
Select the first letter of a district name to navigate to its sub-district table below.


District 214 - Assiniboia

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Township 1 in range 30 and townships 1 and 2 in range 31, west of the first Meridian


Townships  2 and 3 in range 30 and  township 3 in range 31, west of the first Meridian


Townships  1 and 2 in range 32, west of the first Meridian


Townships  1 and 2 in ranges 33 and 34, west of the first Meridian exclusive of the Town of Carnduff


Township 3 in ranges 32, 33 and 34, west of the first Meridian including the Town of Carnduff


Townships  1, 2 and 3 in range 1, west of the second Meridian


Townships  1, 2 and 3 in range 2, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Town of Oxbow


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range 3, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range  4, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range  5, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range  6, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range  7, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range  8, west of the second Meridian, and exclusive of the town of Estevan


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range  9, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range  10, west of the second Meridian


Township 4 in  range 30 and townships 4 and 5 in range 31, west of the first Meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in range 30 and township 6 in range 31, west of the first Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and  6  in range 32 and township 4 in range 33, west of the first Meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in range  33 and township 4, 5 and 6 in range 34, west of the first Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in range 1, west of the second Meridian


Township 4 in ranges 2 and 3, west of the second Meridian including the  Town of Alameda


Township 5 and 6 in ranges 2 and 3, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in range  4, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in range  5, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in range  6,  west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in range  7, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in range  8, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in range  9, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in range  10,  west of the second Meridian


Townships 7 and 8  in range 30 and township 7 in range 31, west of the first Meridian


Township 8 in range 31 and townships 7 and 8 in range 32, west of the first Meridian


Townships 7 and 8 in ranges  33 and 34, west of the first Meridian


Townships 7 and 8 in range 1 and township 7 in range 2, west of the second Meridian


Township 9 in range 1 and townships 8 and 9 in range 2, including the Town of Carlyle, exclusive  of the Indian Reserve and west of the second Meridian


Townships 7, 8 and 9 in range 3, exclusive of the Indian Reserve and west of the second Meridian


Townships 8 and 9 in range 4, west of the second Meridian, including the Town of Arcola


Township 7 in ranges  4, 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian


Townships  8 and 9  in ranges 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian


Township 9 in range 7 and 8 and township 8 in range 7, west of the second Meridian


Township 7 in range 7 and townships 7 and 8 in range  8, west of the second Meridian


Townships 7 and 8 and 9 in range 9, west of the second Meridian


Townships 7, 8 and 9 in range  10, west of the second Meridian


Townships 9 and 10 in range 30 and township 9 in range 31, west of the first Meridian


Township 11 in range 30 and  townships 10 and 11 in range 31, west of the first Meridian


Townships 10 and 11 in range 32 and township 11 in ranges 33 and 34, west of the first Meridian


Township 9 in range 32 and townships 9 and 10  in ranges 33 and 34, west of the first Meridian


Townships 10 and 11 in range 1, west of the second Meridian


Townships 10 and 11 in ranges 2 and 3, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 10 and  11 in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian


Townships 10 and 11 in ranges 7, 8 and 9, west of the second Meridian


Townships 10 and 11 in range 10, west of the second Meridian


Estevan (Town)


Oxbow (Town)


Indian Reserve

Moose Mountain Agency


District 215 - Battleford

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 35 and 36, whole or fractional, in ranges 16 and 17, south of the White Shore Lake, west of the third Meridian


Townships 35 and 36 in ranges 18 and 19  and those parts of townships of 35 and 36 in ranges 20, east of Tramping Lake, west of the third Meridian


Townships 35 and 36, whole or fractional, in ranges 20, 21 and 22, west of Tramping Lake, west of the third Meridian


Townships 35 and 36 in ranges 23 and township 36 in range 24, west of the third Meridian


Township 35 in range 24 and townships 35 and 36  in range 25, west of the third Meridian


Township  35 in ranges  26, 27, 28 and 29, west of the third Meridian


Township 36 in ranges 26, 27, 28 and 29, west of the third Meridian


Townships 36, 37, 38 and 39, whole or fractional, in range 16 and 17, north of White Shore Lake and  west of the third Meridian


Township 37  in ranges 18 and 19 and those parts of townships 37 and 38 in range 20, east of Tramping Lake, west of the third Meridian


Townships 38 and 39 in ranges 18 and 19, and the east half of township 39 in range 20, west of the third Meridian


Townships 37 and 38 in ranges 21 and 22 and those parts of townships  37 and 38 in range 20, west of Tramping Lake, west of the third Meridian


Township 39 in ranges 21 and 22 and the west half of township 39 in range 20, including the town of Scott


Township 37  in ranges 23, 24 and 25, west of the third Meridian


Township 38 in ranges 23, 24  and 25, west of the third Meridian


Township 39 in ranges 23, 24 and 25, west of the third Meridian


Townships 37, 38 and 39 in range  26, west of the third Meridian


Townships 37 and 38 in range 27 and township 37 in ranges 28 and 29, west of the third Meridian


Township 39 in range 27 and townships 38 and 39 in ranges 28 and 29, west of the third Meridian, including the town of Macklin


Townships 40, 41 and 42, in ranges 16, 17 and 18, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserve.


Townships 40 and 41 in range 19 and township 40 in ranges 20 and 21, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Town of Wilkie


Township 42 in range  19 and townships 41 and 42 in ranges 20 and 21, west of the third Meridian


Township 40 in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the third Meridian, including the town of Unity


Townships 41 and 42 in ranges 22, 23  and 24, west of the third Meridian


Townships 40, 41 and 42, in ranges  25 and 26, west of the third Meridian


Townships 40, 41 and 42 in ranges 27 and 28, west of the third Meridian


Townships 43, 44, 45 and 46, whole or fractional, in ranges 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19  south  and west of the North Saskatchewan River and west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the  town of Battleford and the Indian Reserves


Township 44 in ranges 17 and 18, township 45 in ranges 17, 18 and 19 and township 46 in range 19, all west of 3rd Meridian and Delmas (Village)


Townships 43, 44, 45 and 46, whole or fractional, in ranges 20, 21,  and 22,  south  of Battle River and west of the third Meridian, exclusive  of the Indian Reserves


Townships 43 and 44, range 22, west of the third Meridian


Townships 43 and 44 in ranges 23, 24 and 25, and those parts of townships 43 and 44 in range 26, east of Manitou Lake, west of the third Meridian


Townships 45 and 46 in ranges 23 and 24 and township 45 in range 25, west of the third Meridian


Townships 43 and 44 in ranges 26, 27 and 28, west of the third Meridian


Township 45 in ranges 26, 27 and 28, township 46, in ranges 25, 26 and 27, and  that part of township 47 in ranges 24, 25 and 26, west of the third Meridian, lying  south of the Battle River and situated in the Municipality of Manitou Lake.


Townships 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49, whole or fractional, in ranges 20 and 21, and townships 46 and 47 in range 22, west of the third Meridian,  all north of the Battle River  and South of the  North Saskatchewan River


Township 48 in range 22 and  townships 47 and 48 in ranges 23 and 24, west of the third Meridian, excepting that part of township 47 in range  24, situated west of the  Battle River


Townships 49, 50 and 51, whole or fractional, in ranges 22, 23 and  24, south and west of  the North of Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Township 47 in ranges 25 and 26 and townships 45, 46 and 47 in ranges 27 and 28, all  lying north of Battle River and  west of the third Meridian


Township  48 in ranges 25, 26, 27 and 28, west of the third Meridian,


Township 49  in ranges 25, 26, 27 and 28, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the  town of  Lloydminster


Townships 50 and 51  in ranges 25, 26, 27 and 28, west of the North Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian including  the part the town of Lloydminster in this  Province


Townships 52 and 53, whole or fractional, in ranges 25, 26, 27 and 28, south and west of the North  Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Battleford (Town)


Wilkie (Town)


Indian Reserves

Little Pines, Luckyman, Mosquito, Poundmaker, Stony Reserve, Sweet Grass


District 216 - Humboldt

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Township 31 in ranges 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 east of the South  Saskatchewan River  and west of the third Meridian


Township 31, 32 and 33, whole or fractional, in range 12, townships 31 and 32 in range 11 and that part of township 33 in range 11, lying  south and west of Fishing  Lake and  west of sections 2 and 11, all west of the second Meridian, and exclusive of Indian Reserves, being part of the Municipality of Foam Lake situated within this electoral Division


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 13, west of the second Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 14, west of the second Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 15, west of the second Meridian


Townships 31, 32, and 33 in range 16 and that part of township 34 in range 16, lying and west of Little Quill Lake and east of Big Quill Lake, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the town of  Wynward


Townships 31 and 32 in ranges 17, and 18, west of the second Meridian


Townships 31 and 32  in ranges 19, 20, and 21, west of the second Meridian


Township 33, whole or fractional, in ranges 18, 19, 20 and 21, west of the second Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33, in range 22, west of the second Meridian including the town of Lanigan


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 23, west of the second Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 24, west of the second Meridian


Townships  31 and 32, whole or fractional, in ranges 25 and 26 south of Manitou Lake, and  west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the town of Watrous


Townships 31, 32 and  33 in range  27, west of the second Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in ranges 28, and 29, west of the second Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 1, west of the third Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 2, west of the third Meridian


Townships  32 and 33 in ranges 3 and 4, west of the third Meridian


Townships 32, 33 and 34, whole or fractional, in ranges 5 and 6 east of the South Saskatchewan River and west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Township 34  in ranges  11 and 12 and that part of township 33 in range 11, lying east of Fishing Lake, together with Sections 1 and 2, and all within Sasman Municipality, west of the second Meridian, and exclusive of Indian   Reserves


Townships 35 and 36 in ranges 11 and 12, west of the second Meridian


Townships 34, 35 and 36 in range 13, west of the second Meridian, including the  town of Wadena


Townships 34, 35 and 36 in range 14 and 15, west of the second Meridian


Townships 35 and 36 in ranges 16 and 17, and that part of township 34 in ranges 16 and 17 lying  north  of Little Quill Lake, west of the second Meridian


Townships  34, 35 and 36 in range 18, west of the second Meridian including the town of Watson


Townships 34, 35 and 36 in range 19 and townships 35 and 36  in range 20, west of the second Meridian


Township 34 in range 20, and townships 34, 35 and 36 in range 21, west of the second Meridian


Townships 34, 35 and 36 in range 22 and townships 34 and 35 in range 23, west of the second Meridian


Township 36 in range  23  and townships 34, 35 and 36 in range 24, west of the second Meridian


Townships 32 and 33, whole or fractional, in ranges 25 and 26  north of Manitou Lake and west of the second Meridian


Township 34 in ranges 25 and 26, west of the second Meridian


Townships 35 and 36 in ranges 25 and 26, west of the second Meridian


Townships 34, 35 and 36, in range 27,  west of the second Meridian


Townships 34, 35 and 36 in ranges 28 and 29, west of the second Meridian


Townships 34, 35 and 36 in range 1,  west of the third Meridian


Township 34 in ranges in 2,  3 and 4, west of the third Meridian


Townships 37, 38 and 39 in ranges 11 and 12, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of Indian Reserves


Township 37 in ranges  13, 14 and 15, west of the second Meridian


Townships 38 and 39 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the second Meridian


Townships 37, 38 and 39 in range 16, and townships 37 and 38 in range 17, west of the second Meridian


Township 39 in range 17 and townships 37, 38 and 39 in range 18, west of the second Meridian


Township 37 in ranges 19, 20 and 21, west of the second Meridian


Township 38 in range 19, 20 and 21, west of the second Meridian


Township 39 in ranges 19, 20 and 21, west of the second Meridian


Township 37 in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the city of Humboldt


Township 38 in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the second Meridian


Township 39 in ranges 22, 23, and 24, west of the second Meridian


Township 37 in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of the second Meridian


Township 38 in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of the second Meridian


Township 39 in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of the second Meridian


Township 37 in ranges 28 and 29, west of the second Meridian, and townships 37 and 38 in range 1, west of the third Meridian


Townships 38, 39 and 40 in ranges 28 and 29, west of the second Meridian


Townships 39 and 40 in range 1, west of the third Meridian, including the Town of Vonda


Townships 40 and 41 in ranges 11, 12, 13, 14  and 15, west of the second Meridian


Townships 40 and 41 in ranges 16, 17 and 18, west of the second Meridian


Townships 40 and 41, whole or fractional, in ranges 19, 20 and 21, east of Lake Lenore


Townships 40 and 41, in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the second Meridian, and those parts  of townships 40 and 41 in range 21, lying west and north of Lake Lenore


Townships 40 and 41 in range  25 and township 41 in range 26, west of the second Meridian


Townships 40 in ranges  26 and 27, west of the second Meridian


Township 41 in ranges 27 and 28, west of the second Meridian, and range 1, west of the third Meridian


Humboltd (Town)


Watrous (Town)


Wynward (Town)


Indian Reserve

Fishing Lake, Foam Lake

65, 65A

Indian Reserve

Duck Lake Agency, Kinistino, Moose Woods


Indian Reserve

Nut Lake


District 217 - Kindersley

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 20, 21, 22 and  23, whole or fractional, in ranges 7, 8 and 9,  north and west of the South of Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 19, 20 and 21, whole or fractional, in ranges 10, 11, 12, all north of the South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 22 and 23 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 19, 20  and 21, whole or fractional, in ranges 13, 14 and 15, north of the South Saskatchewan  River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 22 and 23 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian, except that part of township 23 in range 15,  lying west of White Bear Lake


Townships 20, 21 and 22, whole or fractional, in range 16, North of the south of  Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 20, 21 and 22 in range 17, townships 21 and 22, in range 18, west of the third Meridian, north of the South Saskatchewan River


Townships 23  and 24 in ranges 16, 17 and 18 and those parts of townships 23 and 24  in range 15 lying  west of White Bear Lake, west of the third Meridian


Fractional townships 24 and 25  in range 5, and townships 24, 25 and 26, whole or fractional, in ranges 6 and 7, all west of the  South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 24, 25  and 26 in ranges  8 and 9, west of the third Meridian


Townships 24, 25 and 26 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 24 and 25  in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian, except that portion of township 24 in range 15, west of White Bear Lake.


Townships  26 and 27 in ranges  13, 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian


Townships 25, 26  and 27  in ranges 16 and 17, west of the third Meridian


Townships 25, 26  and 27  in range 18, west of the third Meridian


Townships 23 and 24, whole or fractional, in ranges 19, 20 and 21, north of the South of Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 25 and 26  in range 19 and township 25 in ranges  20 and 21, west of the third Meridian


Township 27 in range 19 and townships 26 and 27 in ranges 20 and 21, west of the third Meridian


Townships 24 and 25, whole or fractional, in ranges 22, 23 and 24, and that part of township 23 in range 24, north of the South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 26 and 27 in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the third Meridian


Townships 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, whole or fractional, in ranges 25 and 26, north of the South  Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 23, 24 and 25 in ranges 27, 28 and 29, north of the South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 26 and 27 in ranges 27, 28 and 29, west of the third Meridian


Fractional townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 8, east of the South Saskatchewan River, and including the town of Outlook, west of the third Meridian


Fractional townships 27, 28 and 29 in range 8,west of the South Saskatchewan River and that part of township 27 in range 7, West of  the South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Township 30 in ranges 8, 9 and 10, west of the South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 27, 28 and 29 in range 9, west of the third Meridian


Township 27, 28 and 29 in range 10, west of the third Meridian


Townships 29 and 30  in ranges 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 27 and 28 in ranges 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships  28 and 29 in ranges 13 and 14, west of the third Meridian


Township 30 in  ranges 13 and 14, west of the third Meridian, including the town of Zealandia


Townships 28, 29 and 30 in ranges 15, west of the third Meridian, exclusive  of the town of Rosetown


Townships 28 and 29 in ranges 16 and 17 and township 28 in range 18, west of the third Meridian


Township 30 in ranges 16, 17 and 18 and township 29 in range 18, west of the third Meridian


Townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 19  and township 28 in range 20, west of the third Meridian


Townships 29 and 30 in range 20 and townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 21, west of the third Meridian


Townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 22 and townships 28 and 29 in range 23, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the town of Kindersley


Township 30 in range 23 and townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 24, west of the third Meridian


Townships 28, 29 and 30 in ranges 25 and 26, west of the third Meridian


Townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 27, west of the third Meridian


Townships 29 and 30 in ranges 28 and 29, west of the third Meridian


Township 28 in ranges 28 and 29, west of the third Meridian, including the town of Alsask


Townships 31 and 32, whole or fractional, in ranges 6, 7 and 8, west of the  South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Township 33 in range 6, 7  and 8, west of the South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 9, west of the third Meridian


Township 31 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Township 32 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Township 33 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 13,  and township 31 in range 14, west of the third Meridian


Townships 32 and 33 in range 14 and township 31, 32 and 33 in range 15, west of the third Meridian


Townships 31 and 32 in ranges  16 and 17, west of the third Meridian


Townships 33 and 34 in ranges 16 and 17, west of the third Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 18, west of the third Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 19, west of the third Meridian


Townships 31 and 32 in ranges  20 and 21, west of the third Meridian


Township 33 in ranges 20 and 21, township 34 in ranges 21 and 22 and the west half  of township 34 in range 20, west of the third Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 22 and township 31 in range 23, west of the third Meridian


Townships 32 and 33 in range 23, and townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 24, west of the third Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in ranges 25 and 26, west of the third Meridian


Townships 31 and 32 in ranges 27, 28 and 29, west of the third Meridian


Townships 33 and 34 in ranges 27, 28 and 29 and township 34 in range 26, west of the third Meridian


Township 34 in ranges 18 and 19, and the east half of township 34 in range 20, west of the third Meridian


Township 34 in ranges 23, 24 and 25, including the town of Kerrobert


Kindersley (Town)


Rosetown (Town)


District 218 – Last Mountain

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 21 and 22, whole or fractional, in ranges 17 and 18 west of the second Meridian, and north of the Qu'Appelle River


Townships 23 and 24 in range 17, west of the second Meridian


Townships 23 and 24  in range 18, west of the second Meridian


Townships 20, 21 and 22, whole or fractional, in ranges 20 and 21, and townships 21 and 22. whole or fractional, in ranges 19, west of the second Meridian, and north of the Qu'Appelle River, and Last Mountain Lake


Townships 23  and 24 in ranges 19 and 20, west of the second Meridian


Townships 23 and 24 in range 21, west of the second Meridian


Townships 21, 22 and 23, whole or fractional, in ranges 22 and 23, west of the second Meridian,  north and east  of Last Mountain Lake


Township 24, whole or fractional, in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the second Meridian,  east of Last Mountain Lake, including the town of Strassburg


Townships 23 and 24,  whole or fractional, in ranges 23 and 24, west of the second Meridian, west of the Last Mountain Lake


Townships 23 and 24, in ranges 25 and 26, west of the second Meridian


Township 24 in ranges 25 and 26, west of Second Meridian and Penzance (Village)


Township 23 in ranges 27, 28 and 29, west of the second Meridian


Township 24 in ranges 27, 28 and 29, west of the second Meridian, including the town of Craik


Townships 23 and 24, whole or fractional, in ranges 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, west of the third Meridian, and east  of Aiktow Creek, and  the Qu'Appelle  River


Township 25 in range 11 and townships 25 and 26 in range 12, west of the second Meridian, Ituna


Townships 26 and 27 in range 11 and township 27 in range 12, west of the second Meridian


Township 25 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the second Meridian


Township 26 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the second Meridian


Townships 27A and 27 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 25, 26, 27A and 27  in range 16 and townships 25 and 26 in range 17, west of the second Meridian, exclusive  of the Indian Reserve


Townships 25, 26 and 27 in range 18 and township 27 in range 17, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserve


Township 25 in ranges 19, 20 and 21, west of the second Meridian


Township 26 in ranges 19, 20 and 21, west of the second Meridian


Township 27 in ranges  19, 20  and 21, west of the second Meridian


Township 27 in range 22,  west of the second Meridian, including  the town of Govan


Townships 25 and26  in range 22, west of the second Meridian


Townships 25, 26 and 27, whole or fractional, in ranges 23 and 24, east of  Last Mountain Lake, west of the second Meridian


Townships 25 and 26, whole or fractional, in ranges 24, 25 and 26, west of Last Mountain Lake, west of the second Meridian


Township 27 in ranges 24, 25 and 26, whole or fractional west of Last Mountain Lake, and west of the second Meridian


Townships 26 and 27 in ranges 27 and 28, west of the second Meridian


Township 25 in ranges 27, 28 and 29, west of the second Meridian


Townships 26  and 27 in range 29, west of the second Meridian, including the town of Davidson


Townships 25, 26 and 27, in range 1, west of the third Meridian


Townships 25, 26 and 27 in ranges 2 and 3, west of the third Meridian


Township 25, whole or fractional, in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian, north and east of the  South  Saskatchewan River


Township 26, whole or fractional, in ranges 4, 5, 6 and 7, east  of the South  Saskatchewan River  and west of the third Meridian


Townships 27  and 28 in range 4 and township 28 in range  5, west of the third Meridian


Township 27 in ranges 5, 6 and 7, north and  east of the South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Township 28  in range 11 and 12, west of the second Meridian


Township 29 in ranges 11 and 12, west of the second Meridian


Township 30 in ranges  11 and 12, west of the second Meridian Foam Lake


Townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 13,  west of the second Meridian


Townships 28 and  29 in ranges 14 and 15, west of the second Meridian


Township 30 in ranges 14 and 15, west of the second Meridian


Townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 16  and townships 29 and 30  in range 17, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Township 28  in range 17 and townships  28, 29 and 30  in range 18, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 19, west of the second Meridian


Townships 28, 29 and 30  in range 20, west of the second Meridian


Townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 21, west of the second Meridian


Townships 28 and 29 in range 22, west of the second Meridian, including the town of Nokomis


Townships 28 and 29 in range 22, west of the second Meridian


Township 30 in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the second Meridian


Townships 28 and  29  in  ranges 23 and 24, west of the second Meridian


Townships 28, 29 and 30  in range 25, and township 28, in range 26, west of the second Meridian


Townships 29 and 30  in range 26 and townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 27, west of the second Meridian


Townships 28, 29 and 30 in ranges 28 and 29, west of the second Meridian


Townships 28, 29 and 30  in range 1, west of the third Meridian


Townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 2, west of the third Meridian


Townships 28 and 29 in range 3 and township 29 in ranges 4 and 5, west of the third Meridian


Township 30 in ranges 3, 4 and 5, west of the third Meridian


Townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 6, west of the third Meridian


Townships 28, 29 and 30 in range 7, west of the third Meridian


Touchwood Agency

Day Star, George Gordon Indian School, Muscowequan, Poorman


District 219 -Mackenzie

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships  25, 26 and 27 in range 3, west of the second Meridian


Townships  25, 26 and 27 in range 4, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the town of  Yorkton


Townships 25, 26 and 27  in range 5, west of the second Meridian


Township 25 in range 5, west of the second Meridian


Townships 25, 26 and 27 in range 6, west of the second Meridian


Townships 25, 26 and 27 in range 7, west of the second Meridian


Township 25 in ranges 8 and 9  and township 26 in range 9, west of the second Meridian


Township 26 in range 8  and township 27 in ranges 8 and 9, west of the second Meridian


Townships 25, 26  and 27 in range 10,  west of the second Meridian


Township 28 in range 30 and fractional Townships 26 and 27 in range 30 and that part of township 27 in range 31, east of the Assiniboine River, west of the first Meridian


Township 28 in range 31, 32 and 33, west of the first Meridian


Townships 29 and 30 in ranges 30 and 31, west of the first Meridian


Townships 29 and 30  in ranges 32 and 33, west of the first Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserve and the town of  Kamsack


Township 30 in range 1, west of the second Meridian


Township 30 in ranges 2 and 3, west of the second Meridian


Township 29 in ranges 1 and 2, west of the second Meridian


Township 28 in ranges 1 and 2, west of the second Meridian


Townships 28 and 29 in range 3, west of the second Meridian


Townships 29 and 30 in range 4, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the town of Canora


Township 30 in ranges 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian


Township  29 in ranges 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian


Township 28  in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian


Township 30 in range 7 and 8, west of the second Meridian


Townships 28 and 29 in range 7, west of the second Meridian


Townships 28 and 29  in range 8, west of the second Meridian


Township 28  in range 9, west of the second Meridian


Township 29 in range 9, west of the second Meridian


Townships 28 and 29  in range 10, west of the second Meridian


Township 30 in ranges 9 and 10, west of the second Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 30, west of the first Meridian


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in range 31


Townships 31, 32 and 33 in ranges 32 and 33, exclusive of the Indian  Reserve, west of the first Meridian


Townships 31 and 32 in ranges 1 and 2, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserve


Township 33 in ranges 1 and 2, west of the second Meridian


Township 33 in ranges 3 and 4, west of the second Meridian


Townships 31 and 32 in range 3, west of the second Meridian


Township 31 in ranges 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian


Township 32 in ranges 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian


Township 33 in ranges 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian


Townships 31 and 32, range 4, west of the second Meridian


Township 31  in ranges 8, 9 and 10, west of the second Meridian


Township 32 in ranges, 8, 9 and 10, west of the second Meridian


Township  31 and 32 in range 7, west of the second Meridian


Township 33 in ranges 7, 8 and 9, west of the second Meridian


Townships 34, 35 and 36 in range 30, west of the first Meridian


Township 34 in ranges 31, 32 and 33, west of the first Meridian


Townships 35 and 36  in ranges 31 and 32, west of the first Meridian


Townships 34, 35 and 36  in range 1, west of the second Meridian


Township 34 in ranges  2 and 3, west of the second Meridian


Townships 35 and 36  in ranges 2 and 3, west of the second Meridian


Township  34 in ranges 4 and 5, west of the second Meridian


Townships 35 and 36 in range 4, west of the second Meridian


Townships 35 and 36 in range 5, west of the second Meridian


Townships 34, 35 and 36 in range 6, west of the second Meridian


Township 34 in ranges 7, 8 and 9, west of the second Meridian


Townships  35 and 36 in ranges 7 and 8, west of the second Meridian


 Townships 33, 34 and 35 in range 10, west of the second Meridian


Township 36 in range 10 and townships 35 and 36, range 9, west of the second Meridian


Townships 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41, inclusive in ranges 30, 31 and 32, west of the first Meridian and ranges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, inclusive, less township 37, range 6, west of the second Meridian


Townships 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41, inclusive in ranges 7, 8, 9 and 10, less township 37 in ranges 7 and 8,west of the second Meridian


Township 37  in ranges 6, 7 and 8, west of the second Meridian


Canora (Town)


Kamsack (Town)


Yorkton (Town)

That part  of  the town of Yorkton lying south of Broadway


Yorkton (Town)

That part  of  the town of Yorkton lying  north of Broadway and west of Second Avenue


Yorkton (Town)

That part of  the town of Yorkton lying north of Broadway and east of Second Avenue


Yorkton (Town)

Indian Reserve, Pelly Agency, Cote, Kerohoose, Key

District 220 – Maple Creek

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, west of the third Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the third Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in ranges 7, 8 and 9, west of the third Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in ranges 16, 17 and 18, west of the third Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in ranges 19, 20 and 21, west of the third Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the third Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of the third Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in ranges 28, 29 and 30, west of the third Meridian


Townships  4 and 5 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, that part of township 6 in ranges  1, 2 and 3, not included  in Stonehenge Municipality and south of Twelve Mile Lake, west of the third Meridian


Townships 4 and  5 in ranges  4, 5  and 6, west of the third Meridian


Township 6 in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the third Meridian


Township 4 in range 7 and townships 4  and 5 in ranges 8 and 9, west of the third Meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in range 7 and township 6 in ranges 8 and 9, west of the third Meridian


Townships 4 and 5 and 6 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6  in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian


Townships 4 and 5  in ranges 16, 17 and 18, west of the third Meridian


Townships  4, 5 and 6  in ranges  19 and 20, west of the third Meridian


Townships  4, 5 and 6  in range 21, west of the third Meridian, including the town of East End


Townships  4, 5 and 6  in ranges  22, 23 and 24, west of the third Meridian


Townships  4, 5 and 6  in ranges  25, 26  and 27, west of the third Meridian


Townships  4, 5 and 6  in ranges  28, 29  and 30, west of the third Meridian


Township 7 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, and that part of township 6 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, Twelve Mile Lake, west of the third Meridian


Limerick Village, Valour Hamlet


Township 8 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, west of the third Meridian


Townships 7 and 8 in range 4 and township 7 in range 5, west of the third Meridian


Township 8 in range 5 and townships 7 and  8 in range 6, west of the third Meridian


Townships 7 and 8 in range 7 and township 7 in range 8, west of the third Meridian


Township 8 in range 8  and townships 7  and 8 in range 9, west of the third Meridian


Townships 7 and 8 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Township 7 and 8  in ranges 13,14  and 15, west of the third Meridian


Townships 6 and 7  in ranges 16, 17 and 18, west of the third Meridian


Township 8  in ranges 16, 17 and 18, west of the third Meridian exclusive of the town Shaunavon


Townships 7, 8 and 9 in range 19 and townships 8 and 9 in range 20, west of the third Meridian


Township 7 in range 20 and townships 7, 8 and 9 in range 21, west of the third Meridian


Townships 7, 8 and 9  in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the third Meridian


Townships 7, 8 and 9  in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of the third Meridian


Townships 7, 8  and 9  in ranges 28, 29 and 30, west of the third Meridian


Townships 9, 10 and 11 in range 18, west of the third Meridian


Township 10 in ranges 19, 20 and 21  and township 11 in ranges 20 and 21, west of the third Meridian


Township 11 and 12  in range 19 and township 12 in ranges 20 and 21, west of the third Meridian


Townships 10 and 11 in ranges 22 and 23 and township 10 in range  24, west of the third Meridian


Township 12 in ranges  22, 23 and 24, and township 11 in range 24, west of the third Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of the third Meridian, excluding the town of Maple Creek


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 28, west of the third Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in ranges 29 and 30, west of the third Meridian


Townships 12, 13, 14 and 15  in range 18, west of the third Meridian


Townships  13, 14 and 15  in range 19, west of the third Meridian, excluding the town  of Gull Lake


Townships 13, 14, and 15 in ranges 20 and 21, west of the third Meridian


Townships 13, 14 and 15  in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the third Meridian


Townships 13, 14 and 15 in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of the third Meridian


Townships 13, 14 and 15 in ranges 28, 29 and 30, west of the third Meridian


Townships 16, 17 and 18 in range 18, west of the third Meridian


Townships 19,  20, 21 and 22, whole or fractional, in range 18, west of the third Meridian,  south and west of the South Saskatchewan River including the town of Cabri


Townships  17  and 18  in range 19 and township 18 in ranges  20 and 21, west of the third Meridian


Township 16 in range 19  and townships 16 and 17 in ranges 21 and 22, west of the third Meridian


Townships 16, 17 and 18 in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the third Meridian


Townships 17 and 18 in range 25 and township 18  in ranges  26 and 27, west of the third Meridian


Township 16 in range  25 and townships 16 and 17 in ranges 26 and 27, west of the third Meridian


Townships 16, 17  and 18 in ranges  28, 29 and 30, west of the third Meridian


Townships 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23, whole or fractional in range 19, west of the third Meridian,  south of the South Saskatchewan River


Townships 19 and 20 in ranges  20 and 21, west of the third Meridian


Townships 21, 22 and 23, whole or fractional, in ranges 20 and 21, west of the third Meridian, south of the South Saskatchewan River.


Townships 21, 22, 23 and 24, whole or fractional, in range 22, west of the third Meridian, and south  of the South of Saskatchewan River


Townships 21, 22, 23  and 24, whole or fractional, in range 23, west of the third Meridian, and  south of the South Saskatchewan River.


Townships 21, 22, 23 and 24, whole or fractional, in range 24, west of the third Meridian, and south  of the South of Saskatchewan River


Townships 19 and 20 in ranges 22 and 23 and 24, west of the third Meridian


Township 19  in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of the third Meridian


Township 20 in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of the third Meridian


Townships 21, 22 and 23, whole or fractional, in range  25 , west of the third Meridian, south of the South Saskatchewan River


Township 21 in ranges 26 and 27, west of the third Meridian


Townships 22 and 23, whole  or fractional, in ranges 26 and 27, west of the third Meridian, south of the South  Saskatchewan River and exclusive of the town of Leader


Townships 21, 22  and 23, whole or fractional, in ranges 28 and 29, west of the third Meridian, and south of the  South  Saskatchewan River


Townships 19  and 20  in ranges 28 and 29, west of the third Meridian


Cull Lake (Town)


Maple Creek (Town)


Shaunavon (Town)


Leader (Town)


Wood Mountain Indian Reserve

District 221 – Moose Jaw

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 1, 2 and 3, in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3, in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3, in ranges 28,  29 and  30, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in ranges 22 and 23, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6, in range 24, Township 4 in ranges  25 and 26 and that part of township 5 in range 25, south of Willowbunch Lake, west of the second Meridian


Township 4 in range 27 and townships 5 and 6, whole or fractional in ranges 26 and 27, lying south of Willowbunch Lake, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in range 28, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in ranges 29 and 30, west of the second Meridian


Townships 7 and 8 in range 22, west of the second Meridian, including the town of Ogema


Townships 7 and 8 in ranges 23 and 24, west of the second Meridian


Township 9 in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the second Meridian


Townships 5 and 6, whole or fractional, in ranges 25, 26 and  27, lying  north of Willowbunch Lake, west of the second Meridian


Townships 7 and 8 in range 25  and township 7 in ranges 26 and 27, west of the second Meridian


Township 9 in range 25 and townships 8 and 9 in ranges 26 and 27, west of the second Meridian


Township 7 in range 28 those parts of townships 8 and 9 in ranges 28 and 29, which lie east  of Lake of the River, west of the second Meridian


Townships 7, 8 and 9, in range 30, township 7 in range 29 and those parts of townships 8 and 9  in ranges 28 and 29, lying west of  Lake of the Rivers, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the town of Assiniboia


Township 10 in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the second Meridian


Townships 11 and 12  in range 22 and township 12 in range in range 23, west of the second Meridian


Township 11 in range 23 and townships 11 and 12  in range 24, west of the second Meridian


Township 10 in range 25 and townships 11 and 12 in ranges 25 and 26, west of the second Meridian


Township 10 in range 26,  townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 27 and that part of township 10 in range 28 lying  east  of Lake of the Rivers, west of the second Meridian


Townships 10 and 11 in ranges 29 and 30, and those parts of townships 10 and 11 in range 28, lying  west of Lake of the Rivers, west of the second Meridian


Township 12 in ranges 28, 29 and 30 and those parts of townships 10 and 11 in range 28, lying north and east of Lake of the Rivers, west of the second Meridian


Townships 13 and 14 in range 22, west of the second Meridian, including the town of Rouleau


Townships 13 and 14 in ranges 23 and 24, west of the Second Meridian


Township 15 in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the second Meridian


Townships 13, 14 and 15 in range 25, west of the second Meridian


Townships 13, 14 and 15  in range 26, west of the second Meridian


Townships 13, 14 and 15 in range 27, west of the second Meridian


Townships 13, 14 and 15 in ranges 28, 29 and 30, west of the second Meridian


Township 16  in ranges  25, 26 and 27, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the  City of Moose Jaw


Township 17 in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the City of Moose Jaw


Township 18 in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of the second Meridian


Townships 16, 17 and 18 in range 28, west of the second Meridian


Townships 16, 17 and 18, in ranges 29 and 30, west of the second Meridian


Township 19 in ranges 25, 26, 27 and 28, whole or fractional lying south and west of the Qu'Appelle River, west of the second Meridian


Townships 20 and 21  in ranges 26, 27 and 28, lying south of the Qu'Appelle River and west of the second Meridian


Townships 19, 20, 21 and 22  whole or fractional, in range 29, west of the second Meridian, south of the Qu'Appelle River


Assiniboia (Town)


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that part of the Cty of Moose Jaw in Ward 5, bounded on the east by Fourth Avenue, on the north by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway on the west and south by the City Limits


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Moose Jaw in Ward 5, bounded on the  west by Fourth Avenue, on the north by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway on the east by the centre of Main Street, and on the south by the  city limits


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Moose Jaw in Ward 5, bounded on the north by  the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway on the west by the centre of Main Street, on the east  and south by city limits .


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Moose Jaw in Ward 1, bounded on the north by the centre of Caribou Street, on the east by the  city limits, on the south by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Moose Jaw Creek and the centre of High Street, and  on the  West by the centre of Twelfth Avenue Last


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Moose Jaw in Ward 1, bounded on the west by the centre of Min Street, on the south by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the north and east as follow: from the intersection of the Canadian Pacific Railway and eighteenth Avenue along Moose Jaw Creek to High Street, along the centre of High Street to Twelfth Avenue north along the centre of Twelfth Avenue east to Caribou Street, along the Centre of Caribou Street to Main Street.


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Moose Jaw in Ward 2, bounded on the east by the centre of Main Street, on the north by the centre of Caribou Street, on the west by the centre of Seventh Avenue, and on the south by the mainline of the Canadian Pacific Railway


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Moose Jaw in Ward 2, bounded on the north by the centre  of Caribou Street, on the east  by the centre of Seventh Avenue, on the south by the mainline of the Canadian Pacific Railway and on the west by the centre oh Fifth Avenue


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Moose Jaw in Ward 2, bounded on the north by the centre  of Caribou Street, on the east  by the centre of  Fifth Avenue, on the south by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway and on the west by the centre on Fourth  Avenue, west.


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Moose Jaw in Ward 2, bounded on the north by Caribou Street, on the east by the centre of  Fourth Avenue west, on the south by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway and on the west  by the City Limits


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion  of the City of Moose Jaw in Ward 4,  bounded on the south by the centre of Caribou Street, on the  west by the centre of Wolf Avenue, on the north and on the east by the City Limits


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Moose Jaw in Ward 4, bounded on the north by the City Limits, on the east by the centre of Wolf Avenue, on the south by the centre of Caribou Street, and on the  west  by the centre of Main Street


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Moose Jaw in Ward 3, bounded on the north by the centre of Laurier Street, on the east by the centre of Main Street, on the south by the centre of Caribou Street, and on the west by the centre of Alberta Avenue.


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Moose Jaw in Ward 3, bounded on the east  by the centre of Main  Street, on the south by the centre of Laurier  Street, on the west by the centre of  Alberta Avenue  and on the north by the  city limits .


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Moose Jaw in Ward 3, bounded on the east by the centre of Alberta Avenue, on the south by the centre of Caribou Street, on the west by the centre of First Avenue and on the north by the City Limits


Moose Jaw (City)

Comprising that portion of the  City of Moose Jaw in Ward 3, bounded on the north by the city limits, on the east by the centre of First avenue, on the south by the centre of Caribou Street, and on the west by the city limits


District 222 – North Battleford

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 39, 40 and 41, whole or fractional, in ranges 7 and 8, north and west of the North Saskatchewan River and sections 1  to 12, inclusive, in township 42, range 8, west of the third Meridian


Townships 39, 40 and 41, whole or fractional, in range 9, north  of the North Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 39, 40 and 41, whole or fractional in range 10, north of the  North Saskatchewan River, including the town of Radisson


Townships 39, 40, 41 and 42, whole or fractional in range 11, north of the North Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 40, 41 and 42, whole or fractional, in range 12, north  of the North  Saskatchewan River


Townships 41 and 42  in ranges 13, 14 and 15, north of the North Saskatchewan River, and west of the third Meridian


Townships 42 and 43, whole or fractional in ranges 5, 6 and 7, west of the third Meridian north and west of the North  Saskatchewan River


Township 44 whole or fractional in ranges 5, 6 and 7, north and west of the North Saskatchewan River, including River lots west of the third Meridian


Township 45 in ranges 4, 5, 6 and 7, west of the third Meridian, west of the  North Saskatchewan River including River lots, west of the third Meridian


Townships 43, 44 and 45 in range 8, and sections 13 to 36, inclusive, in township 42 range 8, west of the third Meridian


Townships 43, 44 and 45 in  range 9, west of the third Meridian


Townships 43, 44 and 45 in  range 10, west of the third Meridian


Townships 42 in  range 9 and 10, west of the third Meridian


Townships 43, 44 and 45 in  range 11 and township 43 in range 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 44 and 45, in range 12 and townships 43, 44 and 45, in range 13, west of the third Meridian,


Townships 43 and 44 in range 14 and township 43 in range 15, north of the North Saskatchewan River and west of the third Meridian


Township 44 in range 15  and townships 43 and 44 in ranges 16 and 17, north and  east of the  North Saskatchewan River and west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the City of North Battleford


Township 45 in ranges 14, 15, 16 and 17, north of the North Saskatchewan River, and exclusive of the Indian Reserve


Townships 46 and 47, whole or fractional, in ranges 2, 3 and 4, north and west of the North Saskatchewan River west of the third Meridian


Township 48 in ranges 4 and 5, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 46 and 47 in ranges  5 and 6, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 46, 47 and 48 in ranges 7, 8 and 9, west of the third Meridian exclusive of the Indian Reserves and that part of townships 47 and 48 in range 6, west of Mistawasis Reserves


Township 46  in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 47 and 48 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 46, 47 and 48 in range 13, west of the third Meridian


Townships 46, 47 and 48 in ranges 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 46, 47  and 48 in range 16 and townships 47 and 48 in ranges in range 17, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Township 46 in range 17 a d townships 46, 47 and 48  in range 18, west of the third Meridian


Townships 46, 47,48 and 49, in range 19, north of the North Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships  46, 47, 48 and 49, in ranges 20 and 21, North of the North Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 48, 49 and 50, whole or fractional, in ranges 1 and 2, north of the North Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Township 48 and 49 in range 3,  west of the third Meridian, Shellbrook


Township 50 in range 3 and township 51 in ranges 1, 2 and 3  west of the third Meridian, exclusive of Indian Reserves


Township 49 in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves. Ordale.


Township 50 in ranges 4, 5  and 6, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Township 51 in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 49, 50 and 51  in ranges 7, 8 and 9, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 49, 50 and 51  in ranges 10, 11 and 12  west of the third Meridian


Townships 49, 50 and  51 in  ranges 13 and 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian


Townships 49, 50 and 51  in range 16  and township 51, in range 17, west of the third Meridian


Townships 49, 50 in range 17 and townships 49, 50 and 51, in range 18, west of the third Meridian


Townships 50, 51 and 52 in range 19 and townships 50 and  51 in range 20, west of the third Meridian


Townships 50, 51 and 52 in range 21 and township 52 in range 20, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 50, 51 and 52, whole or fractional, in ranges 22, 23,  24 and 25, all lying  north and east of the North Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships  52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 in ranges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6,  west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 52, 53 and 54 in ranges 7, 8 and 9, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the  Indian Reserves


Townships 52, 53 and 54 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 and 58 inclusive, in ranges 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18,  inclusive west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserve


Townships 53, 54 and  55, in ranges 19, 20 and 21, west of the third Meridian


Townships 53, 54 and 55, in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the third Meridian


Townships 53,  54 and 55, whole or fractional, in ranges 25, 26, 27 and 28 north of the North Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserve


Townships 55, 56, 57 and 58 in ranges 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 inclusive, in ranges 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, inclusive  west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserve


Townships 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 inclusive in ranges 16, 17 and 18, west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64, inclusive, in ranges 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, inclusive west of the third Meridian, and  exclusive of the Indian Reserves


All that unsurveyed part of the Electoral District of North Battleford lying  north of township 64, west of the third Meridian


North Battleford (Town)

All that part of the city lying north and including the north side of Second Avenue


North Battleford (Town)

All that Part of the city lying  south and including the  south  side of Second Avenue


North Battleford (Town)

Mental Hospital


Unorganized Territory



Unorganized Territory

Buffalo Narrows, Buffalo River, Cree Lake, Dore Lake, Dore River, Island Lake, Isle a la Crosse, Lac La Plonge, Portage La Loche, Snake Lake, Souris River, Swan Lake, Whitefish Lake


Fond du Lac

Fort Smith


Indian Agency

Meadow Lake, Moosimin, Saulteaux, Thunderchild, Waterhen


Indian Agency

Carlton Agency, Ahtahkahooks, Big River, Kinematayo, Mistawasis, Muskeg Lake, Pelican Lake, Petequaheys, Sandy Lake, Whitchihan Lake


Indian Agency

Indian School, Island Lake, Joseph Bigheads, Loon Lake, Onion Lake


District 223 – Prince Albert

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 42, 43, 44 and 45 in ranges 30, 31 and 32, west of the first Meridian and in range 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, inclusive, west of the second Meridian


Townships 42, 43, 44 and 45  in range 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, inclusive, west of the second Meridian


Townships 42 and 43 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the second Meridian


Townships 44 and 45 in ranges  13, 14 and 15,  west of the second Meridian


Townships 42 and 43 in ranges 16 and 17 and township 42 in range 18, exclusive of the Indian Reserves, west of the second Meridian


Township s 44 and 45 in ranges 16 and 17, west of the second Meridian


Townships 43, 44 and 45, in range 18, west of the second Meridian


Townships 42, 43, 44 and 45, in range 19, west of the second Meridian


Townships 42, 43, 44 and 45, in range 20, west of the second Meridian


Townships 42 and 43 in range 21, township 44 in  range 21 and 21A, township 45 in range 21A and the south half of  township 45 in range 21, west of the second Meridian


Townships 42 and 43 in ranges 22, 23 and 24, west of the second Meridian


Townships 44 and 45 in ranges 22, 23 and 24, and township 45A in range 22, west of the second Meridian


Those parts of townships 42 and 43 in ranges 25 and 26, lying  south of Wakaw Lake and Carrot River, including the village of Wakaw, west of the second Meridian


Those parts of townships 42 and 43 in ranges 25 and 26, lying  north of Wakaw Lake and Carrot River, exclusive of  the village of Wakaw, west of the second Meridian


Township 44 in ranges 25, 26 and 27, and the north half of township 43, in range 27, west of the second Meridian


Township 45 in ranges 25, 26, 27 and 28, west of the second Meridian, including River lots, south of the South Saskatchewan River.


The north half of township 43 in range 28, township 44 in range 28, west of the second Meridian and township 43, 44 and 45 in range 1 west of the third Meridian, including River lots east and south of the South Saskatchewan exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Township 42 in ranges 27 and 28, the south half of township 43 in ranges 27 and 28, west of the second Meridian, and townships 42A and 42 in range 1, west of the third Meridian, including River lots all lying east of the South Saskatchewan River


Townships 42A, 42 and 43A, whole or fractional, in ranges 1 and 2, west of the South Saskatchewan river including River lots in Rosthern Municipality, west of the third Meridian


Township 42 in ranges 3 and 4, west of the third Meridian exclusive of the town of Rosthern


Townships 43 and 44 in range 4 and townships 43A and 43, in range 3, south of the Indian Reserve, west of the third Meridian,


Township 42 in ranges 5, 6 and 7 east of the North Saskatchewan River and  west of the third Meridian


Fractional townships 43 and 44 in ranges 5 and 6 lying  south and east of the North Saskatchewan River including River lots and west of the third Meridian


Townships 43 and 44 in ranges 1 and 2, West of the South Saskatchewan river, west of the third Meridian, including river lots and including the town of Duck Lake, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 44, 45, 46 and 47, whole or fractional, in range 3, and that part of township 45 in range 4, west of the third Meridian,  all south and east of the North Saskatchewan River including the river lots.


Townships 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49, whole or fractional, in ranges 1 and 2, west of the third Meridian, south of the North Saskatchewan River


Townships 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 54, inclusive in ranges 30, 31 and 32, west of the first Meridian and ranges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, inclusive, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserve



Townships 46, 47 and 48, in ranges 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, inclusive west of the second Meridian


Townships 46, 47 and 48 in range 13 and township 48 in range 14, west of the second Meridian


Townships 46 and 47  in range 14 and townships 46, 47 and 48, in range 15, west of the second Meridian


Townships 46, 47 and 48, in range 16, and township 48 in range 17, west of the second Meridian


Townships 46 and 47 in range 17 and townships 46, 47 and 48 in range 18, west of the second Meridian


Townships 46, 47, 48 and 49 in range 19, south of the Saskatchewan River, exclusive of the Indian Reserve, west of the second Meridian


The north half of township 45 in range 21 and  townships 46, 47, 48 and 49 in ranges  20, 21A and 21  all south of  the  Saskatchewan  River, west of the second Meridian  exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships  46, 47, 48 and 49, whole or fractional , in range 22 south and east of the  south Saskatchewan River, west of the second Meridian


Townships 46, 46A, 47, 47A, and 48 in ranges 23, 24, 24A, 25, 26 and 27 all lying south and  west of the south Saskatchewan river within Birch Hills Municipality exclusive of the Indian Reserves, and west of the second Meridian


All that territory lying east of range 26, south of the North Saskatchewan river and north of the south Saskatchewan river, west of the second Meridian being part of Prince Albert municipality 461, exclusive of the Indian Reserve


Townships 47, 48 and 49, whole or fractional in ranges 26, 27 and 28 west of the second Meridian and south of  North Saskatchewan river including river lots exclusive of Prince Albert City


Townships 45 and 46, in range 26, 27 and 28, west of the second Meridian north and west of the  South Saskatchewan River, and including river lots.


Townships 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 54, whole or fractional, in ranges 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, inclusive, south of the Saskatchewan river and those parts of township 52 in ranges 13  to 14, south of the Saskatchewan river west of the second Meridian


Townships 49, 50, and 51, whole or fractional, in ranges 13, 14 south and east of the Saskatchewan river and  west of the second Meridian


Townships 49 and 50, whole or fractional, in ranges 15, 16, 17 and 18  south of  the Saskatchewan river, and west of the second Meridian


All the territory East of range 22 south of township 55, and north  of Saskatchewan River and west of the second Meridian


Townships 49, 50 and 51, whole or fractional, in ranges 22 and 23, north of the North Saskatchewan river and west of the second Meridian


Townships 49, 50 and 51, whole or fractional, in range 24,  north of the North Saskatchewan river and west of the second Meridian


Townships 49, 50 and 51, in range 25, and townships 49 and 50  in range 26, all north of the  North Saskatchewan river and west of the second Meridian


Township 51 in range 26 and townships 48, 49, 50 and 51 in ranges 27 and 28, north of the North  Saskatchewan  river, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserve


Township 52, 53 and 54, in ranges 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28, inclusive west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserve


All the territory East  in Prince Albert's electoral district, lying north of township 54, exclusive of the Indian Reserve


Melfort (Town)


Rosthern (Town)


Prince Albert (City)

That part of the  City of Prince Albert, in Ward or Sub-division 1 & 2, situated East of Third Avenue, South of the North Saskatchewan River


Prince Albert (City)

That part of the City of Prince Albert, in Ward or Sub-division 2, situated East of  Central Avenue, and West of Third Avenue East, South of the North Saskatchewan River


Prince Albert (City)

That part of the City of Prince Albert, in Ward or Sub-division 2, situated East of  Second  Avenue and West of  Central  Avenue, South of the North Saskatchewan River, and that part of the City situated North of the said river - North Saskatchewan River


Prince Albert (City)

That part of the City of Prince Albert, in Ward or Sub-division 3, situated west of Second Avenue. West and North of Fifteenth Street and South of the North Saskatchewan River


Prince Albert (City)

That part of the City of Prince Albert, in  Ward or Sub-division 3, situated West of Second Avenue West, and South of Fifteenth Street


Provincial Jail

outside City of Prince Albert and in township 48, range 26


Saskatchewan Penitentiary


Duck Lake Agency

Beardy, James Smith, John Smith, Indian School, Okeemasis, One Arrow


Carlton Agency

Sturgeon Lake, Twatts, Wahpatos, William Charles


Le Pas Agency

Cumberland, Pine Bluff, Red Earth, Shoal Lake


Lac La Ronge

Canoe Lake, Clear Lake, English River, Fort McMurray, Lac du Brochet, Lac La Ronge, Pelican Narrows, Pukitawgaw, South End, Stanley


Unorganized Territory

Beaver Lake, Cumberland, Flin Flon, Sturgeon Landing, The Pas


District 224 - Qu'Appelle- Saskatchewan

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Township 12 in ranges 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, west of the first Meridian


Township 12 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, west of the second Meridian


Township 12 in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian


Township 12 in ranges 7, 8, 9 and 10, west of the second Meridian


Townships 13 and 14 in range 30, west of the first Meridian including the town of Fleming


Townships 13 and 14 in range 31, west of the first Meridian exclusive of the town of Moosomin.


Township 15 in ranges 30 and 31, west of the first Meridian


Township 13 and 14 in ranges 32, 33 and 34, west of the first Meridian


Township 15 in ranges 32 and 33, west of the first Meridian including the town of Wapella


Townships 14 and 15 in ranges 1 and 2, and township 15 in range 3, west of the second Meridian


Township 13 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, and township 14 in range 3, west of the second Meridian


Township 13 in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian


Townships 14 and 15 in ranges  4, 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian


Townships 13, 14 and 15 in range 7 and township 13 in range  8, west of the second Meridian


Townships 14 and 15 in range 8 and townships 13, 14 and 15 in range 9, west of the second Meridian


Townships 13, 14 and 15 in range 10, west of the second Meridian


Township 16 in range 12, 13 and 14, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Township 16 in ranges 15 and  16, west of the second Meridian


Township 16 in ranges 30 and 31, west of the first Meridian


Those parts  of townships 17 and 18 in ranges 30, 31 and 32, west of the first Meridian lying south of the Qu'Appelle River


Township 16 in range 32 and townships 16, 17 and 18, whole or fractional, in range 33, south of the Qu'Appelle River, and west of the first Meridian


Townships 17 and 18  in range 1 and 2, west of the second Meridian, lying  south of the Qu'Appelle River


Township 16 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, west of the second Meridian, including the town of Whitewood, also south of Township 17, range 3, west of the second Meridian


Townships 16, 17 and 18  in range 4, 5 and 6, whole or fractional west of the second Meridian, lying south of the Qu'Appelle River exclusive of the town of Broadview and the Indian Reserves


Townships 16, 17, 18, 19A and 19 in range 7, lying  south of Qu'Appelle River, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the town of Grenfell


Townships 16, 17, 18, 19A and 19 in range 8, south of Qu'Appelle River, west of the second Meridian


Townships 16, 17  and 18 in range 9, west of the second Meridian, lying south of the Qu'Appelle River


Townships 16, 17  and 18 in range 10, west of the second Meridian, south of the Qu'Appelle River, exclusive of  the town of Wolseley


Township 17  in range 11, including the town of Sintaluta, and these parts of township 18, 19A and 19 in range 11 south of the Qu'Appelle River and west of the second Meridian


Townships 17, 18 and 19A in range 12 and that part of township 19 in range 12, lying south and west of the  the Qu'Appelle  River and west of the second Meridian


Townships  17, 18 and 19 in range 13, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the town of Indian Head


Townships 17, 18 and 19 in range 14, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the town of Qu'Appelle


Townships 17 and 18 in range 15 and 16, west of the second Meridian


Township 19 in ranges 15 and 16, west of the second Meridian


Those parts of townships 20 and 21 in ranges 12 and 13 and that part of township 21 range 14, all lying south and west of the Qu'Appelle River, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Township 20 in range 14 and townships 20 and 21 in ranges 15 and 16, west of the second Meridian, lying south  of the Qu'Appelle River, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Broadview (Town)


Grenfell (Town)


Indian Head (Town)


Moosomin (Town)


Qu'Appelle (Town)


Wolseley (Town)


Indian Reserve

Muscowpetung, Pasqua, Qu’Appelle Agency


Indian Reserve



Crooked Lake Agency

Cowessess, Kahkewistahan, Little Bone, Ochpowace, Sakimay


District 225 - Regina

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 16 and 17 in ranges 17 and 18, west of the second Meridian


Township 18 in ranges  17 and 18, west of the second Meridian, including town of  Balgonie


Township 19 in ranges 17 and 18  and township 20 in range 17, west of the second Meridian, exclusive  of the Indian Reserve


Township 16 in ranges 19, 20 and 21, west of the second Meridian


Township 17 in range 19, west of the second Meridian, exclusive  of the city of Regina


Township 17 in ranges 20 and 21, west of the second Meridian, exclusive  of the city of Regina


Township 18 in ranges 19, 20 and 21, west of the second Meridian


Townships 16, 17 and 18 in ranges 22, west of the second Meridian


Townships 16, 17 and 18  in range 23, west of the second Meridian


Townships 16, 17 and 18 in range 24, west of the second Meridian


Townships 19 and 20 in range 19 and that part of township 21 in range 19, lying south of the Qu'Appelle River, west of the second Meridian


Townships 19, 20 and 21, whole or fractional, in ranges  20 and 21, lying south of the Qu'Appelle River, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the town of Lumsden


Townships 19,  and 20 in range 22, west of the second Meridian, and that part of the township 21 in range 22, lying  south of Last Mountain Lake and east of the Arm River


Townships 19, 20 and 21  in range 23 and that part of township 21  in range 22 lying south of Last Mountain Lake and west of Arm River, west of the second Meridian


Townships 19, 20 and 21  in range 24, west of the second Meridian


Townships 19, 20 and 21, whole or fractional, in ranges 25 and 26, west of the second Meridian, lying north of the Qu'Appelle River


Township 22 in ranges 23, 24, 25 and 26, lying west of Last Mountain Lake, west of the second Meridian


Townships 20, 21 and 22, whole or fractional, in ranges 27, 28 and 29, west of the second Meridian, and township 22, in range 1, west of the third Meridian, all lying north of the Qu'Appelle River.


Lumsden (Town)


Regina (City)

Comprising that portion  of the city of Regina, bounded on the west by Albert Street, on the north by Sixteenth Avenue, on the east and south by the City Limits


Regina (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Regina bounded on the west by Osler Street, on the north by Victoria Avenue, on the east by  Winnipeg  Street and on the south by Sixteenth Avenue


Regina (City)

Comprising that portion  of the city of Regina, bounded on the west  by Cornwall Street, on the north by  Victoria Avenue, on the east by Osler Street and on the south by Sixteenth Avenue


Regina (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Regina, bounded on the west by Albert, on the north by Victoria Avenue, on the east by Cornwall Street and on the South by Sixteenth Avenue


Regina (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Regina, bounded on the north by Sixteenth Avenue, on the east by Albert Street, on the south and west by the City Limits


Regina (City)

Comprising that portion of  the City of  Regina, bounded on the north by Victoria avenue, on the east  by Albert  Street, on the south by Sixteenth Avenue  and on the  west by  Athol Street


Regina (City)



Regina (City)

Comprising that portion  of the City of Regina, bounded on the north by Victoria Avenue and the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the  east  by Athol Street, on the south by Sixteenth Avenue and on the west by the City Limits


Regina (City)

Comprising that portion of the city of Regina, bounded on the north by Dewdney Avenue, on the east by Osler Street, on the south  by Victoria Avenue and on the west  by Hamilton Street


Regina (City)

Comprising  that portion  of the City of Regina, bounded on the north by Dwedney Avenue, on the east  by Hamilton Street, on the south by Victoria Avenue and on the west by Smith Street


Regina (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Regina, bounded on the  north  by  Dewdney Avenue, on the east by Smith Street, on the south by Victoria Avenue and on the west by Pasqua Street, or Government Road


Regina (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Regina, bounded on the east by Pasqua Street or Government Road, on the south by the Main Line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the west and north by the  City Limits.


Regina (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Regina, bounded on the east  by Albert Street, on the south by Dewdney Avenue, on the west  by Pasqua Street or Government Road and on the north by the City Limits


Regina (City)



Regina (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Regina, bounded on the east by Osler Street, on the south by Dewdney Avenue, on the west by Albert Street and on the north by the City Limits


Regina (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Regina, bounded on the west by Osler Street from the Main Line of the Canadian Pacific  Railway northward to the  City Limits, thence following the northern and eastern City limits to the Main Line of the Canadian Pacific Railway and thence Westward to Osler Street


Regina (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Regina, bounded on the south by Victoria Avenue, on the west by Osler Street, on the North by the Main Line of the  Canadian Pacific Railway and on the east by Winnipeg Street.


Regina (City)

Comprising that portion of the City of Regina, bounded on the south by Sixteenth Avenue, on the west by Winnipeg Street, on the north by the Main Line of the Canadian Pacific Railway and on the east by the City Limits.


Indian Reserve

Muscowpetung, Piapot, Qu’Appelle Agency


Home for Incurables


Home for Defectives


Provincial Jail


Boys Detention Home


District 226 - Saltcoats

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 17, 18 and 19, whole or fractional in ranges 30 and 31, north of Qu'Appelle River, west of the first Meridian


Townships 17, 18 and 19, in ranges 32 and 33, lying north of the Qu’Appelle River, west of the first Meridian


Townships 20 and 21 in ranges 30 and 31, west of the first Meridian


Townships 20 and 21 in ranges 32 and 33, west of the first Meridian


Township 21 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, west of the first Meridian


Townships 18, 19A, 19 and 20 in range 1, west of the second Meridian, lying north of the Qu'Appelle River


Townships 18, 19A, 19 and 20 in range 2, west of the second Meridian, lying north of  the Qu'Appelle River


Townships 18, 19A, 19 and 20 in range 3, west of the second Meridian, lying north of Round Lake and Qu'Appelle River


Townships 18, 19A, 19, whole or fractional, in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian, lying north of the Qu'Appelle River, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 20 and 21 in range 4, west of the second Meridian


Townships 20 and 21 in range 5, west of the second Meridian


Townships 20 and 21 in range 6, west of the second Meridian


Townships 18, 19A  and 19, whole or fractional in ranges 7, 8 and 9, west of the second Meridian, north of the Qu'Appelle River.


Township 20, ranges 7 and 8, west of the second Meridian


Township 21 in ranges 7, 8 and 9, west of the second Meridian


Township 20 in range 9, west of the second Meridian, including the town of Demburg


Townships 18, 19A, 19, 20 and 21, whole or fractional, in range 10, north of the  Qu'Appelle River, west of the second Meridian exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 18, 19A, 19 and 20, whole or fractional in  range 11, and townships 19 and 20, whole or fractional, in range 12, west of the second Meridian, all north and east of the Qu'Appelle River


Township 21, ranges 11 and 12, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of Indian Reserves


Those parts of township 21 in ranges 13, 14, 15 and 16, west of the second Meridian, lying north of the Qu'Appelle River and  exclusive of Indian Reserves


Township 21 in ranges 14, 15 and 16, west of the second Meridian


Townships 22 and 23 in range 30 and township 22 in range 31, west of the first Meridian


Township 23 in range 31 and townships 22 and 23 in ranges 32 and 33, west of the first Meridian


Township 24 in ranges 30, 31, 32 and 33, west of the first Meridian


Townships 22, 23 and 24, in range 1, west of the second Meridian including the town of Brodenbury


Townships 22  and 23  in ranges 2 and 3, west of the second Meridian


Township 24 in ranges  2 and 3, west of the second Meridian, including  the town of  Saltcoats, west of the second Meridian


Townships 22 in ranges  4, 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian, exclusive  of the town of Melville


Township 23 in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian  Reserves


Township 24  in ranges  4, 5 and 6, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 22, 23 and 24 in range 7, west of the second Meridian


Townships 22, 23 and 24 in range 8, west of the second Meridian


Townships 22, 23 and 24 in range 9 and township 22 in range 10, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian  Reserves


Townships 22 and 23 in ranges 11 and 12, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 24 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 22 and 23 in range 13 and township 22 in ranges 14 and 15, west of the second Meridian


Township 24 in range 13  and townships 23 and 24 in range 13, west of the second Meridian


Townships 23 and 24 in range 15, west of the second Meridian


Townships 22, 23  and 24 in range 16, west of the second Meridian


Townships 25, 26 and 27, whole or fractional in range 30  south of the Assiniboine River, west of the first Meridian


Township 25 in ranges 31, 32 and 33, west of the first Meridian


Townships 26 and 27, whole or fractional in range 31, west of the Assiniboine River, west of the first Meridian


Townships 26 and 27  in ranges 32 and 33, west of the first Meridian


Townships 25, 26 and 27 in range 1, west of the second Meridian


Townships 25, 26 and 27, in range 2, west of the second Meridian


Melville (Town)



Melville (Town)



Melville (Town)

Indian Reserve, Qu’Appelle Agency, Standing Buffalo


Melville (Town)


District 227 - Saskatoon

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 35 and 36 in ranges 2 and 3, west of the third Meridian


Townships 35, whole or fractional in ranges 4, 5 and 6, east and south of the South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 36 and 37, whole or fractional, in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the third Meridian, and east of the South Saskatchewan river, exclusive of the town of Sutherland and  the City of Saskatoon


Townships 34, 35 and 36, whole or fractional, in ranges 5 and 6, west of the third Meridian, west of the South Saskatchewan River and exclusive of the city of Saskatoon


Township 37, whole or fractional, in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west  of the South Saskatchewan River and west of the third Meridian, exclusive of the City of Saskatoon


Township 34 in ranges 7, 8 and 9, west of the third Meridian, including the town of Delisle


Townships 35 and 36 in ranges 7 and 8, west of the third Meridian


Townships 35 and 36  in range 9, west of the third Meridian, including the town of Asquith


Township 34 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Township 35 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Township 36  in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships  34, 35 and 36, in ranges 13, west of the third Meridian


Township 37 in range 13, west of the third Meridian


Townships 34 and 35 in ranges 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian exclusive of the town of Biggar


Townships 36 and 37 in ranges 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian, and exclusive of the town of Biggar


Townships 37, 38 and 39 in range 2, west of the third Meridian


Townships 37, 38 and 39, in range 3,  and townships 38 and 39  in range 4, east of the South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 40 and 41 in ranges 2 and 3, east of the South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 39 and 40 in range 3 and township 39 in range 4, west of the third Meridian, west of South Saskatchewan River.


Township 40 in range 4,  west of the third Meridian


Township 41 in ranges, 2, 3 and 4, west of the third Meridian, west of the  South Saskatchewan River.


Township 38 in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the third Meridian


Township 39 in ranges 5 and 6, west of the third Meridian


Township 40 in ranges  5, 6 and 7, east of the North Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Township 41  in ranges  5, 6 and 7, east of the North Saskatchewan  River, west of the third Meridian


Township 39 in ranges 7, 8 and 9, south of the North Saskatchewan River, including the town of  Langham, west of the third Meridian


Township 38 in ranges 7, 8 and 9, west of the third Meridian


Township 37 in ranges 7, 8 and 9,  west of the third Meridian


Township 37 in ranges 10, 11  and 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 38 and 39 in ranges 10 and 11 and township 40 in range 11, all lying  south of the North Saskatchewan river, west of the third Meridian


Townships 38, 39 and 40  in range 12,  south of the North Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 38 and 39 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian


Townships 40 and 41  in ranges 13, 14 and 15, and  township 42, range 15, all lying south of the North Saskatchewan River, exclusive of the Indian Reserves west of the third Meridian


Biggar (Town)


Sutherland (Town)


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 1 - Polling division no. 1 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where the Canadian Northern Railway touches the  south bank of the South Saskatchewan River; thence along the railway track in a south-westerly direction to Lorne Avenue; thence on Lorne Avenue in a southerly direction to the  City Limits ; thence in westerly direction to the South Saskatchewan River, thence on the banks of the river in north-easterly direction to the starting point; and Polling Division no. 2 (Urban) Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where the Canadian Northern Railway touches the south bank of the South Saskatchewan River;  thence along the railway track in a southwesterly direction to Lorne Avenue; thence along Lorne Avenue to 8th Street; thence in an easterly direction on 8th Street to Broadway; thence on Broadway in a Northerly direction to 12th Street; thence in a north-westerly direction to the South Saskatchewan River; thence in a westerly direction along the river bank to the  a starting point.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 1 - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Lorne Avenue and 8th Street intersect; thence om a southerly direction on Lorne Avenue to Taylor Street; thence in an easterly direction on Taylor Street to Broadway; thence in a northerly direction along Broadway to 8th. Street; thence in a westerly direction on 8th Street to the starting point; and Polling Division No 4 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Lorne Avenue intersects Taylor Street; thence on Lorne Avenue in a southerly direction to the City Limits; thence in easterly direction on the City Boundary in an easterly direction to Buena Vista Avenue; thence on Buena Vista Avenue in a northerly direction to Lena Street; thence on Lena Street in a westerly direction to Broadway; thence on Broadway in a northerly direction to Taylor Street; thence on Taylor Street in a westerly direction to the starting point.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 1 - Polling Division no. 5 (Urban)- Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Saskatchewan Crescent intersects 14th Street; thence on 14th street in a south-easterly direction to Temperance Street, thence on 14th Street in a easterly direction to Clarence Avenue;  thence on  Clarence Avenue in a southerly direction to 4th Street; thence on 4th Street in a westerly direction to Broadway; thence on Broadway in a northerly direction to 12th  Street; thence  in a north westerly direction to the Bank of the South Saskatchewan River; thence along the bank of the river in a north-easterly direction to the starting point.  And Polling Division No. 6 (Urban)- Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Clarence Avenue and 4th Street intersect; thence  along Clarence Avenue and Buena Vista Avenue in a southerly direction to Lena Street; thence Lena Street in a westerly direction to Broadway; thence on Broadway in a northerly direction to 4th Street; thence along 4th Street in an easterly direction to the starting point.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 1 - Polling Division No. 7 (Urban)- Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Clarence Avenue is intersected by 14th Street; thence on 14th Street in an easterly direction to the City limits;  thence on  the City boundary in a southerly direction to the southern City limits ; thence  the City boundary in a westerly  direction to Buena Vista Avenue; thence on Buena Vista Avenue and Clarence Avenue in a northerly direction.  Polling Division No. 8 (Urban) - Consisting  of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing  at a point  where Saskatchewan Avenue is intersected by 14th Street; thence on the River bank in a north easterly direction on the City limits; thence on the City  boundary in an easterly direction to the eastern City limits; thence on the City boundary in a southerly direction to  the Southern boundary of the  University site; thence on the University boundary and 14th Street in westerly and north-westerly direction to the starting point, save and expecting thereout that portion known as the University Grounds.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 2  - Polling Division No. 9 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where  15th Street reaches the South Saskatchewan River; thence on the river bank in a south -westerly direction to the  City limits; thence on the  City boundary in a westerly direction on the City's western limits; thence on the  City boundary in a northerly direction to 15th Street; thence on 15th Street in a easterly direction to the starting point;  And Polling Division no. 10 ( Urban)- Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing  at a point where Avenue D reaches the South  Saskatchewan River; thence on the river bank in a  south -westerly direction to 15th Street; thence on  15th Street in  a westerly direction to Avenue J; thence  on Avenue J in a northerly direction to 17th Street; thence on 18th Street in an easterly direction to Avenue D; thence on Avenue D to the starting point.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 2 - Polling  Division No. 11 ( Urban)- Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Avenue J is intersected by 15th Street; thence on the 15th Street in a westerly direction to Avenue P; thence a  northerly direction on Avenue P to 18th  Street; thence on  18th Street in an easterly direction to Avenue J; thence  on Avenue J to the  starting point; And Polling Division No. 12 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point  where Avenue A reaches the South Saskatchewan River; thence on  Avenue A in a northerly direction to 21st Street; thence 21st Street in a westerly direction to Avenue D; thence on Avenue D in a southerly direction and south-easterly direction to the river; thence on the river bank in an easterly direction to the starting point.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 2 - Polling Division No. 13  (Urban)- Consisting of that part of the City of  Saskatoon, commencing at  a point where Avenue D intersects 18th Street; thence on  Avenue D  in a northerly direction to 21st Street; thence on  21st Street in westerly direction to Avenue G; thence on Avenue G in  a southerly direction to 18th Street; thence on 18th Street in an easterly direction to the starting point. And Polling Division No. 14 ( Urban) -  Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where 18th Street intersects Avenue G;  thence on Avenue G in a northerly direction to 21st Street; thence on 21st Street in a westerly direction to Avenue K; thence on Avenue K in southerly direction to  18th Street Street; thence on 18th Street in an easterly direction to the starting point.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 2 - Polling Division No. 15 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where 18th Street intersects Avenue K; thence on Avenue K in northerly direction to 21st Street; thence on 21st Street in westerly direction to Avenue P; thence on Avenue P in a southerly direction to 18th Street; thence on 18th Street in an easterly direction to starting point.  And Polling Division 16 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Avenue P intersects 15th Street; thence on Avenue P in a northerly direction to 21st Street; thence on 21st Street in a westerly direction to the City limits; thence on the City boundary in a southerly direction to 15th Street; thence on the 15 th Street in an easterly direction to starting point.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 3 - Polling Division No. 17 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where 4th Avenue intersects 23rd Street; thence along 23rd Street to Avenue A in a northerly direction to 28th Street; thence 28th Street and Queen Street in an easterly direction to 4th Avenue; thence on 4th Avenue in a southerly direction to starting point; And Polling Division No. 18 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of  the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where 4th Avenue intersects 23rd Street; thence on 4th Avenue in a northerly direction to 25th Street; thence  in a south-easterly direction to the South Saskatchewan River; thence along the river bank in  a south-westerly direction to 23rd Street; thence on 23rd Street in north-westerly  direction to the  starting point;  And Polling Division No. 19 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point  where 4th Avenue intersects 25th Street; thence on 4th Avenue in northerly direction to Queen Street; thence on Queen Street in an easterly direction to the  South Saskatchewan River;  thence along the river bank in a south-westerly direction to 25th Street; thence on 25th Street in a north-westerly direction to the starting point.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 3 - Polling Division No. 20 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of  the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where 7th Avenue intersects Queen Street; thence on Queen  Street and 28th Street in a westerly direction to  Avenue A; thence on Avenue A in a northerly direction to the City limits; thence on the City boundary in an easterly direction to 3rd Avenue; thence  on 3rd Avenue in a southerly direction to 33rd Street; thence on 33rd Street in easterly direction to 7th Avenue; thence on the 7th Avenue in a southerly direction to the starting point; and Polling  Division No. 21 (Urban) - Consisting  of that part of the City of Saskatoon  commencing  at a point where 7th Avenue intersects Queen Street;  thence on  7th Avenue  in a northerly  direction to  33rd Street; thence on 33rd Street in a  westerly direction to 3rd Avenue; thence on 3rd Avenue in a northerly direction to the City limits; thence on the City boundary in an easterly direction to the South Saskatchewan River; thence on the river bank in a south- westerly direction to Queen Street; thence on Queen Street to the starting point.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 4 - Polling Division No. 22 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Avenue A reaches the South Saskatchewan River; thence  on Avenue A in a northerly direction to 23rd Street; thence on 23rd  Street in an easterly direction to 1st Avenue; thence on 1st Avenue in a southerly direction to 20th Street; thence  on 20th Street in an easterly direction to the bank of the South Saskatchewan River;  thence on the bank of the River in a south-westerly direction to the starting point; And Polling Division No. 23 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of  Saskatoon at a point where 20th Street intersects 1st Avenue; thence on 1st Avenue in a northerly direction to 22nd Street; thence  on 22nd Street in an easterly direction to 3rd Avenue; thence on 3rd Avenue in southerly direction to 20th Street; thence on 20th Street in a westerly direction to the starting point.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 4 - Polling   Division No. 24 (Urban) - Consisting  of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where 20th Street intersects 3rd Avenue; thence  on 3rd Avenue in a northerly direction to 22nd Street; thence on 22nd Street in an easterly direction to 5th Avenue; thence in a south easterly direction to the river; thence  on the river bank to 20th Street; thence on  the 20th Street in a westerly  direction to the starting point; And  Polling Division No. 25  (Urban) - Consisting  of that part of the City of  Saskatoon commencing at a point where 1st Avenue intersects 22nd Street; thence on  1st. Avenue in a northerly direction to 23rd Street; thence on 23rd Street in an easterly direction to 5th Avenue; and south-easterly direction to the South Saskatchewan  River; thence on the bank of the river in south-westerly direction to 22nd Street; thence on 22nd Street in a north-westerly direction on the starting point.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 5 - Polling Division No. 26. (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where 21st Street intersects Avenue 1; thence on Avenue 1 in a northerly direction to the 28th Street; thence on 28th Street in a westerly direction to the City limits; thence on the City boundary in a southerly direction to 21st Street; thence on 21st Street in an easterly direction to the Starting point. And Polling Division No.27. (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Avenue 1 intersects 21st Street; thence on Avenue 1 in a northerly direction to 28th Street; thence on 28th Street in an easterly direction to Avenue E; thence on Avenue E in a southerly direction to 21st Street; thence on 21st. Street in a westerly direction to starting Point.  And Polling Division No. 28 (Urban)- Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Avenue E intersects 21st Street; thence  on Avenue E in a northerly direction to 24th Street; thence on 24th. Street in an easterly direction to Avenue A; thence on Avenue A in a southerly direction to 21st Street; thence on 21st Street in a westerly direction to the starting point.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 5 - Polling Division No. 29 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Avenue E intersects 24th Street; thence on Avenue E in a northerly direction to 28th Street; thence on 28th Street in an easterly direction to Avenue A; thence on Avenue A in a southerly direction to 24th Street; thence on 24th Street in a westerly direction to the starting point. And Polling Division No. 30 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Avenue A intersects 28th Street; thence on Avenue A in a northerly direction to 33rd Street; thence on 33rd Street in a westerly direction to Avenue J; thence on Avenue J in a southerly direction to 28th Street; thence on 28th Street in an easterly direction to the starting point.


Saskatoon (City)

Ward 5 - Polling Division No. 31 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Avenue J intersects 28th Street; thence on Avenue J in a northerly direction to 33rd Street; thence  on 33rd Street in a westerly direction to the City  limits; thence on the City boundary in a southerly direction to 28th Street; thence on 28th Street in an easterly direction to the  starting point;  And Polling Division  No. 32 (Urban) - Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon commencing at a point where Avenue A intersects 33rd Street, thence on Avenue A in a northerly direction to the  City limits; thence on the City boundary in a westerly direction to the western City limits; thence on the City boundary in a southerly direction on 33rd Street in an easterly direction to the starting point.


Indian Reserve

Red Pheasant

District 228 – Swift Current

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Township 9 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, west of the third Meridian


Township  9 in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of the third Meridian


Township 9 in ranges 7, 8 and 9, west of the third Meridian


Township 9 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Township 9 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian


Township 10 in ranges 2 and 3, west of the third Meridian


Townships 10. 11 and 12 in range 1, west of the third Meridian


Townships 11 and 12 in ranges 2 and 3, west of the third Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 4, west of the third Meridian


Townships 11 and 12 in range 5, west of the third Meridian exclusive of the town of Gravelbourg


Township 10  in range 5, west of the third Meridian, including the town of Gravelboug


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 6, west of the third Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 7, west of the third Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 8, west of the third Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 9, west of the third Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 10, west of the third Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 11, west of the third Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian


Township 12 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian


Townships 9, 10 and 11 in range 16, west of the third Meridian


Townships 9, 10 and 11  in range 17, west of the third Meridian


Township 13 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, and township 14 in range 3, west of the third Meridian


Townships 14 and 15 in ranges 1 and 2 and township 15 in range 3, west of the third Meridian


Townships 13, 14 and 15 in ranges 4 and 5, south and west of Lake Chaplin, west of the third Meridian


Townships 13, 14 and 15 in range 6, west of the third Meridian


Townships  13, 14 and 15 in range 7, west of the third Meridian


Townships 13 and 14 in range 8 and township 13 in range 9, west of the third Meridian


Township 15 in range 8 and townships 14 and 15 in range 9, west of the third Meridian


Township 13 in range 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Township 14 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Township 15 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of the third Meridian


Township 13 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian


Township 14 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the third Meridian


Townships 15 and 16 in ranges 13 and 14  exclusive of the  city of Swift Current


Townships 14, 15 and 16  in range 15, west of the third Meridian


Townships 12 and 13, in ranges 16 and 17, west of the third Meridian


Townships 14 and 15 in ranges 16 and 17, west of the third Meridian


Townships 16 and 17 in range 1, west of the third Meridian, including the town of Mortlach


Townships 16 and 17 in ranges 2 and 3, west of the third Meridian


Township 18 in range 1, 2 and 3, west of the third Meridian


Townships 15, 16, 17 and 18, whole or fractional in ranges 4 and 5, north and east of Lake Chaplin, west of the third Meridian


Townships 16, 17 and 18 in range  6, and those parts of townships 16 and 17  in range 5, lying south and west of  Lake Chaplin, west of the third Meridian


Townships 16, 17 and 18 in range 7, west of the third Meridian


Townships 17 and 18 in range 8, west of the third Meridian, including the town of Morse


Township 16 in range 8 and townships 16, 17 and 18 in range 9, west of the third Meridian exclusive of the town of Hebert


Townships 16, 17 and 18  in range 10, west of the third Meridian


Townships 16, 17 and 18 in range 11, west of the third Meridian


Townships 16, 17 and 18 in range 12, west of the third Meridian


Townships 19 and 20, whole or fractional, in ranges 10, 11 and 12, south of the South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 17, 18, 19 and 20, in range  13  and townships 17 and 18  in range 14, south of the South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 17 and 18  in range 15 and townships 19 and 20 whole or fractional in ranges 14 and 15 lying south of the South Saskatchewan River, west of the third Meridian


Townships 16 and 17 in ranges 16 and 17, west of the third Meridian


Townships 18, 19 and 20 in ranges 16 and 17, west of the third Meridian, lying of the South of Saskatchewan River


Townships 19 and 20 in ranges 1 and 2, west of the third Meridian


Township 21 in ranges 1 and 2, west of the third Meridian


Townships 19, 20 and 21 in range 3, west of the third Meridian


Townships 19, 20 and 21 in range 4, west of the third Meridian


Townships 20 and 21 in range 5, and township 21 in range 6, west of the third Meridian


Township 19 in range 5 and townships 19 and 20 in range 6, west of the third Meridian


Township 19 in ranges 7, 8 and 9, west of the third Meridian


Townships 20 and 21 in ranges 7, 8 and 9, west of the third Meridian, lying south and east of the South Saskatchewan River


Townships 23 and 23, whole or fractional in ranges 1, 2 and 3, west of the third Meridian, lying  south and west of the Qu'Appelle River


Townships 22, 23, 24  and 25, whole or fractional in ranges 4 and 5, lying south of the Saskatchewan River and Aitkow Creek and Qu'Appelle River, and west of the third Meridian


Townships 22, 23 and 24, whole or fractional in ranges 6 and 7, west of the third Meridian, and south and east of the South Saskatchewan River


Herbert (Town), Swift Current (City)



Swift Current (City)

That part of the city of Swift Current lying north of the Canadian Pacific Railway track and west of Central Avenue


Swift Current (City)

That part of the city of Swift Current lying north of the Canadian Pacific Railway track and east of Central Avenue


Swift Current (City)

That part of the city of Swift Current lying south of the Canadian Pacific Railway track


District 229 - Weyburn

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range 11, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range 12, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range 13, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2  and 3 in range 14, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range 15, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range 16, and township 1 in range 17, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range 18 and townships 2 and 3 in range 17, west of the second Meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in ranges 19, 20 and 21, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6  in range 11, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in range 12, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6  in range 13 and townships 4 and 5 in range 14,  west of the second Meridian


Township 6 in range 14 and townships 4, 5 and 6 in range 15, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in range 16 and townships 4 and 5 in range  17, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in range 18 and township 6 in range 17, west of the second Meridian, including the town of Radville


Townships 4, 5 and 6  in range  19 and township 6 in range 20, west of the second Meridian


Townships 4 and 5 in range 20 and townships 4, 5 and 6  in range 21, west of the second Meridian


Townships 7, 8 and 9 in ranges 11, and 12, west of the second Meridian


Townships 7, 8 and 9 in range 13, west of the second Meridian


Townships  7, 8 and 9  in range 14, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the city of Weyburn


Townships 7, 8 and 9 in range 15, west of the second Meridian


Township 7 in ranges 16, 17 and 18 and township 8 in range 18, west of the second Meridian


Townships 8 and 9 in ranges 16 and 17 and township 9 in range 18, west of the second Meridian


Township 7 in ranges 19, 20 and 21, west of the second Meridian


Townships 8 and 9 in range 19 and township 9 in range 20, west of the second Meridian


Township 8 in range 20 and townships 8 and 9 in range 21, west of the second Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 11, west of the second Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 12, west of the second Meridian


Townships 10 and 11  in ranges 13 and 14, west of the second Meridian, and township 10 in range 15, west of the second Meridian


Township 11 in range 15  and township 12 in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the second Meridian


Township 10 in range 16, west of the second Meridian, including the town of Yellowgrass


Townships 10 and 11 in range 17 and township 10 in range 18, west of the second Meridian


Townships 11 and 12, in range 16 and township 12 in range 17, west of the second Meridian


Townships 11 and 12 in range 18, west of the second Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12  in range 19 including  the town of Milestone, west of the second Meridian


Townships 10, 11 and 12  in ranges 20 and 21, west of the second Meridian


Townships 13, 14 and 15  in range 11, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 13, 14 and 15 in range 12, west of the second Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Township 13  in ranges 13, 14 and 15, west of the second Meridian, including the town of Francis


Townships 14 and 15 in range 13 and township 14 in range 14, west of the second Meridian


Township 15 in ranges 14 and 15 and township 14 in range 15, west of the second Meridian


Townships 13 and 14 in ranges 16 and 17 and township 13 in range 18, west of the second Meridian


Township 15 in ranges 16, 17 and 18 and township 14 in range 18, west of the second Meridian


Township 13 in ranges 19, 20 and 21 and township 14 in range 19, west of the second Meridian


Townships 14 and 15 in ranges 20 and 21 and township 15 in range 19, west of the second Meridian


Weyburn (City)

All that part of the city lying south of Souris River


Weyburn (City)

All that part of the city lying north of Souris River west of and including the west side of 3rd Street ( Main Street)


Weyburn (City)

All that part of the city lying north of Souris River east of and including the east side of 3rd Street ( Main Street)