
Select the first letter of a district name to navigate to its sub-district table below.


District 26 - Brandon

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 7 and 8 in Range 17, west of principal meridian


Townships 7 and 8 in Range 18, west of principal meridian


Townships 7 and 8 in Range 19, west of principal meridian


Township 9 in ranges 17, 18 and 19, west of principal meridian


Township 10 in ranges 17, 18 and 19, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the city of Brandon. Indian Industrial School.


Townships 11 and 12 in range 17, west of principal meridian


Townships 11 and 12 in range 18, west of principal meridian


Townships 11 and 12 in range 19, west of principal meridian


Township 12 in ranges 20, 21 and 22, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Rivers


Townships 10 and 11, whole or fractional in ranges 20 , 21 and 22, west of principal meridian, lying north of the Assiniboine River


Townships 9 and 10, whole or fractional, in range 20, west of principal meridian, lying south of the Assiniboine River


Townships 9, 10 and 11, whole or fractional, in range 21, west of principal meridian, lying south of the Assiniboine River


Townships 9, 10, and 11, whole or fractional, in range 22, west of principal meridian lying south of the Assiniboine River


Townships 7 and 8 in range 20, and township 8 in range 21, west of principal meridian exclusive of the town of Souris


Township 7 in range 21, and townships 7 and 8 in range 22, west of principal meridian


Townships 7 and 8 in ranges 23 and 24, west of principal meridian


Townships 7, 8, 9 and 10 in range 25, west of principal meridian lying south of the Assiniboine River


Townships 9 and 10, whole or fractional in ranges 23 and 24, lying south of the Assiniboine River, including the town of Oaklake, west of principal meridian


Townships 9, 10, 11 and 12,whole or fractional, in range 23, west of principal meridian lying north of the Assiniboine River, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 9, 10 and 11, whole or fractional, in range 24, west of principal meridian lying north of the Assiniboine River


Townships 10 and 11, whole or fractional in range 25, lying north and east of the Assiniboine River, and township 12, whole or fractional in range 24, 25 and 26, lying east of the Assiniboine River, west of principal meridian


Township 12 in ranges 25 and 26 lying west of the Assiniboine River, and townships 11 and 12, range 27, west of principal meridian


Township 12 in ranges 28 and 29, west of principal meridian


Townships 10 and 11 in ranges 28 and 29, west of principal meridian


That Part of township 11, range 25, lying west of the Assiniboine River, Townships 10 and 11 in range 26 and township 10 in range 27, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Virden


Townships 7, 8 and 9 in range 26, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 7 and 8 in range 27, west of principal meridian


Township 9 in ranges 27, 28 and 29, west of principal meridian


Townships 7 and 8 in ranges 28 and 29, west of principal meridian


Rivers (Town)


Souris (Town)


Virden (Town)


Brandon (City)

All that part of the City lying east of the centre line of First Street and north of the centre of Victoria Avenue


Brandon (City)

All that part lying south of the centre line of Victoria Avenue and east of the centre line of Fifth Street


Brandon (City)

That portion lying south of the centre line of Victoria Avenue and between the centre line of Fifth and Tenth Streets


Brandon (City)

That portion lying south of the centre line of Victoria Avenue and between the centre lines of Tenth and Sixteenth Streets


Brandon (City)

That portion lying south of the centre line of Victoria Avenue and west of the centre line of Sixteenth Street, and north of the centre line of Victoria Avenue and west of the centre line of Eighteenth street


Brandon (City)

That portion lying north of the centre line of Victoria Avenue and between the centre line of First and Fifth Streets


Brandon (City)

That portion lying north of the centre line of Victoria Avenue and between the centre line of Fifth and Ninth streets


Brandon (City)

That portion lying north of the centre line of Victoria Avenue and between the centre lines of Ninth and Fourteenth streets


Brandon (City)

That portion lying north of Victoria Avenue and between the centre lines of the Fourteenth and Eighteenth streets


Brandon (City)

Asylum Brandon City


Brandon (City)

Indian Reserves, Griswold Agency, Oak Lake, Oak River


District 27 - Dauphin

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 23 and 24 in range 14 and township 25 in range 14, west of principal meridian, within this Municipality, west of principal meridian, being sections 1 to 24


Townships 23 and 24 in range 15 and that part of township 25 in range 15, west of principal meridian, within the Municipality of Ste. Rose (being sections 1 to 24) and sections 1, 12, 13, 24, 25 and 36 of townships 23 and 24 in range 16, west of principal meridian


Townships 23, 24 and 25, whole or fractional, in ranges 16 and 17 excepting the eastern tier of sections of townships 23 and 24 in range 16 included in Ste. Rose Municipality, west of principal meridian


Townships 23, 24, 25 in range 18, west of principal meridian


Townships 23, 24 and 25, in range 19, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Dauphin


Townships 23, 24 and 25 in range 20, west of principal meridian


Township 26 in ranges 18, 19 and 20, west of principal meridian


Township 27 in ranges 18, 19 and 20, west of principal meridian


Township 28 in ranges 18, 19 and 20, west of principal meridian, west of Dauphin Lake


Townships 23, 24 and 25 in range 21, west of principal meridian


Townships 23 and 24 in range 22 and Sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25 , 26, 35 and 36 in townships 23 and 24 in range 23 situated in the Municipality of Gilbert Plains, west of principal meridian


Township 25 in ranges 22 and 23, including the village of Gilbert Plains and sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35 and 36 in township 25 in range 23, west of principal meridian, situated in the municipality of Gilbert Plains


Townships 26 and 27 in range 21, west of principal meridian


Townships 26 and 27 in range 22, and sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35 and 36 in townships 26 and 27 in range 23, west of principal meridian, situated in the Municipality of Gilbert Plains


Townships 23 and 24 in ranges 24 and 25, together with those parts of townships 23 and 24 in range 23, within the Municipality of Grandview and not included in the Municipality of Gilbert Plains, west of principal meridian (Being the four westerly rows of Sections)


Township 25 in ranges 24 and 25, exclusive of the town of Grandview, and that part of township 25 in range 23, within the Municipality of Grandview and not included in the Municipality of Gilbert Plains, west of principal meridian (being the four westerly rows of sections)


Townships 26 and 27 in ranges 24 and 25 and that part of townships 26 and 27 in range 23, within the Municipality of Grandview and not included in the Municipality of Gilbert Plains being the four westerly rows of sections, exclusive of the Indian Reserve, west of principal meridian


Townships 27 and 28 in ranges 26 and 27, west of principal meridian


Townships 27 and 28 in ranges 28, 29a and29, west of principal meridian


Townships 27 and 28, whole or fractional, in ranges 12, 13 and 14, township 26 in range 14 and the two north tier of sections (24-36) in township 25 in range 14, west of principal meridian


Townships 26, 27 and 28, whole or fractional, in ranges 15, 16, 17 and 18 and the north two tier of sections 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,33, 34, 35 and 36 in township 25, range 15


Townships 29, 30 and 31, whole or fractional, in ranges 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, west of principal meridian, south of Meadow Portage and Lake Manitoba, and all those portions of the Federal Electoral District of Dauphin situated in townships 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 in ranges 11, 12, 13, 14 , 15, 16 and 17, situated east and north of Lake Manitoba, Meadow Portage and Lake Winnipegosis


Townships 29 and 30 in ranges 17 and 18, west of principal meridian


Townships 29 and 30 in ranges 19 and 20, west of principal meridian


Township 31 in ranges 17, 18, 19 and 20, and township 32 in range 18, west of principal meridian including the village of Winnipegosis


Township 28 in ranges 21, 22 and 23, west of principal meridian


Township 29 in ranges 21, 22 and 23, west of principal meridian


Township 30 in ranges 21, 22 and 23, west of principal meridian


Township 31 in ranges 21, 22 and 23 , west of principal meridian


Townships 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 in ranges 24 and 25 and townships 29, 30, 31 and 32 in ranges 26, 27 , 28, 29a and 29, west of principal meridian


Township 32 in ranges 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23, west of principal meridian


Townships 23, 24, 25 and 26, whole or fractional, in ranges 10, 11, 12 and 13, west of principal meridian


Dauphin (Town)

Comprising wards 1 and 2, being that portion of the town lying south of the Canadian National Railway tracks


Dauphin (Town)

Comprising wards 3 and 4, being that portion of the town lying north of the Canadian National Railway tracks


Grandview (Town)


Pelly Indian Agency

Valley River




Indian Reserve

Crane River, Ebb and Flow, Manitowapah Agency


District 28 - Lisgar

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 1 and 2 in range 2, East of Principal Meridian and west of the Red River and township 2, in range 1, East of Principal Meridian, including river lots and the parish of Letellier


Township 1 in range 1, East of Principal Meridian


Township 1 in range 1, west of principal meridian, including Gretna village


Township 2 in range 1, west of principal meridian


Township 3 in range 1 and 2, west of principal meridian


Township 1 in range 2, west of principal meridian


Township 2 in range 2, west of principal meridian


Township 1 in range 3, west of principal meridian


Township 2 in range 3, west of principal meridian


Township 3 in range 3, west of principal meridian


Township 1 in range 4, west of principal meridian


Township 2 in range 4, west of principal meridian


Townships 1 and 2 in range 5, west of principal meridian


Townships 1 and 2 in range 6, west of principal meridian


Township 3 in ranges 4, 5 and 6, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Morden


Townships 2 and 3 in range 7, west of principal meridian


Township 1 in range 7 and townships 1 and 2 in range 8, west of principal meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3, in range 9, west of principal meridian, sections 13, 24, 25, 35 and 36 and the north half of section 1 in township 3 in range 10, contained within the Municipality of Pembina


Township 3 in range 8, west of principal meridian


Township 4 in ranges 8 and 9, west of principal meridian, together with sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21 to 29 and 31 to 36; inclusive and the east half of section 15 in township 4, range 10 contained within the Municipality of Pembina


Township 2 in range 10, sections 1 to 11 the south half of section 12, sections 14 to 23 and 26 to 34 inclusive, in townships 3 range 10, sections 3 to 10, 16 to 20, section 30 and the west half of section 15 in township 4 range 10, contained within the Municipality of Louise, west of principal meridian


Township 1 in range 10, townships 1 and 2, in range 11, west of principal meridian


Townships 1 and 2 in range 12, west of principal meridian


Townships 3 and 4 in range 11, sections 1 to 15, 22 to 26, 35 and 36, the south halves of sections 16 and 17, the north half and the south east quarter of section 27 and the east half of section 34 in township 3 range 12; sections 1, 2 and 12, and the east halves of sections 13 and 24 in township 4, range 12, all west of principal meridian and contained within the Municipality of Louise


Sections 18 to 21, 28 to 33, the north halves of sections 16 and 17, the west halves of section 34 and the southwest quarter of sections 27 in township 3, range 12, sections 3 to 11, 14 to 23, 25 to 36, and the west halves of sections 13 and 24 in township 4, range 12, and townships 3 and 4 in range 13


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range 13, lying south of Rock Lake, west of principal meridian and within Roblin Municipality


Township 4 in ranges 3 and 4 and the east half of township 4 in range 5, west of principal meridian


The west half of township 4 in range 5 and township 4 in ranges 6 and 7, west of principal meridian


Morden (Town)


District 29 - Macdonald

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Township 5 in ranges 3 and 4 and the east half of township 5 in range 5 lying within the Municipality of Roland, west of principal meridian


The west half of township 5 in range 5 and township 5 in range 6 , west of principal meridian


Township 6 and the south half of township 6 in range 7, west of principal meridian


Townships 6 and 7 in range 6, the north half of township 6 in range 7, township 7 in range 7, west of principal meridian


Townships 6 and 7 in range 5, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Carman


Townships 6 and 7 in range 4, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Carman


Townships 6 and 7 in range 3, west of principal meridian


Townships 8 and 9 in range 3, west of principal meridian


Townships 8 and 9 in range 4, west of principal meridian


Townships 8 and 9 in ranges 5 and 6, west of principal meridian


Townships 8 and 9 in range 7, west of principal meridian


Township 9 in ranges 8 and 9, and the four easterly rows of sections in township 9, range 10, lying within south Norfolk Municipality


Township 8 in range 9 and the four easterly rows of sections in township 8, range 10, lying within the Municipality of South Norfolk, west of principal meridian


Township 7 in range 9 and sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35 and 36, and the east halves of sections 27 and 34 in township 7 range 10, lying within the Municipality of south Norfolk, west of principal meridian


Townships 7 and 8 in range 8, west of principal meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in range 8, west of principal meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in range 9, west of principal meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in range 10, west of principal meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in range 11, exclusive of the Indian Reserves, west of principal meridian


 Townships 5 and 6 in range 12, west of principal meridian


 Townships 5 and 6 in range 13, west of principal meridian


Township 7 in range 12 and those parts of townships 8 and 9, in range 12, lying south of the Assiniboine River, west of principal meridian


Township 7 in range 11 and sections 3 to 10, 15 to 22, 28 to 33 and the west halves of sections 27 and 34 in township 7, range 10, lying within the Municipality of Victoria, west of principal meridian


The two westerly rows of sections in townships 8 and 9, range 10, townships 8 and 9 in range 11 and those parts of townships 8 and 9 in range 12, lying north of the Assiniboine river, west of principal meridian all within South Cypress Municipality


Townships 7, 8 and 9, whole or fractional, in range 13, 14, 15 and 16, lying north of the Assiniboine River, west of principal meridian


Townships 7 and 8, whole or fractional, in ranges 13 and 14, lying south of the Assiniboine River, west of principal meridian


Townships 7 and 8 , whole or fractional, in ranges 15 and 16, lying south of the Assiniboine River, west of principal meridian


Carman (Town)


Indian Reserve. Portage La Prairie

Garden, Swan Lake

District 30 - Marquette

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 13 and 14, in range 17, west of principal meridian


Townships 13 and 14, in range 18, west of principal meridian


Township 13 in ranges 19 and 20, west of principal meridian, including the town of Rapid City


Township 14 in ranges 19 and 20, west of principal meridian


Township 15 in ranges 19 and 20, west of principal meridian


Township 13 in range 21 and townships 13 and 14 in range 22, west of principal meridian


Townships 14 and 15 in range 21 and township 15 in range 22, west of principal meridian


Townships 13 and 14 in range 23, west of principal meridian


Townships 13 and 14 in range 24, west of principal meridian


Township 15 in ranges 23 and 24 , west of principal meridian


Townships 13 and 14 in range 25, west of principal meridian


Townships 13 and 14 in range 26, west of principal meridian


Townships 13 and 14 in range 27, West of Principal Meridian


Township 15 in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of principal meridian, exclusive of Indian Reserves


Townships 13 and 14 in range 28, and township 13 in range 29, west of principal meridian


Township 15 in range 28 and townships 14 and 15 in range 29, west of principal meridian


Townships 15 and 16 in range 17, west of principal meridian


Townships 15 and 16 in range 18, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Minnedosa


Townships 17 and 18 in range 17, west of principal meridian


Townships 17 and 18 in range 18, west of principal meridian


Township 16 in ranges 19 and 20, west of principal meridian


Township 17 in ranges 19 and 20 , west of principal meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Township 18 in ranges 19 and 20, west of principal meridian


Township 16 in ranges 21 and 22 , west of principal meridian


Township 17 in ranges 21 and 22, west of principal meridian


Township 18 in ranges 21 and 22, west of principal meridian, exclusive of Indian Reserves


Townships 16 and 17 in range 23, west of principal meridian


Townships 16 and 17 in range 24, west of principal meridian


Township 18 in ranges 23 and 24, west of principal meridian


Townships 16 and 17 in range 25 and township 17 in range 26, west of principal meridian, including the town of Birtle


Township 16 in range 26 and townships 16 and 17 in range 27, west of principal meridian


Township 18 in ranges 25, 26 and 27, west of principal meridian


Townships 16, 17 and 18 in range 28, west of principal meridian, exclusive of Indian Reserves


Townships 16, 17 and 18 in range 29, west of principal meridian, exclusive of Indian Reserves


Townships 19 and 20 in range 23, west of principal meridian


Townships 19 and 20 in range 24, west of principal meridian


Townships 19 and 20 in range 25, West fo Principal Meridian, exclusive of Indian Reserves


Township 21 in ranges 24 and 25, west of principal meridian


Township 19 in range 26 and townships 19 and 20 in range 27, west of principal meridian, exclusive of Indian Reserves


Townships 20 and 21 in range 26 and township 21 in range 27, west of principal meridian, exclusive of Indian Reserves


Township 19 in ranges 28 and 29, west of principal meridian, exclusive of Indian Reserves


Township 20 in ranges 28 and 29, west of principal meridian


Township 21 in ranges 28 and 29, west of principal meridian, including the town of Russell


Township 22 in range 26 and townships 22 and 23 in range 27, west of principal meridian


Townships 23 and 24, in range 26 and township 24 in range 27, west of principal meridian


Townships 22, 23 and 24 in range 28, west of principal meridian


Townships 22, 23 and 24 in range 29, west of principal meridian


Townships 25 and 26 in range 28, west of principal meridian


Townships 25 and 26 in range 29, west of principal meridian


Townships 25 and 26 in ranges 26 and 27, west of principal meridian


Townships 19 and 20 in range 22, west of principal meridian


Townships 19 and 20, in range 21, west of principal meridian


Townships 19, 20 and 21 in range 17, townships 19, 20, 21 and 22 in ranges 18, 19, 20  20, and townships 21 and 22 in ranges 21, 22 and 23, township 22 in ranges 24 and 25, and township 22 in range 17 belonging to Ochre River Municipality, west of principal meridian


Minnedosa (Town)


Indian Reserves

Birtle Agency, Bird Tail, Gambler’s, Keeseekoowenins, Oak River, Rolling River, Waywayseecappis


District 31 - Neepawa

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Township 10 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of principal meridian


Townships 11 and 12 in range 10, west of principal meridian


Townships 11 and 12 in range 11, west of principal meridian


Townships 11 and 12 in range 12, west of principal meridian


Townships 10 and 11 in range 13 and township 10 in range 14, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Carberry


Township 11 in range 14 and townships 10 and 11 in range 15, west of principal meridian


Township 12 in ranges 13 and 14 , west of principal meridian


Township 12 in range 15 and townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 16, west of principal meridian


Township 13 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of principal meridian


Township 14 in ranges 10, 11 and 12, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Gladstone


Townships 15, 16 and 17, whole or fractional, in ranges 8, 9 and 10, west of principal meridian, and the most easterly row of sections in townships 15, 16 , 17, range 11, all lying within Lakeview Municipality


Townships 15, 16 and 17 in range 11, west of principal meridian, excepting the most easterly row of sections which are included in Lakeview Municipality


Townships 15 and 16 in range 12, west of principal meridian


Townships 17 and 18, in range 12, west of principal meridian


Townships 18, 19 and 20, whole or fractional, in ranges 9 and 10, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 18, 19 and 20 in range 11, west of principal meridian


Townships 19 and 20 in range 12, west of principal meridian


Townships 13 and 14 in range 13, west of principal meridian


Township 15 in ranges 13 and 14, west of principal meridian


Townships 16 and 17 in ranges 13 and 14, west of principal meridian


Township 18 in ranges 13 and 14, and the south half of township 19 in ranges 13 and 14, west of principal meridian , lying within the municipality of Landsdowne


Townships 13 and 14 in range 14, west of principal meridian


Townships 13 and 14 in range 15, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Neepawa


Townships 13 and 14 in range 16, west of principal meridian


Township 16 in ranges 15 and 16 , west of principal meridian


Township 16 in range 15 and townships 16, 17 and 18 in range 16, west of principal meridian


Townships 17 and 18 and the south half of township 19 in range 16 situated in this Municipality, west of principal meridian


Township 20 in ranges 13 and 14, together with the north half of township 19 in ranges 13 and 14, west of principal meridian, situated in the Municipality of McCreary


 Township 20 in ranges 15 and 16, together with the north half of township 19 in ranges 15 and 16, West of Principal, situated in the Municipality of McCreary


Township 21 in ranges 14, 15 and 16, west of principal meridian


Township 22 in ranges 14, 15 and 16, west of principal meridian


Townships 21 and 22, whole or fractional, in ranges 10, 11, 12 and 13, west of principal meridian


Carberry (Town)


Gladstone (Town)


Neepawa (Town)


Indian Reserve

Lakeview, Manitowopah Agency, Sandy Bay

District 32 - Nelson

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 33 to 44 inclusive, in ranges 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 east of Lake Winnipegosis, west of principal meridian


Townships 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 in ranges 18, 19 and 20, west of principal meridian, west of the east shore of Lake Winnipegosis


Townships 33 and 34 in ranges 21, 22 and 23 west of principal meridian


Townships 35, 36, 37 and 38 in ranges 21, 22 and 23, west of principal meridian


Townships 35 and 36 in ranges 24, 25 and 26 and the most easterly tier of sections in townships 35 and 36, range 27, contained within the Municipality of Minitonas, west of principal meridian


Townships 37 and 38 in ranges 24, 25 and 26 and the most easterly tier of sections in townships 37 and 38 in range 27 contained within the Municipality of Minitonas, west of principal meridian.


Townships 33 and 34 in ranges 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28, west of principal meridian


Townships 33 and 34 in range 29, west of principal meridian


Townships 35, 36, 37 and 38 in range 27, west of principal meridian excepting the most easterly tier of section of these townships contained within the Municipality of Minitonas, exclusive of the town of Swan River


Townships 35, 36, 37 and 38 in range 28, west of principal meridian


Townships 35, 36 ,37 and 38 in range 29, west of principal meridian


Townships 39 to 44 incluisve in ranges 18 to 29, inclusive, west of the east shore of Lake Winnipegosis, west of principal meridian


Swan River (Town)


The Pas (Town)


All the territory in this district lying north of township 44 west of range 11, west of principal meridian together with the territory north of the districts of Selkirk and Springfield, extending to the eastern, northern and western boundaries of the province, excluding the town of the Pas


R. C. M. P.

Nelson District


R. C. M. P.

Nelson District


R. C. M. P.

Big Eddy, Chemawawin, Clearwater Lake, Cormorant Lake, Finger, Grand Rapids, Herb Lake, Kettle Rapids, Moose Lake, Pikwitonei, Rolls Island, Setting Lake, The Pas, Thicket Portage, Young’s Point


R. C. M. P.

Barrier, Herb Lake, Nelson House, South Indian Lake, Split Lake



Cross Lake, Gods Lake, Island Lake, Norway House, Oxford House


Indian Reserve

Norway House


R. C. M. P.

Fort Churchill, Fort Severn, Fort Nelson, York Factory


Indian Agency

Grand Rapids, Poplar River


Indian Agency

Chemawawin, Moose Lake, Nelson House, South Indian Lake, Split Lake, The Pas


R. C. M. P.

Fort Churchill, Fort Severn, Fort Nelson, York Factory


R. C. M. P.

Lac du Brochet, Pukatawagan


R. C. M. P.

Manitowapah Agency, Pine Creek, Shoal River, Waterhen


Indian Reserve


District 33 – Portage-La-Prairie

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Fractional township 10 in ranges 1 and 2, East of Principal Meridian and the Municipality of Charleswood comprising parts of the parishes of St. Charles and Headingly, situated south of the Assiniboine River


That part of the parishes of the St. Charles and Headingly lying north of the Assiniboine River, East of Principal Meridian and within the municipality of Assiniboine


Townships 10, 11 and 12, whole or fractional, in ranges 1 and 2, west of principal meridian and that portion of the parish of St. Francois Xavier, situated south of the Assiniboine River


Townships 10, 11 and 12, whole or fractional, in range 3, west of principal meridian and the parish of Baie St. Paul lying south of the Assiniboine River


Fractional township 11 and 12 in ranges 1 and 2, East of Principal Meridian, together with township 12 in range 3, East of Principal Meridian, exclusive of Parish Lots


Townships 11 and 12 , whole or fractional in range 1, East of Principal Meridian, and townships 11 and 12 , whole or fractional in ranges 1, 2 and 3 , west of principal meridian, exclusive of Parish lots.


The municipality of St. Francois Xavier which comprises those portions of of the parishes of St. Francois Xavier and Baie St. Paul east and west, lying north of the Assiniboine River


Townships 10, 11 and 12 in range 4, west of principal meridian and that part of the parish of Poplar Point situated south of the Assiniboine River


Township 10 in ranges 5, 6, 7 and 8, east of the Assiniboine River, west of principal meridian


Townships 11 and 12, whole or fractional, in ranges 5, 6 and 7, west of principal meridian, and those parts of the parishes of High Bluff and Portage-La-Prairie situated south of the Assiniboine River


Township 12 in ranges 5 and 6 west of principal meridian, and those portions of the parishes of Poplar Point, High Bluff and Portage-La-Prairie lots 121 to 134 inclusive, north of the Assiniboine River


Townships 13, 14 and 15 whole or fractional, in ranges 5 and 6, west of principal meridian


Townships 13 and 14 in ranges 7 and 8, west of principal meridian


Township 12 in ranges 7 and 8, west of principal meridian and not including river lots


Townships 10 and 11, whole or fractional, in ranges 7 and 8, west of principal meridian and that portion of the parish of Portage -La-Prairie, situated north and west of the Assiniboine River, exclusive of the city of Portage La Prairie and the Indian Reserves


Townships 10 and 11 in range 9, west of principal meridian


Townships 12, 13 and 14 in range 9, west of principal meridian


Townships 13, 14 and 15 in range 4, west of principal meridian, exclusive of Parish Lots


Townships 16 and 17 in range 4, west of principal meridian


Portage La Prairie (City)

Ward No. 1 Polling sub-division No. 1, all parish lots 56 and 63, inclusive


Portage La Prairie (City)

Ward No. 2 Polling sub-division No. 2 all parish lots 64 to 65


Portage La Prairie (City)

Ward No. 3 Polling sub-division No. 3, all parish lots 66 to 120, inclusive


Portage La Prairie (City)

Portage La Prairie


Portage La Prairie (City)

Home for Incurables


Portage La Prairie (City)

Indian Reserves, Long Plain, Portage La Prairie Agency, Sioux

District 34 - Provencher

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in ranges 14, 15, 16 and 17, East of Principal Meridian


Township 1 in range 13 and townships 1 and 2 in range 12, East of Principal Meridian


Townships 2 and 3 in ranges 13 and township 3 in range 12, East of Principal Meridian


Townships 2 and 3 in range 11 and township 3 in range 10, East of Principal Meridian


Township 1 in range 11 and townships 1 and 2 in range 10, East of Principal Meridian


Township 1 in ranges 8 and 9, east of Principal Meridian


Township 2 in ranges 8 and 9, East of Principal Meridian


Township 3 in ranges 8 and 9, East of Principal Meridian


Townships 2 and 3 in range 7, East of Principal Meridian


Township 1 in ranges 6 and 7, East of Principal Meridian


Townships 2 and 3 in range 6, East of Principal Meridian


Township 1 in ranges 4 and 5, East of Principal Meridian


Townships 2 and 3 in range 5, and township 2 in range 4, East of Principal Meridian


Township 3 in range 4 and townships 2 and 3 in range 3, East of Principal Meridian, exclusive of Indian Reserves


Township 1 in range 3 and those parts of township 2 and 3 in range 2, East of Principal Meridian together with the river lots east of the Red River contained within the Municipality of Franklin, exclusive of the Town of Emerson, and exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Township 3 in range 1, East of Principal Meridian, together with all the river lots west of the Red River contained within the Municipality of Montcalm west of the Red River and situated in the electoral district of Provencher


Township 4 in range 2, East of Principal Meridian together with the parish and river lots, east of the Red River contained within the municipality of Montcalm


Townships 5 and 6 in range 2, East of Principal Meridian lying east of the Red River, together with that part of the parish of Ste. Agathe and the river lots east of the Red River, contained within the Municipality of Morris


Township 6 in range 2 and township 5 in ranges 1 and 2 East of Principal Meridian, together with all parish and river lots, all lying west of the Red River and within the Municipality of Morris, exclusive of the town of Morris


Township 4 in range 1, East of Principal Meridian, and township 4 in range 1, west of principal meridian, exclusive of river lots


Township 5 in range 1 and township 4 and 5, in range 2, west of principal meridian


Township 6 in range 1, East of Principal Meridian, and township 6 in ranges 1 and 2, west of principal meridian


Township 7 in range 1, East of Principal Meridian, and in ranges 1 and 2, west of principal meridian


Township 8 in range 1, East of Principal Meridian and in ranges 1 and 2, west of principal meridian


Township 9 in range 1, East of Principal Meridian, and in ranges 1 and 2, west of principal meridian


Townships 7, 8 and 9 in ranges 2 and 3, East of Principal Meridian, lying west of the Red River and exclusive of parish and river lots


Township 6 in ranges 3 and 4, East of Principal Meridian including the parish of St. Pierre


Township 5 in ranges 3 and 4, East of Principal Meridian, exclusive of parish lots


Township 4 in ranges 3, 4 and 5, East of Principal Meridian, including parish lots


Townships 5 and 6 in range 5, East of Principal Meridian


Township 6 in range 6, East of Principal Meridian


Townships 4 and 5 in range 6, East of Principal Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in range 7 and townships 4 and 5 in range 8, East of Principal Meridian


Townships 4 , 5 and 6 in range 9, and township 6 in range 8, East of Principal Meridian


Townships 4, 5 and 6 in ranges 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 , East of Principal Meridian


Emerson (Town)


Morris  (Town)


Indian Reserve

Portage La Prairie Agency, Roseau


District 35 - Selkirk

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


That part of the parish of Kildonan lying west of the Red River, south of Kilbride Avenue and south of a line drawn between parish lots 10 and 11 and within the municipality of Kildonan and the electoral district of Selkirk, East of Principal Meridian


That part of the Parish of Kildonan lying west of the Red River, north of Kilbride Avenue and north of a line drawn between parish lots 10 and 11 and all within the municipality of Kildonan and the electoral district of Selkirk, East of Principal Meridian


That part of the Parish of St. Paul, west of the Red River, East of Principal Meridian


That part of the Parish of St. Andrew, lying west of the Red River, East of Principal Meridian


Those parts of the Parishes of St. Clements and St. Peters, lying west of the Red River, exclusive of the city of Selkirk, East of Principal Meridian


The east halves of townships 13 and 14 in range 3, East of Principal Meridian and those parts of townships 13 and 14 in range 4, East of Principal Meridian, west of the Red River and excluisve of the Parish lots


The east half of township 15 in range 3 and township 15 in range 4 and 5, East of Principal Meridian and west of Red River, exclusive of the parish lots.


The east halves of townships 16 and 17 in range 3 and townships 16 and 17 in ranges 4 and 5, East of Principal Meridian and west of the Red River including the town of Winnipeg Beach and exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Township 13 in ranges 1 and 2 and the west half of township 13 in range 3, all East of Principal Meridian exclusive of Stonewall town


Township 14 in ranges 1 and 2 and the west half of township 14 in range 3, all East of Principal Meridian


Township 15 in ranges 1 and 2 and the west half of township 15, in range 3, all East of Principal Meridian


Township 16 in ranges 1 and 2 and the west half of township 16, in range 3, East of Principal Meridian


Township 17 in ranges 1 and 2 and the west half of township 17 in range 3, East of Principal Meridian


Township 13, in range 1 , 2 and 3 , west of principal meridian


Township 14 in ranges 1 , 2 and 3 , west of principal meridian


Townships 15 and 16 in range 1 and township 15 in ranges 2 and 3, west of principal meridian


Townships 16 and 17 in ranges 2 and 3, west of principal meridian and west of Shoal Lake


Townships 17 and 18 in ranges 1 and 2, west of principal meridian, east of Shoal Lake


Townships 18, 19 and 20 in ranges 5, 6 and 7, west of principal meridian


Townships 18, 19 and 20 in range 4, west of principal meridian


That part of township 18 in range 2 West of Shoal lake, and townships 18, 19 and 20, in range 3, west of principal meridian


Townships 19 and 20 in ranges 1 and 2, west of principal meridian


Township 18 in ranges 1 and 2 and the west half of township 18 in range 3, East of Principal Meridian


Township 19 in ranges 1 and 2 and the west half of township 19 in range 3, East of Principal Meridian


Township 20 and the south half of township 21 in ranges 1 and 2, the west half of township 20 in range 3 and sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17 and 18 of township 21 in range 3, East of Principal Meridian


The east halves of townships 18 and 19 in range 3 and townships 18 and 19 in range 4, all east of Principal Meridian


The east half of township 20 in range 3, sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of township 21 in range 3 and township 20 in range 4 and the south half of township 21 in range 4, all East of Principal Meridian


The north half of township 21 in ranges 3 and 4 and township 22 in ranges 3 and 4, East of Principal Meridian


Townships 23 and 24 in range 3, East of Principal Meridian


All the territory in this district, including the Islands, lying east of range 3, north of township 22 and south of township 28, East of Principal Meridian


Township 24 in ranges 1 and 2, East of Principal Meridian


Township 23 in ranges 1 and 2, East of Principal Meridian


The north half of township 21 and township 22 in ranges 1 and 2, East of Principal Meridian


Township 21 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, west of principal meridian


Township 22 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, west of principal meridian


Township 23 in ranges 1, 2 and 3, west of principal meridian


Townships 21 and 22 in range 4, and township 22 in range 5, west of principal meridian


Township 21 in range 5 and townships 21 and 22 in range 6, west of principal meridian


Townships 21 and 22 in range 7 and 8, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 23 and 24 in ranges 4 and 5, west of principal meridian


Townships 23 and 25 in ranges 6 and 7, west of principal meridian


Township 23 in range 8 and townships 22 and 23 in ranges 9 and 10, west of principal meridian, east of Lake Manitoba, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


The two westerly rows of Sections in township 25 range 6, Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8 in township 26 range 6, township 25 and the southerly two rows of township 26 in range 7, and townships 24 and 25 and the southerly two rows of township 26 in range 8 and townships 24 and 25 in ranges 9 and 10, west of principal meridian and west of Lake Manitoba.


Townships 25 and 26 in ranges 3, 4 and 5 and the four easterly rows of sections in township 25 in range 6, west of principal meridian


Township 24 in ranges 2 and 3, west of principal meridian


Townships 24 and 25 in range 1 and township 25 , range 2, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 25, 26 and 27 in ranges 1, 2 and 3 , East of Principal Meridian all that part lying east of Principal Meridian north of township 27 and south of township 33, East of Principal Meridian including the Islands and exclusive of Indian Reserves


Townships 26 to 32, inclusive , in ranges 1 and 2 and townships 27 to 32 inclusive in ranges 3 and 4, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 28 to 32, inclusive, in ranges 5, 6, 7 and 8, south and east of lake St. Martin, west of principal meridian


Township 26 in range 6, excepting Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8, the northerly four rows of sections in township 26 ranges 7 and 8, and township 27 in ranges 5, 6, 7 and 8, west of principal meridian


Townships 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 in ranges 9 and 10, north and west of the Indian Reserves, west of principal meridian


That part of township 30 in ranges 9 and 10, north and west of the Indian Reserves, township 31 in ranges 8, 9 and 10 and township 32 in ranges 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, west of principal meridian, and exclusive of the Indian Reserves


All the territory in this district lying north of township 32


Stonewall (Town)


Selkirk (Town)

Comprising that portion of the town of Selkirk, as incorporated lying south of Manitoba Avenue


Selkirk (Town)

Comprising that portion of the town of Selkirk, as incorporated lying north of Manitoba Avenue


Selkirk (Town)



Selkirk (Town)



Selkirk (Town)

Indian Reserves, Dog Creek, Fairford, Lake St. Martin, Little Saskatchewan


Selkirk (Town)

Indian Reserves, Fisher River, Hodgson, Jack Head, Peguis

District 36 - Souris

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 1 and 2 in range 14 and sections 1 to 18 in township 3 range 14, west of principal meridian, contained in Roblin Municipality


Townships 1 and 2 in range 15 and sections 1 to 22 and 29 to 32 inclusive, in township 3 in range 15, west of principal meridian contained in Roblin Municipality


Townships 1 and 2 in range 16, west of principal meridian


Township 3 in ranges 16 and 17, exclusive of the town of Killarney and that part of township 4, in range 16, west of Pelican Lake together with section 6, and that part of section 7 in township 4, range 15, south and west of Pelican Lake, west of principal meridian


Townships 1 and 2 in range 17, west of principal meridian


Townships 1, 2 and 3 in range 18, west of principal meridian


Townships 1 and 2 in ranges 19, 10 and 21, west of principal meridian


Township 3 in ranges 19, 20 and 21, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Boissevain


Township 4 in ranges 19, 20 and 21, west of principal meridian


Townships 3 and 4 in ranges 22 and 23, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Deloraine


Townships 1 and 2 in ranges 22 and 23, west of principal meridian


Townships 1 and 2 in range 24, west of principal meridian


Townships 1 and 2 in range 25, West of Principal Meridian


Townships 3 and 4 in range 24, west of principal meridian


Townships 3 and 4 in range 25, west of principal meridian


Townships 3 and 4 in range 26, west of principal meridian


Townships 3 and 4 in range 27, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Melita


Townships 1 and 2 in range 26, west of principal meridian


Townships 1 and 2 in range 27, west of principal meridian


Townships 1 and 2 in ranges 28 and 29, west of principal meridian


Townships 3 and 4 in ranges 28 and 29, west of principal meridian


Sections 19 to 36 inclusive in township 3 in range 14 and townships 4 , 5 and 6 in range 14, west of principal meridian, all contained within the municipality of Argyle


Sections 23 to 28 and 33 to 36 inclusive in township 3 range 15 and townships 4, 5 and 6 range 15, west of principal meridian, excepting section 6 and that portion of section 7 lying south and west of Pelican Lake


Townships 4, 5 and 6, whole or fractional in range 16, west of principal meridian, lying north and east of Pelican Lake.


That part of township 5 range 16, south and west of Pelican Lake, townships 4 and 5 range 17 and township 4 range 18, west of principal meridian


Township 6 in range 17 and townships 5 and 6, in range 18, west of principal meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in range 19, west of principal meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in range 20, west of principal meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in range 21, west of principal meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in range 22, west of principal meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in range 23 and township 6 in range 24, west of principal meridian, exclusive of the town of Hartney


Township 5 in range 24 and townships 5 and 6 in range 25, west of principal meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in ranges 26 and 27, west of principal meridian


Townships 5 and 6 in ranges 28 and 29, west of principal meridian


Killarney (Town)


Boissevain (Town)


Hartney (Town)


Melita (Town)


Deloraine (Town)

District 37 - Springfield

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Townships 7, 8 and 9 in ranges 14, 15, 16 and 17, East of Principal Meridian


Townships 7, 8 and 9 in ranges 12 and 13, East of Principal Meridian


Townships 7, 8 and 9 in ranges 9, 10,  and 11, East of Principal Meridian


Townships 7 and 8 in ranges 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian, exclusive of St. Anne Parish


Township 8 in range 6 and the Parish of St. Anne, East of Principal Meridian


Township 9 in ranges 6, 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian, exclusive of Parish lots


Townships 8 and 9 in range 5 and the east half of townships 8 and 9 in range 4, East of Principal Meridian, including the Parish of Lorette


Township 7 in ranges 5 and 6, East of Principal Meridian


Township 7 in ranges 3 and 4, East of Principal Meridian, exclusive of Parish lots


That part of the parish of St. Agathe, lying within the Municipality of Ritchot, East of Principal Meridian


The west half of townships 8 and 9, in range 4 and fractional townships 8 and 9 in range 3, together with that part of the parish of St. Norbert, contained within the Municipality of Ritchot, East of Principal Meridian


Those parts of the parishes of St. Norbert, St. Boniface and St. Vital lying within the limits of Fort Garry Municipality and electoral district of Springfield, East of Principal Meridian


Those parts of the parishes of St. Vital and St. Boniface, fractional sections 6 and 7 in township 10 range 4, East of Principal Meridian, all lying within the municipality of St. Vital and the electoral district of Springfield together with such other portions contained within the limits of the municipality of St. Vital and Springfield electoral district


East Kildonan (Municipality)

All that part of Ward 1 of the Municipality bounded on the North by the centre line of Munroe Avenue, on the east by the westerly limit of the Canadian Pacific Railway Main Line, on the south by the southerly limit of the Municipality, on the west by the Red River.


East Kildonan (Municipality)

All that portion of the Municipality bounded on the North by the Bergen Cutt off of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the east by the westerly limit of the Canadian Pacific Railway Main Line, on the south by the centre line of Munroe Avenue, on the west by the Red River


East Kildonan (Municipality)

All that portion of the Municipality bounded on the North by the Bergen Cutt off of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the east by the centre line of the Two Mile Road, on the South by the Southern limit of the Municipality, on the West by the Eastern limit of Canadian Pacific Railway Main Line


East Kildonan (Municipality)

All those portions of the Municipality lying North of the Bergen Cut off of theCanadian Pacific Railway, and east of the centre line of the Two Mile Road


East Kildonan (Municipality)

The Municipality of East St. Paul


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Township 10 in ranges 4 and 5, East of Principal Meridian including that part of the Parish of St. Boniface, lying east of St. Vital Municipality and Winnipeg City and exclusive of St. Boniface City and Transcona Town


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Township 11 in ranges 4 and 5, East of Principal Meridian and east of the Municipalities of East Kildonan and East St. Paul and exclusive of Transcona town


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Township 12 in ranges 4 and 5, East of Principal Meridian, exclusive of parish lots


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Townships 11 and 12 in range 6, East of Principal Meridian


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Township 10 in ranges 6, 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Township 11 in range 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Townships 10, 11 and 12 in ranges 9 and 10, East of Principal Meridian


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Townships 10 and 11 in ranges 11 and 12, East of Principal Meridian


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Townships 12 and 13 in ranges 11 and 12, lying south of the Winnipeg River, East of Principal Meridian


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Townships 10 to 16, inclusive, in ranges 13 to 17, inclusive lying south of the Winnipeg River, East of Principal Meridian


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Townships 13, 14, 15 and 16, whole or fractional, in ranges 11 and 12, lying north and east of Winnipeg River and south of Lac du Bonnet


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Townships 15 and 16 in ranges 9, 10 and 11, all lying west of Winnipeg River and Lac du Bonnet, East of Principal Meridian


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Townships 13 and 14 in ranges 9 and 10, East of Principal Meridian and that part of township 14 in range 11 lying west of Wnnipeg River


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Townships 13 and 14 and the south half of township 15 in range 8, East of Principal Meridian


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Township 12 in ranges 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Township 13 in range 7 and the east half of township 13 in range 6, East of Principal Meridian


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Township 14 and the south half of township 15 in range 7 and the two easterly rows of sections in township 14 in range 6, East of Principal Meridian


East Kildonan (Municipality)

The west half of township 13 in range 6, sections 3 to 10, 15 to 22 and 27 to 34 in township 14 range 6 and fractional townships 13 and 14 in range 5, all lying within St. Clements municipality and exclusive of parish lots


East Kildonan (Municipality)

That part of the Parish of St. Andrew, east of the Red River


East Kildonan (Municipality)

Those parts of the parishes of St. Clements and St. Peters east of the Red River


Townships 15 and 16 in ranges 5 and 6 east of the Red River and exclusive of the parish lots and Indian Reserves


The north half of township 15 and township 16 in ranges 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves


Townships 17, 18, 19 and 20, in ranges 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian, including Elk Island and excluding Indian Reserves


The Municipality of Fort Alexander, East of Principal Meridian, excluding Indian Reserves


All that territory lying east of range 12 and north of the Winnipeg river, in townships 14, 15 and 16, east of range 11 in townships 17, 18 , 19 and 20 east of Principal Meridian


All the territory lying east of Lake Winnipeg, south of township 27 and north of township 20


All the territory in this district lying north of township 27


Transcona (Town)

All that portion of the town west of the centre of Oxford Street to the G.T.P. tracks and all that portion of the town south of the tracks


Transcona (Town)

All that portion of the town east of the centre of Oxford St. and north of the G.T.P. tracks


Beausejour town


St. Boniface (City)

Ward No. 1 Comprising all that portion of the city situated east of the Seine River


St. Boniface (City)

Ward No. 2  Comprising all that portion of the city between the Red River, the Seine River and a line stretching from one river to other in the centre of Dumoulin Street


St. Boniface (City)

Ward No. 3 All that part of Ward 3, bounded on the north by Ward 2, on the east by the Seine River and the centre of rue Youville to rue Desautels, on the south by the centre of rue Desautels from rue Youville to the centre of rue des Meurons and the centre of Avenue de la Cathédrale to the Red River


St. Boniface (City)

All that part of Ward 3, bounded on the north by the centre of Avenue de la Cathédrale from rue Ritchot to the Red River, on the east by the centre of rue Ritchot from Avenue de la Cathédrale to Victoria Street and on the south by the centre of Victoria Street from rue Ritchot to the Red River


St. Boniface (City)

All that part of Ward 3, bounded on the north by the centre of Avenue de la Cathédrale from the Red River to the centre of Avenue des Meurons and the centre of rue Desautels from rue des Meurons to rue Youville; on the east by the Seine River; on the south by a line drawn from the Seine River through the centre of Victoria Street to rue Ritchot and on the west by the centre of rue Ritchot from Victoria Street to Avenue de la Cathédrale


St. Boniface (City)

Ward 4 All that part of Ward 4, east of the centre of St. Mary's Road


St. Boniface (City)

All that part of Ward 4, south of the centre of St. Mary's Road


St. Boniface (City)

Ward 5 All that part of Ward 5, bounded on the north by ward 4; on the east by the Seine River; on the south by the centre of Dubuc Street from the Seine River to rue Langevin and the centre of Oak Street from rue Langevin to St. Joseph south and the west by the centre of St. Joseph south from Oak Street to Victoria Street


St. Boniface (City)

All that part of Ward 5 Bounded on the north by the centre of Dubuc Street from the Seine River to rue Langevin and the centre of Oak Street from rue Langevin to St. joseph South; on the east by the Seine River, on the west by the centres of St. Joseph South, St. Mary's Road and Chandos Avenue and on the south by the City Limits


Indian Reserve

Black River, Brokenhead, Fort Alexander, Hollow Water


Indian Reserve

Berens River, Bloodvein, Little Grand Rapids, Dogskin Lake


District 38 – Winnipeg Centre

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway on the west by Lilly and Maple Streets, on the south by Alexander Avenue, and on the east by the Red River


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the east by Lilly and Maple Streets, on the south by Alexander Avenue, and on the west by the Main Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg centre bounded on the north by Alexander Avenue, on the east by the Red River, on the south by Portage Avenue, and on the west by Main Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by the main line of Canadian Pacific Railway, on the east by Main Street, on the south by William Avenue and on the west by Princess Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by the main line of Canadian Pacific Railway, on the east by Princess Street, on the south by William Avenue, and on the west by Ellen Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by William Avenue on the east by Main Street and Portage Avenue, on the south by Notre -Dame Avenue, and on the west by Charlotte Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north-east by the Notre-Dame Avenue, on the south-east by Portage Avenue, on the west by Carlton Street, Qu'Appelle Avenue and Charlotte Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Qu' Appelle Avenue, on the west by Balmoral Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Notre-Dame Avenue, on the east by Hargrave Street, on the South by Qu' Appelle Avenue, and on the west by Balmoral street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by William Avenue, on the east by Hargrave Street, on the south by Notre-Dame Avenue, and on the west by Isabel Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Alexander Avenue, on the east by Ellen Street, on the south by William Avenue, on the west by Isabel Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by William Avenue, on the east by Isabel Street, on the South by Notre Dame Avenue, and on the west by Sherbrooke Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Alexander Street, on the east by Isabel Street, on the south by William Avenue and on the west by Sherbrooke Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by the Main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the east of by Ellen Street, on the south by Alexander Avenue and on the west by Sherbrooke Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the east by Sherbrooke Street, on the south by Ross Avenue and on the west by Arlington Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the east by Arlington Avenue, on the south by Ross Avenue, and on the west by Mc Phillips


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Ross Avenue, on the east by Sherbrooke Street, on the south by Notre-Dame Avenue and on the West by Mc Phillips Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Notre-Dame Avenue on the east by Balmoral Street, on the south by Sargent Avenue, and on the west by Sherbrooke Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Sargent Avenue, on the east by Balmoral Street, on the south by Ellice Avenue, and on the west by Sherbrooke Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Ellice Avenue, on the east by Balmoral Street, on the south by Portage Avenue and on the west by Sherbrooke Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Ellice Avenue, on the east by Sherbrooke Street, on the south by Portage Avenue, and on the west by Toronto Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Sargent Avenue, on the east by Sherbrooke Street, on the south by Ellice Avenue, and on the west by Toronto Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Notre-Dame Ave, on the east by Sherbrooke Street, on the south Sargent Avenue, and on the west by Toronto street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Notre -Dame Avenue, on the east by Toronto Street, on the south by Sargent Avenue, and on the west by Burnell street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Sargent Avenue on the east by Toronto Street, on the south by St. Matthew Avenue, and on the west by Burnell Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by St. Matthew Avenue, on the east by Toronto Street, on the south by Portage Avenue, and on the west by Erin Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Sargent Avenue on the east by Erin Street, on the south by Portage Avenue, and on the west by city limits


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Wellington Avenue, on the east by Burnell Street, on the south by St. Matthew Avenue, and on the west by Erin Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg centre bounded on the north by Notre-Dame Avenue, on the east by Burnell Street, on the South by Wellington Avenue, and on the west by Erin Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Notre-Dame Avenue on the east by Erin Street, on the south by Sargent Avenue, and on the west by the city limits.


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the east by Mc Phillips, on the south by Notre-Dame Avenue, and on the west by East and Blake Streets


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 2

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the east by east and Blake Streets, on the south by Notre- Dame Avenue and on the west by city limits


St. James (Municipality)

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Saskatchewan Avenue, on the east Western City Limits, on the south by Assiniboine River., on the west by King Edward Street


St. James (Municipality)

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Saskatchewan Avenue, on the east by King Edward Street, on the south by Assiniboine River, and on the west by Hampton Street


St. James (Municipality)

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Saskatchewan Avenue on the east by Hampton Street, on the south by Assiniboine Avenue and on the west by by Ferry Road


St. James (Municipality)

That part of Winnipeg centre bounded on the north by Saskatchewan Avenue, on the east by Ferry Road, on the south by Assiniboine River and on the west by Truro Street


St. James (Municipality)

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by Saskatchewan Avenue, on the east by Truro Street, on the south by Assiniboine River and on the west by the western boundary of the Constituency


Rosser (Municipality)

That part of Winnipeg Centre bounded on the north by the northern boundary of the Constituency, on the east by Winnipeg City Limits on the south by Saskatchewan Avenue and on the west by Apple Street

District 39 – Winnipeg North

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 1. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by the City Limits, on the west by the Canadian Pacific Railway Molson Line; on the south by the City limits; and on the east by the City Limits, and Polling Division No. 2. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by the City Limits; on the west by the west boundary of Wolf Street; on the south and east by the Canadian Pacific Railway Molson Line


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follow: On the north by Griffins Spur Line; on the west by Stadacona Street, on the south by the Lane between Talbot and Newton Avenues; on the east by the Canadian Pacific Railway


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: On the north by the lane between Talbot and Newton Avenues; on the west by Stadacona Street; on the south by the Red River and the City Limits; on the east by the Canadian Pacific Railway


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 4. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by the City Limits, on the west by the Roche Street; on the south by the Poplar Avenues and the railway spur line; and on the east by the old main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: On the north by the City Limits; on the south by the Lane between Union and Chalmers Avenue; on the west by Kelvin Street; on the east by Roche Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: On the north by the lane between Union and Chalmers Avenue; on the south by Poplar Avenue; on the west by Kelvin Street; on the east by Roche Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 6. Comprising the area bounded as follows: On the north by the south side of Poplar Avenue; on the east by the west side of Stadacona Street; on the south by the Red River; and on the west by the east side of Kelvin Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by the City limits; on the south by the lane between Hart and Noble Avenues; on the west by the Red River; on the east by Kelvin Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by the lane between Hart and Noble Avenue; on the south and west by the Red River; on the east by Kelvin Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 8. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by the Red River; on the west by Barber Euclid and Argyle Streets; on the south by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway and on the east by the Red River; and Polling Division No. 9. Comprising the area bounded as follows; On the North by the Red River; on the west by Lusted Street and the production of Lusted Street to the Red River; on the south by Euclid Street; and on the east by Barber Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 10. Comprising the area bounded as follows: On the north by Euclid and Austin Streets and Selkirk Avenue; on the west by Main Street; on the south by the Canadian Pacific Railway; and on the east by Argyle Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 11. Comprising the area bounded as follows:  On the North by Aberdeen Avenue, on the west by Main Street; on the south by Selkirk Avenue, Austin and Lusted Streets; and on the east by the Red River


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 12. Comprising the area bounded as follows: On the north by Bannerman Avenue; on the west by Main Street; on the south by Aberdeen Avenue; and on the east by the Red River


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Inkster Avenue; on the south by Bannerman Avenue; on the west by Main Street; on the east by St. Cross Street.


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Inkster Avenue; on the south by Bannerman Avenue; on the west by St. Cross Street; on the east by the Red River.


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: oin the north by the City Limits; on the south by Inkster Avenue; on the west by Main Street; on the east by St. Cross Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by the City Limits; on the south by Inkster Avenue; on the west by St. Cross Street; on the east by the Red River


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by the City Limits; on the south by Polson Avenue; on the west by Salter Street; on the east by Main Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Polson Avenue; on the south by Bannerman Avenue; on the west by Salter Street; on the east by Main Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Bannerman Avenue; on the south by St. John Avenue; on the west by Salter Street; on the east by Aikens Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Bannerman Avenue; on the south by St. Johns Avenue; on the west by Aikens Street; on the east by Main Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: On the north by St. Johns Avenue; on the south by the lane between Mountain and College Avenue; on the west by Salter Street; on the east by Main Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

On the North by the lane between Mountain and College Avenues, on the south by Boyd Avenue; on the West by Salter Street; on the east by Main Street.


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Boyd Avenue; on the south by Aberdeen Avenue; on the west by Salter Street; on the east by Main Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Aberdeen Avenue; on the south by Burrows Avenue; on the west by Salter Street; on the east by Main Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 19. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Burrows Avenue; on the west by Aikens Street; on the south by Selkirk Avenue; and on the east by Main Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No.20. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Selkirk Avenue; on the west by Schultz; on the south by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway and on the east by Main Street, and Polling Division No. 21. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Selkirk Avenue; on the West by Aikens Street; on the south by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway; and on the east by Schultz Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 22- Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the North by the lane between Stells and Dufferin Avenues; on the south by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway; on the east by Aikens Street; and on the west by Powers Street, and Polling Division No. 23. Comprising the area bounded as follows; on the north by Selkirk Avenue; on the west by Powers Street; on the south by the lane between Dufferin and Stella Avenues; and on the east by Aikens Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 24. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Burrows Avenue; and on the east by Aikens Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 25. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Selkirk Avenue; on the south by the Canadian Pacific Railway; on the east by Powers Street, on the west by McGregor Street.


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 26. Comprising the area as follows: on the north by Burrows Avenue; on the west by McGregor Street; on the south by Selkirk Street; and on the east by Powers Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 27. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Boyd Avenue; on the west by McGregor Street; on the south by Burrows Avenue; and on the east by Salter Street.


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 28. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by St. John's Avenue; and on the west by McGregor Street; on the south by Boyd Avenue and on the east by Salter Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 29. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Bannerman Avenue; on the south by St. Johns Avenue; on the west by McGregor Street; on the east by Salter Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

 Polling Division No. 30. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by the city limits; on the west by McGregor Street ; on the east by Salter Street and on the south by Bannerman Avenue


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 31. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by the city limits; on the west by Selkirk branch of the C.P. R.; on the south by Cathedral Avenue; and on the east by McGregor Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 32. Comprising the area bounded as follows: On the north by Cathedral Avenue; on the west by Selkirk branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway on the south by Mountain Avenue; and on the east by McGregor Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 33. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Mountain Avenue: on the west by Arlington Street; on the south by Burrows Avenue; and on the east by McGregor Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 34. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Burrows Avenue; on the west by Parr Street; on the south by Selkirk Avenue; and on the east by McGregor Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 35. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Selkirk Avenue; on the west by Parr Street; on the south by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway and on the east by McGregor Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 36. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Selkirk Avenue; on the west by Sinclair Street; on the south by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway; and on the east by Parr Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division N. 37. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Burrows Avenue; on the west by Sinclair Street; on the south by Selkirk Avenue and on the east by Parr Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 38. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Burrows Avenue; on the west by McPhillips Street; on the south by the main line of Canadian Pacific Railway and on the east by Sinclair Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 39. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by Mountain Avenue; on the west by the selkirk Branch on the Canadian Pacific Railway; on the south by Burrows Avenue; and on the east by Arlington Street


Winnipeg (City) - Ward 3

Polling Division No. 40. Comprising the area bounded as follows: on the north by the city limits; on the west by McPhillips Street; on the south by Burrows Avenue; and on the east by Selkirk Branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway; and Polling Division No. 41. Comprising the area bounded as follows; on the north by the city limits; on the west by the city limits; on the south by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway; and on the east by McPhillips Street


Rosser (Municipality)

Polling Division No. 42. Comprising all those portions of Sections 14, 23 and 24 in Township 11, Range 2, east of the Principal Meridian and lot 35B of the Parish of St. John's lying north of the Centre line of the Canadian Pacific Railway Main Line.

District 40 – Winnipeg South

Sub-district Number Sub-district Name Sub-district Description


Winnipeg South

Consisting of that portion bounded on the North by Portage Avenue East, and Portage Avenue; on the west by Fort Street; on the south by Broadway and the extension of Broadway to the Red River; and on the East by the Red River


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the North by Broadway and the extension of Broadway to the Red River, on the west by Carleton, St., and the line between lots 233 and 234, Block 2, Hudson's Bay Reserve on the South by the Assiniboine River; and on the East by the Red River


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by St. Mary's Avenue; on the West by Donald Street; on the South by Broadway; and on the East by Fort Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the North by Portage Avenue; on the west by Donald Street; on the south by St. Mary's Avenue, and on the East by Fort Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Portage Avenue, on the west by Edmonton Street; on the South by St. Mary's Avenue; and on the east by Donald Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by St. Mary's Avenue, on the west by Edmonton Street, on the south by Broadway, and on the east by Donald Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting that portion bounded on the north by Broadway, on the west by Osborne Street, on the south by the Assiniboine River, and on the east by Carlton Street and the line between lots 233 and 234, Block 2, Hudson's Bay Reserve


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by St. Mary's Avenue on the west by Colony Street, on the south by Broadway and on the east by Edmonton Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Portage Avenue, on the west by Colony Street, on the South by St. Mary's Avenue, and on the East by Edmonton Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Portage Avenue, on the west by Spence Street, on the South by Broadway and on the east by Colony Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Portage Avenue, on the west by Langside Street, on the South by Broadway and on the east by Spence Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Broadway, on the west by Langside Street, on the south by Cornish Street and the Assiniboine River and on the east by Osborne Street.


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the North by Westminster Avenue, on the west by Maryland Street, on the south by Assiniboine River, and on the east by Langside and Cornish Streets and the Assiniboine River.


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Broadway, on the west by Maryland Street, on the south by Westminster Avenue, and on the east by Langside Street.


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Portage Avenue, on the west by Maryland Street; on the south by Broadway; and on the east by Langside Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the North by Portage Avenue, on the West by Lendrum (Canora) Street, on the south by Alloway and Preston Avenues, and on the east by Maryland Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Alloway and Preston Avenues, on the west by Canora Street, on the south by Wolseley Avenue and on the east by Maryland Street.


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Portage Avenue, on the west by Arlington Street; on the south by Wolseley Avenue; and on the east by Canora and Lendrum Streets


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Portage Avenue, on the west by Ruby Street; on the South by Wolseley Avenue; and on the east by Arlington Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Portage Avenue, on the west by Sherburn Street; on the south by Wolseley Avenue; and on the east by Ruby Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Portage Avenue, on the west by the west line of Parish Lot 53, St. James on the South by Wolseley Avenue; and on the east by Sherburn Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Wolseley Avenue, on the west by the west line of Parish Lot 53, St. James on the south by Assiniboine River; and on the east by Maryland Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the North by Portage Avenue on the West by the city limits, on the south by the Assiniboine River, and on the east by the last line of Parish lot 52 St. James


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by the Assiniboine River, on the west by Osborne Street on the south by River Avenue and on the east by the Red River


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by River Avenue, on the west by Scott and Joseph Streets, on the south by McMillan Avenue and on the east by Red River


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by River Avenue, on the west by Osborne Street, on the south by McMillan Avenue and on the east by Joseph and Scott Streets


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by the  Assiniboine River, on the west by the Assiniboine River, on the south by the Line between Lots 18 and 19, Block 46, D.G. S. of Parish lot 35, St. Boniface, and Wardlaw Avenue, and on the east by Osborne Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Wardlaw Avenue, Osborne Street and  Mc Millan Avenue, on the west by Daly Street, on the South by Corydon Avenue, and on the east by the Red River


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Corydon Avenue, on the west by Daly Street, and on the south and east by the main line of C. N. R.


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Corydon Avenue, on the west by the main line of C. N. R. on the south by Arnold Avenue and on the East by the Red River


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Arnold Avenue, on the west by the main line of the C. N. R., on the south by Maplewood Avenue, and Kylemore Avenue and on the East by the Red River


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Kylemore and Maplewood Avenues, on the west by Daly Street, on the south by the line between lots 6 and 7 in block 51, D.G. S. 18/20 St. Boniface, Ashland Avenue Osborne Street and Rathgar Avenue and on the East by the Red River


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Rathgar Avenue, Osborne Street, and Ashland Avenue and the line between lots 6 and 7 in block 51 D.G.S. 18 to 20, St. Boniface on the west by Daly Street, and the projection thereof to the Red River, on the south by the Red River and on the east by the Red River


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Kylemore Avenue, on the west by the main line of the C. N. R. and Pembina Highway, on the south by the city limits and the Red River and on the East by Daly Street and the extension of Daly Street to the Red River.


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the North by Mulvey Avenue, on the west by Lilac Street, on the south by the main line of the C. N. R. and on the east by Daly Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Warsaw Avenue, on the west by Harrow Street, on the south by the rear line of Lots on the south side of Roseberry Avenue, Pembina Highway and the main line of the C. N. R. and on the East by Lilac Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the North by a line between Lots 6 and 7, Block 46, the Assiniboine River and a line between lots 18 and 19 Block 46 and Wardlaw Avenue, on the west by Cockburn Street and on the south by Mulvey Avenue and on the East by Daly Street


Winnipeg (City)

Containing that portion bounded on the north by Grosvenor Avenue and Wellington Crescent, on the east by Cockburn Street, on the south by Mulvey Avenue and on the west by Lilac Street


Winnipeg (City)

Containing that portion bounded on the north by Grosvenor Avenue, on the East by Lilac Street, on the south by Warsaw Avenue and on the west by Harrow Street.


Winnipeg (City)

Containing that portion bounded on the north by the Assiniboine River, on the west by Mitchel and Harrow Streets, on the South by Grosvenor Avenue, Wellington Crescent, and a line between Lots 6 and 7 Block 46, D.G.S. of Parish Lot 35 St. Boniface and on the east by Assiniboine River


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by the Assiniboine River, on the west by Waverley Street, on the south by Haskins and Grosvenor Avenues, and on the east by Harrow and Mitchell Streets


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by Haskins and Grosvenor Avenues, on the west by Waverley Street, on the south by the city limits, and on the East by Harrow Street, the rear line of the lots on the South Side of Roseberry St. and Pembina Highway


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by the Assiniboine River, on the west by the city limits and on the south by the limits, and on the east by Waverley Street


Winnipeg (City)

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by the city limits, St. Boniface, on the east by the Seine River, on the west by the Red River, and on the south by the southern boundary of Lot 40, St. Vital


St. Vital

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by the southern boundary of Lot 40, St Vital, on the east by the Seine River, on the west by the Red River, and on the south by the southern boundary of Lot 125, St. Norbert


Fort Garry (Municipality)

Consisting that portion bounded on the north by the city limits, on the east by the Red River, on the west by the Centre Line of Waverley Street and on the south by the centre line of Clarence Avenue at Robert Nisbit's Store, Lot 36, St.Vital


St. Vital

Consisting of that portion bounded on the north by the centre line of Clarence Avenue on the west by the centre line of Waverley Street, on the east by the Red River, on the south by the Southern boundary of 123 St. Norbert


Tuxedo (Town)

Town of Tuxedo


Manitoba Jail

Provincial Government Jail