Selected indexes available in Voilà

​Selected indexes available in Voilà.

Use these indexes to do more refined searching. These indexes go beyond what is available in the drop-down menus on the Advanced Search screen.

These indexes can be used in any search box.

Field indexes

Blank cells = not applicable

Field indexes
Index Name (A-C) Label type: Word Label type: Phrase Label type: Number
Access method am: am=  
Access Restrictions rs: rs=  
Action Note io:    
Auction House Name (SCIPIO-specific) ah: ah=  
Authentication Code ac: ac=  
Author (see Name)    
Barcode bq:    
Branch Definition/Shelf Location b8:    
Call Number nu:    
Canadian Class Number   ca:
Canadian Subject he: he=  
Cataloging Source cs=  
Character Sets Present vp:    
Citation (SCIPIO-specific) ci: ci=  
Cooperative Programs pc:    
Corporate/Conference Name co: co=  
Corporate/Conference Subject nc: nc=  
Country of Publication cp: cp=  
Date Created as MARC dm:    
Date of Sale (SCIPIO-specific) ds:    
Description Conventions dx:    
Descriptors de: de=  
Dewey Decimal Class Number     dd:
Dewey Decimal Edition Number     d2:
Encoding Level     lv:
Format/Document Type x0:    
Genre/Form ge: ge=  
Geographic Coverage gc: gc=  
Government Document Number     gn:
Holding Library li:    
Holding Library Group zu:    
Individual Auctioneer (SCIPIO-specific)    
Internet (see Material Type)    
ISBN     bn:


(number phrase)

ISSN     in:


(number phrase)

ISSN-L     ik:


(number phrase)

Keyword kw:    
Language ln: ln=  
Language of Cataloging ll:    
LC Children's Subject hc: hc=  
LC Class Number     lc:


(number phrase)

LCCN     nl:


(number phrase)

LCSH hl: hl=  
Local Holdings — OCLC Groups l5:    
Local Holdings — OCLC institution symbol l4:    
Material Type (see list below for codes to use) mt: mt=  
MeSH hm: hm=  
Musical Composition mc: mc=  
Music/Publisher Number   mn= mn:
NAL Subject ha: ha=  
Name au: au=  
NLM Class Number   lm= lm:
Notes nt:    
OCLC Control Number     no:
Online Digital Limit on:    
Other Class Number   ot= ot:
Other Subject ho: ho=  
Personal Name pn: pn=  
Personal Name Subject na: na=  
Physical Description p3:
Place of Sale (SCIPIO-specific) ps:    
Provenance pv:
Publisher pb: pb=  
Publisher Location pl:    
Publisher Number (see Music/Publisher Number)    
Report Number     rn:
RVM Subject hr: hr=  
Sale Code (SCIPIO-specific) sl: sl=  
Sears Subject hs: hs=  
Seller/Subjects (SCIPIO-specific) cx: cx=


(whole phrase)

Series se: se=  
Standard Number     sn:


(number phrase)

Subject su: su=  
Title ti: ti=  
Uniform Title ut: ut=  
Unique Serial Title tk:    
Universal Decimal Class Number     ud:
Vendor vn:    
Year     yr:

Material type indexes

Use these codes with index label mt: or mt= .

Blank cells =  not applicable

Material type indexes
Name Code to follow index mt: Notes
Adolescent shs Also search by juvenile/juv for all juvenile types
Archival material arc
Article acp
Biography bio
Braille brl
Conference publication cnp
Electronic elc
Fiction fic
Government publication gpb Includes all government publication types: igp, lgp, ngp, and sgp 
International government publication igp Also search by government publication/gpb for all government publication types
Juvenile juv Includes all juvenile types: shs, jau, ejh, pre, and pri 
Juvenile (no specific age) jau Also search by juvenile/juv for all juvenile types
Large print lpt
Local government publication lgp Also search by government publication/gpb for all government publication types
Manuscript mss Includes text, music, and map manuscripts
Manuscript cartographic materials mcm
Manuscript music mmu
Master microform mmc Also search by: microform/micfor all microform types
Microfiche mfc Also search by: microform/mic for all microform types
Microfilm mfl Also search by: microform/mic for all microform types
Microform mic Gets all microform types
Micro-opaque mcd Also search by: microform/mic for all microform types
National government publication ngp Also search by government publication/gpb for all government publication types
Pre-adolescent ejh Also search by juvenile/juv for all juvenile types
Preschool pre Also search by juvenile/juv for all juvenile types
Primary school pri Also search by juvenile/juv for all juvenile types
State or province publication sgp Also search by government publication/gpb for all government publication types
Thesis/dissertation deg
Web access web