List of places and microfilm reel numbers (A to F)

Select the first letter of a place name to navigate to its table below.


Place District Year Section Pages Microfilm
Abbott Avenue St. John's West 1945 40 51-52 M-8078
Abrahams Cove St. George's 1935 9 249-250 M-8050
Abrahams Cove St. George's-Port au Port 1921 2 198-199 M-8044
Abrahams Cove St. George's - Port au Port 1945 8 227-228 M-8067
Adams Cove Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 24 204-212 M-8058
Adams Cove Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 25 19-23 M-8074
Adelaide Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 155-158, 182 M-8074
Adelaide Street St. John's West 1945 41 11-13 M-8078
Adelaide Street St. John's West 1921 1 64-65 M-8032
Adelaide Street St. John's West 1935 31 830-832, 854-855 M-8062
Adelaide Street St. John's West 1945 36 47, 125-128 M-8077
Adeytown Trinity North 1945 22 164-165 M-8073
Adeytown Trinity 1921 2 287-288 M-8040
Adeytown Trinity 1935 22 323-324 M-8057
Adlatok Labrador 1945 35 98 M-8077
Adlatok Bay Labrador 1935 36 135-136, 138 M-8064
Adlavik Labrador 1935 36 125-126 M-8064
Adlavik Labrador 1945 35 93-94 M-8077
Admiral's Ferryland 1935 1 138-142, 144 M-8046
Admiral's Ferryland 1945 4 89-91 M-8065
Admiral's Beach Placentia/St. Mary's 1945 2 52-53 M-8065
Admiral's Beach Placentia/St. Mary's 1935 2 66-7 M-8046
Admiral's Beach Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 106-107 M-8034
Admiral's Cove Ferryland 1935 1 83-86 M-8046
Admiral's Cove Ferryland 1945 4 72-73 M-8065
Admiral's Cove Ferryland 1921 1 88-92, 119, 145, 150 M-8034
Ailik Labrador 1936 36 128 M-8064
Ailik Labrador 1945 35 95-96 M-8077
Akuliakatak Labrador 1935 36 140 M-8064
Alder Cove Fogo 1935 20 62-63 M-8056
Alderburn Grand Falls 1945 33 194 M-8076
Aldershot Street St. John's East 1945 42 73-77, 85 M-8078
Aldershot Street St. John's East 1935 35 648-652 M-8063
Alexander Bay Station Bonavista 1935 18 286-287 M-8055
Alexander Bay Station Bonavista North 1945 18 146 M-8071
Alexander Street St. John's West 1921 2 366-373, 390-397 M-8030
Alexander Street St. John's West 1935 31 306-311, 406-410 M-8061
Alexander Street St. John's West 1945 39 67-72, 75-76 M-8078
Alexis Bay Labrador 1935 36 29-31 M-8064
Allan Square St. John's East 1935 35 569, 591-593 M-8063
Allan Square St. John's East 1945 44 35, 83-84 M-8079
Allan Square St. John's East 1921 1 26 M-8032
Allandale Road St. John's East 1921 1 23 M-8032
Allandale Road St. John's East 1945 44 206-210 M-8079
Allandale Road St. John's East 1935 35 637-638, 720-721, 771, 794-799 M-8063
Allandale Road St. John's East 1921 2 278-230, 311-313 M-8032
Allandale Road St. John's East 1945 42 37 M-8078
Allandale Road St. John's East 1935 34 379-380 M-8063
Allan's Island Burin 1921 2 259-263, 268-273 M-8036
Allan's Island Burin 1935 5 255-264 M-8048
Allan's Island Burin 1945 5 141-146 M-8066
Aman's Cove Labrador 1935 36 138 M-8064
American Point Labrador 1935 36 97 M-8064
American Point Labrador 1945 35 63 M-8077
Anaksarkarusek Labrador 1935 36 140 M-8064
Anchor Point Fogo 1945 16 95 M-8071
Anchor Point St. Barbe 1921 1 151, 155-158 M-8043
Anchor Point St. Barbe 1935 12 161-164 M-8051
Anchor Point St. Barbe 1945 11 157-159 M-8068
Anderson's Cove Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 61-62, 64 M-8066
Anderson's Cove Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 1 75-77 M-8036
Anderson's Cove Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 6 169-172 M-8048
Angel Place St. John's West 1945 39 71-74 M-8078
Angel Place St. John's West 1935 31 311-315 M-8061
Angel Place St. John's West 1921 2 372-374 M-8030
Angels Cove Placentia/ St. Mary's 1921 1 174-176 M-8034
Angels Cove Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 2 148-150 M-8046
Angels Cove Placentia/ St. Mary's 1945 3 115-117 M-8065
Angle Brook Bonavista 1935 18 311-312 M-8055
Angle Brook Bonavista North 1945 18 146-147 M-8071
Ansteys Hill Humber 1945 9 17 M-8067
Apsey Brook St. George's - Port au Port 1921 1 83 M-8044
Apsey Cove Trinity 1935 21 238, 279 M-8057
Apsey Point Trinity 1921 2 241 M-8040
Aquaforte Ferryland 1921 1 138-144 M-8034
Aquaforte Ferryland 1935 1 132-137 M-8046
Aquaforte Ferryland 1945 4 85-88 M-8065
Aquathuna St. George's - Port au Port 1945 8 275-276 M-8067
Aquathuna St. George's 1935 9 231-234 M-8050
Aquathuna St. George's - Port au Port 1921 1 155-157 M-8044
Argentia Placentia/ St. Mary's 1945 3 176, 178-180 M-8065
Argentia Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 2 205-220 M-8046
Argentia Placentia/ St. Mary's 1921 2 220-232 M-8035
Arnold's Cove Placentia/ St. Mary's 1921 3 321-327 M-8035
Arnold's Cove Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 3 346-351 M-8047
Arnold's Cove Placentia/ St. Mary's 1945 3 182-186, 189 M-8065
Arnold's Cove Trinity 1935 22 416-428 M-8057
Arnold's Cove Station Trinity South 1945 23 22 M-8073
Aspen Brook Trinity North 1945 22 146-146 M-8073
Aspen Cove Fogo 1935 20 50-62 M-8056
Aspen Cove Fogo 1945 16 121-124 M-8071
Aspen Cove Trinity 1935 21 278 M-8057
Aspen Road Humber 1945 9 25-29, 95 M-8067
Atlantic Avenue St. John's West 1921 2 383-384, 389 M-8030
Atlantic Avenue St. John's West 1935 31 506-509 M-8061
Atlantic Avenue St. John's West 1945 39 4, 19, 52-53 M-8078
Avalon Street St. John's East 1945 42 90-91 M-8078
Avalon Terrace St. John's West 1945 40 77-78, 102-105 M-8078
Avondale Harbour Main 1945 29 155-163, 169, 172 M-8075
Avondale Harbour Main/ Bell Island 1935 29 378-388, 402-410 M-8060
Avondale Harbour Main 1921 1 79-97, 99, 102 M-8034


Place District Year Section Pages Microfilm
Bacalhao Twillingate 1945 15 201 M-8070
Baccalieu Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 25 129-130 M-8074
Back Bay Labrador 1945 35 82-83 M-8077
Back Cove St. Barbe 1921 2 233 M-8043
Back Cove White Bay 1935 13 67-69 M-8052
Back Harbour Twillingate 1921 5 699-704 M-8039
Back Harbour Twillingate 1935 16 857-865 M-8053
Back Harbour Twillingate 1945 15 43-47 M-8070
Back Line St. John's West 1921 4 636 M-8031
Back Tickle Labrador 1935 36 95-96 M-8064
Bacon Cove Harbour Main 1945 29 129-132 M-8075
Bacon Cove Harbour Main/ Bell Island 1935 29 411-412, 440-441 M-8060
Bacon Cove Harbour Main 1921 1 134-139 M-8034
Badger Grand Falls 1945 33 143-156, 158-164 M-8076
Badger Twillingate 1921 4 501-509 M-8039
Badger Twillingate 1935 15 488-498, 525-528 M-8053
Badger's Quay Bonavista 1935 17 115-125, 129 M-8055
Badger's Quay Bonavista North 1945 18 219-224 M-8071
Baie Verte St. Barbe 1921 2 337-339 M-8043
Baie Verte White Bay 1945 12 75-80 M-8069
Baie Verte White Bay 1935 13 30-31 M-8052
Baine Harbour Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 448-453 M-8035
Baine Harbour Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 3 459-465 M-8047
Baine Harbour Placentia West 1945 1 119-126, 128 M-8065
Bakeapple Marsh Bonavista South 1945 19 64, 78-81, 84 M-8072
Bakers Brook St. Barbe 1935 12 91-92 M-8051
Bakers Brook St. Barbe 1945 11 74 M-8068
Bakers Brook St. Barbe 1921 1 79 M-8043
Bakers Cove Placentia West 1945 1 116-117 M-8065
Bally Haly St. John's East 1921 3 461-462 M-8033
Balsam Place St. John's East 1945 44 214 M-8079
Balsam Street St. John's East 1945 44 37-38, 84-85 M-8079
Balsam Street St. John's East 1935 35 569, 588-591 M-8063
Bambrick Street St. John's West 1921 1 196 M-8030
Bambrick Street St. John's West 1921 3 564-565, 567 M-8031
Bank Head St. George's- Port au Port 1921 2 272-275 M-8044
Bank Road Grand Falls 1945 32 25-38 M-8076
Bannerman Street St. John's East 1935 34 473-482, 503 M-8063
Bannerman Street St. John's East 1945 44 118-121, 153-157, 160, 177-178 M-8079
Bannerman Street St. John's East 1921 see Supplementary (pages 622-670)  --  --
Bar Haven Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 357-361 M-8035
Bar Haven Placentia West 1945 1 186-188 M-8065
Bar Haven Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 3 371-378 M-8047
Barachois St. George's - Port au Port 1945 7 81 M-8067
Barachois St. George's 1935 9 124-125 M-8050
Barachois Book St. George's - Port au Port 1945 7 98-99 M-8067
Barachois Brook St. George's- Port au Port 1921 2 253, 268 M-8044
Barachois Cove Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 7 297 M-8049
Barachois Cove Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 107, 110 M-8066
Barachois De Plate Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 136 M-8066
Barasway Placentia/St. Mary's 1935 2 164-166 M-8046
Barasway Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 2 280 M-8037
Bardasse St. Barbe 1921 1 118 M-8043
Bareneed Port De Grave 1921 1 133-134, 166-174 M-8045
Bareneed Port De Grave 1945 28 77-80 M-8075
Barge Bay Labrador 1935 36 41-42 M-8064
Barnes Place St. John's East 1935 35 716-717 M-8063
Barnes Road St. John's East 1945 44 180-186, 188, 191, 210 M-8079
Barnes Road St. John's East 1945 42 24-26 M-8078
Barnes Road St. John's East 1935 35 724-732, 749, 771-775 M-8063
Barnes Road St. John's East 1921 2 326-329, 347-355 M-8032
Barr'd Cove Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 3 316 M-8047
Barr'd Harbour St. Barbe 1921 1 122 M-8043
Barr'd Harbour St. Barbe 1935 12 149-150 M-8051
Barr'd Harbour St. Barbe 1945 11 115 M-8068
Barr'd Islands Fogo 1945 16 33-38 M-8071
Barr'd Islands Fogo 1935 20 259-273 M-8056
Barron Street St. John's West 1935 31 523, M-8061
Barron Street St. John's West 1935 32 762-766 M-8062
Barron Street St. John's West 1921 1 162-163 M-8030
Barron Street St. John's West 1945 41 47-49 M-8078
Barrow Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 6 145 M-8048
Barrow Cove Bonavista 1935 18 385 M-8055
Barry's Brook St. George's - Port au Port 1945 7 87 M-8067
Barter's Hill St. John's West 1945 41 76 M-8078
Barter's Hill St. John's West 1921 1 60, 76-77, 107-108, 147-150, 153-155 M-8030
Barter's Hill St. John's West 1935 32 698, 710-715, 738-739, 774-776 M-8062
Barter's Hill St. John's West 1945 36 51-54 M-8077
Bartletts Harbour St. Barbe 1935 12 147-149 M-8051
Bartletts Harbour St. Barbe 1921 1 137-138, 142 M-8043
Bartletts Harbour St. Barbe 1945 11 117-119 M-8068
Barton Trinity 1935 21 247-248 M-8057
Barton Trinity North 1945 22 139 M-8073
Bateau Cove Humber 1945 9 170-172 M-8067
Bateau Cove Humber 1935 11 406-407 M-8051
Bates Hill St. John's East 1935 35 561, 571 M-8063
Bates Hill St. John's East 1945 44 40 M-8079
Bates Hill St. John's East 1921 2 212-220 M-8032
Batteau Labrador 1935 36 90-91 M-8064
Batteau Labrador 1945 35 53-54 M-8077
Battery Road St. John's East 1935 33 235-236 M-8062
Battle Cove St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 132-134 M-8044
Battle Harbour Labrador 1935 36 22-29 M-8064
Battle Harbour Labrador 1945 35 25-27, 34 M-8077
Bauline St. John's East 1921 4 546-553 M-8033
Bauline St. John's East 1945 42 147-151 M-8078
Bauline Ferryland 1945 4 50-51 M-8065
Bauline Ferryland 1935 1 75-76 M-8046
Bauline Ferryland 1921 1 80-81 M-8034
Bauline St. John's East 1935 33 28-36 M-8062
Bauline Line St. John's East 1921 3 405-406 M-8033
Bauline Line St. John's East 1945 42 151 M-8078
Bay Bulls Ferryland 1945 4 13-28 M-8065
Bay Bulls Ferryland 1921 1 11-37 M-8034
Bay Bulls Ferryland 1935 1 1-4, 16-36 M-8046
Bay Bulls Road St. John's West 1935 30 41-43, 45-47, 50-54 M-8061
Bay de L'Eau Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 6 176-178, 202-204 M-8048
Bay de L'Eau Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 437-439 M-8035
Bay de L'Eau Island Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 159-160 M-8066
Bay de L'Eau Island Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 2 179-181 M-8037
Bay de Liver (Hare Bay) Burgeo and La Poile 921 1 12 M-8037
Bay de Verde Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 24 26-30, 39-60 M-8058
Bay de Verde Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 25 107-124 M-8074
BAY DE VERDE (District): See CARBONEAR  --
Bay D'East Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 173, 176 M-8066
Bay D'East Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 7 385-386 M-8049
Bay D'East Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 1 81-82 M-8036
Bay D'Eau East Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 13-14 M-8066
Bay d'Espoir Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 7 354-362 M-8049
Bay du Nord Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 6 126-132, 146 M-8048
Bay du Nord Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 1 80, 83-88 M-8036
Bay du Nord Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 51-54 M-8066
Bay L'Argent Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 116, 119-126, 128 M-8066
Bay L'Argent Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 6 38-47 M-8048
Bay L'Argent Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 1 38-45 M-8036
Bay Roberts Port De Grave 1945 28 1-26 M-8075
Bay Roberts Harbour Grace 1921 2 211-261, 277-291 M-8029
Bay St. Genevieve St. Barbe 1945 11 132 M-8068
Bay View Burin 1935 4 123 M-8047
Bay View Burin 1945 5 55-56, 58 M-8066
Bay View Heights Humber 1945 9 34-43 M-8067
Bayleys Cove Bonavista South 1945 19 49-61, 65, 67-69, 83-87, 91 M-8072
Beaches White Bay 1935 13 86-88 M-8052
Beaches White Bay 1945 12 14-15 M-8069
Beachy Cove St. John's East 1921 3 391-392 M-8033
Beachy Cove Twillingate 1921 1 120-123 M-8038
Beachy Cove Green Bay 1945 14 89 M-8070
Beachy Cove Twillingate 1935 14 100-101 M-8052
Beachy Cove Port De Grave 1921 1 133 M-8045
Bear Cove Ferryland 1921 1 182-184 M-8034
Bear Cove Ferryland 1945 4 97 M-8065
Bear Cove St. Barbe 1921 1 160-162 M-8043
Bear Cove St. Barbe 1921 2 301-306 M-8043
Bear Cove St. Barbe 1935 12 71-74, 192-195 M-8051
Bear Cove St. Barbe 1945 11 59-60, 154-156 M-8068
Bear Cove White Bay 1935 13 72-73 M-8052
Bear Cove White Bay 1945 12 25-27 M-8069
Bear Cove Point Ferryland 1921 1 164 M-8034
Beau Bois Placentia West 1945 1 60-61 M-8065
Beau Bois Burin 1921 1 87-88 M-8035
Beau Bois Burin 1935 4 85-86 M-8047
Beaumont Green Bay 1945 14 100-103 M-8070
Beaumont Twillingate 1921 1 164-167, 176-178 M-8038
Beaumont Avenue Grand Falls 1945 32 11-12, 21, 84-87, 93 M-8076
Beaumont North Green Bay 1945 14 99-100 M-8070
Beaumont North Twillingate 1935 14 152-157 M-8052
Beaumont South Green Bay 1945 14 96-99 M-8070
Beaumont South Twillingate 1935 14 157-166 M-8052
Beaumont Street St. John's West 1945 39 92-94 M-8078
Beaumont Street St. John's West 1945 37 27-28, 53-54, 66 --
Beaumont Street St. John's West 1921 2 278-281 M-8030
Beaumont Street St. John's West 1935 31 435-437, 438-442 M-8061
Beaver Cove Fogo 1935 20 94 M-8056
Beaver Cove Fogo 1945 16 171 M-8071
Beaver Cove Twillingate 1921 1 96 M-8038
Beaver Pond, Blackhead Road St. John's West 1945 38 22 M-8077
Beaverton Twillingate 1921 5 827-828 M-8039
Beaverton Twillingate 1935 16 770-771 M-8053
Beaverton Twillingate 1945 15 119 M-8070
Beckford Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 156 M-8034
Beckford Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 2 116 M-8046
Beckford Placentia/St. Mary's 1945 2 87 M-8065
Beckford Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1935 3 413 M-8047
Bell Down Point St. Barbe 1935 12 108-109 M-8051
Bell Down Point St. Barbe 1945 11 72-73 M-8068
Bell Island Bell Island 1945 30 4-20, 36-63, 83-115 M-8075
BELL ISLAND (District)  -- 1935 28  -- M-8060
BELL ISLAND (District)  -- 1945 30  -- M-8075
BELL ISLAND (District)  -- 1935: See also HARBOUR MAIN  --  --  --
BELL ISLAND (District)  -- 1921: See HARBOUR MAIN  --  --  --
Bell Island Centre Bell Island 1935 28 1-3, 5-25, 49-63 M-8060
Bell Island East Bell Island 1935 28 4-5 M-8060
Bell Shute Placentia West 1945 1 180 M-8065
Bell Street St. John's East 1921 1 17-20 M-8032
Bell Street St. John's East 1945 44 96-98, 111 M-8079
Bell Street St. John's East 1935 35 552-554, 564 M-8063
Bellburns St. Barbe 1935 12 123-125 M-8051
Bellburns St. Barbe 1921 1 103-105 M-8043
Bellburns St. Barbe 1945 11 82-84 M-8068
Belleoram Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 37-50 M-8066
Belleoram Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 6 103-126, 145 M-8048
Belleoram Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 1 96-132, 133-139 M-8036
Bellevue Trinity 1935 22 401-407 M-8057
Bellevue Trinity 1921 3 369-375 M-8040
Bellevue Trinity South 1945 23 10-14 M-8073
Bellmans Cove St. George's 1935 9 234-236 M-8050
Bellmans Cove St. George's - Port au Port 1945 8 235-237 M-8067
Bells Brook Road Humber 1945 9 33-35, 41-42 M-8067
Bells High Road Humber 1945 9 1, 10-12 M-8067
Belvedere Orphanage St. John's East 1921 4 606-610 M-8033
Belvedere Orphanage St. John's East 1935 35 555-560 M-8063
Belvedere Street St. John's East 1935 35 705-707, 746 M-8063
Belvedere Street St. John's East 1945 44 191-193, 196 M-8079
Belvedere Street St. John's East 1921 2 344-347 M-8032
Bennett Avenue St. John's West 1945 37 61-85 M-8077
Bennett Hill Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 181, 190 M-8074
Bennett Street Bell Island 1945 30 65-68 M-8075
Bennett's Lane St. John's West 1935 31 363-364, 367 M-8061
Bennett's Road, St. Phillips St. John's West 1945 40 32-33 M-8078
Benoit's Cove Humber 1935 11 386-393 M-8051
Benoit's Cove Humber 1945 9 183-188 M-8067
Benoit's Cove St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 91-96 M-8044
Bens Cove Labrador 1945 35 96 M-8077
Benton Bonavista North 1945 17 87-88 M-8071
Benton Bonavista 1935 18 400-401 M-8055
Best's Harbour Placentia West 1945 1 103-104, 106-108, 115-116 M-8065
Best's Harbour Placentia/St. Mary's 1935 3 284-288 M-8047
Big Bay Labrador 1935 36 136-137 M-8064
Big Bay Labrador 1945 35 98 M-8077
Big Bight Labrador 1935 36 125 M-8064
Big Bight Labrador 1945 35 94 M-8077
Big Brook St. Barbe 1945 11 160 M-8068
Big Brook St. Barbe 1921 1 136 M-8043
Big Brook St. Barbe 1935 12 197 M-8051
Big Cove St. Barbe 1921 2 309 M-8043
Big Cove White Bay 1935 13 61 M-8052
Big Harbour Deep St. Barbe 1921 2 273-277 M-8043
Big Harbour Deep White Bay 1935 13 113-119 M-8052
Big Island Labrador 1935 36 84 M-8064
Big Pond Ferryland 1921 1 9-10 M-8034
Big Pond Ferryland 1935 1 5 M-8046
Big Pond Ferryland 1945 4 2 M-8065
Big Rushy Pond (Windsor) Grand Falls 1945 34 413-414 M-8076
Big Salmonier Burin 1945 5 51, 54 M-8066
Billy's Point Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 2 246 M-8037
Birchy Bay Twillingate 1921 4 618-623 M-8039
Birchy Bay Twillingate 1935 16 743-746, 781-784 M-8053
Birchy Bay Twillingate 1945 15 109-117 M-8070
Birchy Cove Twillingate 1921 1 65 M-8038
Birchy Cove Bonavista 1935 19 611-614 M-8056
Birchy Cove Bonavista South 1945 19 1-2 M-8072
Birchy Cove Green Bay 1945 14 36 M-8070
Birchy Head St. Barbe 1935 12 68-69 M-8051
Birchy Head St. Barbe 1921 1 50-52 M-8043
Birchy Head St. Barbe 1945 11 13-14 M-8068
Bird Cove St. Barbe 1921 1 144-145 M-8043
Bird Cove St. Barbe 1935 12 178-181 M-8051
Bird Cove St. Barbe 1945 11 125-127 M-8068
Biscay Bay Ferryland 1935 1 184-186 M-8046
Biscay Bay Ferryland 1945 4 116-117 M-8065
Biscay Bay Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 9-11 M-8034
Biscayan Cove St. John's East 1921 4 596-598 M-8033
Biscayan Cove St. John's East 1935 33 36-38 M-8062
Biscayan Cove St. John's East 1945 42 151-152 M-8078
Bishop's Cove Bonavista 1935 18 383 M-8055
Bishop's Cove Bonavista South 1945 20 199-201 M-8072
Bishop's Cove Harbour Grace 1945 27 72-79, 82 M-8074
Bishop's Cove Harbour Grace 1921 1 160-171 M-8029
Bishop's Falls Twillingate 1935 14 264-284 M-8052
Bishop's Falls Twillingate 1935 15 446-461, 467-487 M-8053
Bishop's Falls Twillingate 1921 3 359-383 M-8038
Bishop's Falls Grand Falls 1945 33 235-266, 270-288 M-8076
Black Bear Bay Labrador 1945 35 37 M-8077
Black Bear Bay Labrador 1935 36 89-90 M-8064
Black Brook Trinity 1921 2 294-295 M-8040
Black Brook Trinity 1935 22 333, 372-373 M-8057
Black Brook Trinity North 1945 22 197-198 M-8073
Black Duck St. George's 1935 9 214 M-8050
Black Duck St. George's - Port au Port 1945 7 140-141 M-8067
Black Duck Brook St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 159-160 M-8044
Black Duck Brook St. George's - Port au Port 1945 8 249-251 M-8067
Black Duck Brook St. George's 1935 9 297-300 M-8050
Black Duck Cove Trinity North 1945 21 112-113 M-8072
Black Duck Cove Burin 1921 1 164-166 M-8035
Black Duck Cove Twillingate 1935 16 868-869 M-8053
Black Duck Cove Trinity 1935 21 218-219 M-8057
Black Duck Cove Trinity 1921 2 262-263 M-8040
Black Duck Cove St. Barbe 1945 11 135-136 M-8068
Black Duck Cove St. Barbe 1935 12 165-166 M-8051
Black Duck Cove St. Barbe 1921 1 154 M-8043
Black Duck Cove Burin 1945 5 61-62 M-8066
Black Duck Cove Burin 1935 4 123 M-8047
Black Duck Cove Twillingate 1945 15 57 M-8070
Black Duck Pond Port De Grave 1921 1 174-177 M-8045
Black Duck Pond Port De Grave 1945 28 94-96 M-8075
Black Island Labrador 1945 35 104-105 M-8077
Black Island Twillingate 1945 15 30-33, 173-174 M-8070
Black Island Twillingate 1935 16 721-725, 954-955 M-8053
Black Island Twillingate 1921 4 645 M-8039
Black Island Twillingate 1921 3 346 M-8038
Black Island Labrador 1935 36 149-150 M-8064
Black Island Twillingate 1921 2 278-281 M-8038
Black River Placentia West 1945 1 178 M-8065
Black River Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 3 316-317 M-8047
Black River Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 335-336 M-8035
Black Tickle Labrador 1935 36 95-96 M-8064
Black Tickle Labrador 1945 35 54-56 M-8077
Blackhead St. John's West 1921 4 657-659 M-8031
Blackhead Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 24 199-204 M-8058
Blackhead St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 148-149 M-8044
Blackhead St. John's West 1935 30 77-78 M-8061
Blackhead Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 25 16-19 M-8074
Blackhead Cove Fogo 1945 16 196 M-8071
Blackhead Road St. John's West 1935 30 56-76, 79-80 M-8061
Blackhead Road St. John's West 1945 38 1-9, 11-17, 19-20, 22-26, 51-63 M-8077
Blackler Avenue St. John's West 1935 30 215-220, 239-240, 348-352, M-8061
Blackler Avenue St. John's West 1945 38 62, 64-69 M-8077
Blackmarsh Road St. John's West 1945 37 49-53, 66-68, 85-86 M-8077
Blackmarsh Road St. John's West 1935 30 145, 163, 191-194, 199, 212-215 M-8061
Blackmarsh Road St. John's West 1921 3 484-485, 491-492, 546 M-8031
Blackmarsh Road St. John's West 1945 38 51-62 M-8077
Blacksmith Ferryland 1921 1 163-164 M-8034
Blaketown Trinity 1935 22 464-469 M-8057
Blaketown Trinity 1921 3 410-417 M-8040
Blaketown Trinity South 1945 23 69-73 M-8073
Blanchet Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 1 166 M-8036
Blatch Avenue St. John's East 1935 35 569, 658-661, 677 M-8063
Blatch Avenue St. John's East 1945 44 64-66, 111 M-8079
Blockhouse Placentia Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 2 202 M-8035
Blomidon Ferryland 1921 1 162 M-8034
Bloomfield Bonavista 1935 18 471-482 M-8055
Bloomfield Bonavista South 1945 20 248-256 M-8072
Blow Me Down Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 25 255-257 M-8058
Blow Me Down Port De Grave 1945 28 64-66 M-8075
Blow Me Down Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 255 M-8074
Blow Me Down Port De Grave 1921 1 147-148, 154-159 M-8045
Blue Cove St. Barbe 1921 1 147-148 M-8043
Blue Cove St. Barbe 1935 12 171-173 M-8051
Blue Cove St. Barbe 1945 11 130-131 M-8068
Bluff Head Labrador 1935 36 85 M-8064
Bluff Head Labrador 1945 35 68 M-8077
Bluff Head Cove Twillingate 1921 5 768-770, 786-788 M-8039
Bluff Head Cove Twillingate 1945 15 66-69 M-8070
Bluff Head Cove Twillingate 1935 16 919-922 M-8053
Boar Island Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 53, 56 M-8075
Boat Harbour White Bay 1945 12 116-118 M-8069
Boat Harbour Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 434-437 M-8035
Boat Harbour Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 3 468-471 M-8047
Boat Harbour Placentia West 1945 1 145-148 M-8065
Boat Harbour St. Barbe 1921 1 179 M-8043
Boat Harbour Twillingate 1921 1 117-119 M-8038
Boat Harbour White Bay 1935 13 257-258 M-8052
Bobbies Cove Green Bay 1945 14 152 M-8070
Bobbies Cove Twillingate 1921 1 3 M-8038
Bobbins Jags Labrador 1935 36 102 M-8064
Bob's Brook Labrador 1945 35 52-53, 69 M-8077
Boggan Street St. John's East 1921 2 222-224 M-8032
Boggan Street St. John's East 1935 35 554, 560-561, 570 M-8063
Bolgers Lane St. John's East 1945 44 166-178 M-8079
Bollard Town Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 347-349 M-8035
Bolster Cove St. Barbe 1921 1 78-79 M-8043
Bona Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 403-404 M-8035
Bonaventure Avenue St. John's East 1935 35 722-724, 738, 747, 773-774 M-8063
Bonaventure Avenue St. John's East 1945 44 27, 197-198, 204-207 M-8079
Bonaventure College St. John's East 1945 44 212-213 M-8079
Bonavista Bonavista 1935 19 642-754, 757-761 M-8056
BONAVISTA (District)  -- 1921: No returns known to survive  --  --  --
BONAVISTA (District)  -- 1935 17-18 --
BONAVISTA (District)  -- 1935 19  -- M-8056
Bonavista and Vicinity Bonavista South 1945 19 15-91 M-8072
BONAVISTA NORTH (District)  -- 1945 17-18 M-8071  --
BONAVISTA SOUTH (District)  -- 1945 19-20 M-8072  --
Boncloddy Street St. John's West 1945 41 24-26 M-8078
Boncloddy Street St. John's West 1945 39 114 M-8078
Boncloddy Street St. John's West 1945 36 78 M-8077
Boncloddy Street St. John's West 1921 3 433-435, 476 M-8031
Boncloddy Street St. John's West 1935 32 828-830 M-8062
Bond Street Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 187-188 M-8074
Bond Street St. John's East 1921 4 614-670 M-8033
Bond Street St. John's East 1935 34 351-357, 433, 444-448 M-8063
Bond Street St. John's East 1945 44 11-13, 15-18, 26, 134-137, 145, 168-172, 179 M-8079
Bond Street (Windsor) Grand Falls 1945 34 368-373, 413 M-8076
Boone's Road Humber 1945 9 88 M-8067
Bordeaux Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 327 M-8035
Boswarlos St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 151-155 M-8044
Boswarlos St. George's 1935 9 227-231 M-8050
Boswarlos St. George's - Port au Port 1945 8 269-273 M-8067
Botwood Grand Falls 1945 34 297-352 M-8076
Botwood Twillingate 1921 2 302-316 M-8038
Botwood Twillingate 1921 3 317-332, 347 M-8038
Botwood Twillingate 1935 15 590-609, 613-627 M-8053
Botwood Road Grand Falls 1945 32 17-20, 22, 75-78 M-8076
Botwood Road Grand Falls 1945 33 269-270 M-8076
Boulevarde St. John's East 1945 43 116-119, 137 M-8079
Boulevarde St. John's East 1935 33 248-249 M-8062
Boulter Rock Labrador 1935 36 86-87 M-8064
Bown Street Bell Island 1945 30 68-69 M-8075
Boxey Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 6 72-77 M-8048
Boxey Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 1 161-166 M-8036
Boxey Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 149-152 M-8066
Boyd's Cove Twillingate 1935 16 771-780 M-8053
Boyd's Cove Twillingate 1921 5 828-835 M-8039
Boyd's Cove Twillingate 1921 4 634-635 M-8039
Boyd's Cove Twillingate 1921 1 99 M-8038
Boyd's Cove Twillingate 1945 15 119-126 M-8070
Bradbury Place St. John's West 1945 37 9, 20, 54 M-8077
Bradbury Street St. John's West 1935 31 345-346 M-8061
Bradleys Cove Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 24 172, 174-177 M-8058
Bradleys Cove Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 25 25-27 M-8074
Brady's Path St. John's East 1945 42 187-188 M-8078
Bragg's Island Bonavista 1935 18 320-326 M-8055
Bragg's Island Bonavista North 1945 17 100-105 M-8071
Brake's Cove Humber 1935 11 447-448 M-8051
Brake's Cove Humber 1945 10 222-223 M-8068
Brake's Cove St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 117-113 M-8044
Brambrick Street St. John's West 1935 31 497-498, 500 M-8061
Branch Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 158-170 M-8034
Branch Placentia/St. Mary's 1935 2 117-129 M-8046
Branch Placentia/St. Mary's 1945 2 88-98 M-8065
Brazil Burgeo and La Poile 1921 2 197 M-8037
Brazil Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 8 552 M-8049
Brazil Field St. John's West 1921 2 275, 278-281 M-8030
Brazil Square St. John's West 1945 41 43-47 M-8078
Brazil Square St. John's West 1935 32 651-656, 668-673, 734, 756-758 M-8062
Brazil Square St. John's West 1921 2 285-287 M-8030
Brazil Square St. John's West 1921 1 129-134, 165 M-8030
Brazil Street St. John's West 1945 41 80-86, 139 M-8078
Brennan Street St. John's West 1921 1 196-197 M-8030
Brennan Street St. John's West 1921 3 566-569 M-8031
Brennan Street St. John's West 1935 31 498, 504 M-8061
Brennan Street St. John's West 1945 39 25 M-8078
Brent's Cove White Bay 1935 13 16-20 M-8052
Brent's Cove White Bay 1945 12 92-95 M-8069
Brent's Cove St. Barbe 1921 2 346-347, 376-378 M-8043
Brewley Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 459, 520-522 M-8035
Brickyard Trinity 1935 21 248 M-8057
Bridgeport Twillingate 1921 5 682-686 M-8039
Bridgeport Twillingate 1935 16 814-821 M-8053
Bridgeport Twillingate 1945 15 137-142 M-8070
Bridges Cove Twillingate 1935 16 831 M-8053
Brien Street St. John's West 1935 31 628-632 M-8061
Brien Street St. John's West 1945 39 19-21, 23 M-8078
Brien Street St. John's West 1921 1 206-210 M-8030
Brig Bay St. Barbe 1921 1 145-147 M-8043
Brig Bay St. Barbe 1935 12 175-178 M-8051
Brig Bay St. Barbe 1945 11 127-129 M-8068
Brighton Green Bay 1945 14 142-146 M-8070
Brighton Twillingate 1921 2 223-227 M-8038
Brighton Twillingate 1935 14 188-193 M-8052
Brigus Ferryland 1945 4 53-54 M-8065
Brigus Port De Grave 1921 1 16-39 M-8045
Brigus Ferryland 1921 1 84-87, 103 M-8034
Brigus Port De Grave 1945 28 56, 133-149 M-8075
Brigus Junction Harbour Main 1921 1 99-102 M-8034
Brigus Junction Harbour Main/ Bell Island 1935 29 414-417 M-8060
Brigus Junction Harbour Main 1945 29 169-172 M-8075
Brigus South Ferryland 1935 1 79-81 M-8046
Bristol's Hope Carbonear 1921 1 137-142 M-8042
Bristol's Hope Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 25 395-399 M-8058
Bristol's Hope Harbour Grace 1945 27 98-99, 109-110, 112-114 M-8074
Britannia Trinity 1935 21 271-274 M-8057
Britannia Trinity North 1945 22 149-155 M-8073
British Harbour Trinity 1921 2 226-231 M-8040
British Harbour Trinity 1935 21 220-225 M-8057
British Harbour Trinity North 1945 21 118-120, 125 M-8072
British Square St. John's East 1945 44 118, 153 M-8079
Broad Port De Grave 1921 1 101, 103-108 M-8045
Broad Cove Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 25 1-5, 15-16 M-8074
Broad Cove Trinity South 1945 23 103 M-8073
Broad Cove Trinity 1935 22 518-519 M-8057
Broad Cove Placentia West 1945 1 99-102 M-8065
Broad Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1935 3 291-294 M-8047
Broad Cove Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 217 M-8066
Broad Cove Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 7 258-260 M-8049
Broad Cove Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 25 213-218, 236-239 M-8058
Broad Cove Bonavista South 1945 19 140-144 M-8072
Broad Cove Bonavista 1935 19 566-570, 607-608 M-8056
Broad Cove Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 2 208, 210, 221 M-8037
Broad Cove Hill St. John's West 1921 4 675-676 M-8031
Broad Cove North Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 24 195-199 M-8058
Broad Cove Old Rd. St. John's East 1921 3 386-388 M-8033
Broad Cove Road St. John's West 1921 4 690-692 M-8031
Broadway Humber 1945 9 2, 4-9, 45-49, 53-56, 59-60 M-8067
Brookfield Bonavista 1935 17 76-85 M-8055
Brookfield Bonavista North 1945 18 225-232 M-8071
Brookfield Road St. John's West 1935 30 145, 224 M-8061
Brookfield Road St. John's West 1945 40 85 M-8078
Brooklyn Bonavista 1935 19 521-526 M-8056
Brooklyn Bonavista South 1945 20 265-270 M-8072
Brookside Placentia West 1945 1 143, 145-146 M-8065
Brookside Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 3 471-473 M-8047
Broom Point St. Barbe 1921 1 82 M-8043
Broom Point St. Barbe 1945 11 77 M-8068
Brown Cove St. Barbe 1921 2 290-291 M-8043
Brown's Arm Grand Falls 1945 33 165-166, 168 M-8076
Brown's Arm Twillingate 1921 4 566-567 M-8039
Brown's Arm Twillingate 1935 16 706-707 M-8053
Browns Cove White Bay 1935 13 89-90 M-8052
Browns Cove White Bay 1945 12 8-9 M-8069
Browns Cove Placentia West 1945 1 181 M-8065
Browns Cove Twillingate 1945 15 156 M-8070
Brownsdale Trinity 1921 4 685-690 M-8041
Brownsdale Trinity 1935 23 737-738 M-8058
Brownsdale Trinity South 1945 24 224-227 M-8073
Brule Placentia/St. Mary's 1935 3 298-300 M-8047
Brunette Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 2 216-220 M-8037
Brunette Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 219, 221-224 M-8066
Brunette Island Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile see also Forward Cove, Mercer's Cove  --  --  --
Brunette Island Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 7 245 M-8049
Bryants Cove Harbour Grace 1921 1 102-114 M-8029
Bryants Cove Harbour Grace 1945 27 83-86, 88-92, 94 M-8074
Buchanan Street St. John's West 1921 2 320-328 M-8030
Buchanan Street St. John's West 1921 4 726-727 M-8031
Buchanan Street St. John's West 1935 32 745-747 M-8062
Buchanan Street St. John's West 1935 32 291-294, 305 M-8061
Buchanan Street St. John's West 1945 41 53-54 M-8078
Buchans Grand Falls 1945 32 137-138 M-8076
Buchans Twillingate 1935 15 529-563 M-8053
Buchans Junction Grand Falls 1945 32 97-128, 133 M-8076
Buckles Hill Humber 1945 9 8 M-8067
Buckles Point Labrador 1945 35 20-21 M-8077
Buckley Range St. John's East 1921 1 110-115 M-8032
Buckleys Place St. John's East 1935 34 337, 419-420 M-8063
Bulgers Lane St. John's East 1935 33 286 M-8062
Bull Cove Port De Grave 1921 1 9 M-8045
Bulley Street St. John's East 1921 2 226-229 M-8032
Bulley Street St. John's East 1935 35 671-672 M-8063
Bulley Street St. John's East 1945 44 31, 37, 86-87 M-8079
Bulley Street St. John's West 1945 39 114 M-8078
Bulley's Cove Green Bay 1945 14 32-34 M-8070
Bulley's Cove Twillingate 1921 1 49-51 M-8038
Bulley's Cove Twillingate 1935 14 44-46 M-8052
Bulls Cove Burin 1921 1 137-140 M-8035
Bulls Cove Burin 1935 4 115-119 M-8047
Bulls Cove Burin 1945 5 61, 63-64, 66 M-8066
Bumble Bee Bight Twillingate 1921 1 184-185 M-8038
Bunker's Hill Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 176 M-8074
Bunyan's Cove Bonavista 1935 18 440-449 M-8055
Bunyan's Cove Bonavista South 1945 20 217, 225-231 M-8072
Burgeo Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 55, 57-62, 65-74 M-8075
Burgeo Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 8 460-473, 480, 491-501 M-8049
Burgeo Burgeo & La Poile 1921 1 91-122 M-8037
BURGEO & LA POILE (District)  -- 1921 1-2  -- M-8037
Burgeo (District)  -- 1935: See FORTUNE BAY/BURGEO & LA POILE  --  --  --
BURGEO AND LA POILE (District) 1945 31  -- --
Burgoynes Cove Trinity North 1945 22 127-128 M-8073
Burgoynes Cove Trinity 1935 21 234-237 M-8057
BURIN (District)  -- 1935 5  -- M-8048
BURIN (District)  -- 1945 5  -- M-8066
BURIN (District)  -- 1935 4  -- M-8047
BURIN (District)  -- 1921 2-3  -- M-8036
BURIN (District)  -- 1921 1  -- M-8035
Burin Bay Burin 1945 5 35, 37-40, 42 M-8066
Burin Bay Burin 1921 1 109-121 M-8035
Burin Bay Arm Burin 1921 1 156-159 M-8035
Burin Bay Arm Burin 1935 4 130-133 M-8047
Burin Day Burin 1935 4 161-170 M-8047
Burin North Burin 1921 1 143-152 M-8035
Burin North Burin 1935 4 176-178 M-8047
Burin North Burin 1945 5 73-80 M-8066
Burkes Cove Harbour Main 1945 29 93-94, 97, 112 M-8075
Burke's Road Humber 1945 9 51-55 M-8067
Burke's Square St. John's West 1935 32 740 M-8062
Burke's Square St. John's West 1945 41 102-106 M-8078
Burlington Green Bay 1945 14 12-17 M-8070
Burlington Twillingate 1921 1 37-41, 53-55 M-8038
Burlington Twillingate 1935 14 29-36 M-8052
Burnside Bonavista 1935 18 378-381, 425-426 M-8055
Burnside Bonavista North 1945 18 160-164 M-8071
Burnt Arm Twillingate 1921 4 534-541 M-8039
Burnt Arm Twillingate 1935 16 668-669, 704-716 M-8053
Burnt Arm Grand Falls 1945 33 193-194, 196 M-8076
Burnt Cove Ferryland 1935 1 72-73 M-8046
Burnt Cove Ferryland 1945 4 48-50 M-8065
Burnt Cove Twillingate 1921 6 12-14 M-8039
Burnt Cove Twillingate 1935 16 952-954 M-8053
Burnt Cove Twillingate 1945 15 180-181 M-8070
Burnt Cove White Bay 1935 13 16-20 M-8052
Burnt Cove Ferryland 1921 1 76-79 M-8034
Burnt Head Port De Grave 1945 28 157-160 M-8075
Burnt Head Carbonear 1921 1 37-38 M-8042
Burnt Head Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 193-194 M-8074
Burnt Head Port De Grave 1921 1 54-56 M-8045
Burnt Island Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 3 443-446 M-8047
Burnt Island Placentia West 1945 1 141, 142-144 M-8065
Burnt Island Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 390-392 M-8035
Burnt Island Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 8 551-565 M-8049
Burnt Island Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 113, 122 M-8075
Burnt Island Burgeo & LaPoile 1921 2 183-196 M-8037
Burnt Island Bonavista North 1945 17 105-106 M-8071
Burnt Island Bonavista 1935 18 319-320 M-8055
Burnt Island Tickle Twillingate 1945 15 84 M-8070
Burnt Island Tickle Twillingate 1935 16 896-897 M-8053
Burnt Point Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 25 115-125 M-8058
Burnt Point Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 25 51-57 M-8074
Burnt Wood Cove Labrador 1935 36 82 M-8064
Burnt Woods Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 7 341-342 M-8049
Burnt Woods Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 197 M-8066
Burntwood Point Labrador 1945 35 82 M-8077
Burteau Avenue St. John's East 1945 42 181-182 M-8078
Burtons Cove White Bay 1945 12 16-17 M-8069
Burtons Cove White Bay 1935 13 88 M-8052
Burtons Pond Road St. John's East 1921 3 382-384 M-8033
Burt's Cove Twillingate 1945 15 158-160, 162 M-8070
Burying Place Twillingate 1921 1 4-5 M-8038
Butler Place St. John's West 1921 1 218-219 M-8030
Butlerville Harbour Grace 1945 27 1-3 M-8074
Butter and Snow Labrador 1935 36 79 M-8064
Butter and Snow Labrador 1945 35 79 M-8077
Butter Cove Trinity North 1945 22 237-239 M-8073
Butter Cove Trinity 1935 22 396-398 M-8057
Butter Cove Trinity 1921 3 335-337 M-8040
Butts Hole Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 365 M-8035



Place District Year Section Pages Microfilm
Cabbage Harbour Head Twillingate 1921 3 346 M-8038
Cable John Cove Trinity North 1945 21 33 M-8072
Cabot Lane Humber 1945 9 6-7 M-8067
Cabot Road Grand Falls 1945 32 35-38 M-8076
Cabot Row St. John's East 1945 44 203, 208, 210-211 M-8079
Cabot Street St. John's West 1945 36 96-100, 133 M-8077
Cabot Street St. John's West 1935 32 675-677, 715-722, 735, 798-804 M-8062
Cabot Street St. John's West 1921 1 14, 77-82, 97-99, 101-107, 169-171 M-8030
Cabot Street St. John's West 1945 41 128-130, 134 M-8078
Cabot Tower St. John's East 1921 1 133 M-8032
Caines Island Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 89-90 M-8075
Cairo Street St. John's East 1935 35 643-644 M-8063
Cairo Street St. John's East 1945 42 66-68 M-8078
Callachan's Field Humber 1945 9 9-10, 43 M-8067
Calmer Burin 1945 5 139, 142-143 M-8066
Calmer Burin 1921 2 282-284 M-8036
Calmer Burin 1935 5 268-270 M-8048
Calver Avenue St. John's East 1935 35 571, 620-625, 635, 657-658 M-8063
Calver Avenue St. John's East 1945 42 77-79, 88-91, 96-98 M-8078
Calver Street St. John's East 1945 42 99-101 M-8078
Calver Street St. John's East 1935 35 632-634 M-8063
Calvert Ferryland 1935 1 101-114 M-8046
Calvert Ferryland 1945 4 55-62, 74 M-8065
Campbell Avenue St. John's West 1935 30 188-190, 199 M-8061
Campbell Avenue St. John's West 1945 37 27, 52-57, 59-60, 65-66 M-8077
Campbell Avenue St. John's West 1945 39 91-92 M-8078
Campbells Creek St. George's - Port au Port 1945 8 228-230 M-8067
Campbells Creek St. George's 1935 9 247-249 M-8050
Campbells Creek St. George's- Port au Port 1921 2 195-198 M-8044
Campbellton Twillingate 1921 4 600-605, 617, 627-632 M-8039
Campbellton Twillingate 1935 16 729-742, 761-763 M-8053
Campbellton Twillingate 1945 15 1-10 M-8070
Canada Bay White Bay 1935 13 133-134 M-8052
Canada Harbour White Bay 1945 13 225-226 M-8069
Canada Harbour St. Barbe 1921 2 251, 262-265 M-8043
Canada Harbour White Bay 1935 13 128-131 M-8052
Canaille Bonavista South 1945 19 26-33, 35-44 M-8072
Cannings Cove Bonavista South 1945 20 233-238 M-8072
Cape Anguille St. George's- Port au Port 1921 2 353-355 M-8044
Cape Anguille St. George's - Port au Port 1945 7 23-25 M-8067
Cape Bauld St. Barbe 1921 1 181 M-8043
Cape Bauld White Bay 1935 13 261-262 M-8052
Cape Bauld White Bay 1945 13 142 M-8069
Cape Bonavista Bonavista South 1945 19 90-91 M-8072
Cape Broyle Ferryland 1945 4 62-70, 74 M-8065
Cape Broyle Ferryland 1935 1 87-101 M-8046
Cape Broyle Ferryland 1921 1 93-107, 119 M-8034
Cape Charles Labrador 1945 35 29-31 M-8077
Cape Charles Labrador 1935 36 59-62 M-8064
Cape Cove Fogo 1945 16 69-70 M-8071
Cape Dog Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 156 M-8034
Cape Freels Bonavista 1935 17 4-10 M-8055
Cape Freels Bonavista North 1945 18 189-194 M-8071
Cape Freels Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 41 M-8034
Cape Island Bonavista North 1945 18 195-196 M-8071
Cape Island Bonavista 1935 17 1-3, 31-32 M-8055
Cape John Twillingate 1935 14 16 M-8052
Cape John & Gull Island Twillingate 1921 1 2 M-8038
Cape la Hune Burgeo and La Poile 1921 1 40-46 M-8037
Cape la Hune Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 19, 21-24 M-8075
Cape la Hune Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 7 416-422 M-8049
Cape Norman St. Barbe 1921 1 178-179 M-8043
Cape Norman White Bay 1935 13 258-259 M-8052
Cape Norman White Bay 1945 12 116 M-8069
Cape North Labrador 1935 36 97-98 M-8064
Cape Onion St. Barbe 1921 1 185-188 M-8043
Cape Onion White Bay 1945 12 127-128 M-8069
Cape Onion White Bay 1935 13 239-244 M-8052
Cape Pine Ferryland 1935 1 209-210 M-8046
Cape Pine Ferryland 1945 4 133 M-8065
Cape Pine Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 41-42 M-8034
Cape Race Ferryland 1921 1 186, 187 M-8034
Cape Race Ferryland 1935 1 173-174 M-8046
Cape Race Ferryland 1945 4 117-119 M-8065
Cape Ray Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 169, 171-172 M-8075
Cape Ray Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 8 661-666 M-8049
Cape Ray Burgeo and La Poile 1921 2 277-281 M-8037
Cape Shore Bonavista South 1945 19 62-66 M-8072
Cape Spear St. John's West 1945 38 25 M-8077
Cape Spear St. John's West 1921 4 657 M-8031
Cape Spear St. John's West 1935 30 76-77 M-8061
Cape St. Francis St. John's East 1945 42 151 M-8078
Cape St. Francis St. John's East 1935 33 36 M-8062
Cape St. George St. George's 1935 9 268-276 M-8050
Cape St. George St. George's- Port au Port 1921 2 185-193 M-8044
Cape St. George St. George's - Port au Port 1945 8 205-210 M-8067
Caplin Bay Labrador 1945 35 38-39 M-8077
Caplin Bay Ferryland 1921 1 107-119 M-8034
Caplin Cove Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 24 104-110 M-8058
Caplin Cove Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 25 76-77, 80-82, 86 M-8074
Caplin Cove Trinity 1921 3 329-331 M-8040
Caplin Cove Trinity 1935 22 390-392 M-8057
Caplin Cove Trinity North 1945 22 210-212 M-8073
Caplin Cove Twillingate 1921 1 12 M-8038
Caplin Cove Twillingate 1935 14 9-10 M-8052
Cappahayden Ferryland 1921 1 183-184, 185, 187 M-8034
Cappahayden Ferryland 1935 1 170-172 M-8046
Cappahayden Ferryland 1945 4 107-109 M-8065
Capstan Cove Labrador 1945 35 27-28 M-8077
Capstan Island Labrador 1935 36 19-20 M-8064
Capstan Island Labrador 1945 35 4 M-8077
Carbonear Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 25 331-395, 405-441 M-8058
Carbonear Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 141-212 M-8074
CARBONEAR (District)   1921 1   M-8042
Carbonear Island Carbonear 1921 1 35 M-8042
Carbonear Proper Carbonear 1921 1 41-136, 142-151 M-8042
Carbonear South Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 25 385-395, 399 M-8058
CARBONEAR/BAY DE VERDE (District) 1935 24-25 M-8058  --
CARBONEAR/BAY DE VERDE (District) 1945 25-26 M-8074  --  --
Card's Harbour Green Bay 1945 14 137-139 M-8070
Card's Harbour Twillingate 1921 2 191-192 M-8038
Card's Harbour Twillingate 1935 14 217-219 M-8052
Carew Street St. John's East 1935 34 471 M-8063
Carew Street St. John's East 1945 44 124-125 M-8079
Caribou Road Humber 1945 9 2-11, 16-19, 29, 43-44, 76-79, 96, 110 M-8067
Caribou Road (Windsor) Grand Falls 1945 34 393-396 M-8076
Carman Avenue Humber 1945 9 24, 27-28, 92-96 M-8067
Carmanville Fogo 1945 16 107-120 M-8071
Carmanville Fogo 1935 20 63-83 M-8056
Carmelite Road Grand Falls 1945 32 37-39, 69-72 M-8076
Carnell Street St. John's East 1921 1 26 M-8032
Carnell Street St. John's West 1921 2 250, 381-383 M-8030
Carnell Street St. John's West 1935 31 568-570 M-8061
Carnell Street St. John's West 1945 39 3-4, 53-54 M-8078
Carpasian Road St. John's East 1921 2 277-278 M-8032
Carpasian Road St. John's West 1945 39 114 M-8078
Carpasian Road St. John's East 1945 44 208-209 M-8079
Carpasian Road St. John's East 1935 34 380 M-8063
Carpasian Road St. John's East 1935 35 719, 782 M-8063
Carpasian Road St. John's East 1945 42 29 M-8078
Carrolls Cove Labrador 1935 36 35 M-8064
Carrolls Cove Labrador 1945 35 9 M-8077
Carter's Cove Twillingate 1921 4 640-642 M-8039
Carter's Cove Twillingate 1935 16 828-831 M-8053
Carter's Cove Twillingate 1945 15 153-156 M-8070
Carters Hill St. John's East 1921 1 26 M-8032
Carters Hill St. John's West 1945 41 16 M-8078
Carters Hill St. John's West 1945 36 135 M-8077
Carters Hill St. John's West 1935 32 777-783 M-8062
Carters Hill St. John's West 1921 1 52-60, 99-101, 114, 117-118 M-8030
Carters Hill St. John's East 1945 44 40-41, 70, 89-91, 93-94 M-8079
Carters Hill St. John's East 1921 2 249 M-8032
Carters Hill St. John's East 1935 35 573-579 M-8063
Cartwright Labrador 1935 36 99-100, 102, 106-107, 109-112 M-8064
Cartwright Labrador 1945 35 69-73 M-8077
Cartyville St. George's 1935 9 91-2 M-8050
Cartyville St. George's- Port au Port 1921 2 299-300 M-8044
Cartyville St. George's - Port au Port 1945 7 65-66 M-8067
Casey Street St. John's West 1921 1 1-3, 12-13, 135, 155-161, 164, 179-180 M-8030
Casey Street St. John's West 1935 32 636-643, 657-661 M-8062
Casey Street St. John's West 1945 41 49-50, 76-77, 79-80, 119-123 M-8078
Cashin Avenue St. John's West 1935 31 472-473 M-8061
Cashin Avenue St. John's West 1945 37 44-48, 53 M-8077
Castor River St. Barbe 1945 11 115-117 M-8068
Castor River St. Barbe 1921 1 122 M-8043
Cat Cove Trinity North 1945 21 124 M-8072
Cat Cove Trinity 1935 21 190 M-8057
Cat Cove Trinity 1921 2 220-221 M-8040
Cat Cove St. Barbe 1921 2 265 M-8043
Cat Harbour White Bay 1935 13 128 M-8052
Catalina Trinity North 1945 21 35-52 M-8072
Catalina Trinity 1921 1 54-73 M-8040
Catalina Trinity 1935 21 56-58, 71-87 M-8057
Catalina Road Bonavista South 1945 19 19-20, 22-26, 29-31 M-8072
Catalina Road Bonavista 1935 19 633-641 M-8056
Cathedral Square St. John's East 1935 35 770-771 M-8063
Cathedral Street St. John's East 1935 34 429-430, 436 M-8063
Cathedral Street St. John's East 1945 44 17-18, 25 M-8079
Catherine Street St. John's East 1921 2 330-331 M-8032
Catherine Street St. John's East 1935 35 715 M-8063
Catherine Street St. John's East 1945 42 22, 25-26 M-8078
Cauls Lane St. John's West 1935 31 535-536 M-8061
Cauls Lane St. John's West 1945 41 78-79 M-8078
Cavell Avenue St. John's East 1921 2 201 M-8032
Cavell Avenue St. John's East 1935 33 217, 222, 244, 245 M-8062
Cavell Avenue St. John's East 1921 1 124-125, 126 M-8032
Cavell Avenue St. John's East 1945 43 98-100 M-8079
Cavendish Trinity 1921 3 500-505 M-8040
Cavendish Trinity 1935 23 578-584 M-8058
Cavendish Trinity South 1945 24 126-131 M-8073
Central Fire Hall St. John's East 1935 34 456-457 M-8063
Central Street St. John's West 1945 41 85-87, 89 M-8078
Central Street Humber 1945 9 13-14, 24 M-8067
Central Street St. John's West 1921 1 34, 39-41, 139, 142, 163 M-8030
Central Street St. John's West 1935 32 689-695 M-8062
Centre Bell Island 1921 3 367-391 M-8028
Chalky Cove Fogo 1945 16 48 M-8071
Chamberlains Harbour Main 1921 1 255-264 M-8034
Chamberlains Harbour Main/ Bell Island 1935 29 226-233, 243-249 M-8060
Chamberlains Harbour Main 1945 29 39-45, 66, 69 M-8075
Chambers Island Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 364-365 M-8035
Chambers Island Placentia West 1945 1 201 M-8065
Chambers Island St. Barbe 1935 12 192 M-8051
Champney's Arm Trinity 1935 21 150-152 M-8057
Champney's Arm Trinity North 1945 21 103-104 M-8072
Champney's Arm Trinity 1921 1 118-121 M-8040
Champney's East Trinity 1935 21 127-129, 145-150 M-8057
Champney's East Trinity North 1945 21 99-103 M-8072
Champney's East Trinity 1921 1 114-118, 135-138 M-8040
Champney's West Trinity 1921 1 147-150 M-8040
Champney's West Trinity 1921 2 166-169 M-8040
Champney's West Trinity 1935 21 152-158 M-8057
Champney's West Trinity North 1945 21 90-94 M-8072
Chance Cove Trinity 1935 22 407-415 M-8057
Chance Cove Trinity South 1945 23 15-22 M-8073
Chance Cove Trinity 1921 3 353-360 M-8040
Chanceport Twillingate 1921 4 642-644 M-8039
Chanceport Twillingate 1935 16 831-833 M-8053
Chanceport Twillingate 1945 15 142-143 M-8070
Chandler's Harbour Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 523 M-8035
Chandler's Harbour Placentia West 1945 1 155 M-8065
Change Islands Fogo 1945 16 73-92 M-8071
Change Islands Fogo 1935 20 277-306 M-8056
Channel Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 8 585-621 M-8049
Channel Burgeo and La Poile 1921 2 215-245 M-8037
Channel Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 137, 139-168 M-8075
Chapel Arm Harbour Main 1945 29 137-142 M-8075
Chapel Arm Trinity 1921 3 390-396 M-8040
Chapel Arm Trinity 1935 22 478-486 M-8057
Chapel Arm Trinity South 1945 23 39-46 M-8073
Chapel Cove Harbour Main/ Bell Island 1935 29 362-370 M-8060
Chapel Cove Harbour Main 1921 1 64-77 M-8034
Chapel Hill Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 155, 164, 175 M-8074
Chapel Street St. John's East 1935 34 427-429 M-8063
Chapel Street St. John's East 1921 4 629-670 M-8033
Chapel Street St. John's East 1945 44 13-14 M-8079
Chards Fishery St. Barbe 1921 1 122 M-8043
Charles Brook Trinity 1921 4 659-660 M-8041
Charles Brook Twillingate 1921 3 345 M-8038
Charles Brook Twillingate 1935 16 711-712 M-8053
Charleston Bonavista 1935 19 534-537, 546-547 M-8056
Charleston Bonavista South 1945 19 107-110 M-8072
Charlottetown Bonavista South 1945 20 205-209 M-8072
Charlottetown Bonavista 1935 18 433-439 M-8055
Charlton Street St. John's West 1921 1 3-5, 8-9, 225 M-8030
Charlton Street St. John's West 1945 41 29-30, 118-119 M-8078
Charlton Street St. John's West 1945 39 35-38 M-8078
Charlton Street St. John's West 1935 32 643-644, 662-663 M-8062
Charlton Street St. John's West 1921 2 241-244 M-8030
Charlton Street St. John's West 1935 31 419-423, 613 M-8061
Child's Point St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 99-103 M-8044
Chimney Cove Humber 1935 11 412-414 M-8051
Chimney Cove St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 128-130 M-8044
Church Hill St. John's East 1935 35 564, 567, 569, 570 M-8063
Church Hill St. John's East 1921 2 232-233 M-8032
Church Hill St. John's East 1945 44 27, 98-99, 109 M-8079
Church of England Orphanage St. John's East 1935 35 810-811 M-8063
Church Road Grand Falls 1945 32 28-30, 33, 36 M-8076
Church Street Bonavista South 1945 19 71-83, 91 M-8072
Churchill Avenue Humber 1945 9 22-23 M-8067
Circular Road St. John's East 1921 2 271-277 M-8032
Circular Road St. John's East 1945 44 176-178, 195, 198-203, 208-211 M-8079
Circular Road St. John's East 1945 43 17-18, 46 M-8079
Circular Road St. John's East 1945 42 29 M-8078
Circular Road St. John's East 1935 34 318-321, 369-370, 373, 499-500 M-8063
Circular Road St. John's East 1921 1 152-155, 175-176 M-8032
Circular Road Grand Falls 1945 32 54-56, 60-64, 72 M-8076
Circular Road St. John's East 1935 35 699-704, 745-748 M-8063
City Terrace St. John's East 1921 2 235 M-8032
City Terrace St. John's East 1935 35 563, 569 M-8063
Clam Bank Cove St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 176-179 M-8044
Clarenville Trinity North 1945 22 248-267 M-8073
Clarenville Trinity 1935 22 280-288, 303-310 M-8057
Clarenville Trinity 1921 2 247-258 M-8040
Clares Cove Ferryland 1921 1 145 M-8034
Clarke Avenue St. John's East 1935 35 799-800 M-8063
Clarke's Beach Port De Grave 1921 1 101-103, 117-131 M-8045
Clarke's Beach Port De Grave 1935 27 101-117 M-8060
Clarke's Beach Port De Grave 1945 28 99-109 M-8075
Clarke's Head Fogo 1935 20 106-115 M-8056
Clarke's Head Fogo 1945 16 157-164 M-8071
Clarke's Road Humber 1945 9 23 M-8067
Clattice Harbour Placentia West 1945 1 173-176 M-8065
Clattice Harbour Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 369-374 M-8035
Clattice Harbour Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 3 382-388 M-8047
Clay Cove Bonavista 1935 18 356-359 M-8055
Clay Pitts Trinity 1921 3 345 M-8040
Clear Cove Ferryland 1935 1 137-138 M-8046
Clear Cove Ferryland 1945 4 89 M-8065
Clifford Street St. John's West 1921 1 38-39 M-8030
Clifford Street St. John's West 1935 32 885, 891-894 M-8062
Clifford Street St. John's West 1945 41 108-111 M-8078
Clifton Trinity 1935 22 231-232 M-8057
Clifton Trinity North 1945 22 129-130 M-8073
Clovertown Bonavista North 1945 18 131-146, 147-152 M-8071
Coachman's Cove St. Barbe 1921 2 331-337, 360 M-8043
Coachman's Cove White Bay 1935 13 31-39 M-8052
Coachman's Cove White Bay 1945 12 65-70 M-8069
Coal Brook St. George's - Port au Port 1945 8 188-189 M-8067
Cobbs Arm Twillingate 1945 15 198-201 M-8070
Cobbs Arm Twillingate 1921 5 795-798 M-8039
Cobbs Arm Twillingate 1935 16 964-966 M-8053
Cochrandale Port De Grave 1921 1 47 M-8045
Cochrane Hotel St. John's East 1945 44 179 M-8079
Cochrane Street St. John's East 1921 1 163-164, 170-172 M-8032
Cochrane Street St. John's East 1935 34 309-312, 374, 510-514 M-8063
Cochrane Street St. John's East 1945 43 3-4, 13-14, M-8079
Cochrane Street St. John's East 1945 44 112-118, 146-148, 149, 160-178 M-8079
Cock Pit Road St. John's West 1921 3 484 M-8031
Codner's Lane St. John's East 1921 1 167 M-8032
Codner's Lane St. John's West 1935 32 808-811 M-8062
Codnors Lane St. John's West 1945 36 117-120 M-8077
Codroy St. George's - Port au Port 1945 7 25-31 M-8067
Codroy St. George's- Port au Port 1921 2 341-353, 355-356 M-8044
Codroy St. George's 1935 9 37-54 M-8050
Codroy Pond St. George's 1935 9 80-81 M-8050
Codroy Pond St. George's- Port au Port 1921 2 315 M-8044
Codroy Pond St. George's - Port au Port 1945 7 63 M-8067
Coefields Lane St. John's West 1935 32 821 M-8062
Coffey Cove Green Bay 1945 14 42 M-8070
Coffins Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 480 M-8035
Coleman Place St. John's East 1935 35 708 M-8063
Coleman Place St. John's East 1945 44 195 M-8079
Coley's Point Harbour Grace 1935 26 310-335 M-8059
Coley's Point Port De Grave 1945 28 37-50 M-8075
Coley's Point Harbour Grace 1921 2 299-326 M-8029
Colinet Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 144-148 M-8034
Colinet Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 2 94-97 M-8046
Colinet Placentia/St. Mary's 1945 2 83-86 M-8065
College Square St. John's East 1935 34 469-471 M-8063
College Square St. John's East 1945 44 157, 160-161 M-8079
Colliers Harbour Main/ Bell Island 1935 29 442-451, 468-479 M-8060
Colliers Harbour Main 1921 1 1-25 M-8034
Colliers Harbour Main 1945 29 94-105, 112 M-8075
Colliers Lane St. John's East 1921 1 166-167 M-8032
Colliers Lane St. John's East 1945 43 95-96 M-8079
Colliers Place St. John's East 1935 34 367-368, 375-376 M-8063
Collins Cove Burin 1921 1 183-185 M-8035
Collins Cove Burin 1935 4 173-175 M-8047
Collins Cove Burin 1945 5 35-36 M-8066
Colonial Building St. John's East 1935 34 306 M-8063
Colonial Street St. John's East 1945 44 121-123, 145-146, 157-160 M-8079
Colonial Street Humber 1945 9 38, 40 M-8067
Colonial Street St. John's East 1935 34 462-469 M-8063
Come By Chance Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 328-329 M-8035
Come By Chance Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 3 351-352 M-8047
Come By Chance Placentia/St. Mary's 1945 3 181, 223 M-8065
Comfort Bight Labrador 1945 35 37 M-8077
Comfort Cove Twillingate 1945 15 13-14, 17-21 M-8070
Comfort Cove Twillingate 1921 4 610-650 M-8039
Comfort Cove Twillingate 1935 16 746-752 M-8053
Conception Harbour Harbour Main 1945 29 113-126, 132 M-8075
Conception Harbour Harbour Main/ Bell Island 1935 29 419-435, 451-458 M-8060
Conception Harbour Harbour Main 1921 1 36-63 M-8034
Conche St. Barbe 1921 2 243, 320-330 M-8043
Conche White Bay 1935 13 159-171, 172-173 M-8052
Coney Arm White Bay 1935 13 111-112 M-8052
Coney Arm (Sops Arm) St. Barbe 1921 2 278-280 M-8043
Conne Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 195-198 M-8066
Conne Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 7 336-341 M-8049
Conne Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 2 295, 309-311 M-8037
Connors Farm St. John's East 1935 33 234 M-8062
Convent Lane St. John's West 1921 2 375-376-377 M-8030
Convent Square St. John's West 1921 2 378-381 M-8030
Convent Square St. John's West 1935 31 609-612 M-8061
Convent Square St. John's West 1945 39 17-19 M-8078
Cook Street St. John's East 1921 1 25, 45-47, 62-65 M-8032
Cook Street St. John's East 1935 35 565, 567-568, 682-689 M-8063
Cook Street St. John's East 1945 44 31, 56-60, 63-64 M-8079
Cookes Road Humber 1945 9 49, 53-56, 75 M-8067
Cooks Brook Humber 1935 11 383 M-8051
Cooks Brook St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 99 M-8044
Cook's Harbour St. Barbe 1921 1 175-177 M-8043
Cook's Harbour St. Barbe 1921 2 192-194 M-8043
Cook's Harbour White Bay 1935 13 250-257 M-8052
Cook's Harbour White Bay 1945 12 110-116, 119 M-8069
Cook's Hill St. John's East 1921 1 106 M-8032
Cook's Hill St. John's East 1935 34 418 M-8063
Cook's Hill St. John's East 1945 43 75-76 M-8079
Cookstown Road St. John's West 1921 3 436-439 M-8031
Cookstown Road St. John's West 1935 32 783-788, 906-907 M-8062
Cookstown Road St. John's West 1921 1 108-109, 114 M-8030
Cookstown Road St. John's West 1945 41 20-24 M-8078
Coomb's Cove Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 6 77-79, 191-195 M-8048
Coomb's Cove Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 1 168-175 M-8036
Coomb's Cove Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 153-158 M-8066
Cooper's Cove Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 3 284, 314-315 M-8047
Coote Pond Placentia/ St. Mary's 1921 1 82-84 M-8034
Coote Pond Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 2 44-46 M-8046
Coote Pond Placentia/ St. Mary's 1945 2 11-13, 18-19, 29 M-8065
Copper Cove Placentia West 1945 1 116-118 M-8065
Coppett Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 7 428-430 M-8049
Coppett Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 13-16 M-8075
Coppett Burgeo and La Poile 1921 1 51-52 M-8037
Corbin Burin 1935 4 137-140 M-8047
Corbin Burin 1945 5 41-44 M-8066
Corbin Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 6 142-145 M-8048
Corbin Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 30 M-8066
Corduroy Road (Windsor) Grand Falls 1945 34 391-393 M-8076
Corner Brook Humber 1935 11 253 M-8051
Corner Brook Humber 1945 10 326-393 M-8068
Corner Brook Humber 1935 10 123 M-8050
Corner Brook St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 3-13, 15, 45, 130-131 M-8044
Corner Brook West Humber 1935 11 254-320 M-8051
Corney Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 496 M-8035
Cornwall Avenue St. John's West 1921 3 542-545, 571-590 M-8031
Cornwall Avenue St. John's West 1935 30 157, 234, 238, 297-298, 301-302 M-8061
Cornwall Avenue St. John's West 1945 37 131-132 M-8077
Cornwall Avenue St. John's West 1945 40 108, 110-111, 126 M-8078
Coronation Street Humber 1945 9 91-92 M-8067
Coronation Street St. John's West 1921 2 244-249 M-8030
Coronation Street St. John's West 1935 31 561-566 M-8061
Coronation Street St. John's West 1945 39 32-35 M-8078
Coronation Street Grand Falls 1945 32 28 M-8076
Coronation Street (Windsor) Grand Falls 1945 34 405-407 M-8076
Coster Street Bonavista 1945 19 16-18, 71-73, 75-76, 91 M-8072
Cottle's Island Twillingate 1921 5 665-668 M-8039
Cottle's Island Twillingate 1935 16 785-786, 821-823 M-8053
Cottle's Island Twillingate 1945 15 167-170 M-8070
Cottrell's Cove Twillingate 1921 2 252-257 M-8038
Cottrell's Cove Twillingate 1935 14 227-231 M-8052
Cottrell's Cove Green Bay 1945 14 165-170 M-8070
Couillard Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 173 M-8066
Couillard Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 7 386 M-8049
Country Road Harbour Grace 1921 2 327-338 M-8029
Country Road Harbour Grace 1935 26 299-309 M-8059
Country Road Humber 1945 9 81-91 M-8067
Country Road Port De Grave 1945 28 51-57 M-8075
Court House Break Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 185-186 M-8074
Cove Road St. John's East 1921 3 444-445 M-8032
Cove Road St. John's East 1921 1 73-74 M-8032
Cow Head St. Barbe 1945 11 66-73, 97 M-8068
Cow Head St. Barbe 1935 12 99-108 M-8051
Cow Head St. Barbe 1921 1 85-92 M-8043
Cowan Avenue St. John's West 1935 30 156 M-8061
Cowan Avenue St. John's West 1945 40 86, 109 M-8078
Cowan Home St. John's East 1921 1 164 M-8032
Cowan Mission Home St. John's East 1945 43 102 M-8079
Coward's Island Bonavista 1935 18 359-363 M-8055
Coward's Island Bonavista North 1945 17 124-127 M-8071
Cox's Cove Humber 1935 11 448-454, 468 M-8051
Cox's Cove Humber 1945 10 223-229, 240-243 M-8068
Cox's Cove St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 118-121 M-8044
Crabb's St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 127-123, M-8044
Crabb's St. George's- Port au Port 1921 2 324-329 M-8044
Crabb's Station St. George's- Port au Port 1921 2 320-322 M-8044
Craigmiller Avenue St. John's West 1935 30 145, 151-155, 291-294, 305 M-8061
Craigmiller Avenue St. John's West 1945 37 117-121 M-8077
Craigmiller Avenue St. John's West 1945 39 114 M-8078
Craigmiller Avenue St. John's West 1945 40 87-100, 110 M-8078
Cranes Avenue Humber 1945 9 34-35 M-8067
Crane's Brook Harbour Grace 1935 26 246-252 M-8059
Crawley Island Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 302-303 M-8035
Creston Burin 1921 1 59-71 M-8035
Creston Placentia West 1945 1 43-53, 54 M-8065
Crockers Cove Carbonear 1921 1 35-37, 38-41, 55-56 M-8042
Crockers Cove Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 25 400-405 M-8058
Crockers Cove Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 191-197 M-8074
Croque White Bay 1935 13 172-173 M-8052
Croque Harbour St. Barbe 1921 2 243-244 M-8043
Crosbie Hotel St. John's East 1945 44 18-19, 28 M-8079
Cross Cove Bonavista 1935 17 75 M-8055
Cross Cove Bonavista North 1945 18 217 M-8071
Cross Roads St. John's West 1935 31 363 M-8061
Crossroads Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 143, 159-161 M-8074
Crossroads Port De Grave 1935 27 46-47 M-8060
Crossroads Port De Grave 1945 28 172 M-8075
Croston Burin 1935 4 59-74 M-8047
Crouse White Bay 1935 13 171-172 M-8052
Crouse White Bay 1945 13 207-208 M-8069
Crow Gulch Humber 1945 9 74-75 M-8067
Crow Head Twillingate 1945 15 47-53, 56 M-8070
Crow Head Twillingate 1935 16 845-852 M-8053
Crow Head Twillingate 1921 5 704-710, 726 M-8039
Crowdy Street Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 175-184 M-8074
Cuckholds Cove St. John's East 1945 43 133-134 M-8079
Cuckolds Cove St. John's East 1921 3 446, 458-459 M-8032
Cuckolds Cove St. John's East 1935 33 256-257, 259 M-8062
Cuddihy St. John's West 1945 36 120-122 M-8077
Cuddihy Street St. John's West 1935 32 727-729, 804-805 M-8062
Cul de Sac Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 7 369-370, 413-416 M-8049
Cul de Sac East Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 37-38 M-8075
Cul de Sac West Burgeo and La Poile 1921 1 35-38 M-8037
Cul de Sac West Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 19, 23-26 M-8075
Cull Island Green Bay 1945 14 181-185 M-8070
Culls Habour Bonavista North 1945 18 157-158 M-8071
Culls Harbour Bonavista 1935 18 298-299 M-8055
Cummings Street St. John's East 1935 34 461-462 M-8063
Cunninghams Tickle Labrador 1935 36 67 M-8064
Cupids Port De Grave 1945 28 160-172 M-8075
Cupids Port De Grave 1921 1 63-85 M-8045
Cupids Port De Grave 1935 27 48-51, 64-76 M-8060
Curley's Harbour Trinity 1935 21 186, 225-227 M-8057
Curling Humber 1935 11 321-350 M-8051
Curling Humber 1945 9 112-137 M-8067
Curling St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 13-14, 22-23, 108-111 M-8044
Current Island St. Barbe 1921 1 149-152 M-8043
Current Island St. Barbe 1935 12 168-170 M-8051
Current Island St. Barbe 1945 11 134-135 M-8068
Curzon Village St. Barbe 1945 11 1-6 M-8068
Curzon Village St. Barbe 1921 1 24-31 M-8043
Curzon Village St. Barbe 1935 12 6-11, 46-47 M-8051
Cuslett Placentia/St. Mary's 1945 3 109-110, 113-114 M-8065
Cuslett Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 176-179 M-8034
Cuslett Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 2 145-148 M-8046
Cut Throat Labrador 1945 35 113-114 M-8077


Place District Year Section Pages Microfilm
Daly's Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 3-4 M-8034
Damorils Lane St. John's West 1935 32 822 M-8062
Daniel's Cove Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 25 91-92 M-8074
Daniel's Cove Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1935 24 22-24 M-8058
Daniel's Harbour St. Barbe 1945 11 84-89, 96 M-8068
Daniel's Harbour St. Barbe 1935 12 116-123 M-8051
Daniel's Harbour St. Barbe 1921 1 97-103 M-8043
Daniel's Point Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 34-37 M-8034
Daniel's Point Ferryland 1945 4 130, 135-136 M-8065
Daniel's Point Ferryland 1935 1 206-209 M-8046
Daniels Pond Twillingate 1945 15 161-162 M-8070
Daniel's Rattle Labrador 1935 36 138 M-8064
Dantzig Cove Burin 1921 2 267 M-8036
Dantzig Cove Burin 1921 3 302 M-8036
Dantzig Cove Burin 1935 5 277 M-8048
Dantzig Cove Burin 1945 5 131 M-8066
Darbys Harbour Placentia West 1945 1 155 M-8065
Darbys Harbour Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 420 M-8035
Dark Cove Bonavista North 1945 17 57, 60-68, 76, 79 M-8071
Dark Cove Bonavista 1935 18 381-382 M-8055
Dark Cove Bonavista South 1945 20 199 M-8072
Dark Cove Trinity North 1945 22 196 M-8073
Dark Cove Bonavista 1935 17 235-246 M-8055
Dark Hole Trinity 1921 2 297-298 M-8040
Dark Hole Trinity 1935 22 334 M-8057
Darling's Harbour Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 420 M-8035
Darrell's Hole Port De Grave 1921 1 160-161 M-8045
Davidson Avenue Bell Island 1945 30 75-76, 82 M-8075
Davidson Avenue Bell Island 1935 28 148-162 M-8060
Davidsville (Mann Point) Fogo 1945 16 168-172 M-8071
Davis Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1935 3 379-382 M-8047
Davis Cove Placentia West 1945 1 199-200, 202 M-8065
Davis Cove Twillingate 1921 5 696-699, 704 M-8039
Davis Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 366-368 M-8035
Davis Inlet Labrador 1935 36 119-122, 137-138 M-8064
Davis Inlet Labrador 1945 35 99, 115, 121-122 M-8077
Davis Island Burin 1921 1 5-18 M-8035
Davis Island Burin 1935 4 13-26 M-8047
Davis Island Placentia West 1945 1 28-36 M-8065
Dawson's Cove Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 2 243-246 M-8037
Dawson's Cove Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 87-88, 90 M-8066
Dawson's Cove Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 7 261-265 M-8049
De Grau St. George's 1935 9 265-269 M-8050
De Grau St. George's - Port au Port 1945 8 205, 210-213 M-8067
Deadman's Bay Fogo 1935 20 26-30 M-8056
Deadman's Bay Fogo 1921 1 27-29 M-8042
Deadman's Bay Fogo 1945 16 93-95 M-8071
Deadmans Cove St. Barbe 1921 1 150 M-8043
Deadmans Cove St. Barbe 1935 12 195-196 M-8051
Deadmans Cove St. Barbe 1945 11 156-157 M-8068
Deadmans Cove Burgeo & La Poile 1921 1 39 M-8037
Deanery Avenue St. John's West 1935 31 512-514, 612, 633 M-8061
Deanery Avenue St. John's West 1945 39 13 M-8078
Deep Bight Trinity 1921 2 288-290 M-8040
Deep Bight Trinity 1935 22 324-326 M-8057
Deep Bight Trinity North 1945 22 161-163 M-8073
Deep Cove Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 3 411-412 M-8047
Deep Cove Placentia West 1945 1 167 M-8065
Deep Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 3 404-405 M-8035
Deep Water Creek Labrador 1935 36 52-53 M-8064
Deer Harbour Trinity 1935 21 259-263 M-8057
Deer Harbour Trinity North 1945 21 105-108 M-8072
Deer Island Bonavista 1935 18 328-331 M-8055
Deer Island Bonavista North 1945 17 97-99 M-8071
Deer Island Burgeo & La Poile 1921 1 57-60 M-8037
Deer Island Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 63-64 M-8075
Deer Island Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 8 474-477 M-8049
Deer Lake Humber 1935 10 17-19, 24-65, 76 M-8050
Deer Lake Humber 1945 10 244-245, 247-284, 315 M-8068
Deer Lake St. George's- Port au Port 1921 1 3 M-8044
Deer Lake Highway Humber 1945 10 303 M-8068
Deers Marsh Road St. John's West 1935 30 156-157 M-8061
Delbys Cove Trinity 1921 2 233-234 M-8040
Delbys Cove Trinity 1935 21 219-220 M-8057
Delbys Cove Trinity North 1945 21 120-121 M-8072
Demmerals Lane St. John's West 1945 36 127-128 M-8077
Devon Place (Row) St. John's East 1921 1 176-177 M-8032
Devon Row St. John's East 1945 43 68-69 M-8079
Devon Row St. John's East 1935 34 328-329, 343 M-8063
Diamond Cove Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 89-92 M-8075
Diamond Cove Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 8 520-524 M-8049
Dicks Square St. John's East 1921 2 224-226 M-8032
Dicks Square St. John's East 1935 35 568, 672-674 M-8063
Dicks Square St. John's East 1945 44 39-40, 87-88 M-8079
Dildo Trinity South 1945 23 89-99 M-8073
Dildo Trinity 1935 22 503-517 M-8057
Dildo Trinity 1921 3 425-430, 432, 437-447 M-8040
Dock Port De Grave 1935 27 118-122 M-8060
Dock Port De Grave 1945 28 80-81 M-8075
Dock Port De Grave 1921 1 132-133, 177-180 M-8045
Dock Cove Bonavista 1935 18 350-354 M-8055
Dock Point Twillingate 1921 1 120 M-8038
Doctors Brook St. Barbe 1921 1 122 M-8043
Doctors Harbour St. Barbe 1935 12 150 M-8051
Doctors Harbour Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 6 151-152 M-8048
Doctors Harbour Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 1 91-92 M-8036
Dog Bay West Twillingate 1935 16 764-767 M-8053
Dog Bay West Twillingate 1921 4 616 M-8039
Dog Bay West Twillingate 1921 5 821-823 M-8039
Dog Bay West (Horwood) Fogo 1935 20 127-136 M-8056
Dog Cove Burgeo & La Poile 1921 1 48-49 M-8037
Dog Cove Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 13 M-8075
Dog Cove Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 7 426-428 M-8049
Dog Island St. Barbe 1921 1 144 M-8043
Dolman Cove Burgeo & La Poile 1921 1 134 M-8037
Dominion Range Bell Island 1945 30 67 M-8075
Donovans Harbour Main/ Bell Island 1935 29 204 M-8060
Doting (Doty) Cove Fogo 1921 1 29-30, 37, 44-55 M-8042
Doting Cove Fogo 1935 20 1-12, 45-51 M-8056
Doting Cove Fogo 1945 16 173-182 M-8071
Double Mer Labrador 1935 36 82-83 M-8064
Double Mer Labrador 1945 35 81 M-8077
Dove Brook Labrador 1935 36 103, 106 M-8064
Dove Brook Labrador 1945 35 62-63 M-8077
Dover Bonavista 1935 17 268-274 M-8055
Dover Bonavista 1935 18 296-297 M-8055
Dover Bonavista North 1945 17 35-40 M-8071
Downey's St. George's 1935 9 30-34 M-8050
Doyles St. George's - Port au Port 1945 7 8-10 M-8067
Doyles Road St. John's West 1935 30 54 M-8061
Dragon Burgeo & La Poile 1921 1 3 M-8037
Drake's Hill Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 176-177 M-8074
Drook Ferryland 1935 1 175-177 M-8046
Drook Ferryland 1945 4 119 M-8065
Drook Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 2-3 M-8034
Du Hants Lane Humber 1945 9 4-5 M-8067
Duckworth Street St. John's West 1921 1 70-71 M-8030
Duckworth Street St. John's East 1921 1 16, 17, 20, 103-105, 111-113, 115-117, 131, 148-152 M-8032
Duckworth Street St. John's West 1945 41 15 M-8078
Duckworth Street St. John's West 1945 36 46 M-8077
Duckworth Street St. John's West 1935 32 871-872 M-8062
Duckworth Street St. John's East 1945 44 25-28, 107-109, 111-112, 142-145, 177-178 M-8079
Duckworth Street St. John's East 1945 43 8, 14-17, 40, 68-73, 85, 92, 95, 106 M-8079
Duckworth Street St. John's East 1935 35 561-563, 566-567, 570 M-8063
Duckworth Street St. John's East 1935 34 300-306, 328, 337-341, 407-416, 430-431, 434-436, 501-502 M-8063
Duckworth Street St. John's East 1921 2 212, 234 M-8032
Duckworth Street St. John's East 1921 4 603-604 M-8033
Duffs Harbour Main 1921 1 177-178 M-8034
Duffs Harbour Main/ Bell Island 1935 29 327-328 M-8060
Duffs Harbour Main 1945 29 191-192 M-8075
Duggan Street St. John's West 1935 31 521-522, 524-525 M-8061
Duggan Street St. John's West 1945 41 111-115 M-8078
Duggans Cove St. Barbe 1921 2 271-273 M-8043
Dump Pool St. George's - Port au Port 1945 7 140-141 M-8067
Dumpling Labrador 1935 36 106 M-8064
Dunfield Trinity 1921 2 178, 209-216 M-8040
Dunfield Trinity North 1945 22 183-187 M-8073
Dunfield Trinity 1935 21 199-206 M-8057
Dunford Street St. John's West 1921 1 14-15, 136 M-8030
Dunford Street St. John's West 1935 32 646-647, 664-665 M-8062
Dunford Street St. John's West 1945 41 32-33 M-8078
Dunville Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 2 257-267 M-8035
Dunville Placentia/ St. Mary's 1935 3 221-228 M-8047
Dunville Placentia/St. Mary's 1945 3 170-176, 180 M-8065
Duricle Burin 1921 1 87-89 M-8035
Duricle Burin 1935 4 95-96 M-8047
Duricle Placentia West 1945 1 61 M-8065
Durrell Twillingate 1935 16 907, 929 M-8053
Durrell Twillingate 1945 15 85-95 M-8070
Durrell Arm Twillingate 1921 5 741-754, 792 M-8039


Place District Year Section Pages Microfilm
Earle Street (Windsor) Grand Falls 1945 34 387-389 M-8076
East Avenue Humber 1945 9 7-8, 11-13, 43 M-8067
East Bay Burgeo & La Poile 1921 1 133-134 M-8037
East Bay Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 81 M-8075
East Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 170 M-8034
East Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1945 2 87 M-8065
East Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1935 2 116-117 M-8046
East End Bell Island 1921 3 355-366 M-8028
East End Bell Island 1935 28 46-49, 84, 103-106 M-8060
East End Fire Hall St. John's East 1935 34 373-374 M-8063
East Point Trinity 1921 1 100-113 M-8040
East Point - Catalina Trinity 1935 21 58-66 M-8057
East St. Modeste Labrador 1935 36 34-35 M-8064
East St. Modeste Labrador 1945 35 5 M-8077
East Street Grand Falls 1945 32 44-46, 59 M-8076
East Tickles Green Bay 1945 14 185-186 M-8070
Eastern Arm St. Barbe 1935 12 56 M-8051
Eastern Cove Fogo 1945 16 51-53 M-8071
Eastern Tickle Fogo 1935 20 158-159 M-8056
Eastern Tickle Fogo 1945 16 21-22 M-8071
Eastport Bonavista South 1945 20 177-185 M-8072
Eastport Bonavista 1935 18 414-424 M-8055
Ebsary Avenue St. John's West 1945 37 49 M-8077
Eddies Cove St. Barbe 1935 12 151-152, 198-200 M-8051
Eddies Cove St. Barbe 1921 1 121, 134-136 M-8043
Eddies Cove West St. Barbe 1945 11 114-115, 160-162 M-8068
Edinburgh Street St. John's East 1935 35 652-654 M-8063
Edinburgh Street St. John's East 1945 42 86-88 M-8078
Eighth Avenue (Windsor) Grand Falls 1945 34 386-388 M-8076
Elliott's Cove Trinity 1921 2 290-292 M-8040
Elliott's Cove Trinity 1935 22 290-291 M-8057
Elliott's Cove Trinity North 1945 22 163-164 M-8073
Elliston Trinity 1935 21 1-7, 23-36 M-8057
Elliston Trinity North 1945 21 13-25, 27, 33 M-8072
Elliston Trinity 1921 1 7-20, 24-36 M-8040
Emberley's Cove Twillingate 1935 16 780 M-8053
Emberley's Pond Twillingate 1921 4 618 M-8039
Emberley's Pond Twillingate 1921 5 835 M-8039
Emberley's Pond Twillingate 1945 15 126 M-8070
Embree (Salt Pond) Grand Falls 1945 33 211-212 M-8076
Embree (Salt Pond) Twillingate 1935 16 696-699 M-8053
Empire Avenue St. John's East 1945 43 21-23, 45-46, 110, 112 M-8079
Empire Avenue St. John's East 1945 44 177, 207-209 M-8079
Empire Avenue St. John's East 1921 4 599-602 M-8033
Empire Avenue St. John's East 1921 1 23 M-8032
Empire Avenue St. John's West 1945 38 81-89 M-8077
Empire Avenue St. John's East 1945 42 29, 57-59, 62, 71, 73, 85-86 M-8078
Empire Street Humber 1945 9 40-41 M-8067
Englee St. Barbe 1921 2 248-260 M-8043
Englee White Bay 1935 13 134-151 M-8052
Englee White Bay 1945 13 227-238 M-8069
English Cove Harbour Main 1921 1 25-26 M-8034
English Harbour Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 6 59-69, 179-183 M-8048
English Harbour Trinity North 1945 21 95-99 M-8072
English Harbour Trinity 1921 1 123-135 M-8040
English Harbour Bonavista North 1945 18 264-265 M-8071
English Harbour Trinity 1935 21 118-127 M-8057
English Harbour East Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 1 47-48, 60-63 M-8036
English Harbour East Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 15-18, 20 M-8066
English Harbour West Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 1 149-157 M-8036
English Harbour West Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 139-148 M-8066
English Hill Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 174-175, 179-181 M-8074
English Point Labrador 1945 35 16-17 M-8077
English River Labrador 1945 35 82 M-8077
Epworth Burin 1945 5 45, 47-50 M-8066
Epworth Burin 1921 1 171-179 M-8035
Epworth Burin 1935 4 155-161 M-8047
Eric Street St. John's West 1935 31 363, 367, 386-388 M-8061
Eric Street St. John's West 1945 37 78-81, 97 M-8077
Etsell Lawn Bonavista South 1945 19 73-75, 80 M-8072
Experimental Farm St. John's West 1945 41 133 M-8078
Exploits Twillingate 1921 2 264-275 M-8038
Exploits Twillingate 1935 16 712-721 M-8053
Exploits Twillingate 1945 15 25-30 M-8070
Exploits Lane Grand Falls 1945 32 89-92 M-8076


Place District Year Section Pages Microfilm
Earle Street (Windsor) Grand Falls 1945 34 387-389 M-8076
East Avenue Humber 1945 9 7-8, 11-13, 43 M-8067
East Bay Burgeo & La Poile 1921 1 133-134 M-8037
East Bay Burgeo & La Poile 1945 31 81 M-8075
East Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1921 1 170 M-8034
East Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1945 2 87 M-8065
East Cove Placentia/St. Mary's 1935 2 116-117 M-8046
East End Bell Island 1921 3 355-366 M-8028
East End Bell Island 1935 28 46-49, 84, 103-106 M-8060
East End Fire Hall St. John's East 1935 34 373-374 M-8063
East Point Trinity 1921 1 100-113 M-8040
East Point - Catalina Trinity 1935 21 58-66 M-8057
East St. Modeste Labrador 1935 36 34-35 M-8064
East St. Modeste Labrador 1945 35 5 M-8077
East Street Grand Falls 1945 32 44-46, 59 M-8076
East Tickles Green Bay 1945 14 185-186 M-8070
Eastern Arm St. Barbe 1935 12 56 M-8051
Eastern Cove Fogo 1945 16 51-53 M-8071
Eastern Tickle Fogo 1935 20 158-159 M-8056
Eastern Tickle Fogo 1945 16 21-22 M-8071
Eastport Bonavista South 1945 20 177-185 M-8072
Eastport Bonavista 1935 18 414-424 M-8055
Ebsary Avenue St. John's West 1945 37 49 M-8077
Eddies Cove St. Barbe 1935 12 151-152, 198-200 M-8051
Eddies Cove St. Barbe 1921 1 121, 134-136 M-8043
Eddies Cove West St. Barbe 1945 11 114-115, 160-162 M-8068
Edinburgh Street St. John's East 1935 35 652-654 M-8063
Edinburgh Street St. John's East 1945 42 86-88 M-8078
Eighth Avenue (Windsor) Grand Falls 1945 34 386-388 M-8076
Elliott's Cove Trinity 1921 2 290-292 M-8040
Elliott's Cove Trinity 1935 22 290-291 M-8057
Elliott's Cove Trinity North 1945 22 163-164 M-8073
Elliston Trinity 1935 21 1-7, 23-36 M-8057
Elliston Trinity North 1945 21 13-25, 27, 33 M-8072
Elliston Trinity 1921 1 7-20, 24-36 M-8040
Emberley's Cove Twillingate 1935 16 780 M-8053
Emberley's Pond Twillingate 1921 4 618 M-8039
Emberley's Pond Twillingate 1921 5 835 M-8039
Emberley's Pond Twillingate 1945 15 126 M-8070
Embree (Salt Pond) Grand Falls 1945 33 211-212 M-8076
Embree (Salt Pond) Twillingate 1935 16 696-699 M-8053
Empire Avenue St. John's East 1945 43 21-23, 45-46, 110, 112 M-8079
Empire Avenue St. John's East 1945 44 177, 207-209 M-8079
Empire Avenue St. John's East 1921 4 599-602 M-8033
Empire Avenue St. John's East 1921 1 23 M-8032
Empire Avenue St. John's West 1945 38 81-89 M-8077
Empire Avenue St. John's East 1945 42 29, 57-59, 62, 71, 73, 85-86 M-8078
Empire Street Humber 1945 9 40-41 M-8067
Englee St. Barbe 1921 2 248-260 M-8043
Englee White Bay 1935 13 134-151 M-8052
Englee White Bay 1945 13 227-238 M-8069
English Cove Harbour Main 1921 1 25-26 M-8034
English Harbour Fortune Bay - Burgeo & La Poile 1935 6 59-69, 179-183 M-8048
English Harbour Trinity North 1945 21 95-99 M-8072
English Harbour Trinity 1921 1 123-135 M-8040
English Harbour Bonavista North 1945 18 264-265 M-8071
English Harbour Trinity 1935 21 118-127 M-8057
English Harbour East Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 1 47-48, 60-63 M-8036
English Harbour East Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 15-18, 20 M-8066
English Harbour West Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1921 1 149-157 M-8036
English Harbour West Fortune Bay/ Hermitage 1945 6 139-148 M-8066
English Hill Carbonear/ Bay de Verde 1945 26 174-175, 179-181 M-8074
English Point Labrador 1945 35 16-17 M-8077
English River Labrador 1945 35 82 M-8077
Epworth Burin 1945 5 45, 47-50 M-8066
Epworth Burin 1921 1 171-179 M-8035
Epworth Burin 1935 4 155-161 M-8047
Eric Street St. John's West 1935 31 363, 367, 386-388 M-8061
Eric Street St. John's West 1945 37 78-81, 97 M-8077
Etsell Lawn Bonavista South 1945 19 73-75, 80 M-8072
Experimental Farm St. John's West 1945 41 133 M-8078
Exploits Twillingate 1921 2 264-275 M-8038
Exploits Twillingate 1935 16 712-721 M-8053
Exploits Twillingate 1945 15 25-30 M-8070
Exploits Lane Grand Falls 1945 32 89-92 M-8076