Townships 7, 8 and 9 in ranges 14, 15, 16 and 17, East of Principal Meridian
Townships 7, 8 and 9 in ranges 12 and 13, East of Principal Meridian
Townships 7, 8 and 9 in ranges 9, 10, and 11, East of Principal Meridian
Townships 7 and 8 in ranges 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian, exclusive of St. Anne Parish
Township 8 in range 6 and the Parish of St. Anne, East of Principal Meridian
Township 9 in ranges 6, 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian, exclusive of Parish lots
Townships 8 and 9 in range 5 and the east half of townships 8 and 9 in range 4, East of Principal Meridian, including the Parish of Lorette
Township 7 in ranges 5 and 6, East of Principal Meridian
Township 7 in ranges 3 and 4, East of Principal Meridian, exclusive of Parish lots
That part of the parish of St. Agathe, lying within the Municipality of Ritchot, East of Principal Meridian
The west half of townships 8 and 9, in range 4 and fractional townships 8 and 9 in range 3, together with that part of the parish of St. Norbert, contained within the Municipality of Ritchot, East of Principal Meridian
Those parts of the parishes of St. Norbert, St. Boniface and St. Vital lying within the limits of Fort Garry Municipality and electoral district of Springfield, East of Principal Meridian
Those parts of the parishes of St. Vital and St. Boniface, fractional sections 6 and 7 in township 10 range 4, East of Principal Meridian, all lying within the municipality of St. Vital and the electoral district of Springfield together with such other portions contained within the limits of the municipality of St. Vital and Springfield electoral district
East Kildonan (Municipality)
All that part of Ward 1 of the Municipality bounded on the North by the centre line of Munroe Avenue, on the east by the westerly limit of the Canadian Pacific Railway Main Line, on the south by the southerly limit of the Municipality, on the west by the Red River.
East Kildonan (Municipality)
All that portion of the Municipality bounded on the North by the Bergen Cutt off of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the east by the westerly limit of the Canadian Pacific Railway Main Line, on the south by the centre line of Munroe Avenue, on the west by the Red River
East Kildonan (Municipality)
All that portion of the Municipality bounded on the North by the Bergen Cutt off of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the east by the centre line of the Two Mile Road, on the South by the Southern limit of the Municipality, on the West by the Eastern limit of Canadian Pacific Railway Main Line
East Kildonan (Municipality)
All those portions of the Municipality lying North of the Bergen Cut off of theCanadian Pacific Railway, and east of the centre line of the Two Mile Road
East Kildonan (Municipality)
The Municipality of East St. Paul
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Township 10 in ranges 4 and 5, East of Principal Meridian including that part of the Parish of St. Boniface, lying east of St. Vital Municipality and Winnipeg City and exclusive of St. Boniface City and Transcona Town
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Township 11 in ranges 4 and 5, East of Principal Meridian and east of the Municipalities of East Kildonan and East St. Paul and exclusive of Transcona town
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Township 12 in ranges 4 and 5, East of Principal Meridian, exclusive of parish lots
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Townships 11 and 12 in range 6, East of Principal Meridian
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Township 10 in ranges 6, 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Township 11 in range 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Townships 10, 11 and 12 in ranges 9 and 10, East of Principal Meridian
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Townships 10 and 11 in ranges 11 and 12, East of Principal Meridian
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Townships 12 and 13 in ranges 11 and 12, lying south of the Winnipeg River, East of Principal Meridian
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Townships 10 to 16, inclusive, in ranges 13 to 17, inclusive lying south of the Winnipeg River, East of Principal Meridian
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Townships 13, 14, 15 and 16, whole or fractional, in ranges 11 and 12, lying north and east of Winnipeg River and south of Lac du Bonnet
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Townships 15 and 16 in ranges 9, 10 and 11, all lying west of Winnipeg River and Lac du Bonnet, East of Principal Meridian
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Townships 13 and 14 in ranges 9 and 10, East of Principal Meridian and that part of township 14 in range 11 lying west of Wnnipeg River
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Townships 13 and 14 and the south half of township 15 in range 8, East of Principal Meridian
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Township 12 in ranges 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Township 13 in range 7 and the east half of township 13 in range 6, East of Principal Meridian
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Township 14 and the south half of township 15 in range 7 and the two easterly rows of sections in township 14 in range 6, East of Principal Meridian
East Kildonan (Municipality)
The west half of township 13 in range 6, sections 3 to 10, 15 to 22 and 27 to 34 in township 14 range 6 and fractional townships 13 and 14 in range 5, all lying within St. Clements municipality and exclusive of parish lots
East Kildonan (Municipality)
That part of the Parish of St. Andrew, east of the Red River
East Kildonan (Municipality)
Those parts of the parishes of St. Clements and St. Peters east of the Red River
Townships 15 and 16 in ranges 5 and 6 east of the Red River and exclusive of the parish lots and Indian Reserves
The north half of township 15 and township 16 in ranges 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian, exclusive of the Indian Reserves
Townships 17, 18, 19 and 20, in ranges 7 and 8, East of Principal Meridian, including Elk Island and excluding Indian Reserves
The Municipality of Fort Alexander, East of Principal Meridian, excluding Indian Reserves
All that territory lying east of range 12 and north of the Winnipeg river, in townships 14, 15 and 16, east of range 11 in townships 17, 18 , 19 and 20 east of Principal Meridian
All the territory lying east of Lake Winnipeg, south of township 27 and north of township 20
All the territory in this district lying north of township 27
Transcona (Town)
All that portion of the town west of the centre of Oxford Street to the G.T.P. tracks and all that portion of the town south of the tracks
Transcona (Town)
All that portion of the town east of the centre of Oxford St. and north of the G.T.P. tracks
Beausejour town
St. Boniface (City)
Ward No. 1 Comprising all that portion of the city situated east of the Seine River
St. Boniface (City)
Ward No. 2 Comprising all that portion of the city between the Red River, the Seine River and a line stretching from one river to other in the centre of Dumoulin Street
St. Boniface (City)
Ward No. 3 All that part of Ward 3, bounded on the north by Ward 2, on the east by the Seine River and the centre of rue Youville to rue Desautels, on the south by the centre of rue Desautels from rue Youville to the centre of rue des Meurons and the centre of Avenue de la Cathédrale to the Red River
St. Boniface (City)
All that part of Ward 3, bounded on the north by the centre of Avenue de la Cathédrale from rue Ritchot to the Red River, on the east by the centre of rue Ritchot from Avenue de la Cathédrale to Victoria Street and on the south by the centre of Victoria Street from rue Ritchot to the Red River
St. Boniface (City)
All that part of Ward 3, bounded on the north by the centre of Avenue de la Cathédrale from the Red River to the centre of Avenue des Meurons and the centre of rue Desautels from rue des Meurons to rue Youville; on the east by the Seine River; on the south by a line drawn from the Seine River through the centre of Victoria Street to rue Ritchot and on the west by the centre of rue Ritchot from Victoria Street to Avenue de la Cathédrale
St. Boniface (City)
Ward 4 All that part of Ward 4, east of the centre of St. Mary's Road
St. Boniface (City)
All that part of Ward 4, south of the centre of St. Mary's Road
St. Boniface (City)
Ward 5 All that part of Ward 5, bounded on the north by ward 4; on the east by the Seine River; on the south by the centre of Dubuc Street from the Seine River to rue Langevin and the centre of Oak Street from rue Langevin to St. Joseph south and the west by the centre of St. Joseph south from Oak Street to Victoria Street
St. Boniface (City)
All that part of Ward 5 Bounded on the north by the centre of Dubuc Street from the Seine River to rue Langevin and the centre of Oak Street from rue Langevin to St. joseph South; on the east by the Seine River, on the west by the centres of St. Joseph South, St. Mary's Road and Chandos Avenue and on the south by the City Limits
Indian Reserve
Black River, Brokenhead, Fort Alexander, Hollow Water
Indian Reserve
Berens River, Bloodvein, Little Grand Rapids, Dogskin Lake