New Brunswick

Select the first letter of a district name to navigate to its sub-district table below.


District 41 - Charlotte

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


St. Andrews (Parish)

Polling Division no. 1


St. Stephen (Parish)

Polling Division no. 2. All that part of the Parish lying between the lines commencing on the bank of the river St. Croix at a point due west from Hitching's Corner and thence running to the St. James Parish line along the centre of the road leading to Scotch Ridge and a line beginning at the River St. Croix at the mouth of the Moannes Stream and following that stream to the line of the Parish of St. James.


St. Stephen (Parish)

Polling Division no. 3. That part of Parish lying west and northwest of the said Moannes Stream.


St. Stephen (Parish)

Polling Division no. 4. The remainder of the Parish.


Dufferin (Parish)

Polling Division no. 5. The Parish of Dufferin.


St. James (Parish)

Polling Division no. 6. All that part of the Parish lying westerly of the following dividing line of said Parish viz. Commencing on the Oak Hill Road, so called, the St. Stephen Parish line, thence along the said road northerly, passing the English Church, through the Oak Hill Settlement to the Cahoose Stream and thence down centre of said Stream to the river Ste. Croix.


St. James (Parish)

Polling Division no. 7. All the remainder of the Parish not included in subdistrict number 6.


St. David (Parish)

Polling Division no. 8. Consisting of all that part of the Parish of St. David beginning at the corner of the Regan Road so called, where it connects with the old Fredericton road, between the Farm of Thomas and Patrick McAleenan, on the south side thereof and George Levar's on the North; thence running westerly following said Regan Road to Hitching's Corner, so called, thence northerly along the St. David Ridge Road, so called, to Moore's Corner, so called, thence westerly following the road leading to the Valley Road, continuing on due west till it strikes the boundary line between the said Parish of St. David and the Parish of St. Stephen, thence southerly and following the different courses of the boundary line of the said Parish of St. David to the place of beginning.


St. David (Parish)

Polling Division no. 9. Consisting of all that part of the Parish of St. David not included in polling District Number 8.


Dumbarton (Parish)

Polling Division no. 10. For all that part of the Parish bounded as follows: Beginning at the Magaguadavic River at the York County line, thence running east along said county line two miles, thence southerly and parallel with the Magaguadavic River to a point opposite the mouth of Cox's Brook, thence westerly at right to the Magaguadavic River two miles, thence north westerly preserving a distance of two miles from said river to the York county line and thence easrterly along said line to place of beginning.


Dumbarton (Parish)

Polling Division no. 11. All the remainder of the Parish.


St. Patrick (Parish)

Polling Division no. 12. All the Parish of St. Patrick.


Ste. Croix (Parish)

Polling Division no. 13. The Parish of Ste. Croix.


St. George (Parish)

Polling Division no. 14. All that part of the Parish lying to the north of the south line of the Linton Farm formerly owned by A. Gilmour; following that line from the rear until it strikes the Magaguadavic River; thence across the river following the south line of the Tierney Farm until it strikes Lake Utopia; thence following the shore of the Lake around until it strikes the north line of the farm formerly owned by Henry Seely; thence following that line in an easterly direction until it strikes the Parish of Pennfield.


St. George (Parish)

All that part of the Parish south of the Magaguadavic River, lying southwesterly at the northeastern line of Lot granted to James McVicar on L'Etang Harbour, and southwesterly of the line described as follows: Beginning at the most northern angle of said James McVicar lot thence southwesterly along the rear line of lots fronting on L'Etang Harbour to the most western angle of Lot no. 4, granted to James McFarlane, thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point on the shore of the Bay of Fundy, distant three quarters of a mile northeasterly from Green Point, the south western extremity of Lots No.25 granted to William Baine together with the lslands adjacent thereto, in the said Parish and Polling Division No. 16. All that of the Parish south of the Magaguadavic River lying southwesterly of the northeastern line of Lot No.38, granted to William Holland on the southern shore of Magaguadavic Harbour, and northwesterly of line described as follows: Beginning at the southeastern angle of the said William Holland's lot; thence southwesterly along the rear line of Lots fronting on the L'Etang Harbour, to the most western angle of Lot No. 4, granted to James McFarlane, thence south westerly in a straight line to the point on the shore of the Bay of Fundy, distant three quarters of a mile, northeasterly from Green Point, to a southwesterly extremity of lot No. 25 granted to William Baine.


St. George (Parish)

Polling Division no. 17. All the remainder of the Parish not included in subdistricts 14, 15 and 16.


Pennfield (Parish)

Polling Division no. 18. All that part or the Parish bounded as follows: Beginning at the northeast angle of lot No. 2 granted to William Eldridge at the Head of Beaver Harbour, thence westerly along the northern line of the said lot and the northern line of lot 3, granted to Samuel Bucknam, junior Lot 2, granted to Henry Young and lot 26, granted to John Cochrane to the eastern side of L'Etang Harbour, thence following the several course of L'Etang Harbour, Bay of Fundy and the western shore of Beaver Harbour in a southwest easterly and northerly direction to the place of beginning.


Pennfield (Parish)

Polling Division no. 19. All the remainder of the Parish not included in subdistrict 18.


Lepreaux (Parish)

Polling Division 20. The Parish of Lepreaux, excepting that part included in Sub-District No. 21, herein after described and Polling Division No. 21. All that part of said Parish, included within the following bounds, namely, commencing on the shore of Lepreaux Harbour, at the boundary line between lots granted to P. Shea and J. Warren, thence following said line until it strikes the P.Collins lot, thence along the P.Collins' Line until it strikes the line between Counties of Charlotte and St. John, thence along said Counties line to Point Lepreaux; thence following the shore to the place of beginning.


Clarendon (Parish)

Polling Division no. 22. The Parish of Clarendon.


West Isles (Parish)

Polling Division no. 23. All that part of the Parish lying to the southward of the cross road from Nothwest Harbour to Northern Harbour, including Indian Island.


West Isles (Parish)

Polling Division no. 24. The remainder of the Parish.


Campobello (Parish)

Polling Division no. 25. All that part of the Parish beginning at the shore on the Island of Campobello, in Harbour De Lute, at the southwesterly corner of a lot of land now owned by William Galligan; thence in a straight line easterly to the mouth of Schooner Cove Brooks, thence northerly, westerly and southerly around the shores of the said Island to the place of beginning including all the island in the said Parish to the northward and westward of the said Island of Campobello.


Campobello (Parish)

Polling Division no. 26. All the remainder of the Parish.


Grand Manan (Parish)

Polling Division no. 27. All that part of the Parish lying to the north of a dividing line of the Parish commencing on the eastern shores of the Island of Grand Manan between Henry Bancroft's and the Marsh Pond; thence running a westerly course to the westerly shore of the Island, including in said district Dark Harbour, Joe Bleumortier's and Lorenzo Meig's property, and the property of Augustus Bancroft, and all the other or outer Islands being excluded therefrom.


Grand Manan (Parish)

Polling Division no. 28. White Head Island and Polling Division No. 30. All the rest of the Parish not included in the polling divisions 27, 28 et 29.


Grand Manan (Parish)

Polling Division no. 29. That part of the Parish lying to the southward of the following described line, viz: Beginning at the western line of lot no. 145 near the great Pond, between Grand Harbour and Seal Cove; thence northward to the northeastern line of lot no. 42 granted to George Franklin, and thence following the north line of Lot no. 101, granted to Alice Wilson to the western shore of Grand Manan, together with the small island adjacent to this district.


Grand Manan (Parish)

Grand Manan.


Grand Manan (Parish)

Grand Manan.


Grand Manan (Parish)

Grand Manan.


District 42 - Gloucester

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Bathurst (Parish)

For South Tetagouche, down as far including the property of Maynard Smith.


Bathurst (Parish)

For all that part of the Parish lying northerly of Middle River and Bathurst Harbour, excepting sub-district no. 1, as above.


Bathurst (Parish)

For that part of the Parish lying east of Bass River.


Bathurst (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish lying south of the Papineau River and north of the Nepisiquit River to and including the Bathurst Mines; also South Bathurst.


Bathurst (Parish)

For that part of the Parish lying between Bass River and the Nepisiquit River.


Bathurst (Parish)

All that portion of the town, south of the Harbour, lying south of St. Andrews Street, excepting St. Andrews Street.


Bathurst (Parish)

For all that portion of the town, south of the Harbour, north of St. Andrews Street and including St. Andrew Street.


Bathurst (Parish)

For all that portion of the town north of the Harbour know as Wards 3 and 4.


Beresford (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish south of the Boundary line of Restigouche County, down to and including the property of Joseph Legacy; also including back settlements.


Beresford (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish south of the property Joseph Legacy down to Elm Tree River, including Madran settlement.


Beresford (Parish)

For all that part of the Parish lying south of the Elm Tree River down to the Catholic Church, including Laplante and Aleida settlements.


Beresford (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish from and including the Catholic Church down to the Nigadou River, including Tremblay settlement.


Beresford (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish lying between the Nigadou River and the boundary line of the Parish of Bathurst, includes all of the Dunlop settlement.


Beresford (Parish)

For all the remainder of the Parish, which includes all the settlements of St. Therese and the Free Grants.


New Bandon (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish lying easterly of the Caraquet Road and southerly of the rear line fronting on Caraquet Bay, including all of the Blue Cove and Mizzonette Settlements.


New Bandon (Parish)

For all that part of the Parish known as the shore or front lots westerly of the Caraquet Road, including the Caraquet road, as far as the line dividing Caraquet and New Bandon Parishes, comprising all of Grand Village up to and including Alexander Poirier's property; also including all the settlements known as Lin Landry, St. Paul, St. Joseph and Boudreau Settlements.


New Bandon (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish westerly of the Property of Alexander Poirier including all of the Pokeshaw Settlement, so called, and as far up as, and including the property of Amos Comeau, Jr.,also all of the Black Rock Settlement.


New Bandon (Parish)

For all the remainder of the Parish from the property of Amos Comeau to the line of Bathurst Parish.


Caraquet (Parish)

For all that part of the Parish of Caraquet lying westerly of the westerly line of lands now occupied by Arthur Gagne near the mouth of Little River and the southerly prolongation of said line to the Inkerman Parish line.


Caraquet (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish lying easterly of District no. 14, and westerly of the Rockmouche Road.


Caraquet (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish lying eastwardly of the Rockmouche Road and westwardly of the St. Simon Road, including Blanchard Settlement.


Caraquet (Parish)

From the St. Simon Road eastwardly as far as, and including the property of Peter A. Lanteigne.


Caraquet (Parish)

For all the district of St. Simon.


Caraquet (Parish)

For the remainder of the Parish from the East of Peter A. Lanteigne along the Caraquet Bay' to Pointe Marcel and the Sewellville Settlement from St. Paul church to St. Simon ferry.


Paquetville (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish comprising all Main Paquetville, Georgeville and Paquetville East.


Paquetville (Parish)

For all the Millville Settlement, Burnsville and to the eastern line of the Parish.


Saumerez (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish lying south of the Big Tracadie River to the Northumeerland County line.


Saumerez (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish lying north of the Big Tracadie River from the head of the River down to Theodore Comeau Bridge, including Richard Settlement to the Southern boundary line of Fred Bennet's property.


Saumerez (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish lying between the Big Tracadie River bridge and the Superior School, and westwardly to and including, Sam Breau Road, so called.


Saumerez (Parish)

For all part of the Parish lying northerly from and including the Superior School to the Little Tracadie River, and westerly to the Josheph Godin Road, including the Joseph Godin Road, and the Brideau Settlement to the Thomas Bridge.


Saumerez (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish from the Sam Breau Road and the Joseph Godin Road westwardly including Trout Brook Settlement.


Saumerez (Parish)

For all the remainder of the Parish comprising all that part north of the Little Tracadie River to the Parish line.


St. Isidore (Parish)

For all portion of the Parish known as Tilley Road.


St. Isidore (Parish)

For all the remainder of the Parish, known as St. Isidore Road and settlements west of said road.


Shippegan (Parish)

For the whole Parish except the Islands Shippegan and Miscou.


Shippegan (Parish)

For Miscou Island.


Shippegan (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish on Shippegan Island, known as the Seashore Settlements from the Light-House north-easterly to L'Etang including all the settlement known as Chiasson, Ste. Marie, Cape Bateau and St. Raphael.


Shippegan (Parish)

For all the portion of the Parish on Shippegan Island, known as Lameque to the Jean Marie Brook, so called, thence easwardly to Grand Ruisseau or Miscou Harbour, including the settlement known as Grand Ruisseau, thence following the Harbour eastwardly to the Gulf of St.Lawrence and southwardly along the Gulf to L'Etang, including all Pigeon Hill settlement; also including Coteau Road, Hant, Lameque and Savoy Landing.


Shippegan (Parish)

For all the remainder of Shippegan Island.


Inkerman (Parish)

All that part of the Parish lying north of the Grand Pokemouche River east to the Paulin Bridge on Shippegan Road; also all that part of the Parish west of South River, including the Creek to the Buckley Road.


Inkerman (Parish)

All that part of the Parish known as the Island of Pokemouche, and east of South River, east of Grand Pokemouche River, Saumerez Parish line, also that part of the Parish east of Paulin Bridge, on the Shippegan Road, to Shippegan Parish line.


Inkerman (Parish)

All the remainder of the Parish including St. Rose.


Inkerman (Parish)

Bathurst Indian Reserve.


District 43 - Kent

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Richibucto (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish north of the Richibucto River that is bounded as follows: Northerly by the Parish line and westerly, southerly and easterly by the Kent Northern Railway from the Parish line to McAlmon Creek, by McAlmon Creek from the said Railway to the Richibucto River and its estuary to the northern Parish line at the Court House.


Richibucto (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish lying on the south side of Richibucto River and to the eastward of the road from Ferry Landing (so called) to the post road and thence along the post road and thence along post road to the Parish of Wellington, at or near the Roman Catholic Church, at the cross road Richibucto Village.


Richibucto (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish lying on the south side of the Richibucto River and not included in subdistrict no. 2 at or near the Temperance Hall, in the Village of Rexton.


Weldford (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish lying north of the Richibucto River and south of the road leading from Call's Bridge to James Thompson's on the Harley Road and the prolongation of such road west to the Parish line, and south of the said Richibucto River, west of Bell's Creek, so called, and a line drawn from its mouth to the McLaughlin Road, and thence along the McLaughlin Road to the Parish line.


Weldford (Parish)

Comprising the remainder of the Parish lying south of the Richibucto River, save and except the St. Norbert District know as no.6.


Weldford (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish bounded on the north by the West Branch Stream and North Fork, on the West by the McLaughlin Road, on the south by the Parish of St. Mary's on the East by the eastern line of lot fronting on the road leading from West Branch to Dosithe Maillet's being the District of Norbert.


Weldford (Parish)

Comprising the remainder of the Parish lying north of the Richibucto River.


Wellington (Parish)

Comprising Municipal District No.1, Parish of Wellington.


Wellington (Parish)

Comprising Municipal District No. 2. , Parish of Wellington.


Wellington (Parish)

Comprising Municipal District No.3. Parish of Wellington.


St. Mary (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish north of the Buctouche River.


St. Mary (Parish)

Comprising the remainder of the Parish lying south of the Buctouche River.


St. Paul (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish of St. Paul lying north of Buctouche River.


St. Paul (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish of St. Paul lying south of the Buctouche River.


Dundas (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish lying south of Cocagne River, easterly of McLaughlin Road and the Post Road.


Dundas (Parish)

Comprising the remainder of the Parish lying south of Cocagne River.


Dundas (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish lying North of Cocagne River easterly to McLaughlin Road to the Eastern line of Gaddus Robichaud farm.


Dundas (Parish)

Comprising the remaining part of the Parish.


Acadieville (Parish)

Comprising the Parish of Acadieville.


Carleton (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish north of Carrigan Creek.


Carleton (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish not included in Sub-district no. 16.


St. Louis (Parish)

Comprising all that part of the Parish east of a line beginning at the Aldouane River on the westerly line of the Pierre Chavari lot running northerly along said line, and a prolongation thereof, until it strikes the Saulnier Bridge, so called; thence along the Easterly line of the Luc Chimond lot and a prolongation thereof, until it strikes the Westerly line of the Charles Tremblay lot; thence along said last mentioned line and a prolongation thereof to the Parish line.


St. Louis (Parish)

Comprising all remaining part of the Parish.


Harcourt (Parish)

Comprising all that part of the Parish lying Southerly of the following boundary, viz: beginning at a point on Trout Brook where the Western line of the Parish of Welford intersects same, thence up said Brook to the Northern line of lot A granted to John Jardine on the I.C. Railway, thence westerly along the northern line of said lot to Northeast angle of lot U granted to John H. Belmain, thence westerly along the Northern line of said lot and its Western prolongation to the Western boundary of the County of Kent.


Harcourt (Parish)

Comprising all the remaining part of the Parish.


St. Charles (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish of St. Charles lying north of the Aldouane River.


St. Charles (Parish)

Comprising that the part of the Parish of St. Charles lying south of the Aldouane river.


Big Cove, Rexton, Richibucto

Indian Reserves, Big Cove, Rexton, Richibucto


District 44 - Northumberland

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Newcastle (Parish)

For all the electors residing between the upper or westerly line of the Parish and the westerly side of Jane Street in the town of Newcastle.


Newcastle (Parish)

For all the electors residing in the Parish of Newcastle between Jane Street and Chaplin Island Road, or (Prince William Street) extending northerly.


Newcastle (Parish)

For that part of the Parish lying between Chaplin Island Road, so called) and the upper of westerly line of French Fort Cove Brook extending to the rear of second tier of lots.


Newcastle (Parish)

For all that part of the Parish lying between the Easterly line of French Fort Cove Brook and the westerly side of the lower Mill Cove Brook, extending to the rear of second tier lots.


Newcastle (Parish)

For all that part of the Parish lying below the west side of the lower Mill Cove Brook.


Alnwick (Parish)

Polling Division No. 4. For all that part of the Parish lying west of the Grand Down Creek.


Alnwick (Parish)

Polling Division No. 5. For all that part of the Parish not included in Sub-district Number 4, and lying westward of the Stymiest Road, so called, thence following the direction of the said road to the county line.


Alnwick (Parish)

Polling Division No. 6. For all that part of the Parish lying easterly of the said Stymiest Road, and not included in Sub-districts four and five, to Burnt Bridge, so called, on the prolongation of a line northwest to the County line and prolongation of a line southeast to the Bay Shore.


Alnwick (Parish)

Polling Division No.7. For the remainder of the said Parish not included in the above names Sub-districts.


Derby (Parish)

Polling Division No.8. For the Parish of Derby.


Northesk (Parish)

Polling Division No. 9. For all that part of the Parish lying to the northward of a line commencing at a point on the Newcastle Parish line, intersected by the northeastern prolongation of the northwest line of lots under 18, (George Welsh) on the southwestern side of Chaplin's Island Road; thence along said prolongation and line to block two, Sugary Settlement; thence northwesterly to the northern angle of lots number one in said settlement; thence southwesterly along lots eighteen and nineteen and their prolongation to the Indian Reserve; thence to the mouth of the big Sevogle River; thence westerly to the County Line.


Northesk (Parish)

Polling Division No. 10. For that part of the said Parish bounded northerly by district number eight, on the west by the Indian Reserve, on the south and southeast by the southern line of block one, Sugary Settlement, and its prolongation to the Newcastle Parish line.


Northesk (Parish)

Polling Division No. 11. For all that part of said Parish not included in Sub districts numbers 8 and 9, and below the lower line of the lot and land formerly owned and occupied by the late Andrew McGrath.


Northesk (Parish)

Polling Division No. 12. For the remainder of the Parish.


Blackville (Parish)

Polling Division No. 13. For all the Electors residing on the Renous River and Dungarvon River, easterly to the Parish line between Derby and Blackville, up river to Thomas Vicker's lower line, across river and on along Thomas Coughlan's upper line to James M Smith's.


Blackville (Parish)

Polling Division No. 14. For the remainder of the electors of the Parish of Blackville (excepting those included in Sub-district number 15.)


Blackville (Parish)

Polling Division No. 15. For all the electors residing on Cain's River in the Parishes of Blackville and Blissfield, and all electors residing in the Parish of Blackville, West of Forks Road, and those residing along Highway Road, and Intercolonial Railway in the Parish of Blackville, west of said Forks Road.


Blissfield (Parish)

Polling Division No. 16. For all the Parish of Blissfield.


Ludlow (Parish)

Polling Division No. 17. For the Parish of Ludlow.


Nelson (Parish)

Polling Division No. 18. For all electors in the first and second tiers of lots of John Murphy's on the Nelson Road and up to McKay's lower line on the front.


Nelson (Parish)

Polling Division No. 19. For all electors on Barnaby River down to the mouth of the Barnaby River and also Semiwagan Ridge and to John Murphy's on the Nelson Road going towards Nelson.


Nelson (Parish)

Polling Division No.20. For the remainder of the electors residing in the said Parish.


Hardwicke (Parish)

Polling Division No. 21. For all that part of the Parish of Hardwicke below or east of John O'Bear's Creek.


Hardwicke (Parish)

Polling Division No.22. For all that part of the said Parish of Hard-wicke above or west of John O'Bear's Creek.


Rogersville (Parish)

For all that part of the Parish of Rogersville lying east of the Canadian National Railway.


Rogersville (Parish)

For all part of the Parish of Rogersville lying west of the Canadian National Railway.


Southesk (Parish)

Polling Division No. 24. For that part of the Parish below the lower line of grant to the late James Walsh.


Southesk (Parish)

Polling Division No. 25. For the remainder of the Parish.


Chatham (Parish)

For all that part of the Parish of Chatham lying east of the Forrest road including the town of Loggieville.


Chatham (Parish)

For all that part of the Parish of Chatham lying west of Bacon Road.


Chatham (Parish)

For all that part of the towns of Chatham formerly know as Queen's ward.


Chatham (Parish)

For all part of the Towns of Chatham known as King's ward.


Chatham (Parish)

For all part of the Town of Chatham known as Wellington ward.


Chatham (Parish)

For all that part of the Town of Chatham known as Duke's ward.


Chatham (Parish)

For all the rest of the Parish of Chatham lying between the Forrest and Bacon roads not included in the Town of Chatham.


Glenelg (Parish)

Polling Division No. 29. For all that part of the Parish beginning at the Bay Shore at Point aux Car and extending in a westerly direction on the south side of Napan River, and to the southerly or rear line of Napan lots, including the Wellfield Settlement.


Glenelg (Parish)

Polling Division No. 30. For the remainder of the electors of said Parish.


Glenelg (Parish)

Indian Reserves, Burnt Church, Eelground, North Esk, Red Bank


District 45 - Restigouche and Madawaska

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Dalhousie (Parish)

All part of the Parish lying to the west of Blair and Malcolm road prolonged from the north end thereof to the Restigouche River and from the south end thereof to the front line of Block Fifty, Balmoral Settlement.


Dalhousie (Parish)

All the remaining part of the Parish not included in sub-district No. 1, and exclusive of town of Dalhousie.


Balmoral (Parish)

From the west line of the Parish of Colborne to the east of Basset's By-road on both sides of the highway, including the settlement of St.Maure.


Balmoral (Parish)

From the west side of Basset's by-road to the west Parish line.


Colborne (Parish)

West side of the south branch of the River Charle to the Parish line of Dalhousie including back settlement.


Colborne (Parish)

East side of the south branch of River Charle to Durham Parish Western line including back settlements.


Durham (Parish)

Both sides of Shore Road to Gloucester County line on the East side of Jacquet River.


Durham (Parish)

Back settlements east of Jacque River, including by-roads, to Gloucester County line.


Durham (Parish)

Both sides of shore road west of Jacquet River to Colborne east Parish line.


Durham (Parish)

Back settlement west of Jacquet River including by-roads to Colborne east Parish line.


Addington (Parish)

From the west line to the Town of Campbellton to the east of Christopher Brook on the both sides of the highway, and east of Christopher Brook to the west line of the Parishes of Balmoral and Dalhousie.


Addington (Parish)

The remainder of the Parish of Addington.


Eldon (Parish)

Parish of Eldon.


Grimmer (Parish)

Ranges 1 to 6 including Main River and range 7 to the south west part of the Village of Kedgwick from main Street


Grimmer (Parish)

The remainder of range 7 from the south east side of Maine street of the Village of Kedgwick and range 8 as far as Maltais siding C.N.R. and other ranges going to White's Brook and east of Eldon Parish line.


Grimmer (Parish)

Ranges 18, 17, 16 and 15 in Stewart Settlement, from Lot No. 36 in said Ranges to Lot No 11 in the same Ranges in Hazen Settlement. Lots nos. 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 in Ranges 7, 8 and 9 Stewart Settlement. Lots A, B, C, D, E, F and other Lots Nos. 29, 30, 31 in Ranges 13 and 14 Stewart Settlement.


Grimmer (Parish)

From lots No. 11 to Lots No. 96 South Ranges 18, 17, 16 and 15 with Ranges 13 and 14. Lot No. 28 in the last two Ranges Hazen Settlement.


Grimmer (Parish)

Ranges 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 and 7 from the Victoria County line in Hazen Settlement to Lot No. 33 in same Ranges Stewart with Lots No. 34 and 26 in Ranges 5 and 6 Stewart Settlement.


Campbellton (Town)

Ward 1


Campbellton (Town)

Ward 2


Campbellton (Town)

Ward 3


Dalhousie (Town)

Dalhousie Town. That part of the town of Dalhousie north of Victoria Street at east side of Edward Street.


Dalhousie (Town)

Dalhousie Town. That part of the town of Dalhousie west of Edward Street both sides of Highway to the east side of the Blair and Malcolm road and south of Victoria Street to and including both sides of the Miller Road.


St. Francis (Parish)

Comprising all that part of the main road.


St. Francis (Parish)

Comprising all back settlements.


St. Clair (Parish)

Polling Division No. 2. For the Parish of Clair.


St. Hilaire (Parish)

Comprising that part of the Parish of St. Hilaire starting at A. Collin next to the Parish of St. Clair up to Ubald, Michaud lower line.


St. Hilaire (Parish)

Comprising the remainder of the Parish starting at Ubald, Michaud lower line finishing at F. Gaboury.


Madawaska (Parish)

Polling Division No.4. For the Parish of Madawaska (exclusive of the Town of Edmundston).


St. Jacques (Parish)

Comprising road on both sides of Madawaska River, Trout River settlement and Blanchette settlement including buildings around saw-mill to Charles Morneault.


St. Jacques (Parish)

Comprising the remainder of the Parish.


St. Basil (Parish)

Polling Sub-division No. 7. The Parish of St .Basil.


Green River (Parish)

Polling Sub division No. 8. The Parish of Green River.


Ste. Anne (Parish)

Comprising from the Northern boundary of Parish to lower boundary line of Fred Cyr including back settlement.


Ste. Anne (Parish)

Comprising the remainder of Parish including Sigas settlement.


St. Leonard (Parish)

Polling Division No. 10. For the Parish of St. Leonard's except town of St. Leonard's.


St. Leonard (Parish)

Parish of St. Leonard's.


St. Andre (Parish)

Polling Division No. 11. For the Parish of St. Andre.


Baker Lake (Parish)

Polling Division No.12. For the Parish of Baker Lake.


Edmundston (Town)

All that portion lying between Canada Road and St. John River from Madawaska River to Rosario Pelletier Saw Mill but not including same.


Edmundston (Town)

All that portion lying between Canada Road and Madawaska River beginning at Fraser Co. Ltd. Electric Power House and J.W. Hall and Polling Division # 4 Parish of Madawaska.


Edmundston (Town)

All that portion between the Madawaska River and the Parish of Madawaska and the Indian Reservation beginning with Property owned by Fraser Co. Ltd., and occupied by M. Couturier as a meat shop to Property owned and occupied by Come Pelletier.


Edmundston (Town)

Eeel River Indian Reserve.


Edmundston (Town)

Endover Agency - Indian Reserve.

District 46 - Royal (Counties of Kings and Queens)

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Hampton (Parish)

Polling Division No. 1.


Cardwell (Parish)

Polling Division No. 2.


Waterford (Parish)

Polling Division No. 3.


Kars (Parish)

Polling Division No. 4.


Upham (Parish)

Polling Division No. 5.


Hammond (Parish)

Polling Division No. 6. For all that part of the Parish lying easterly of the said Stymiest Road, and not included in Sub-districts four and five, to Burnt Bridge, so called, on the prolongation of a line northwest to the County line and prolongation of a


Rothesay (Parish)

Polling Division No. 7.


Norton (Parish)

Polling Division No. 8. All that portion of Norton on the east side of the road leading from Springfield to Bloomfield Station and also all that part of the Parish on the East side of the road leading from Bloomfield Station to Station to Salt Springs, by the Mitchell Road.


Norton (Parish)

Polling Division No. 9. The remainder of the Parish.


Greenwich (Parish)

Polling Division No. 10.


Westfield (Parish)

Polling Division No. 11. A all that part of the Parish lying on the western side of the River Saint John.


Westfield (Parish)

Polling Division No. 12. The remainder of the Parish.


Havelock (Parish)

Corn Hill Division. That part of the Parish south of the road from Westmoreland County line, via Havelock corner, Lower Ridge Creek Road to the junction of the Corn Hill Road at or near Mace's Milles so called, thence following the Corn Hill Road to the Studholme Parish Line, at or Kemp Clain's.


Havelock (Parish)

Havelock Division. All that Parish north of the above boundaries


Studholm (Parish)

Polling Division No. 14. That part of the Parish beginning on the northern side of the River Kennebecasis at the line dividing the Parishes of Studholm and Norton; thence on the said line north to the rear line of lots fronting on the said Kennebecasis; thence on the said line easternly and on the north boundary line of the grant to Guilford Studholm and others, to the south east angle of Lot No. 1 on the Studholm Millstream granted to William McLeod; thence north on the rear line of the Millstream lots to the northeast angle of Lot No. 18 granted to Benjamin Keirstead; thence northeasterly on the rear line of the Studholm grant and its prologation to the road leading from Carsonville Settlement to Kohan's Bay by the way of Speer's thence on the said road southeasterly to the north rear line of the Jordan mountain lots; thence easterly on said line to the western line of the Parish of Havelock thence southerly on said Parish line to the north line of the Parish of Cardwell; thence southwesterly on said line to the said River Kennebecasis; and thence following the various courses of said River down Stream to the place of beginning.


Studholm (Parish)

Polling Division No. 15. The remainder of the Parish.


Kingston (Parish)

Polling Division No. 16. That part of the Parish bounded north by the Bellisle Bay and the River Saint John; east by the Parish of Springfield; south by the Parish of Norton and the River Kennebecasis, and west by Gray's Mill Brook, emptying into the River Saint John, and Snider's Brook, emptying into the Kennebecasis at Waddol's.


Kingston (Parish)

Polling Division No 17. The remainder of the Parish.


Sussex (Parish)

Polling Division No. 18. That part of the Parish commencing at the junction of the south line of lot No. 12, granted to James Drummond, in the first tier of lots south of the Kennebecasis, with the dividing line between the Parishes of Sussex and Norton; thence running easterly along the base line separating the first and second tier of Lots south of the Kennebecasis, to the western line of the grant to George Whitaker; thence southerly along the line of the said lot to the southwest angle of the same; thence easterly along the southern line thereof to the northeastern angle of No. 2 granted to William Rogers; thence southerly along the eastern line of said line of said lot to the southeastern angle of the same; thence easterly along the eastern prolongation of the south line of said lot No. 2 until it intersects the eastern line of lot No. 18 granted to William McKay, on the north side of old Westmot Road; thence southerly along the eastern line of the said lot and its southern prolongation to the southeasterly angle of lot No. 5, granted to Edward Frier, on the southern side of the Old Westmoreland Road; thence westerly following the rear line of said lot and its western prolongation to the northeasterly angle of lot No. 4, granted to Thomas Harret, junior; thence southerly along the eastern line of said lot and its southern prolongation to the line dividing the Parishes of Sussex and Hammond; and thence westerly along the said Parish line and its western prolongation to the southeastern angle of the Parish of Norton; thence northerly along the said Norton line to the place of beginning.


Sussex (Parish)

Polling Division No. 19. All that part of the Parish of Sussex lying to the eastward of line beginning at a point in the centre of the Kennebecasis River, two hundred yards southward of Roachville Bridge thence following the centre of said River up stream to the mouth of Trout Creek, thence along the centre of Trout Creek to the dividing line between the Freeze property and the Goodliffe property; thence along the dividing line last aforesaid to an extension thereof eastwardly to where it intersects the road leading to William Creighton's thence along said road southwardly to the Inter-colonial Railway thence eastwardly along said Railroad one thousand yards; thence in a direct line southwardly to the northwest corner of land now owned and occupied by William Stockton and lying to the south of the Main Post Road; thence southwardly along the above mentioned line on the western side, along the said line of premises now owned and occupied by William Stockton to a point six hundred yards distant from the Main Post Road; thence westerly and parallel to the Main Post Road to Horatio Arnold's; thence in a direct line to the north-eastern corner of lands now owned and occupied by Albert Brunnel; thence westerly along the said line to James Gregor's southwestern corner; thence southerly in a direct line to the northwestern corner of the John Ryan land, now owned and occupied by John Storey, and from there southerly and in a direct line to the intersection of the eastern division line of Electoral Subdistrict No. 18 in said County of Kings with the southern Parish line of said Parish of Sussex.


Sussex (Parish)

Polling Division No. 20. The remainder of the Parish of Sussex.


Sussex (Parish)

Polling Division No. 21. The Town of Sussex.


Springfield (Parish)

Polling Division No. 22. All that part of the Parish lying east of a line beginning on the northern boundary of the Parish of Norton, at its junction with the road leading from "Finger Road" to Belleisle Corner; thence northwesterly along said road to Sherwood's Mill stream; thence down said stream to Belleisle Creek; thence down said Creek to the north of Scovil's Brook; thence following the same up stream and by the branch thereof passing on the westerly side of James McGregor's to the line dividing the Counties of Queens and Kings.


Springfield (Parish)

Polling Division No. 23. The remainder of the Parish.


Gagetown (Parish)

Polling Division No. 1.


Petersville (Parish)

Polling Division No. 2. All that part of the Parish described and bounded as follows: beginning at the southeasterly corner of the land formerly occupied by John Trott, known as the Duff Farm, and running in a westerly direction to the Charlotte County line, where said line intersects the line of lot No. 16, granted to Noah Webb; thence along the said County line in Sunbury County line; thence along said Sunbury line to the road leading from Darby Gillan's to the church, known as the Quinn Road: thence in a southeasterly direction along the said Quinn Road to the Northwesterly line of land granted to James Currie; thence along said line and its prolongation to the rear lines of the eastern tier of Nerepis Road or Broad Road lots thence along said rear lines, southeasterly to the northern line of lot No. 25, granted to David Porter; thence following said line and its prolongation to the Nerepis Road; or Broad Road; thence along said Broad Road in a southerly direction to the northern line of lot No. 24, formerly occupied by John Cunningham; thence following said line to the rear of said lot, thence in a southerly direction to the Duff lot or place of beginning.


Petersville (Parish)

Polling Division No. 3. All the remainder of the Parish not included in No. 2.


Hampstead (Parish)

Polling Division No. 4.


Wickham (Parish)

Polling Division No. 5.


Johnson (Parish)

Polling Division No. 6.


Brunswick (Parish)

Polling Division No. 7.


Waterborough (Parish)

Polling Division No. 8.

33, 33 1/2

Chipman (Parish)

Polling Division No. 9.


Canning (Parish)

Polling Division No. 10. All that part of the Parish of Canning described as follows: Beginning at a point on the western bank or shore of Grand Lake where same is intersected by the northeastern line Lot No . 40, granted to Thomas Barnes and Thomas Pagan; thence northwesterly along said line and its northwestern prolongation to the line dividing the Counties of Queens and Sunbury; thence northeasterly along County line to the northeastern line of the Parish of Canning thence along same to the shore of Grand Lake aforesaid; and thence along said shore in a southwesterly direction to the place of beginning.


Canning (Parish)

Polling Division No. 11. All the remainder of the Parish of Canning not included in No. 10.


Canning (Parish)

Polling Division No. 12.


District 47 – Saint John and Albert

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Saint John (City) - Kings Ward

No. 1. Beginning at the Northwest corner of King and Charlotte Streets, westerly, along the north side of King Street to the harbour; beginning at the same point and running northerly along the west side of Charlotte and Coburg streets until Carleton Street is reached; thence along the south side of Carleton and North streets until York Point Slip is reached.


Saint John (City) - Kings Ward

No. 2. Beginning at the Northwest corner of Carleton and Coburg streets and running along the North sides of Carleton and North streets until York Point Slip is reached; beginning at the same place and running in a northerly direction along the West sides of Coburg and Garden Streets until Wall Street bridge is reached; thence along railway in a westerly direction until harbour is reached; to the North of the Union Station.


Saint John (City) - Wellington Ward

No. 1. Beginning at the north east corner of Union and Coburg Streets and running in an easterly direction along the North Side of Union Street until Brusells Street is reached; thence along the West side of Brussells Street until Richmond Street is reached; thence along the south side of Richmond Street, East side of Waterloo Street and the south side of Cliff Street until Coburg Street is reached; thence along the East side of Coburg Street to the place of starting at the North east corner of Union and Coburg Streets.


Saint John (City) - Wellington Ward

No. 2. Beginning at Hazen's Gate on the East side of Coburg Street and running westerly to Cliff Street; thence along the north side of Cliff Street until Waterloo Street is reached; thence along the West side of Waterloo Street until Delhi Street is reached (taking in the intervening streets of Rebecca, Golding, Castle, Hospital St,. and the General Public Hospital Alma Street, and any other street or lanes); thence along the West side of Delhi Street to City Road.


Saint John (City) - Wellington Ward

No. 3. Beginning at the corner of City Road and Delhi Street and running along East side of Delhi Street to Waterloo Street; thence along Waterloo Street and Western side of Haymarket Square to City Road; thence along the south side of City Road (including Richey, Blair, Brindley and Rock Streets, and any other Street or lane in area) until Garden Street is reached; thence along the Easterly side of Garden Street is reached (taking in Charles, Hazen and any other streets or lanes) thence along the Northerly side of Coburg Street to Hazen Street.


Saint John (City) - Wellington Ward

No. 4. Starting at the corner of Richmond Street and Waterloo Street and running along the North side of Richmond Street until Brussell Street is reached; thence along the west side of Brussell Street until the junction of same with Waterloo Street; thence along the Easterly side of Waterloo Street to the place of beginning.


Saint John (City) - Prince Ward

No. 1. Beginning at the East side of Charlotte Street, beginning at King Street and running northerly along the East side of Charlotte Street to Union Street; thence along the South Side of Union Street, easterly to Pitt Street; thence along west side of Pitt Street to King Street, East; thence along North side of King Street to place of commencement.


Saint John (City) - Prince Ward

No. 2. Beginning at the Eastern end of King street east, North side, at Courtenay Bay and running along the North side of King Street to Pitt Street; thence along Eastern sides of Pitt Street and St. David's Street to Clarence Street; thence along the South side of Clarence Street to Courtenay Bay.


Saint John (City) - Prince Ward

No. 3. Beginning at the North east corner of Brussells Street and Union Street, and running along Union Street, easterly, north side, to St. David Street; thence along west side of St. David Street to Clarence Street; thence along South side of Clarence Street to Brussells Street; thence along East side of Brussells Street to place of beginning at Union Street.


Saint John (City) - Prince Ward

No. 4. Beginning at the corner of Brussells Street and Clarence Street and running along the North side of Clarence Street until Courtenay Bay is reached; beginning again at the same place and running along Brussells Street, East side and South side of Haymarket Square until Marsh Bridge is reached.


Saint John (City) - Queens Ward

No. 1. Beginning at the Eastern end of Duke Street, (Courtenay Bay) and running along the North side of Duke Street, easterly, until Carmarthen Street; thence along the East side of Carmarthen Street to King Street; thence along South side of King Street to Courtenay Bay.


Saint John (City) - Queens Ward

No. 2. Beginning at the corner of Duke and Carmarthen Street and running westerly along the North side of Duke Street to Charlotte Street; thence along the East side of Charlotte Street, northerly, to King; thence along South side of King Street to Carmarthen Street; thence along West side of Carmarthen Street to place of beginning at Duke Street.


Saint John (City) - Queens Ward

No. 3. Beginning at North west corner of Duke and Charlotte Streets, and running along the North side of Duke Street, westerly, until the harbour is reached; commencing again at the same place and running along West side of Charlotte Street until King Street is reached; thence along the South side of King Street to the Harbour.


Saint John (City) - Dukes Ward

No. 1. Beginning at the Easterly end of St. James Street, (Courtenay Bay) and running along the North side of St. James Street to Carmarthen Street; thence along East side of Carmarthen Street to Duke Street); thence along South side of Duke Street to Courtenay Bay.


Saint John (City) - Dukes Ward

No. 2. Beginning at the North west corner of Carmarthen and St. James Streets and running along the North side of St. James Street to Charlotte Street; thence along the East side of Charlotte Street to Duke Street; thence along the South side of Duke Street to Carmarthen Street thence along the west side of Carmarthen Street to place of beginning at St. James Street.


Saint John (City) - Dukes Ward

No. 3. Beginning at the Westerly end of St. James Street (Harbour) and running along the North side of St. James Street, Easterly, to Charlotte Street; thence along the West Side of Charlotte Street to Duke Street; thence along South side of Duke Street to the Harbour.


Saint John (City) - Sydney Ward

No. 1. Beginning at the Eastern end of St. James Street (Courtenay Bay) and running westerly along the South side of St. James Street until Carmarthen Street is reached; thence along East side of Carmarthen Street until the Harbour is reached.


Saint John (City) - Sydney Ward

No. 2. Beginning at the Westerly end of St. James Street, (Harbour) and running along the South side of St. James Street until Carmarthen Street is reached; thence along the West side of Carmarthen Street until the Harbour is reached.


Saint John (City) - Guys Ward

No. 1. Beginning at the Easterly end of Rodney Street (Harbour) and running westerly along the north side of Rodney street to Ludlow Street; thence along the East side of Ludlow Street Northely until the Harbour is reached.


Saint John (City) - Guys Ward

No. 2. Beginning at the Westerly end of Rodney Street at City line, and running along the North side of Rodney Street, to Ludlow Street; thence along West side of Ludlow Street until the Harbour is reached; also City line east side, from Rodney Street to harbour.


Saint John (City) - Brook's Ward

No. 1. Beginning at Easterly end of Rodney Street (Harbour) and running westerly along the South of Rodney Street to Watson Street; thence southerly along East side of Watson Street to the Harbour.


Saint John (City) - Brook's Ward

No. 2. Beginning at the extreme southerly end of Watson Street (Harbour) and running northerly along the West side of Watson Street to Rodney Street; thence along South side of Rodney Street to City Line; thence along East side of City Line, to Harbour.


Saint John (City) - Lorne Ward

No. 1. Beginning at the New Bridge and running along the West side of Douglas Avenue to Main Street; thence along the Main Street, South side, to Cedar Street; thence along Cedar Street, East side, to Marble Cove.


Saint John (City) - Lorne Ward

No. 2. Beginning at boundary of Stanley Ward, along the west side of Adelaide Road (Milledgeville Road) and Adelaide Street to Main Street; thence along Main Street North side to Albert Street; thence along East side of Alberta Street to Stanley Ward.


Saint John (City) - Lorne Ward

No. 3. Albert Street, West side from Main Street to Stanley Ward, Main Street North side from Albert Street to River; Cedar Street, west side, from Main Street to Marble Cove; Main Street, South side, from Cedar Street to River.


Saint John (City) - Lansdowne Ward

No. 1. Beginning at the Southerly end of Portland Street (Harbour) and running along the West side of Portland Street to Main Street; thence along Main Street, south side to Harrison Street; thence along Harrison Street, East Side, to Harbour.


Saint John (City) - Lansdowne Ward

No. 2. Beginning at the extreme Southerly end of Harrison Street (Harbour) and running along West side of Harrison Street to Main Street; thence along south side of main Street to Douglas Avenue; thence along East side of Douglas Avenue to Bridge, taking in Straight Shore Road to place of beginning.


Saint John (City) - Lansdowne Ward

No. 3. A line drawn from corner of Elm and Main Streets (Old Police Building) to boundary of Stanley Ward; Main Street, north side, from Elm Street to Adelaide Street; thence along Adelaide Street, East side, to boundary of Stanley Ward; bounded on Fourth Side by Stanley Ward.


Saint John (City) - Dufferin Ward

No. 1. Beginning at North side of Railway track, westerly from Wall Street bridge to Mill Street; (taking in Lombard Street); thence along Mill Street, east side, to Paradise Row; thence along South side of Paradise Row to Milledge Street; thence along East side of Milledge Street to Rockland Road; thence along South side of Rockland Street to Rockland Road and Wall Street to Railway Track. (Wall St. Bridge).


Saint John (City) - Dufferin Ward

No. 2. North side of Paradise Row beginning at Milledge Street and continuing along North side of Main Street to Rockland Road; thence along South side of Rockland Road to Milledge Street; thence along West side of Milledge Street to place of beginning.


Saint John (City) - Dufferin Ward

No. 3. Beginning on Hawthorne Avenue (Sandy Point Rd.) at boundary of Stanley Ward and running along West side of Hawthorne Avenue and Park's Street to Rockland Road; thence along North side of Rockland Road westerly to Main Street; Main Street North side from Rockland Road to Elm Street; thence in a straight line from corner Main and Elm Streets; (Old Police Building) to boundary of Stanley Ward.


Saint John (City) - Dufferin Ward

No. 4. Beginning at Railway Tracks Mill Street, West side, and along Mills Street to Main Street to Main Street; south side, to Portland Street, thence along Portland Street, East side, to Harbour.


Saint John (City) - Victoria Ward

No. 1. All that part of Victoria Ward east of the Marsh Bridge which includes Marsh Road, both sides up to an including the One Mile House; also Westmoreland Road (Thorne Avenue) both sides, to Russell Street (Kane's Corner); also including all cross streets such as Church or Short Street, Frederick Street, Egbert Road and any other streets or lanes in that district.


Saint John (City) - Victoria Ward

No. 2. City Road beginning at Marsh Bridge and running westerly to Stanley Street, on the North side of City; thence along Stanley Street, East side, to Wright Street, including Gooderich, Seeley, Prospect, Pine, Spruce Streets and Rockwood Park to Gilbert's Lane.


Saint John (City) - Victoria Ward

No. 3. Beginning at Northerly end of Stanley Street at junction with Wright Street and continuing along West side of Stanley Street to City Road; thence along North side of City Road to Wall Street; thence along East side of Wall Street and North side of Rockland Road to Parks Street; thence along East side of Parks Street and East side of Hawthorne Avenue (Sandy Point Road) to boundary of Stanley Ward.


Saint John (City) -Stanley Ward

The whole ward as laid out to one Enumerator.


St. Martins (Parish)

The whole Parish to constitute one district.


Simonds (Parish)

All the territory from Cane's Corner to Cape Spencer and from Cane's Corner out right hand side of Loch Lomond Road as far as Lower St. Martins road; thence along same right hand side to first road to right; thence along right hand side of said road to water. Including all territory within these boundaries.


Simonds (Parish)

All the territory beginning at Cane's Corner and running out left hand side of Loch Lomond road to Church Lands road; thence along left hand side of same to Golden Grove Road; thence along left hand side of Old Rothesay Road to Kings County Line, including all territory within said boundaries and City Line and Kings County Line.


Simonds (Parish)

All the balance of Parish of Simonds included in right hand side of Old Rothesay Road beginning at King's County and running along right hand side of same and continuing along right hand side of the Church Lands Road; thence along left hand side of Loch Lomond Road to Lower St. Martins Road; thence along left hand side of same to the first road to the right; thence along left hand side of same to water; including with side of same water. Including everything within these boundaries and the line between Parish of St. Martins and Kings County Line.


Lancaster (Parish)

No. 1. Beaconsfield. Beginning at North west corner of Charlotte Street and City Line and running along west side of City Line to river; beginning again at the same place and running along North side of Charlotte Street to Sand Cove Road; thence down Sand Cove Road (West side) to R. R. Crossing including Fairville Plateau; from City line along river up to and including J. M. Queen's (Old Scammell House ); thence along South side of Lancaster Avenue to Sand Cove Road. Taking in all territory within these bounds.


Lancaster (Parish)

No. 2. Beginning at Southwest corner of Charlotte Street and City line and following Western side of said City to harbour (Fort Dufferin). Beginning again at the same place and following along South side of Charlotte Street to Sand Cove Road; thence along East side of Sand Cove Road to R. R. Crossing; thence taking in both sides of Sand Cove Road to McLaren's Beach (Taking in Chip Ritchie's house) taking in all territory within these bounds and Harbour.



Beginning at Westerly boundary of J. M. Queen's (Old Scammell property) and following along the Northern side of Lancaster Avenue, thence along northern side of Main Street, Fairville, to Church Avenue; thence along Easterly side of Church Avenue to Milford Road; thence along South Side of Milford Road to River, taking in all territory within these boundaries and the river.



No. 4. Beginning at Lewin's Corner (Dr. Anglin's) and continuing Westerly along South side of Road and thence along south side of Main Street, Fairville to Church Avenue, thence along Westerly side of Church Avenue and Pipe Line Road to intersection of No. 3. School District and out Manawagonish Road to Barnhill property.



No. 5. Commencing at Barnhill property (Fairville boundary) and continuing to and including Robinson property Manawagonish Road; South Bay to and including Lowell property.



No. 6. MILFORD. Beginning at Woodman's Road South running to River and Pleasant Point, taking in Kingsville; also taking in Randolph.



No. 7. South Bay beginning at line dividing the Lowell and Walker properties and taking in all the territory including South Bay and Grand Bay to King's County Line.



No. 8. Lornville and Spruce Lake Districts. Beginning at Robinson's property, Manawagonish Road to boundary of Parish of Musquash.



No. 9. The whole Parish of Musquash.



Polling Division No. 59



Polling Division No. 60



Polling Division No. 61



Polling Division No. 62



Polling Division No. 63



That part of the Parish of Hillsboro situated South of the Lake Canal, including the Albert Mines and Demoselle. (Part of Polling Division No. 64).



The balance of Polling Division No. 64. Hillsboro



Polling Division No. 65



Polling Division No. 66



Polling Division No. 67



Polling Division No. 68



Polling Division No. 69


Industrial Home


Provincial Hospital for Insane.


District 48 – Victoria and Carleton

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Woodstock (Parish)

For that part of the Parish of Woodstock lying north of the Houlton Road (so called) excepting what is known as the Town of Woodstock.


Woodstock (Parish)

For that part of the Parish of Woodstock south of the Houlton Road and bounded as follows: Beginning at the South side of that Houlton Road at the American boundary thence running east along the south side of the Houlton Roads until it reaches boundary of the town of Woodstock, thence south and west until it reaches the St. John River, thence south until it reaches the County line, between the counties of Carleton and York, thence west until it reaches the dividing line between the Parishes of Woodstock and Richmond, thence north until it reaches the northeast corner of the Parish of Richmond, thence west to the American Boundary line, thence north to the place of beginning.


Simonds (Parish)

For all that part of the Parish of Simonds lying north of the northern line of Norval Greer, extending in westerly direction and continuing to the Wilmot Parish line.


Simonds (Parish)

For the remainder of the Parish of Simonds; Beginning at a point on the bank of the St. John River at the northern side line of lands owned by Norval Greer, thence running westerly along the north side line of lands owned by the said Norval Greer, and the prolongation thereof to the Parish of Wilmot, thence along the east side line of the Parish of Wilmot south until it strikes the North Side Line of the Parish of Wakefield, thence easterly along the dividing line between the Parishes of Wakefield and Simonds until it reaches the St. John River, thence north to place of beginning.


Wilmot (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish of Wilmot north of the following described line, commencing at the American boundary line between land owned by William London and Daniel Merrithew, thence running east on a straight line to the Grand Settlement Road, thence continuing east between lands owned by Pelletier Good and Eli Waters, and continuing on a line north side of Thomas Emery, thence east between lands owned by W. J. Emery and John McEggan and continuing east to the Parish of Simonds.


Wilmot (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish of Wilmot bounded as follows: Beginning at the American Boundary line between land owned William London and Daniel Merrithew, thence running east in a straight line to the Grand Settlement Road, thence continuing east between lands owned by Pelletier Good and Eli Waters and continuing on a line norfth side of Thomas Emry, thence east between lands owned by W. J. Emery and John McEggaN AND continuing east to the Parish of Simonds thence south along the west side line of the Parish of Simonds until it reaches the north side line of the Parish of Wakefield until it reaches the American Boundary line, thence north to the place of beginning.


Richmond (Parish)

For all that Parish lying southerly of the northern line of lot three, granted to William Dillon, in the third tier, and westerly prolongation to the American boundary line at Debec.


Richmond (Parish)

For all that part of the Parish of Richmond and bounded as follows; Beginning at the northerly side line of lot 3 granted to William Dillon in the third tier, at the point where it reaches the boundary line between the Parishes of Woodstock and Richmond, thence west and a prolongation of that line, until the line reaches the American Boundary line, thence north along the American Boundary line until it reaches the Parish of Woodstock, thence east along said line until it reaches that part of the Parish of Woodstock running south to the county line, thence south along the said line until it reaches the place of beginning.


Wakefield (Parish)

For that part of the Parish comprised within the following limits, that is to say: Commencing at the River Saint John on the line dividing the Parishes of Wakefield and Simonds; thence running along the said line in a westerly direction until it strikes the rear line of lot number 24 in the said Parish of Wakefield granted to Charles Connell; thence along the rear line of lots twenty-four, twenty-five and twenty- six, until it strikes the northerly line of land granted to D. Kenny thence westerly along said northerly line to the rear of said Kennedy's lot; thence southerly to the rear line on lot number 1 until it strikes the rear line of lot number 2 granted to James York; thence along the rear and to the southerly boundaries of said lot number 1 until it strikes the rear line of lot number 2 granted to James York Junior; thence southerly along the dividing line between the second and third tiers of lot in said Parish of Wakefield to the southerly of lot No. 1 in the second tier granted to William Taylor; thence running easterly along the said southerly line of William Taylor's lot number 1 and lot number 9 in the first tier granted to Elias Clark to the River Saint John and thence along the River Saint John to the place of beginning.


Wakefield (Parish)

Beginning at the northwest corner of lot No. 24. Parish of Wakefield, granted to Charles Connell, thence south along the rear line of lots 24, 25, 26 until it strikes the northerly line of land granted to D. Kennedy, thence westerly along said Northerly line to the rear of Kennedy lot thence southerly to the rear line of Lot No. 1 until it strikes line of lot No. 2 granted to James York, thence along the rear and to the southerly boundaries of said lot No. 1 until it strikes the rear line of lot No. 2 granted to James York, Jr., thence southerly along the dividing line between the second and thrid tiers of lots in the said Parish of Wakefeild to the southerly boundary of lot No. 1 in the second tiers granted to William Taylor: thence west along the line dividing the Parishes of Wakefeild and Woodstock to the American Boundary line, thence north along the said boundary until it reaches the line between the Parishes of Wakefield and Wilmot, thence east alongside line and the prolongation thereof to place of beginning.


Wicklow (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish of Wicklow, north and east of the following described line: Beginning at the River Saint John at the Hugh Tweedie farm; thence west along the road known as the " Carr Road" to the Greenfield Road, thence north along said Greenfield Road to the Summerfield Road; thence west along said Summerfield Road to the Knoxford Road, and thence northerly along said Knoxford Road and a prolongation of the same northerly to the line between Carleton and Victoria and to include all those who border on said roads.


Wicklow (Parish)

For all that part of the Parish of Wicklow, south and east of the following line, beginning at the River Saint John at Hugh Tweedie's farm, thence west along the road known as the 'Carr Road' to the Greenfield Road, south along said Greenfield Road to the south line of the Parish of Wicklow, and to include those bordering on said Greenfield Road, south of said 'Carr Road'.


Wicklow (Parish)

Beginning at a point where the Knoxford road crosses the county line between Carleton and Victoria, thence running west along said county line until it reaches the American boundary line thence south along said boundary line until it reaches the Parish of Wilmot, thence east along said Parish line until it reaches the Greenfield Road, thence north along the Greenfield road until it reaches the Summerfield road, leading from Summerfield to Knoxford road, thence following the Summerfield road west, until it reaches the Knoxford road; thence north along the Knoxford road to place of beginning.


East or back Brighton

Beginning at the Parish line between Brighton and Aberdeen, near Gillmour's mill, on the Coldstream, thence down said Coldstream to the line between Brighton and Peel, thence westerly along said line to the eastern or rear line of the Brighton lots fronting on the River St. John, thence southerly along said rear line of river lots to the Becaguimac Stream, thence crossing said stream and following said rear line to the Cross Creek, thence up said Cross Creek past George Brown's corner to the rear line of the Ashland lots, thence northerly along said rear line to the line separating the Mainstream lots (fronting on the Main Becaguimac Stream) from the Pole Hill lots thence easterly following said line up to the forks of the Becaguimac thence southerly along the south Branch of the Becaguimac to the line between Carleton and York, thence northerly along said line to the said line between Brighton and Aberdeen and thence westerly along the same to the place of beginning.


Front or West Brighton

Beginning where the rear line of the lots fronting on the River St. John cuts the line between Brighton and Peel, thence southerly along the rear line of the river lots to the Becaguimac Stream thence crossing said stream and following said stream and following said rear line to the Cross Creek, thence up said Cross Creek past George Brown's Corner to the rear of the Ashland lots, thence northerly along said rear line to the line separating the Mainstream lots (fronting on the Main Becaguimac Stream) from the Pole Hill lots, thence easterly following said line to the forks of the Becaguimac, thence southerly along the South Branch of the Becaguimac to the line between Carleton and York thence southerly along the said county line to the line between Brighton and Northampton, thence westerly along said line to the River St. John thence northerly along the said River St. John to the said line between Peel and Brighton and thence easterly along the same to the place beginning.


Northampton (Parish)

For the Parish of Northampton.


Peel (Parish)

For all that portion of the Parish of Peel north of the following described line, commencing at the mouth of the Stickney brook, thence up said brook to the mouth of the west branch of the said brook, thence up said west branch until it comes to the road leading from Buckwheat Bridge to Oakland; thence easterly to the southwest corner of the Parish of Aberdeen.


Peel (Parish)

Beginning at the mouth of the Stickney Brook, thence up said brook to the mouth of the west branch of the said brook, until it come to the road leading from Buckwheat Bridge to Oakland, thence easterly to the southwest corner of the Parish of Aberdeen, thence south and west along the Parish of Brighton to the St. John River, thence north to the place of beginning.


Aberdeen (Parish)

Beginning at the north west angle of the Parish of Peel, thence running east along the north side line of the Parish of Aberdeen, until it reaches the rear of lot No. 4, thence south between range of lots 4 and 5 until it reaches the Brigthton Parish line, thence west until it reaches the east side line of the Parish of Peel, thence north to place of beginning.


Aberdeen (Parish)

Beginning at a point on the north side line of the Parish of Aberdeen where the dividing line between ranges 4 and 5 intersects said line, thence running east until it reaches the dividing line between Carleton and York, counties, thence southwesterly until it reaches the Parish of Brighton north line, thence west along said Parish line until it reaches the dividing line between ranges 4 and 5, thence north to place of beginning; also all that part of the Parish of Kent east of range 7 and Beauford Settlement.


Kent (Parish)

For that part of the Parish within the following described district, beginning on the boundary line between the Counties of Victoria and Carleton where the western boundary of the tract of land surveyed for the Emigrant Aid Society and known as the Johnville Settlement, intersects the same; thence following the various courses of the western boundary of said Johnville settlement, until it comes to the reserved road to the southern side of Lot No. 2 granted to Bernard McKim; thence easterly along said reserved road to the western boundary of the tract of land know as the Glassville Settlement; thence following the various courses of the said Glassville Settlement northerly to the eastern boundary of Range 7 in Johnville Settlement tract above mentioned, thence northerly along the said eastern boundary of Range 7 until it comes to the northern boundary of the County of Carleton, and thence westerly along the same to the place of beginning.


Kent (Parish)

Beginning at the mouth of the Monquart River, thence following the north bank of the said river until reaches the west side line of Johnsville Settlement west line until it reaches the Victoria County line, thence following the Victoria County line until it reaches the St. John River; thence south to the mouth of the Monquart River.


Kent (Parish)

Beginning at the mouth of Monquart River, thence following the south bank of the said River until it reaches the Johnsville Settlement, thence south along the Johnsville Settlement line until it reaches the Parish line of the Parish of Peel, thence of west along Parish of Peel line until it reaches the St. John River, thence north to place of beginning.


Woodstock (Town)

District No. 1. Starting from a point where the Main road from Woodstock to Fredericton intersects the town line thence in a westerly direction along the line dividing the Town of Woodstock from the Parish of Woodstock to a point 1200 years from the main road thence in a Northerly direction and along the western boundary to the Meduxnekeag River, thence in an easterly direction and following the said Meduxnekeag River to the southern end of the bridge crossing the Meduxnekeag River in the town of Woodstock, thence a southerly direction and following the Main Highway to the place of beginning.


Woodstock (Town)

District No. 2. All that section of town of Woodstoock bounded as follows: Starting at the point where the main road leading from the Town of Woodstock to Upper Woodstock intersects the Northern boundary of the Town of Woodstock thence in a southerly direction to a point where the southern boundary of the Town of Woodstock intersects the Main street, thence in an easterly direction following the Southern boundary to the St. John River thence in a northerly direction along the St. John River to where the northern boundary of the Town of Woodstock touches the St. John River, thence in a westerly direction and following the northern to the place of beginning.


Woodstock (Town)

District No. 3. All that part of the Town of Woodstock, N. B. Known as Queens Ward and bounded as follows: Starting at a point where the northerly boundary of the town is intersected by the Main Road leading from Woodstock thence in a westerly direction along said northerly boundary to a point 3980 feet west of Main Street, thence in a southerly direction and along the western boundary to the Meduxnekeag River, thence following the Meduxnekeag River in an easterly to Main Street at the North end of the bridge which crosses the Meduxnekeag River in the Town of Woodstock, thence in a northerly direction following Main Street to the place of beginning.


Andover (Parish)

All the part of the Parish of Andover bounded on the North by a line beginning on the Western side of the St. John River at the southeast angle of a 200 acre lot granted to William Wilmot thence westerly following the southern line of said lots 145 and 25 granted respectively to William McFadden and Elijah Tomlinson to the International Boundary line, on the West by the International Boundary Line on the south by the River de Chute and on the East by the River St. John.


Andover (Parish)

All that part of the Parish of Andover bounded on the South by a line beginning on the Western Bank of the St. John River at the Southwest angle of 200 acre lot granted to William Wilmot thence following the Southern line of said lot and the Southern lines of lots 145 and 25 granted respectively to William McFadden and Elijah Tomlinson to the International Boundary Line on the West by the International Boundary Line on the North by the Aroostook River and on the East by the St. John River and comprising all that part of the Parish of Andover not included in District No. 1.


Grand Falls (Parish)

All that part of the Parish of Grand Falls bounded on the North by the Limestone Road on the West by the International Boundary line on the South by the Aroostook River and on the East by the St. John River.


Grand Falls (Parish)

All that part of the Parish of Grand Falls lying between the Limestone Road on the South and the Northern line of lot 52 in Block 12 granted to John Hall and its Eastern prolongation to the St. John River on the North.


Grand Falls (Parish)

All that part of the Parish of Grand Falls lying north of the Northern line of lot 52 in Block 12 granted to John Hall and its Easterly prolongation to the St. John River and including the Town of Grand Falls and so much of the Parish of Drummond as lies within the limits of said town.


Drummond (Parish)

All that part of the Parish of Drummond lying southerly of a line beginning at the southeast angle of lot No. 127, granted to Sergeant Edward Gregory in the Range Settlement thence easterly along the southerly line of said lot to its southeast corner, thence southerly along the rear line of the river lots to the southeast angle of Lot 110, granted to Sergeant Henry Bowmasters; thence along the norther line of Lot D granted to Henry McQuade to the Northeast angle of same, thence along the eastern line to the southwest angle of Lot 14 applied for by David Dyer: thence easterly along the southern side of lot 14 to the southeast angle of same; thence following northerly the eastern line of said lot to the northwest angel of lot No. 7 of said lot No.7 and its prolongation, in the easterly direction to the Gordon Parish Line.


Drummond (Parish)

All that part of the Parish of Drummond lying northerly of district No. 6, and southerly of a line beginning on the eastern side of the River Saint John, at the southwest angle of lot No. 83, granted to James Sullivan thence easterly along the southern line of said lot and its prolongation to the northern line of the second tier of lots on the northern side of the River Saint John, thence southeasterly along the said line to the most southern angle of lot number 40, granted to Julia Morrissey, in block 52, thence northeasterly along the southeastern line of said lot No. 40 and its northern prolongation to the Parish limits.


Drummond (Parish)

All that part of the Parish of Drummond lying Northerly of a line beginning on the Eastern side of the St. John River at the Southwest angle of lot No. 83, granted to James Sullivan thence easterly along the southern line of said lot and its prolongation to the Northern line of the 2nd Tier of lots on the northern side of the St. John River thence southeasterly along said line to the most southern angle Lot No. 40, granted to Julia Morrissey in Blok 52 thence northeasterly along the southeastern line of said lot No. 40 to the Parish Limits.


Perth (Parish)

All that part of the Parish of Perth beginning at the most northerly angle of lot Number 26, granted to Alexander S. Malcolm, in the Lower Kintore Settlement, thence southeasterly along the northeastern line of said lot; and its prolongation to the northern line of lot No. 40, granted to Thomas Cumming, thence northerly to the northwest angle of said lot; thence easterly along the northern line of said lot No. 40, and it eastern prolongation to the Parish of Gordon; thence along the Gordon Parish line, to the Carleton County line, thence westerly along the same to the River Saint John thence upstream to the northwest angle of lot no. 77 granted to H. Mewritt thence easterly along the northern line of lot No. 77 and its eastern prolongation to the place of beginning.


Perth (Parish)

All that part of the Parish of Perth lying within the boundaries of the Indian Reserve South of Tobique River.


Perth (Parish)

All that part of the Parish of Perth lying North of the Tobique River.


Gordon (Parish)

All that part of the Parish lying northerly of the dividing line between lands of George McDougall and the Turner lot on the northerly side of the Tobique River and the dividing line between lands of Robert Beveridge and Henry Beveridge, on the southerly side of the Tobique River and the prolongation thereof to the


Gordon (Parish)

All that part of the said Parish lying between District No. 12 and a line run by the magnet north forty-five degrees west and south forty-five degrees east, to the limits of the Parish from the mouth of the Otellock Stream.


Gordon (Parish)

For all the remaining part of the Parish of Gordon.


Lorne (Parish)

All that part of the Parish of Lorne lying to the southwest of a line running north fifty-five degrees west, and south fifty-five degrees east to the limits of the said Parish from the mouth of Two Brooks.


Lorne (Parish)

For the remainder of the Parish of Lorne.


Perth (Part)

All that part of the Parish of Perth lying east of the Indian Reserve and South of the Tobique River.


Perth (Part)

Tobique Indian Reserve.


Perth (Part)

Woodstock Indian Reserve.


District 49 - Westmorland

This district was indexed as Westmoreland in the database. Until a correction can be made, please search as Westmoreland

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Shediac (Parish)

South of Chapmans Corner to Southern Boundary line.


Shediac (Parish)

North of Chapmans Corner to Northern and Western Boundary line.


Shediac (Parish)

East of Chapmans Corner to Sackville Street, in Town of Shediac.


Shediac (Parish)

East of Sackville Street, Shediac to Upper Aboujagane Road.


Shediac (Parish)

Upper Aboujagane District, Point du Chene and Shediac Island.


Shediac (Parish)

St-Andre and Cormier Village.


Shediac (Parish)

East of Upper Aboujagane Road to Botsford line.


Dorchester (Parish)

All that portion of the Parish of Dorchester bounded on the West by the Memramcook River, on the South by the Sackville Parish line, on the east by said Sackville Parish Line, and on the north by the northern boundary of the John Hazen Smith Homestead.


Dorchester (Parish)

All that part of the Parish of Dorchester bounded by John Hazen Smith's line on the south; on the west by the Memracook River; on the east by the Sackville line and on the north by the Boudreau School line running due East.


Dorchester (Parish)

All that part of the Parish of Dorchester bounded southerly by the last mentioned division, easterly by the Sackville Parish line, on the north by the Shediac and Moncton Parish line and on the west by the rear line of the fourteen lots bordering on the Memramcook River, and on the south by the northern line of the Dr. Gaudet farm (so called).


Dorchester (Parish)

All that pat of the Parish of Dorchester bounded northerly by the last mentioned line of the Dr. Gaudet Farm (so called) and including all land lying on the western side of Memramcook River to Fort Folly Point (so called) bounded easterly by the Memramcook River, southerly by Chepody Bay; westerly by the rear lines of the fourteen lots lying on the westerly side of Memramcook River.


Dorchester (Parish)

All the remaining portion of the Parish of Dorchester lying to the west of the rear lines of the fourteen lots of division No.4 and bounded by said line on the East: on the north by the Moncton Parish lines; on the south by the said Chepody Bay, and on the west by Petitcodiac River.


Salisbury (Parish)

One District to comprise the Village of Petit-Codiac with the following additions: Both sides of the highway leading to Anagance until the King County line is reached; both sides of the road leading to Forest Glen for a distance of three and one half miles, or to and including the home of George Berry; the farms of John H. Colpitts and Mrs. Henry O'Blenes to the eastward of the Village.


Salisbury (Parish)

Starting near Salisbury Village on the South bank of the Petitcodiac where the Albert County Line intersects that River, and following this River to the saw mill at Petitcodiac Village, then following the Anagance River to the Kings County Line; then following the Kings County Line in a southerly direction until it intersects the Albert County Line; then following the Albert County Line to the place of beginning.


Salisbury (Parish)

Starting on the north bank of the Petitcodiac River where it is intersected by the Moncton Parish line, and following up the north bank of said River until the saw mill at Petitcodiac is reached, then following up the south easterly bank of the North River, until it intersects the Moncton Parish line, then following said Moncton Parish line to the place of beginning.


Salisbury (Parish)

Starting at the saw mill at Petitcodiac and following up the north bank of the Anagance River until it intersects the King County line, then following the Kings County line until it touches the highway leading from Havelock through Lewis Mountain to the North River, then following said road in an easterly direction until it reaches the Morton Road, then following the Morton road until it touches the North River near Oscar Steeve's then following the North River down stream to the place of beginning.


Salisbury (Parish)

Starting at the Morton Bridge on the North River, near the home of Oscar Steeves' then following the north side of said until it reaches the road leading from the Fredericton road to Havelock, then following said road in a westerly direction until it reaches the King County line, then following the said County line in northerly direction past Kings and Queens Counties Until it touches the Kent County line, then following the Kent line until it reaches the point where it is intersected by the Moncton Parish line then following the Moncton Parish line to the North Bank of the North River thence following the North River to the place of beginning.


Moncton (Parish)

Beginning at the Moncton City boundary line, running westerly on the St. John main road to Salisbury Parish line, on the south by the Petitcodiac River, then northerly on the boundary Creek road to Steeve's Mountain.


Moncton (Parish)

Beginning at a point on the Salisbury Parish line, running easterly by the Steeve's Mountain Road including by roads, excepting the Boundary Creek Road, and continuing on to Berry's Mills including the George Rogers Road, thence on said road though the Lutes Mountain, thence to the McLaughlin Road, also starting at Fred Lutes on the Mountain Road to the City of Moncton line.


Moncton (Parish)

Starting on the Moses Trites farm at the junction of the Mountain Road to the New Scotland Road, including Catamount.


Moncton (Parish)

Starting at Indian Mountain School House, running along Indian Mountain Road to the McLaughlin Road, to the McLaughlin Road, crossing to Shaw Brook, thence to the new Scotland Road.


Moncton (Parish)

Beginning at head of New Scotland Road and running to C. N. R. Railway, thence from said Scotland road to Canaan, including both side of the Railway.


Moncton (Parish)

Beginning at Road at Reform Church and running past E. Nichol's Farm turning at Wilson's corner, including all of Stylesville also the Gorge Road to Allie Steeves.


Moncton (Parish)

Beginning at Sunny Brae on the Irishtown Road continuing on said road to the Kent County line, including the Babineau Settlement, also the Scotch Settlement to McDougall Settlement also the McLaughlin Road to Kent County Line.


Moncton (Parish)

Sunny Brae town

26, 26A

Moncton (Parish)

Humphrey's Mills, Lewisville, to the Shediac Boundary line and the Road leading to Leger's corner to the Fraser Floral Co., Fox Creek, St. Anselin, Charlesville, Leger Corners, Calhoun, Pansec Settlement, Lakeburn.


Botsford (Parish)

Commencing at North Shore on William John Crawford's easterly line and following said line and the course of said line until it strikes the road (Known as the Noonan Road) leading from the Murray Road past James Murray's Mill) to the Emigrant Road thence following the said Noonan Road easterly until it strikes the Emigrant Road: thence following said Emigrant Road southerly until it meets the road known as Upper Cape Road; thence following the said Upper Cape Road until it reaches the Sea Shore near Ephriam's Island.


Botsford (Parish)

Thence following the said Shore until it strikes the division line at port Elgin between the Parish of Botsford and Westmoreland; thence following said division line northwesterly until it strikes the road laid out commencing at Joshua Tingle, Junior's south line, and following said Road to Long Lake, (so called) near Jesse Tingley's: thence following shore of said Lake Northwesterly until it strikes Joshua Tingley Junior easterly line; thence following said line twenty seven chains and fifty links to Joshua Tingley Junior's northwesterly line thence following the line until it strikes land granted to Simon Bonnevie; thence following said Simon Bonnevie's north line and the course of said line until it strikes Round Lake (so called) thence following the southerly side of said Lake to the Brook leading into Fox River (so called) thence following the course of the said Brook, to the said Fox River; thence following the said Fox River, northerly to Amos Point, (so called) thence following the Sea Shore easterly to place of beginning.


Botsford (Parish)

To comprise all that part of the former sub-district No. 14 lying south and east of a line commencing where the east line of land formerly owned by Fabine Gould, now owned by Louis Gould, meets the waters of Northumberland Strait at Little Cape; thence following said Gould's east line to the Little Cape Road (so called) thence in a straight line and westerly direction to the Joyce Brook (so called) on the Botsford Portage Road (so called); thence in straight line and a southerly direction to the northerly corner of lands formerly owned by Oliver Melanson now occupied by Dennis Melanson; thence following the north-westerly side line of the said Oliver Melanson's land and in prolongation of the same, until it strikes the Shediac Parish line. Leblanc Office, Leger Brook, Lower Cape Bald.


Botsford (Parish)

To comprise all that portion of the former Sub-district No. 14 lying north and west of said line set forth in the description of Sub-district No. 14, aforessaid.


Botsford (Parish)

For all that part of the Parish of Botsford lying easterly of Subdistrict No. 13.


Sackville (Parish)

All that portion of the Parish south and west of Lower Mill Creek to the Great Road at Bulmer's Mill and the said Great Road from Bulmer's Mill towards Dorchester to the Dorchester Parish line, and lying north of a line drawn from the mouth of Allen's Creek (so called) in a northerly direction to the junction of the Road leading from Westcook to Dorchester with the Road leading from Westcook to Grand Anse, and thence in the same direction to a point on the Dorchester Parish Line, distant one mile from Shepody Bay.


Sackville (Parish)

All that portion of the Parish south of the boundary of Polling Division No. 15.


Sackville (Town)

Ward 1.


Sackville (Town)

Ward 2.


Sackville (Town)

Ward 3.


Sackville (Town)

Ward 4.


Sackville (Town)

All that part of the Polling Division No. 17, which is bounded north by the road leading from the E. A. Wry Standard Ltd. Factory at Middle Sackville to Beech Hill and the Extension thereof easterly to the Westmoreland Point line; westerly by the Dorchester Point line: southerly by Sub-district No. 1. and easterly by the Westmoreland and Point line (excepting No. 39 Sub-district).


Sackville (Town)

All the remaining part of Polling Division No.17 (Excepting the town of Sackville.)


Sackville (Town)

All that part of the Parish northerly and easterly of the Great Road from Upper Sackville to Jolicure, from the Point of its crossing the Westmoreland Parish line to the Tantramar River and thence following said River; the Floating Canal Lake and Musquash Brook to Cookville Road, near Towse's Mill; thence by said Cookville Road, crossing Aboushagan Road, and following Sackville and Shediac Road to Shediac Parish line.


Westmorland (Parish)

From Botsford Parish line to the Railway Station at Baie Verte,


Westmorland (Parish)

From the Baie Verte Railway to the Crotch (so called).


Westmorland (Parish)

From the Crotch (so called) to the Sackville Boundary Line including point De Bute Mount Whatley Jolicure and Westmorland Point.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at Halls Creek Bridge (so called ), running westerly to the centre of Main Street until it strikes the center of West Market Street, thence southerly to the Petitcodiac River, thence easterly along said River to place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at the center of West Market Street, running westerly to the center of Foundary Street, thence southerly to the Petitcodiac River, thence easterly along said River to the center of West Market Street or place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at the center of Foundry Street, running in a southerly direction to the Petitcodiac River, thence westerly along said River and Johnathan Creek until it reached Jonathan Creek Bridge, or center of Main Street, to place of beginning


Moncton (City)

Beginning at Jonathan Creek Bridge (so called) and running along boundary line in a northwesterly direction until it strikes the C. N. R. Line, thence along said Railway line in a S. E. Direction until it strikes the overhead Bridge on St. George Street, thence easterly along center of St. George Street until it strikes the center of Enterprise Street, thence southerly to the center of Main Street, thence westerly along the center of Main Street to place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at the centre of St. George and Enterprise Street, thence running easterly along centre of St. George until it strikes centre of Cameron to Main Street thence westerly along centre of Main Street to the centre of Enterprise, thence northerly along centre of Cameron Street, thence northerly along centre of Cameron to place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at centre of St. George and Cameron Streets, thence easterly along centre of St. George until it strikes the centre of Bonnacord; thence southerly centre of Bonnacord until its strikes Main thence westerly along centre of Main Street until it strikes centre of Cameron Street, thence northerly along centre of Cameron to place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at centre of St. George and Bonnacord Streets, running easterly to the centre of St. George Street until it strikes centre of Alma Street; thence along centre of Alma Street until it strikes Main St. thence westerly along center of Main Street until it strikes centre of Bonnacord, thence along the centre of Bonnacord northerly to the place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at the centre of St. George and Alma Streets running easterly along centre of St. George to Center of Steadman Street, thence southerly along centre of Steadman Street until it strikes centre of Main Street, thence westerly along centre of Main Street until it reaches centre of Alma Street, thence northerly to the centre of Alma Street to place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at the centre of St. George and Steadman Street, running northerly to centre of Steadman Street until it strikes Halls Creek; thence along boundary line to Halls Creek Bridge thence westerly to the centre of Main to the centre of Steadman Street; thence northerly to the centre of Steadman to the place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at the centre of St. George and Steadman Streets running northerly to centre of Steadman to the boundary line, thence along boundary line in a northwesterly direction to place where C. N. R. crosses boundary line; thence along C. N. R. line to where a line in prolongation of Wesley Street crosses C. N. R. thence southerly along center of Wesley Street to centre of St. George Street, thence easterly along centre of St. George to place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at the centre of St. George and Wesley Streets, running northerly along centre of Wesley St. until it strikes the C. N. R. thence N. E. along C. N. R. until it strikes the boundary line; thence along the boundary line until It strikes the centre of the head of Robinson Street; thence southerly along centre of Robinson Sstreet until it strikes the centre of St. George Street; thence along centre of St. George Street, easterly to place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at the centre of St. George and Robinson Streets, running northerly to the boundary line; thence northwesterly along boundary line to Highfield Street extension, thence southerly along Highfied Street Extention and Highfield Street to St. George Street; thence easterly along centre of St. George to place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at centre of St. George and Highfield Streets, running northerly to boundary line, following said boundary line in a N. W. direction to High Street to St. George; thence easterly to centre of St. George to place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at the centre of St. George and High Streets, running northerly along centre of High to York Street, thence westerly along centre of York Street and a line in prolongation of York Street until it strikes the C. N. R., thence S. E. along said C. N. R. to St. George Street Overhead Bridge, thence easterly along centre of St. George Street to place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Beginning at the centre of York and High Streets running northerly to boundary line, thence following said boundary line westerly until it strikes the C. N. R. thence south easterly along C. N. R. until it strikes a line in prolongation of York Street, thence along centre of York Street to place of beginning.


Moncton (City)

Westmoreland Penetentiary.


Moncton (City)

Jordan Memorial Sanitarium.


Moncton (City)

Fort Folly Indian Reserves.


District 50 – York-Sunbury

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


New Maryland (Parish)

Polling Division No. 3.


Kingsclear (Parish)

Polling Division No. 4. Eastern (McGinley's) and Polling Division No. 4 1/2 Western (Hammondville)


Manner-Sutton (Parish)

Polling Division No. 5. Eastern Division.


Manner-Sutton (Parish)

Polling Division No. 6. Managuadavic Division.


Manner-Sutton (Parish)

Polling Division No. 7. Western Division.


Prince William (Parish)

Polling Division No. 8. Western Division.


Prince William (Parish)

Polling Division No. 9. Eastern Division.


Dunfries (Parish)

Polling Division No. 10.


McAdam (Parish)

Polling Division No. 11.


Canterbury (Parish)

Polling Division No. 12. Eastern Division.


Canterbury (Parish)

Polling Division No. 13. Western Division.


North Lake (Parish)

Polling Division No. 14.


St. Mary's (Parish)

Polling Division No. 15, Middle Division, Including Lower Durham, Mashwaak Village.


St. Mary's (Parish)

Polling Division No. 16, Upper Division, including Upper Durham, Taymouth.


St. Mary's (Parish)

Polling Division No. 17. Lower division, Burham Bridge.


St. Mary's (Parish)

Polling Division No. 18, Town of Devon, (North and South Devon.)


St. Mary's (Parish)

Polling Division No. 18 1/2, Lower St. Mary's.


St. Mary's (Parish)

Polling Division No. 20. Penniac Division.


Douglas (Parish)

Polling Division No. 21. Southern Division (Nashwasksis).


Douglas (Parish)

Polling Division No. 22 Western Division (Burtt's Corner).


Douglas (Parish)

Polling Division No. 23 Eastern Division (Mouth Keswick).


Douglas (Parish)

Polling Division No. 24. Northern Division (McNutt's Mills).


Douglas (Parish)

Polling Division No. 25, North West (Napadogan).


Bright (Parish)

Polling Division No. 26, Northern Division (Brewer's Mills).


Bright (Parish)

Polling Division No. 27, Western Division and Polling Division No. 27 1/2. (Howland Ridge).


Bright (Parish)

Polling Division No. 28. Southern Division (McKeen's Corner).


Queensbury (Parish)

Polling Division No. 29. Western Division (Up Queensbury).


Queensbury (Parish)

Polling Division No. 30. Southern Division (Bear Island).


Queensbury (Parish)

Polling Division No. 31. Northern Division (Queensbury Back).


Southampton (Parish)

Polling Division No. 32. Western Division (Southampton Front).


Southampton (Parish)

Polling Division No. 33. Middle Division (Binder).


Southampton (Parish)

Polling Division No 34. Northern Division (Northondale).


Southampton (Parish)

Polling Division No. 35. Eastern Division (Millville).


Stanley (Parish)

Polling Division No. 36. Southern division, excepting so much of said Parish as is contained in Tay Falls School District and Woodland School District.


Stanley (Parish)

Polling Division No. 37. Eastern Division (Bloomfield Ridge).


Stanley (Parish)

Polling Division No. 38. Northern Division (Cross Creek).


Douglas (Parish)

Polling Division No. 39. Woodland School District, and Parish Stanley, Tay Falls School District.


Marysville (Town)

Marysville Town.


Burton (Parish)

Polling Division No. 1. All that part of the said Parish lying North of Kenney Creek, (known as Burton Front).


Burton (Parish)

Polling Division No. 2. All that part of said Parish lying south of Kenney Creek, (known as Geary).


Maugreville (Parish)

Polling Division No. 3.


Lincoln (Parish)

Polling Division No. 4. Western back to Beaver Dam.


Sheffield (Parish)

Polling Division No. 5. East Sheffield Lakeville Corner.


Northfield (Parish)

Polling Division No. 6. East and West.


Gladstone (Parish)

Polling Division No. 8. Fredericton Junction.


Fredericton (City)

Ward One - Wellington.


Fredericton (City)

Ward Two - St. Ann's.


Fredericton (City)

Ward Three - Carleton.


Fredericton (City)

Ward Four - Queen's.


Fredericton (City)

Ward Five - King's.


Fredericton (City)

Kings Ward.


Fredericton (City)

Oromocto Indian Reserve.


Fredericton (City)

Kingscler and St. Mary's Indian Reserve.