Females: from 5 to 16
Column 12. Females: from 16 to 21
Column 13. Females: from 21 to 45
Column 14. Females: from 45 to 60
Column 15. Females: upwards of 60
Column 16. Number of deaf and dumb in each family
Column 17. Number of blind in each family
Column 18. Number who have not been vaccinated or had the smallpox in each family
Column 19. Total number in each family (including servants and apprentices)
Column 20. Number of married persons in each family
Column 21. Number of single persons in each family
Column 22. Number of insane in each family
Column 23. Number of your family married in the past year
Column 24. Number of deaths in your family in the past year
Column 25. Number of births in your family in the past year
Column 26. Indians: males in each family
Column 27. Indians: females in each family
Column 28. Number of persons in each family in connection with the Church of England
Column 29. Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces
Column 30. Kirk of Scotland
Column 31. Number of Roman Catholics in each family
Column 32. Number of Methodists in each family
Column 33. Number of Baptists in each family
Column 34. Number of Bible Christians in each family
Column 35. Number of Quakers in each family
Column 36. Number of Universalists in each family
Column 37. Number of each family of any other denomination
Column 38. Number of acres held by each family by fee simple
Column 39. Number of acres held by each family by leasehold or by agreement for lease
Column 40. Number of acres held by each family by verbal agreement
Column 41. Number of acres held by each family or occupants being neither freeholders nor tenants
Column 42. Number of years of term of lease
Column 43. Number of years of term of lease expired
Column 44. Amount of rent paid by each family: present rent paid by each family per acre
Column 45. Amount of rent paid by each family: proprietor's name
Column 46. Amount of rent paid by each family: increasing rent per acre
Column 47. Amount of rent paid by each family: full rent, and what year it comes to full rent
Column 48. Amount of rent paid by each family: rent in sterling
Column 49. Amount of rent paid by each family: rent in currency